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January 2007

Special Issue

AsiaFlux Newsletter
National report from TC2006 participants

Preface Naishen LIANG and Nobuko SAIGUSA ..........................................................................................1
Establishment of a Flux Study Site in Bangladesh with its Preliminary Observation
Result Md. Shahadat HOSSEN et al ................................................................................................................3
CO2 Flux Initiatives of Tropical Forests in Malaysia Lip Khoon KHO et al .................................7
IRRI’s Research on Rice and Global Climate Change M.C.R.ALBERTO et al .......................13
Carbon Budget of Some Tropical and Temperate Forests
Maricar Morales - AGUILOS et al .................................................................................................................19
Measurement of Mass and Thermal Fluxes in Taiwan Ming-Hsu LI et al .................................24
Vegetation Distribution and Current Status of CO2 Flux Observation in Taiwan
Ching-Hwang LIU ...........................................................................................................................................27
Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Huynh Duc HOAN et al ..................30
Progress in ChinaFLUX Zhongmin HU et al ............................................................................................33
Preliminary Review on CO2 Flux Observation and Research by China Meteorological
Administration (CMA) Lei LUO et al ..........................................................................................................38
Introduction to study on CO2 flux in Laoshan site, northeast of China Song CUI et al ........42
Eddy Covariance (EC) Flux Research in Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of
Sciences Yuhui WANG et al ...........................................................................................................................48
Overview of Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research Network and Carbon Flux
Measurements Yuandong ZHANG et al ......................................................................................................51

Naishen LIANG* and Nobuko SAIGUSA**
* National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
** National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sciences and Technology, Japan

sian terrestrial ecosystems - the richest Moreover, the temporal and spatial variations
in the world – are distributed of carbon sequestration caused by the
continuously from tundra and boreal distinctive climate conditions in the region such
forests through temperate to subtropical and as Monsoon impose an additional scientific
tropical forests latitudinally and from challenge.
monsoonal rainforests through semi-arid AsiaFlux was established in September
grassland to desert longitudinally (Fig. 1). The 1999, as a regional research network that brings
magnitude of carbon sequestration in Asian together scientists from the Asian countries
terrestrial ecosystems has been predicted to working on the exchanges of carbon, water, and
play a key role in global carbon cycle and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the
therefore has been known as an indispensable atmosphere at daily to inter-annual time scales.
part to understand global climate changes Over the past eight years, AsiaFlux has grown
caused by the greenhouse gas emission. from about 20 affiliated sites to over 100 sites
AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Fig 1 Distribution of the Asian terrestrial biomes.

that are distributed in various terrestrial Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and
ecosystems throughout the East Asian region. Viet Nam attended the short course. One of the
The first AsiaFlux workshop was held in remarkable outcomes is that many participants
September 2000 (WS2000) in Sapporo, Japan voluntarily submitted reviews regarding the
and the WS2002, WS2003, WS2005, and carbon cycle researches in their own countries
WS2006 were held in Jeju (Korea), Beijing and the primary flux data obtained from their
(China), Fujiyoshida (Japan), and Chiang Mai sites to the AsiaFlux Newsletter. After a review
(Thailand), respectively. by the AsiaFlux Editorial Sub-Workgroup, the
To date, most AsiaFlux sites have been selected twelve articles are published on the
operated by JapanFlux, KoFlux and Chinese AsiaFlux Newsletter as a Special Issue. The
flux communities. Exchanges of information first part of the issue – Emerging Flux Studies
and experiences with other Asian countries in Asian Countries – focuses on the initial and
have been the urgent issue to build up a strong potential flux researches in many Asian nations.
collaboration among researchers in Asian The second part –Flux Studies in China –
region. Therefore, to share the basic theory and introduces the preliminary results and the
observational and data processing techniques, scientific plan of the Chinese flux research
AsiaFlux Short Training Course communities which are becoming one of the
Sub-workgroup organized the first AsiaFlux largest flux research groups in the world. This
summer school (TC2006) on 21-30 August special issue will provide a valuable
2006 in Tsukuba, Japan. Twenty participants opportunity to understand the current status and
from nine nations and regions, including the future of the flux studies in Asian region.
Bangladesh, Mainland China, India, Indonesia,

January 2007

Establishment of a Flux Study Site in Bangladesh

with its Preliminary Observation Result
Md. Shahadat HOSSEN*, Md. Abdul BATEN*, Rehana KHATUN*,
Md. Badiuzzaman KHAN*, Masayoshi MANO**, Keisuke ONO** and
Akira MIYATA**
*Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
**National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan

1. Geographical and climatological profiles 5% 3%

of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is situated in the Bengal Basin,
one of the largest geosynclinals in the world. 1%
Physiographically, the country can be divided
into hills, uplifted land blocks, and alluvial
plains with the majority having very mean 18%
elevation above sea level. Climatologically, the
country experiences subtropical monsoon 65%
climate, which is characterized by abundant
rainfall during the monsoon (from July to
October) followed by a cool winter period
(from November to February), and then a hot
dry summer (from March to June). Forest lands
Tea/rubber garden
2. Vegetation distribution
Climate of Bangladesh is highly suitable Urban
for crop production. The total land area of Water
Bangladesh is approximately 14.4 million Others
hectares. About 9.4 million hectares, or 65% of
Fig. 1. Land use distribution in Bangladesh
the total land area are categorized into arable
by area (Rahman et al., 2001b)
lands, and most of them (9.1 million hectares)
are regularly cultivated (Fig. 1). This is one of swamp forests), tropical moist deciduous forest
the highest percentages in Asia. Seventy per or sal forest (Shorea spp.) and mangrove forest
cent of the population depends on agriculture, (Heritiera spp.). The first and the second are
which contributes 34% to the Gross Domestic called hill forest and occupy 27% of the total
Product (GDP). Agriculture is the life nerve of forest area, while the sal forest and the
Bangladesh. Most of the arable lands are mangrove forest occupy 5% and 28%,
covered with rice, but different types of cereal respectively, of the total forest area. In addition
crops, pulse crops, vegetables, fiber crops, oil to these main types of forests, village forest,
crops are also cultivated. Biomass fuels from which includes fruit, date, areca and many
wood, crop per capita residues and dung varieties of bamboo, occupies 12% in the total
constitute 70% of total energy consumption forest area, and the remaining 28% is
(Rahman et al., 2001a) and the supply of the unclassified (GOB, 1993).
biomass fuels per capita is declining gradually. 3. Establishment of flux site
Use of biomass fuels is the principal source of Quantification of greenhouse gas
air pollution in this country. exchanges between ecosystem
Forests in Bangladesh cover about 2.56 (terrestrial/aquatic/agriculture) and the
million hectares (18% of the total land area). atmosphere is one of the key issues to assess
Ecologically, there are four main types of the global budget of those gases. Although
forests: tropical broadleaf evergreen forest there are many different types of ecosystems in
(dominant species: Dipterocarps spp.), tropical Bangladesh, observation of greenhouse gas
semi-evergreen forest (savanna, bamboo and exchanges in those ecosystems was not made

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Fig. 2. The study site in Agriculture Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University (February 2006)

Fig. 3. Sensors for eddy covariance flux measurement (left) and those for meteorological components

January 2007

800 800
700 Rn H LE 700
600 600
Energy fluxes (W m-2)

500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
-100 -100
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

20 20

10 10
CO2 flux (mmol m-2 s -1)

0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

Day of year

Fig. 4. Daily courses of half-hourly flux densities of net radiation (Rn), sensible heat (H), latent heat (LE) and
CO2 in the middle of the Boro rice growing season of 2006. Quality control tests by Vickers and Mahrt (1997)
were applied and any hard-flagged fluxes were eliminated from the figure.

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

till January 2006. In February 2006, flux study Electric supply points, switches etc are put
in Bangladesh started first as a UGC inside the hut. The masts are watched by our
(University Grant Commission, Bangladesh) guards 24 hours a day. A solid brick house has
-JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of been made far away from the mast for the
Science) Joint Research Project entitled "Rice guards. During the growing season, rice plants
paddy flux observation in Bengali lowland", were sampled every two weeks to determine
which is being supervised by Prof. Dr. Md. leaf area and dry matter.
Abdul Baten, Bangladesh Agricultural
Preliminary results
University and Dr. Akira Miyata, National
We started the measurement soon after the
Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences,
beginning of Boro rice growing season of 2006.
Tsukuba Japan. AsiaFlux also supports this
Fig. 4 shows the diurnal pattern of fluxes of
study partly through MEXT fund.
surface energy budget components and CO2 in
The study site is located at the paddy field
full heading stage of rice (70 to 79 days after
of Agriculture Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural
transplanting). Around this period, rice plants
University (24.75°N, 90.5°E, 18 m above sea attained maximum plant height of 87 cm and
level). This farm is located 6 km to the south of the maximum leaf area index of 5 m2 m-2. As
Mymensingh town and 115 km to the north of shown in Fig. 4, latent heat flux is the dominant
Dhaka (the capital of Bangladesh). The site is component in surface energy budget. On daily
flat and has enough fetch for basis, more than 80% of net radiation was
micrometeorological flux measurement (Fig. 2). partitioned into latent heat flux, while sensible
The mean annual rainfall for the area is 2,175 heat flux accounted for 5 to 7% of net radiation.
mm, with 70% falling from May to August. The CO2 flux exhibited a clear diurnal pattern
soils are dark-gray non-calcareous floodplain
ranging from –38 to 10 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1. It
with sandy loam texture. Wind blows mainly
showed daytime uptake by the canopy and
from northeast to southeast. Cropping pattern
nighttime release from the canopy. The
follows rice-fallow-rice: Boro rice is cultivated
preliminary results indicate that our observation
in dry season, from late January to mid-May,
is going well, and we expect that next January
while Aman rice is cultivated mostly in rainy
we will be able to estimate the annual CO2
season, from August to November. Cultivation
budget for the first year of observation
of Aus rice between Boro and Aman has
including fluxes during fallow periods. Further,
become less popular because of its low yield.
by continuing the observation, we will be able
The field is irrigated during Boro rice growing
to accumulate the data for discussing
season, while it is mostly rain-fed during Aman
inter-annual variabilities in CO2 exchange of
rice growing season. At harvest, rice straw is
our study site. This will enable us to
taken away from the field keeping the hill
characterize CO2 exchange in double cropping
(culm) bases at the field.
rice paddy fields, which is commonly found in
We installed a set of the open-path eddy
south and southeast Asian counties. In this way,
covariance measurement system on a 3-m mast
we believe that we would be able to contribute
to measure fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2),
to AsiaFlux.
water vapor and sensible heat (Fig. 3). The
measurement system consists of a References
GOB. 1993: Forestry Master Plan, 1993/2012
three-dimensional sonic anemometer, a
(Volume1); Ministry of Environment and Forests,
commonly-used open-path infrared gas People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
analyzer and a fast-sampling data logger. On Rahman, A., M. A. Ali, and F. Chowdhury, 2001a:
another mast, we set sensors to measure People’s Report on Bangladesh Environment 2001.
meteorological components, viz. air Vol. I pp 173.
temperature, relative humidity, incident and Rahman, A., M. A. Ali, and F. Chowdhury, 2001b:
People’s Report on Bangladesh Environment 2001.
reflected solar radiation, net radiation, incident,
Vol. II pp 37.
reflected and transmitted photosynthetically Vickers, D. and L. Mahrt, 1997: Quality control and
active radiation, barometric pressure, soil heat flux sampling problems for tower and aircraft data.
flux, soil and water temperature. An electric J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 14, 512-526.
power subline was drawn to the mast by setting
steel poles. A small steel house (hut) was
positioned between the last pole and the masts.

January 2007

CO2 Flux Initiatives for Tropical Forests in Malaysia

Lip Khoon KHO*, Elizabeth PHILIP*,
Abdul Rahim NIK*, and Mohd. Haniff HARUN**
* Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Malaysia
** Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Malaysia

Considerable studies have been conducted analyzer to evaluate the accuracy of annual
in Malaysia to quantify and estimate carbon NEE and effects of environmental factors on
stocks and flux in various forest ecosystems, the flux (Fig. 1). Average diurnal change of
land use and soil properties over many years. CO2 flux within Pasoh forest in 2003 was
The knowledge on carbon cycle in the estimated to be from -18.0 to 10.0 μmol m-2s-1
biogeochemical system is imperative in an and illustrated insignificant seasonal changes
effort to understand the role and services of but affected by the atmospheric vapor pressure
tropical rainforests in the global and regional deficit (Takanashi et al., 2005). The annual
environment. Here, we briefly introduce the NEE was estimated as -2.1 g C m-2day-1 in
current research and present the status of 2003.
long-term continuous monitoring of carbon The figures slightly contradict earlier
fluxes over tropical forest in Malaysia. We findings of net CO2 uptake possibly due to the
identify primarily the carbon flux or exchange duration of measurements. In addition, the
studies to share our experiences and to build study also highlighted possible errors in the
strong collaboration with other research evaluation of mass flow and neglecting the
activities. effects of vertical and horizontal advection,
which could affect the NEE estimation. Yet,
Pasoh Forest Reserve
measurement of night-time fluxes still remains
The first CO2 flux estimation, in Pasoh
uncertain (Malhi et al., 1999) in the effort to
Forest Reserve located in Negeri Sembilan, was
obtain accurate estimation of net carbon
carried out by measuring the vertical CO2
profiles above the forest to assess
Abundance of data on gas exchanges
micrometeorological conditions and the
within the rain forest, nonetheless requires
primary production of lowland tropical rain
precise assessment on plant physiology in
forest. Intermittent measurements in the study
relation to other environmental and soil
estimated net CO2 uptake rate between 1.0 to
respiration processes. The uncertainty lies
1.2 mg CO2 m-2s-1 under 907 W m-2 incoming
within the complication of physical and
solar radiation (Aoki et al., 1975). Hence, such
physiological processes and factors associated
study has generated significant interest in the
with CO2 flux.
assessment of carbon flux and
Accurate estimation of the whole biomass
micrometeorological factors within tropical rain
is imperative to evaluate NEE and the function
of the forest ecosystem as a sink for carbon
The eddy covariance method was later
dioxide. However, belowground production in
introduced and conducted on a short-term
forests remains poorly understood due to the
measurement basis by means of a closed-path
difficulties and the paucity of direct
CO2 analyzer to observe CO2 flux within and
measurements (Kato et al., 1978; Clark et al.,
above the canopy in Pasoh forest. The findings
2001). Considerable studies have been done to
suggested a significant net CO2 uptake during
account for the soil carbon fluxes in Pasoh
the measurement period of 6 days in 1998. The
forest. One noteworthy study currently being
CO2 flux was estimated between -1.0 to 0.5 mg
conducted is the measurement of soil efflux
CO2 m-2s-1 and the daily net ecosystem CO2
using the automated chamber system (Fig. 2).
exchange (NEE) ranged from -2.08 to -2.74 g C
The measurement estimated soil efflux of 31.0 t
m-2day-1 (Yasuda et al., 2003).
C ha-1 yr-1 (Liang et al, 2005; Liang, 2006).
The most recent study investigated
However, this figure was still inconclusive due
long-term CO2 flux by an open-path CO2

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

to uncertainties associated with heterogeneity implications of atmospheric CO2 increment and

of big wood litterfall; productivity and turnover climate variations on potential response of
of fine roots; and long-term biometric data. current carbon and water cycling in tropical
With immense data generated from studies rainforest. The possible response was
conducted in Pasoh forest, thorough investigated based on a combination of field
understanding on the carbon dynamics of measurements, climate modeling and
tropical forest is progressively improving. simulation of simplified hydrologic model.
Long-term measurements and observations are Insignificant changes were observed on canopy
currently being conducted to fill in current photosynthesis despite projected considerable
knowledge gaps. This will eventually provide shifts in environmental factors and elevated
more reliable and accurate estimation of CO2 CO2 concentrations (Kumagai et al., 2004).
flux and calculation of net primary productivity Further investigations are needed to verify the
(NPP) or NEE for further enhancement of the effects of elevated CO2 on the rain forest by
understanding of carbon balance in tropical rain adopting long-term extensive experiments.
forests. The most recent study investigated
interactions between environmental factors and
Lambir Hills National Park
leaf-level physiological parameters on
Lambir, located in Sarawak, is another
canopy-level CO2 exchange. The study adopted
long-term ecological research site with
the one-dimensional multilayer
extensive CO2 monitoring and measurement
biosphere-atmosphere models such as the
efforts. Intensive observations were carried out
soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (SVAT)
during 1998 – 2000 to measure vertical profiles
model, with the eddy covariance measurements.
of environmental factors within the rainforest
The results suggested potential application of
using tree towers. CO2 analyzer was used to
SVAT model on tropical rainforests which
measure CO2 concentration profiles. Other
comprise considerable heterogeneities in
parameters, such as air temperature, humidity,
canopy structure and leaf-level physiological
wind speeds, leaf area density, and soil
properties, and implied a greater ease and
respirations were manually measured. The
potential for further integration in global
results suggested strong vertical gradients of
climate and carbon sequestration model
environmental factors relative to the values
(Kumagai et al., 2006).
above the canopy (Kumagai et al., 2001). Over
On the other hand, determination of carbon
the years, similar to Pasoh Forest Reserve, new
storage in or release from forest soil due to the
technology and techniques including eddy
influence of environmental factors is equally
covariance were adopted to improve the CO2
important in understanding the belowground
flux measurement and observations (Fig. 3).
CO2 exchange process. Soil temperature and
Such initiative shows the importance of
heat flux were estimated to evaluate the
environmental factors and
relationship between CO2 released from the
hydro-meteorological conditions in forest
forest soil and the environmental conditions
ecosystems to better understand their ecological
(Sato et al., 2004).
The study on annual water cycling and
Measurement of CO2 flux via eddy
carbon budget has been extensively estimated
covariance technique showed NEE of 0.75 t C
via the eddy covariance method. Hence, current
ha-1 y-1 (being a net CO2 source) by using the
flux monitoring research initiative deliberates
corrected measurement method (Saitoh et al.,
on the effect of severe drought with
2005a). The method was based on estimated
simultaneous monitoring of ecological study
correction factor for night-time CO2 flux of
(Suzuki et al., 2005).
NEE when weak stable conditions prevail
during measurement of nocturnal ecosystem Canopy CO2 Fluxes in Oil Palm Plantation
respiration (Saitoh et al., 2005b). However, the Eddy covariance technique was first
estimated annual NEE was incomparable with established in oil palm plantation in 1993. The
that reported in Amazonian tropical rainforests flux monitoring system was set up on a coastal
(Fan et al., 1990; Grace et al., 1995) due to plantation site in Banting, Selangor, which was
interannual variability effects (Saitoh et al., planted in 1983 with planting density of 138
2005a). palms/ha. A 20 m tower was erected in the
Several studies have examined the middle of the plantation with 500 – 1000m

January 2007

fetch. The observation system was used to (Melling et al., 2005) to quantify soil
determine CO2 fluxes, water vapor and sensible respiration in relation with the underlying
heat (Henson, 1993). environmental factors. As the ecosystem
The current eddy covariance system (Fig. becomes increasingly vulnerable to
4) was installed in 2004 and established on an development and reclamation, the
inland plantation site in Sintok, Kedah. The understanding of soil CO2 flux and the
study intensively examined changes in carbon influence of environmental factors under
fluxes above the canopy and evaluated the various ecosystems and land-use changes are
influence of climatic conditions on gas and essential to account for the soil carbon budget.
energy exchanges. The estimation illustrated The current research initiative and focus is to
substantially lower levels of CO2 flux and establish long-term measurements for accurate
evapotranspiration in the middle of the annual interpretation of CO2 flux variability and
dry season in February, as compared with the estimation of NEE under different land use on
succeeding wetter months (Henson & Haniff, peatland ecosystems.
2005). However, it was still inconclusive due to Acknowledgement
several limitations. The uncertainty in We would like to thank all the research members
night-time measurement, as highlighted in and collaborators in the flux observation research study.
tropical forest ecosystems, was the main References:
obstacle in obtaining comprehensive and Aoki, M., K. Yabuki, and H. Koyama. (1975).
reliable carbon budget. In view of such problem, Micrometeorology and assessment of primary
Henson & Haniff (2005) adopted modeling production of a tropical rain forest in West
approach with assumptions to construct carbon Malaysia. J. Agric. Met., 31: 115 – 124.
Clark, D.A., S. Brown, D.W. Kicklighter, J.Q.
budget based on the best available data. Thus,
Chambers, J.R. Thomlinson, and J. Ni. (2001).
further studies and data collection are needed to Measuring net primary production in forests:
quantify accurate respiration rates from other concepts and field methods. Ecological
components such as ground cover, litter Applications, 11 (2): 356 – 370.
accumulation and soil respiration. Fan, S.M., S.C. Wofsy, P.S. Bakwin, and D.J. Jacob
(1990). Atmosphere-biosphere exchange of CO2
Prospective Strategy and O3 in the central Amazon forest. J. Geophys.
There are currently three flux observation Res., 95 (D10): 16,851 – 16,864.
systems being established in Malaysia. The Grace, J., J. Lloyd, J. McIntyre, A.C. Miranda, P. Meir,
Pasoh forest reserve has been the main research H. Miranda, C. Nobre, J.B. Moncrieff, J.
Massheder, Y. Malhi, I.R. Wright, and J. Gash.
area since the 70’s under the International
(1995). Carbon dioxide uptake by an undisturbed
Biological Programme (IBP) (e.g. Soepadmo, tropical rain forest in South-West Amazonia
1978). The observations are concentrated on the 1992-93. Science, 270: 778 – 780.
core area (600 ha) of primary lowland mixed Henson, I.E. & Mohd Haniff Harun. (2005). The
dipterocarp forest. Similarly, the flux influence of climatic conditions on gas and energy
measurements in Lambir Hills National Park exchanges above a young oil palm stand in north
Kedah, Malaysia. Journal of Oil Palm Research,
are conducted on mixed dipterocarp and
17: 73 – 91.
tropical heath forests. Flux measurement sites Henson, I.E. (1993). Carbon assimilation, water use
are also established in oil palm plantation and and energy balance of an oil palm plantation
have been consistently in operation. The assessed using micrometeorological techniques.
micrometeorological technique of eddy Paper presented at PORIM International Palm Oil
covariance has already been demonstrated to Congress, Kuala Lumpur, 21 – 25 September 1993.
Kato, R., Y. Tadaki, and H. Ogawa. (1978). Plant
provide reliable estimates of carbon exchange
biomass and growth increment studies in Pasoh
and NPP or NEE. Thus, such initiative should forest. The Malayan Nature Journal, 30: 211 – 224.
be expanded to other ecosystems in the tropical Kumagai, T., G.G. Katul, A. Porporato, T.M. Saitoh, M.
regions. Ohashi, T. Ichie, M. Suzuki. (2004). Carbon and
Tropical peatlands are recognized as one of water cycling in a Bornean tropical rainforest under
the largest global carbon storages and therefore current and future climate scenarios. Advances in
Water Resources, 27: 1135 – 1150.
the CO2 exchange is of potential significance in
Kumagai, T., K. Kuraji, H. Noguchi, Y. Tanaka, K.
the carbon cycle (Maltby & Immirzi, 1993; Tanaka, and M. Suzuki. (2001). Vertical profiles of
Siegert et al., 2002). Carbon and methane flux environmental factors within tropical rainforest,
measurements were conducted from tropical Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. J.
peatlands in Sarawak under different land use For. Res., 6: 257 – 264.

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Kumagai, T., T. Ichie, M. Yoshimura, M. Yamashita, T. Siegert, F., H.D.V. Boehm, J.O. Rieley, S.E. Page, J.
Kenzo, T. M. Saitoh, M. Ohashi, M. Suzuki, T. Jauhiainen, H. Vasander, and A. Jaya. Peat fires in
Koike, and H. Komatsu. (2006). Modeling CO2 Central Kalimantan, Indonesia: fire impacts and
exchange over a Bornean tropical rain forest using carbon release. In Peatlands for People: Natural
measured vertical and horizontal variations in Resources Function and Sustainable Management,
leaf-level physiological parameters and leaf area Proceedings of the International Symposium on
densities. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 Tropical Peatland, 22-23 August 2001, Jakarta,
(D10107): doi: 10.1029/2005JD006676. Indonesia (Rieley, J.O., Page, S.E., Setiadi, B.,
Liang, N. (2006). A portable automated soil CO2 efflux eds.), pp. 142-154. BPPT and Indonesian Peat
system. AsiaFlux Newsletter, 17: 3 – 6. Association, Indonesia.
Liang, N., T. Okuda, N. Abdul Rahim, Philip, E. (2005). Soepadmo, E. (1978). Introduction to the Malaysian
Ecological services of tropical forests “carbon I.B.P. Synthesis Meetings: The Malayan Nature
cycle”. Paper presented at the Conference on Journal, 30: 119 – 124.
Forestry and Forest Products Research 2005 Suzuki, M., K. Kuraji, and T. Kumagai. (2005). Water
(CFFPR 2005) – Investment for Sustainable and carbon budget of a lowland tropical rainforest
Heritage and Wealth. 22 – 24 November 2005, in Sarawak, Malaysia. Abstract of International
Kuala Lumpur. Symposium on Forest Ecology, Hydrometerology
Malhi, Y., D.D. Baldocchi, and P.G. Jarvis. (1999). The and Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation in Sarawak,
carbon balance of tropical, temperate and boreal 23 – 30 November, 2005, Kuching, Sarawak.
forests. Plant, Cell and Environment, 22: 715 – Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC), Forest
740. Department Sarawak (FDS), Japan Science and
Maltby, E. and P. Immirzi. (1993). Carbon dynamics in Technology Agency (JST) and Research Institute of
peatlands and other wetland soils: regional and Humanity and Nature (RIHN).
global perspectives. Chemosphere, 27: 999 – 1023. Takanashi, S., M. Tani., Y. Kosugi, N. Matsuo, S.
Melling, L., R. Hatano, and K.J. Goh. (2005). Soil CO2 Ohkubo, T. Mitani, Y. Fukui, S. Noguchi, T. Okuda,
flux from three ecosystems in tropical peatland of Abdul Rahim, N., E. Philip., Mohd. Md. Sahat, Siti
Sarawak, Malaysia. Tellus B, 57: 1 – 11. Aisah, S., and Ahmad Abdul, S. (2005).
Saitoh, T.M., T. Kumagai, M. Ohashi, T. Morooka, and Understanding the roles of tropical forest in climate
M. Suzuki. (2005b). Nighttime CO2 flux over change through the energy/H2O/CO2 exchange
Bornean tropical rainforest. J. Japan Soc. Hydrol. processes. Annual Report of the NIES/FRIM/UPM
& Water Resour., 18 (1): 64 – 72. Joint Research Project on Tropical Ecology and
Saitoh, T.M., T. Kumagai, Y. Sato, and M. Suzuki. Biodiversity 2004. Organizing Committee of the
(2005a). Carbon dioxide exchange over a Bornean NIES/FRIM/UPM Joint Research Project
tropical rainforest. J. of Agricultural Meteorology, November, 2005.
60 (5): 553 – 555. Yasuda, Y., Y. Ohtani, Watanabe, T., M. Okano, T.
Sato, Y., T. Kumagai, T.M. Saitoh and M. Suzuki. Yokota, N. Liang, Y. Tang, Abdul Rahim Nik, M.
(2004). Characteristics of soil temperature and heat Tani, and T. Okuda. (2003). Measurement of CO2
flux within a tropical rainforest, Lambir Hills flux above a tropical rain forest at Pasoh in
National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Bull. Inst. Trop. Peninsular Malaysia. Agricultural and Forest
Agr. Kyushu Univ., 27: 55 – 63. Meteorology, 114: 235 – 244.

Fig. 1 Eddy covariance observation system at Pasoh forest reserve.

January 2007

Fig. 2 Automated chamber system installed at Pasoh forest reserve.

Fig. 3 Flux observation system on the 80m crane established at Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak.

Fig. 4 The eddy correlation instrument tower established in an oil palm plantation at Sintok, Kedah.

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

IRRI’s Research on Rice and Global Climate Change

*Crop and Environmental Sciences Division, IRRI, Philippines,
**Research Center Karlsruhe (IMK-IFU), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,
***Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska, USA
Introduction as rice remains the most important crop in
The International Rice Research Institute tropical and sub-tropical Asia, accounting for
has studied the effects of climate parameters on 90% of grain production and consumption. In
the development and yield of rice plants even fact, rice cultivation is a way of life in the
before the public debate on Global Warming region since it is closely intertwined with the
and Climate Change. The initial experiments on economic, social, and cultural activities of the
temperature effects were conducted in the early people. Nearly 150 million households in Asia
1960’s and on CO2 effects in the early 1970’s. depend on rice cultivation for their livelihood,
However, IRRI’s work explicitly dealing with with rice income accounting for 40-60% of
climate change research started in 1991. In the total farm household income. The urban poor
early 1990’s, IRRI began a study of the and the rural landless, the groups most
interactive relationship between rice production vulnerable to food insecurity, spend 50-70% of
and global climate change. The study was their income on rice. Rice production has
prompted by results from earlier studies significantly increased over the past 30 years.
suggesting rice production to be a major This was driven by doubling the yields from the
contributor to global warming due to large mid 1960’s, especially in irrigated areas, which
amounts of methane (CH4) emission from rice account for 75% of global rice production. This
fields. Methane is formed during the final steps helps explain the strong reaction triggered in
of the anaerobic degradation chain caused by a Asia by reports that rice growing was
group of bacteria called methanogens (Fig. 1). considered a potential threat to global warming.
The perception that rice production was largely Efforts started immediately to closely
to be blamed for global warming caused an understand the phenomena surrounding global
alarm and exerted political pressure on Asian climate change: its impact on the environment,
nations to comply with an international especially on food production, and the factors
convention to curtail gas emissions from rice that contribute to it.
IRRI’s Previous Research Activities
IRRI’s work on global climate change
started in 1991. A five-year project funded by
the US Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) was the first comprehensive approach to
study the interaction between climate change
and a major food crop, rice.
Research activities were:
・ Methane emissions from flooded rice fields;
・ UV-B effects on rice and rice blasts;
・ Temperature/carbon dioxide effects on rice
Fig 1 Methane production in a rice field. yield; and
・ Assessing the potential impact of climate
IRRI’s research results, however, allayed change on rice yields by combining crop and
worries about such problems and established climate models.
that the average emission level per unit of From 1993 to 1999, IRRI coordinated the
cultivated rice area is relatively low except for “Interregional Research Program on Methane
some rice ecosystems. Even in areas where gas Emissions from Rice Fields.” The program was
emissions are high, it was found that it could be funded by United Nations Development
ameliorated without sacrificing yields. Program / Global Environment Facility
The results of IRRI’s research were crucial, (UNDP/GEF) and work was done in

January 2007

collaboration with national research institutes, Highlights of the Project

particularly in China, India, Indonesia, Some of the key results obtained in the
Thailand, and the Philippines (Fig. 2), and with CH4 emissions project are shown in Table 1.
the Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Open top chambers have been installed on
Environmental Research (Germany). the IRRI farm to study the effects of increasing
CO2 and temperatures. Higher CO2 has a
positive effect on crop biomass, but its net
effect on rice yield depends on possible yield
reductions associated with increasing
temperature. CO2 enrichment resulted in
significant increases in rice biomass (25-40%)
and yields (15-39%) at ambient temperature,
but those increases tended to be offset when
temperature increased along with rising CO2.
Increased CO2 may also cause a direct
inhibition of maintenance respiration at night
Fig 2 Field stations of the Interregional Research
temperatures higher than 21°C. Rice response
Program on Methane emission from Rice fields.
to elevated CO2 also depends on nitrogen
The Fraunhofer Institute seconded supply. If additional CO2 is given and N is not
scientific staff (Dr. R. Wassmann) to IRRI and available, lack of sinks for excess carbon (e.g.
established automated measurement stations tillers) may limit the photosynthetic and growth
(Fig. 3). These systems were operated by response. Derived from long-term records of
specially trained personnel of IRRI and national temperature and yields, IRRI researchers
research institutes. The project had the twin showed a statistically significant correlation of
goals of quantifying emissions from major rice (i) increasing night temperature and (ii)
growing systems and identifying possible declining rice yields.
strategies for mitigating emissions. IRRI organized numerous workshops,
meetings, and training courses dealing with
aspects of global climate change. One
international workshop on “Climate Change
and Rice” was held at IRRI in March 1994.
Similarly, several training courses on
greenhouse gas emissions were conducted in
cooperation with international organizations
such as START (Global Systems for Analysis,
Research, and Training). These links proved
vital to ensuring feedback on the work with
A) national agricultural research systems (NARS).
To disseminate the results of various global
climate change studies, IRRI scientists have
published more than 100 articles and book
chapters dealing directly or indirectly with
climate change and rice. IRRI has also
co-published three books on rice production
and climate change: Climate Change and Rice
(Springer Verlag) edited by Peng et al. (1995),
Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on
Rice Production in Asia (CABI) edited by
B) Matthews et al. (1995), and Methane Emissions
from Major Rice Ecosystems in Asia (a special
Fig 3 Methane emission field chambers under issue of Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,
irrigated conditions (A: IRRI, Philippines) and Kluwer) edited by Wassmann et al. (2000).
under deepwater conditions (B: Prachinburi,

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Table 1 Key results obtained in the CH4 emissions project

Problems Solutions
Rice-growing countries were being accused of The project has yielded an ample database
contributing to global warming because of documenting that:
allegedly high CH4 emissions. ・ Rice production is not a major cause of the
greenhouse effect on a global scale.
・ Methane emission rates show pronounced
variations in space and time that can be
dealt with by a newly developed model and
GIS database.
・ High emission rates are associated with
specific management practices.
・ Management practices can be modified to
reduce emissions without affecting yields.
Rice-growing countries must try to persuade The project has successfully explored
farmers to adopt mitigation technologies while trade-offs between mitigation technologies and
avoiding any unnecessary burdens for them. socio-economic aspects and found that:
・ Intermittent drainage in irrigated systems
reduces emissions and can also save water.
・ Improved crop residue management through
composting, mulching, and early
incorporation of organic manure can also
reduce emissions.
・ Direct seeding results in less labor and
water input and at the same time reduces
methane emissions.
Rice-growing countries faced problems in The project has:
complying with the stipulations of the United ・ Generated baseline data for major rice
Nations Framework Convention on Climate ecosystems to include in national
Change because of insufficient data, inventories and provided further mitigation
know-how, and infrastructure. options.
・ Provided infrastructure by training a team of
local researchers and ensured their findings
to be published internationally.
There was high uncertainty in the estimate of Because of the project’s automatic sampling
CH4 emission from rice. system, continuous measurement of CH4
increased reliability of estimates under
different management practices.

January 2007

IRRI’s Planned Research Activities change at the farm and landscape levels (Fig. 4)
An international workshop on Climate These research projects aim to develop rice
Change and Rice was held at IRRI during plants that can better cope with hotter climate
20-23 March 2006 to review the state of the art and to design new management systems and
scientific infrastructure and identify priority policies that reduce global warming and
areas for research on climate change in rice increase ecosystem resilience to climate
systems. It was agreed that IRRI in change.
collaboration with research institutions Projects 1 and 2 will concentrate on
worldwide will establish a Rice and Climate improving our understanding of the impact of
Change Consortium (RCCC) to address climate change on rice at the crop canopy, plant,
climate change and rice as a Frontier Project in plant organ, and molecular levels. New canopy
its Strategic Plan for 2007-2015. management strategies and new rice varieties
The RCCC will ensure synergistic with greater tolerance of heat and other climatic
interactions among the different research stresses are expected to result from this work.
groups, including joint use of strategic research Linkage of functional genomics with climate
sites; exchange of data, models, and other change issues provides a new avenue for crop
information; and integrative regional case improvement research, which will be of
studies. The RCCC will also provide linkages seminal value for many other cultivated crops.
with global and regional climate change Projects 3 and 4 focus on key biotic and
networks and organizations, provide key data abiotic components of rice ecosystems and how
and new information to them, and advise local, they change under new land uses that may
national, regional, and global policymakers. result in response to climate and socioeconomic
Funding will be sought from a multitude of drivers. State-of-the-art measurement
international and national donors and IRRI and technologies employed will include eddy
its partners will provide significant start-up covariance flux towers, tunable diode lasers,
funds. open-path lasers, and chemiluminescense for
In its first phase, the RCCC will undertake micrometeorological characterization of the net
seven major interlinking and interactive ecosystem exchange of water, energy, CO2,
research projects over a time span of 8 years CH4, N2O, and NH3. The new generation of
(2007-15) to examine the impact of climate high-quality measurements obtained from
change on rice and rice-based systems and to integrative “supersites” will allow us not only
develop strategies for responding to climate to develop much improved models but also

1 2 3 4
Improving the Improving Impact on C, Impact on
rice plant to rice canopy N,Greenhouse ecosystem Basic reserach
secure yield management gas emissions, resilience
potential and to address and water and pests
on impacts and
grain quality elevated CO2 under different options
under high and temper. pathways
temperatures environments of land use

Impact on global and regional rice production:

adaptation and mitigation options 5

Landscape-level Farm-level Strategies for

6 strategies for strategies for
adaptation and agroecological response and
mitigation intensification integration

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

study key systems and intervention options at current and future forms of land management.
the production scale. This will supply crucial information needed for
Projects 5, 6, and 7 will assess and regional and global assessments and it will
implement response options at global, regional, establish the process-level understanding for
landscape, and farm scales. The detailed developing pathways for a conversion of
information obtained from projects 1, 2, 3, and rice-based systems in Asia towards higher yield
4, particularly the new germplasm, much potentials under minimized environmental
improved process-level understanding, and impacts.
more accurate crop and agroecosystem models,
will provide key inputs for these activities.
To quantify, understand and model the
pools and flows of carbon, nitrogen, and water
RCCC Activities with relevance to flux
in different rice-based agro-ecosystems as the
measurements (Project 3: Impact on carbon,
basis for developing improved prediction
nitrogen, and water under different land use
models and more efficient cropping systems
that enhance food production, income, system
sustainability, and resource efficiency and
Background and importance
reduce global warming potential.
Biophysical and socioeconomic drivers
force farmers in Asia to seek out new Specific objectives
management systems that provide higher This project will provide answers to the
income, consume less water and labor, and are following questions:
resilient to pests and adverse climate events. In ・ What are the short- and long-term
the past, rice yields could substantially be pool-changes in carbon and nitrogen under
increased through intensified land management different intensification scenarios of
(comprising improved fertilization, higher lowland cropping systems of Asia?
fertilizer doses, etc.) and the introduction of ・ What are the net emissions of greenhouse
multiple cropping systems. In addition to this gases (CH4, N2O, CO2) deriving from
intensification, the Asian rice production flooding, fertilizer application, soil and
systems – which in most cases encompass residue management in different rice
flooded fields for long periods of time – are systems?
now increasingly converted to more and more ・ How do different rice cropping systems
non-flooded conditions in the field. At the same compare in terms of resource use
time, farmers in many Asian regions divert efficiencies, namely water, nitrogen and
from double rice cropping to a single crop (in energy use? How much do the different
the wet season) followed by an upland crop (in pathways of lateral N flow, namely
the wet season), which causes longer aeration nitrification (N2O and NO emissions),
of soils. denitrification (N2, N2O and NO emissions),
These changes will significantly alter the NH3 volatilization and N leaching,
flows of carbon and reactive nitrogen contribute to the overall N losses at field
compounds, water and energy. Large and landscape scale?
uncertainties exist in predicting the outcomes of ・ How do the changes in cropping systems
these changes with regard to productivity, affect functionality and composition of the
sustainability, efficiency of resource use, and microbial communities in rice soils? What
impact on global warming. Novel measuring are the quantitative and qualitative changes
techniques and comprehensive approaches to in the biological cycles of N and P within
quantifying and modeling the ecosystem?
soil-plant-atmosphere processes are needed to ・ What is the short- and medium-term impact
do more accurate and precise up- and of shifts in land use and aeration on the
down-scaling of different scenarios of climate availability of nutrients for plants?
change, land use and crop management. ・ What are the differences in the
Interdisciplinary research facilities endowed micro-climate of flooded/ non-flooded rice
with state-of-the art scientific infrastructure are fields and how do they alter net exchange
required to quantify the processes involved at of water and energy during day and night
production-scale in systems that represent time?

January 2007

・ How do the direct and indirect changes systems studied will represent current and
stemming from intensification/ future gradients in cropping intensity, water and
diversification affect the source strength of nitrogen use and soil aeration that we expect to
GHG (emissions vs. sequestration) at the evolve in response to socioeconomic and
landscape level and how do these trends environmental drivers in Asia.
translate into the national level of GHG State-of-the-art measurements technologies
emissions from the agricultural sector? employed will include eddy covariance flux
・ Are diversified cropping systems more towers, tunable diode lasers, open-path lasers
sustainable than rice mono-cropping and chemiluminescense for
systems? What are the effects in terms of micrometeorological characterization of net
soil quality and pest vulnerability? ecosystem exchange of water, energy, CO2,
・ What are attainable, production-scale CH4, N2O, and NH3. Ground level soil and
levels of resource use efficiency and global plant measurements and automatic gas chamber
warming potential in current and future systems will be used to quantify sources and
lowland cropping systems? sinks in more detail, monitor the different
・ What management practices are required systems over time, and evaluate up- and
for low emissions of GHG at high yields? down-scaling strategies. Whole-system budgets
・ How can current soil-plant-atmosphere of carbon, nitrogen, water and energy will be
models be improved to allow more quantified and verified with independent
accurate predictions of the consequences of approaches.
climate and land use changes? The new generation of precise,
production-scale measurements with high time
Approach resolution (less than hourly to daily) will
The Rice and Climate Change Consortium provide the foundation for developing and
(RCCC) has recently been initiated by the validating novel agroecosystem simulation
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) as models for use in regional and global
a strategic research program that links rice simulation analyses. The study design will also
researchers in Asia with the world’s leading allow evaluating new strategies for ecosystem
research institutions on climate change. The modeling across diverse landscapes and linking
RCCC comprises a wide range of research this to the modeling of atmospheric processes.
institutions investigating the interactive nature As part of other research projects within the
of rice and climate change, i.e. rice as a crop Rice Climate Change Consortium, the
affected by climate change as well as a source supersites will also be used for studies on
of greenhouse gases. climate change impacts on rice, crop adaptation
As a key component of the RCCC, we and ecosystem resilience to climatic stress.
propose to establish three ‘supersites’ on Through other proposals, supersites in China
climate change research in key rice-growing and India will also be equipped with Free Air
regions of Asia: (1) irrigated lowland rice in CO2 Enrichment (FACE) and Free Air
tropical southeast Asia (Philippines), (2) Temperature Enrichment (FATE) systems to
lowland rice systems with new ecosystem study CO2 × temperature interactions in crops
functions in urbanizing eastern Asia (China), and their feedback on soil, water and
and (3) rice-wheat systems in the atmospheric processes.
Indo-Gangetic Plain (India). Each site will be
15 to 20 ha in size and equipped for long-term, Expected Outputs
interdisciplinary research on climate change ・ Complete budgets of C, N, water, and
impact on rice and impact of diversifying energy for agricultural systems that
rice-based cropping systems on climate change. represent major directions for crop
At each site, four to five agroecosystems that diversification and ecological
represent major pathways of transformation of intensification in Asia.
Asian rice landscapes, each 4-5 ha in size, will ・ Innovative management guidelines for
be established and equipped with automatic achieving high resource-use efficiency and
measurement systems for landscape-level balancing the performance of crop
measurement of fluxes and budgets of water, production systems with regard to net
energy, carbon and nitrogen compounds. The

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

return, preservation of the resource base, water and energy cycling.

and net global warming potential. Modelers will particularly benefit from the
・ New agroecosystem simulation models high-quality data generated, which will allow
capable of predicting the consequences of them to improve scalable, process-based
climate and land use changes at different ecosystem models, link them with atmospheric
scales and with reduced uncertainty. and climate change models, and thoroughly
・ A new scientific foundation for policy evaluate up- and down-scaling strategies.
makers on consequences and recommended Social scientists and policymakers will benefit
pathways for future transformations of from the newly acquired information and
irrigated rice systems in Asia. improved agroecosystem models by being able
to do more accurate regional and global
Impact and uptake pathway predictions of climate and land use change
The three supersites will become the impacts, including their up- and down-scaling.
world’s premier research facilities for The improved process-level understanding will
atmospheric processes, climate change, and allow significant improvements of IPCC
natural resources management in rice-based guidelines for assessing and mitigating climate
ecosystems and also serve as key educational change impacts. Students and young scientists
facilities for policy makers, researchers and from Asia and other parts of the world will be
students from Asia and other parts of the world. trained in state-of-the-art research approaches,
The proposed project will closely collaborate enhancing scientific knowledge and capacity
with a wide range of international networks with emphasis on global change and rice.
dealing with atmospheric processes, the global Farmers in Asia will benefit from innovative
C, N, water and energy cycles, and long-term management practices developed for the
ecological research, e.g., FluxNet, AsiaFlux, various systems studied, which will be further
ILTER, GTOS, GEWEX. Data obtained from evaluated across Asia through other research
the three supersites will be utilized by scientists conducted at satellite sites.
worldwide to improve regional and global
models and predictions of carbon, nitrogen,

Carbon Budget of Some Tropical and Temperate Forests

Maricar Morales - AGUILOS*, Minoru GAMO** and Takahisa MAEDA**
*Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines
**National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

Abstract towards autumn, while in winter, a definite loss

Using the non-rectangular hyperbola of carbon to the atmosphere occurred. With the
parameterization technique, the carbon budget result of parameterization made, it can be
of some tropical and temperate ecosystems was construed that tropical sites are relatively better
estimated and their sequestration ability was net carbon absorber with an annual average net
compared. Five (5) sites belong to tropical zone ecosystem production (NEP) of 5.63 tC/ha/yr
while seven (7) sites correspond to temperate compared to 3.30 tC/ha/yr in temperate regions.
biome. Carbon fluxes were evaluated based on Introduction
the environmental factors affecting the Forests play a crucial role in the global
ecosystem. Results showed that tropical sites carbon cycle because they store large quantities
have least seasonality in relation to CO2 uptake of carbon in vegetation and soil. They can
and release. Production was continuous all influence carbon sequestration in the
throughout the year owing to their suitable atmosphere by assimilating CO2 through
climatic condition, faster rate of fixation, and biomass build-up and releasing it through decay.
longer growing season. Conversely, seasonality This potential role of forests to sequester
in CO2 absorption and emission in temperate atmospheric carbon is considered to be the
areas is evident. Carbon influx started to rise in most feasible and cost-effective way to curb
spring, peaked on mid-summer and declined increasing rate of CO2 in the atmosphere.

January 2007

With the advent of flux tower sites in Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
measuring meteorological data, carbon fluxes (AIST). On the other hand, data in most of
of both tropical and temperate ecosystems can tropical ecosystems were given by the group
be best quantified using this modern-day leader of those sites, Dr. Minoru Gamo, also of
technology. Unlike the conventional forest AIST except in Tapajos, Brazil whose data
biometry method done at the expense of cutting were obtained in AmeriFlux network.
down trees by way of destructive sampling, Data were analyzed employing the gap
measuring carbon exchange using filling parameterization technique. Unlike
meteorological parameters is advantageous parameterization using rectangular hyperbola
because it can readily explain ecosystem (which often causes overestimation of Ф and
variations by way of parameterization; it is also GPPmax), this particular study used the
environment-friendly and non-labor intensive; non-rectangular hyperbola applied by Hirano et
and it easily clarifies the intra-annual variability al., (2005); Takanashi et al., (2005); as
in a given biome. mentioned by Gamo et al (2005) in their
In light of the pressing need to quantify previous studies. This is governed by the
CO2 fluxes in tropical and temperate equation:
ecosystems and in order to describe and explain
their seasonal patterns of gas exchange, this
(φI + Pmax ) − (φI + Pmax ) 2 − 4φIθPmax
P= −R
study aimed at evaluating and comparing the 2θ
carbon exchange capacities of tropical and But this equation only applies to individual
temperate biomes using available data from the leaf; hence, to attain the goal of upscaling it
AsiaFlux and AmeriFlux networks by into canopy as a whole from the analogy of that
employing parameterization techniques in single leaf, the expressions are replaced with
estimating the carbon budget. Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), Absorbed
Photosynthetic Active Radiation (APAR), and
Methods Ecosystem Respiration (Rec0) for
Sites Investigated Photosynthesis Rate (P), Intensity of Light (I),
Table 1 shows the flux tower sites being and Dark Respiration (R), respectively.
considered in both tropical and temperate Therefore, the equation can now be rewritten
regions. as:
Data Collection, Processing and Analysis (φAPAR + GPPmax ) − (φAPAR + GPPmax )2 − 4φAPAR θGPPmax
Only data taken in year 2003 were 2θ
considered for comparison. In most of the In this equation, Rec0 (initial slope of the line)
temperate forests, data were obtained in was estimated with the assumption that
Ameriflux network except in the case of production is zero at night. Hence, nighttime
Takayama, Japan whose data were personally respiration is assumed to be the respiration at
shared by one of its principal investigators, Dr. sunset considering that temperature difference
Nobuko Saigusa of the National Institute of between sunset and sunrise is only 2-3 degrees
Table 1. Climatic and vegetative types of tropical and temperate ecosystems under investigated
Flux Tower Site Climate Vegetative Type
Tropical Region
Bukit Soeharto, Indonesia Tropical Rain Forest Secondary Forest
Mae Klong, Thailand Tropical Seasonal Mixed Decidous Forest
Pasoh, Malaysia Tropical Seasonal Dry Evergreen Forest
Sakaerat, Thailand Tropical Rain Forest Lowland Rainforest
Tapajos, Brazil Tropical Rain Forest Rainforest
Temperate Region
Takayama, Japan Cool Temperate Cool Temperate Decidous Boradleaf Forest
Niwot Ridge Forest, Colorado Temperate Subalpine Coniferous Forest
Howland Forest, Maine Temperate Continental Decidous Evergreen Needle Forest, Boreal
Sylvania Wilderness Area, Michigan Temperate-Northern Old-growth eastern hemlock/basswood
Duke Forest, North Carolina Temperate Pine Forest
Metolius, Oregon Temperate Pine Forest
Walker Branch Watershed, Tenessee Temperate Mixed Broadleaved Forest, Decidous Forest

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

(Gamo, 2005). GPPmax denotes the saturation in order to avoid the flux underestimation
point of photosynthesis and APAR is the during stable nights.
amount of active radiation absorbed by plants.
Results and Discussions
Quantum yield expressed as parameter phi (Φ)
Underlying Uncertainty
indicates the initial slope of the curve and theta
For both tropical and temperate biomes,
(Ө) is the degree of sharpness of the shoulder
data points were seen to be randomly
between GPPmax and Ф.
distributed within the range of about ± 50%.
Net ecosystem production (NEP) was
The reasons behind the uncertainties are still
computed by deducting from gross
unclear, thus, further studies addressing these
photosynthesis the rate of respiration and is
problems are necessary.
expressed as:
NEP = GPP - Rec Parameterized Variables
Where, GPP is the estimated gross primary Variations in Ecosystem Respiration at Sunrise
production while Rec was computed using the (Rec0)
equation: In almost all cases, Rec0 follows a more or
T − T o less similar trend in all temperate sites (Figure
R ec = R ec 0 2 10
1). Very low Rec0 rates were observed during
winter, however, they slowly rose at the
beginning of leaf formation in April and peaked
Rec: Rec at arbitrary time with APAR > 0
from June to August. A gradual decline
Rec0: Rec ‘before sunrise’, when APAR=0.
occurred during the leaf defoliation period in
To: ambient temperature ‘before sunrise’
T: ambient temperature corresponding to Rec
On the other hand, tropical regions (Figure
In this equation, it is assumed that the
2) demonstrated higher respiratory tendencies
temperature dependence of daytime respiration
than the temperate zones. There was no distinct
was the same as that of the nighttime
trend of the line, yet, Rec0 was higher during the
respiration, the same principle as what Saigusa
rainy season than the warmer periods.
et al (2005) used in their previous study. This is



Rec0 in μmol/m2/s



Φ(molCO2 / molquanta)


GPPmax in μmol/m2/s




Takayama Niwot Howland Sylvania Duke Metolius Walker Branch

Fig 1 Results in parameterization made in temperate sites ( data were taken in 2003).

January 2007


Rec0 in μmol/m2/s



Φ(molCO2 / molquanta)


GPPmax in μmol/m2/s





Bukit Soeharto Maeklong Sakaerat Pasoh Tapajos

Fig 2 Results in parameterization made in tropical areas (data were taken in 2003).

Maximum Gross Primary Production (GPPmax) This means that data on this site were much
Rates varied compared to the rest of the regions.
The monthly average observed GPPmax (in
Seasonal Variability In Relation to Production
μmol/m2/s) for temperate regions is 8.13. A Figure 3 depicts the computed annual gross
very low production occurred in winter then primary production (GPP) of both regions.
started to increase in April or May, peaked Distinct seasonality in CO2 uptake and release
during summertime in June to September and is very evident in temperate biomes wherein all
gradually decreased during autumn in October sites followed a similar seasonal trend.
to December (Figure 1). Photosynthesis increased rapidly as canopy
However, tropical site’s annual average develops and peaked on mid-June. It remained
GPPmax is still significantly higher at 18.63 constant until August to September and
compared to temperate zone’s 8.13. The line is gradually declined towards autumn. In winter, a
irregular but the overall production in tropical definite loss of carbon occurred.
forest still outweighs that of temperate zone Being an evergreen forest may become
(Figure 2). advantageous to Duke and Metolius (18.10
The Phi (Φ) and Theta (Ө) Values tC/ha/yr and 10.68 tC/ha/yr, respectively)
For both ecosystems, Ө values follows the because their production were seen to be
trend of GPPmax but still tropical sites possessed permanently occurring all throughout the year
higher values compared to temperate regions as although at a lesser extent compared to highest
production is constrained during the winter producing forest of Sakaerat in the tropics.
periods in these areas. (Figures 1 and 2). Tropical forests, on the other hand, have
As far as the theta (Ө) is concerned, data least seasonality in terms of carbon absorption
points in most of the regions of both biomes and emission. But they show larger gross
were laid more or less closer to the regression production compared to temperate sites. This
line (from 0.91-.99), except in the case of can be due to the faster rate of fixation and a
Niwot, Colorado in temperate zone where longer growing season in these areas (Aber and
lower theta values were observed (Figures 1). Melillo, 1991).

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

The highest annual GPP in tropical areas is depth is nearly zero in winter.
Sakaerat (29.0 t C/ha/yr). While it belongs to a
The Overall Carbon Balance
typically seasonal forest but they are
In temperate zones, Metolius has the
densely-vegetated with mostly evergreen
greatest net ecosystem production (in t C/ha/yr)
dipterocarps which are known to withstand
of 5.42 while sub-alpine Niwot Forest has the
adverse climatic conditions and therefore
lowest with only 1.60 (Figure 4). In the tropics,
maintain continuous production despite the
Sakaerat was the highest net absorber at 9.89
dryness. An exceptional case was shown in
and Bukit Soeharto possessed the lowest NEP
Bukit Soeharto (second highest GPP next to
(-2.80). As mentioned earlier, Bukit Soeharto
Sakaerat). It fixed relatively more carbon but its
has great potential of absorbing carbon but its
emission was higher than it can absorb. One
absorptive capacity cannot offset the huge
reason can be due to the effect of disturbances
amount of CO2 that it has emitted in the
that happened in 1982-1983 and 14 years later
atmosphere. Average annual NEP was 5.63 and
in 1997-1998, wherein Bukit Soeharto had
3.30 for tropical and temperate regions,
experienced massive wildfires associated with
El Nino Southern Oscillation event (Guhardja
et al, 2000). Another is the rampant illegal Conclusion
cutting of trees by timber poachers in the Disregarding much of the uncertainties
vicinities of the Bukit Soeharto flux monitoring behind the results, the net ecosystem
station (personal communication with Dr. production (NEP) showed that tropical
Gamo). It is therefore suggested that a thorough ecosystem is a better net absorber than the
investigation on this site shall be given to temperate zones. But some researchers find it
elucidate the present carbon fixing ability of difficult to support this view considering that
this forest. fluxes of carbon from the tropics are very
poorly constrained due to lack of data and
Seasonal Changes and its Effect to
methodological limitations. Hence, long-term
studies must be conducted to monitor the extent
While it is true that tropical regions
of gas exchange in these areas, as they are the
produce relatively higher than the temperate
most disturbed forest ecosystem. It is also
sites, however, they also tend to respire more
worthwhile to compare the sites within each
than the latter. Average annual respiration rates
region (tropical and temperate) to further
(Rec in t C/ha/yr) in tropical areas were high at
elucidate the differences of these sites within
11.06 but temperate areas only emitted carbon
the same forest ecosystem.
at an average rate of 6.01. Figure 3 shows the
Rec for both ecosystems. References
Considering the warmer temperature in the Aber, J. and J. Melillo. 1991. Terrestrial ecosystems.
Saunders College Publishing. Rinehart and
tropics, tropical sites tend to respire more than Winston, Inc., Orlando, Florida. p. 35.
the cooler temperate sites, especially during dry Gamo, M., Panuthai, S., Maeda, T., Toma, T., et al.
periods. During dry months, the amount of 2005. Carbon flux observation in the tropical
water in the soil is likely reduced. But it must seasonal forests and tropical rain forest.
be noted that precipitation in tropical areas Proceedings: Asiaflux Workshop 2005.
occurred all throughout the year even during International Workshop on Advanced Flux
Network and Flux Evaluation. Fujiyoshida, Japan.
dry months. Thus, a better understanding of the Guhardja, E. Mansur, F., Sutisna, M., Mori, T., and
seasonal and diurnal rainfall pattern in the Ohta, S. 2000. Rainforest Ecosystems of East
tropics is highly recommended towards this Kalimantan. Ecological Studies vol. 140.
end. Springer-Verlag Tokyo.
Meanwhile, seasonality in carbon release is Malhi, Y., Baldocchi, D., Jarvis, P.G. 1999. The carbon
much more evident in temperate forests. The balance of tropical, temeprate and boreal forests.
Plant, Cell and Environment (1999) 22, 715-740.
lower respiration rate in winter can be Blackwell Science Ltd.
explained by the limitation of active microbial Saigusa, N. S. Yamamoto, S. Murayama, and H. Kondo.
activity due to lower temperature in deeper soil 2005. Inter-annual variability of carbon budget
layers. Freezing temperature may also hamper components in an Asia Flux forest site estimated
root respiration. This coincides with the by long-term flux measurements. Agricultural and
findings of Malhi et al. (1999) in which Forest Meteorology vol. 134 pp 4-15.
respiration driven by temperature at 10cm soil

January 2007

Measurement of Mass and Thermal Fluxes in Taiwan

Ming-Hsu LI*, Yi-Ying CHEN*, and Yue-Joe HSIA**
* Institute of Hydrological Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan
** Institute of Natural Resources, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan

Land-atmosphere interactions involve vertical soil moisture by Sentek capacitance

complicated physical, chemical, and biological probe and temperature by thermocouples at -10
processes and play an important role in global cm, -30 cm, -50 cm, -70 cm, -90 cm are being
hydrological cycles. The change of global measured at the same frequency. Under the
climate and human activities may significantly assumptions that horizontal water flow and
affect the spatial and temporal characteristics of infiltration are negligible, the loss of soil water
these processes. In order to understand the is equivalent to the amount of
various processes influencing the evapotranspiration. Figure 2 shows the
land-atmosphere interactions, measurements of relationship between surface water content and
mass and thermal fluxes at different types of the ratio of AET/PET at the TWNCU site. AET
landcover are critical and require extensive is estimated by the soil water loss of 0-40 cm
field studies. These measurements in Taiwan and the PETs are estimated by PM
are mainly established and maintained by (Penman-Monteith) and PT (Priestley-Taylor)
research teams of universities in recent years. methods. In addition to low frequency approach,
Table 1 lists sites having capability of the eddy covariance method was applied for
measuring LH (Latent Heat) and SH (Sensible comparisons. Figure 3 is the LH and SH
Heat) and associated information of these sites. measured by the eddy covariance method. The
Observations and results of three sites, LH was equivalent to an ET depth of 1.80 mm
including TWCLF, TWNCU, and TWLHL, are and the soil water loss was 1.78 at the same
introduced in the followings. day.
The TWCLF site is the most sophisticated A 20 m measurement tower of the TWLHL
site in Taiwan. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, site was established in the summer of 2006.
and sensible heat fluxes were measured by the Figure 5 is the schematic diagram of
eddy covariance method. A 3-D sonic instruments installed at this site. This is the
anemometer and an open-path analyzer were most comprehensive tower in forest ecosystems
mounted on top of a 24-meter instrument tower in Taiwan. The canopy height is about 17 m.
over a natural regenerated stand that consists Soil moistures measured by Sentek capacitance
mainly of the tree species of Taiwan cypress probe and soil temperatures by thermocouples
(Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana). are placed at -10 cm, -30 cm, -50 cm, -70 cm,
Synchronized analog signals from the and -90 cm. Soil heat flux plate is being
open-path analyzer and 3-D sonic anemometer measured at -5 cm. A drainage gauge is
(3 dimensional wind speeds and the sonic installed at -50 cm to collect infiltrated water.
temperature) were digitalized with a sampling Temperature and relative humidity sensors are
rate of 10 Hz. All digital data were recorded by placed every 5 m from ground surface to 20 m.
computer and stored in hard disc for later Net radiation and conventional wind
analysis. Figure 1 shows the CO2 fluxes speed/directions are measured over canopy top.
measured by the eddy covariance method. The The sampling frequency is 30 minutes. In
data quality is poor due to frequent fog and addition to low frequency instruments as
rainfall. mentioned above, an eddy covariance system,
The TWNCU site is an integrated including a 3-D sonic anemometer Young 8100
hydrometeorology site. The land cover is short and a Krypton Hygrometer KH20, will be
grass at about 5~10 cm. Like a conventional periodically practiced for LH and SH
meteorological station, net radiation, wind measurements.
speed/direction, air pressure, air temperature, This document is only a preliminary report
relative humidity, tipping bucket rain gauge, of ongoing mass and thermal fluxes
and pan evaporation were measured since 2004 measurements in Taiwan. Due to data
at 10 minutes resolution. At the same location, availability, not all sites are included and

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

discussed herein.

Table 1 Mass and thermal observations in Taiwan

Starting Elevation Annual Rainfall
ID Land cover Latitude Longitude
Year (m) (mm)
TWCIM 2000 Urban 23.498N 120.424E 28 2900

TWCIR 2005 Rice paddy 23.491N 120.407E 22 2985

Needle leaf
TWCLF 2005 24.591N 121.499E 1650 4000
TWNCH 2006 Urban 24.121N 120.678E 84 2575

TWNCU 2004 Grassland 24.968N 121.185E 130 2270

TWLHL 2006 23.931N 120.894E 700 2100
TWTAR 2005 Rice paddy 24.031N 120.688E 55 2066

Fig 1 CO2 flux measured by the eddy covariance method at TWCLF site

Fig 2 The relationship between surface water content and the ratio of AET/PET at the TWNCU site. AET is
estimated by soil water loss of 0-40 cm and PETs are estimated by PM (Penman-Monteith method) and PT
(Priestley-Taylor method).

January 2007

Fig 3 LH and SH measured by the eddy covariance method at the TWNCU site for J day of 187, 2006



溫、 濕度計 +20M

溫、 濕度計 +15M

溫、 濕度計 +10M

溫、 濕度計 +5M

@- 5cm
溫、 濕度計 +0M

0 cm
− 10cm
滲漏計@- 50cm − 30cm
( Dr ai n Gauge)
− 50cm
− 70cm
− 90cm


Fig 5 Schematic diagram of instruments at the TWLHL site

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Vegetation Distribution and Current Status of CO2 Flux

Observation in Taiwan
Ching-Hwang LIU

Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan

1. Vegetation distribution in Taiwan radiation, wind speed, wind direction

Taiwan is located between the tropical and temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, soil
subtropical regions. The dimension of Taiwan temperature, soil heat flux, soil water content,
is about 400km in north-south direction and and photosynthetic active quantum flux. This
200km across with a high mountain ridge at the site conducted a pilot study of the CO2 flux
center of the island oriented in N-S direction. observation in Taiwan area. The data retrieval
The climate is modulated by subtropical high in rate is 15% in April, 50% in May, 60% in June,
summer and by north-east monsoon in winter. but the retrieval rate is quite low between July
Due to the complexity of terrain and climate, a and October due to typhoons. Using the data
variety of the vegetation distribution exists. collected between April and September, the
With the elevation of terrain, the vegetation preliminary study has shown that the mean
distribution is different. As shown in Figure 1, horizontal wind speed is 1.4m/s, mean vertical
the vegetation distribution is strongly wind speed is 0.1 m/s, and the maximum wind
modulated by the terrain, slope, rainfall, speed is 4.5 m/s. The air temperature is
temperature and human activities (please refer between 15 and 20 °C and humidity is between
to http:// 50 and 100%. The CO2 concentration is between 300 and 400 ppm which does not
for more information). In general, 40% of the change very much within the observed period.
land is covered by the agricultural and fruit The average concentration is 325 ppm, but it
ranches and 60% of the land is covered by the may go up to 388 ppm during the night time.
forest. The ages of the trees are variable. The The average sensible heat flux is 45 W/m2 and
oldest trees may be up to several thousands 550 W/m2 for day-time. A sensible flux of -128
years old. In general, the tree ages are between W/m2 was measured for an inversion case. The
few hundreds years and few tens years. average latent heat flux of evpotranspiration is
71W/m2, max is 784W/m2, and minimum is
2. CO2 flux research in Taiwan
-130W/m2. The CO2 flux is quite similar during
Taiwan is very young in the CO2 flux
this period. The averaged daily flux is -3506
measurement history. The only one existing
mol/ha/day which is about 154kg/ha/day
24m-height flux observation tower was built by
(figure 3). These results are quite reasonable
Prof. Y.-J. Hsia in March on 2005 (reference
but more testing and data quality evaluation are
web site: http://
still ongoing. This
site is located at the north-east tip of Taiwan 3. Status of Chinese Culture University site
(figure 2) at the elevation about 1500 meters. In this coming fiscal year, the Chinese
The ground slope is about 15 degree and the Culture University and the National Central
surrounding average canopy height is about University will be funded by the Environment
10.3 m. It has a Li-Cor 7500 open path Protection Administration of Taiwan for
CO2/H2O analyzer and started collecting data establishing two new towers. These two sites
since early April of that year. Other flux related will be almost identical to the existing site
instruments include ultrasonic anemometer, discussed above. The Chinese Culture
Li-8100 automated soil CO2 flux system, University site will be built in our experimental
Li-Cor Li-610 Dew Point generator, and Li-Cor forest ranch (Hua-Lin ranch) which is located
840 CO2 and H2O analyzer. Meteorological at the south bound suburb of the Taipei city
data are also being collected such as global with an area of 92ha (24 53 31.47N, 121 34
radiation; reflect solar radiation, downward 01.16E). It is virgin forest experimental ranch.
longwave radiation, terrestrial radiation, net The average canopy height is about 10m and

January 2007

the average tree ages are about 30 years. The installed. This site will be collecting data for
slope of the terrain is about 30 degree. Our our own research and will also benefit to the
department has just established a brand new future projects. The CO2 flux tower will be
surface meteorological observation site at built about 100 meter to the east of this surface
Hua-Lin ranch in June 2006. This site is observation site.
equipped with all fundamental meteorological
4: Reference:
instruments (figure 4). In addition, a GPS Hsia, Y.-J., 2005: Pilot CO2 flux monitoring project.
receiver, vertical pointing rainfall measurement Final report, EPA-94-L105-02-201, 106pp.
radar, and a rain drop size disdrometer are also

Figure 1: Vegetation distribution (adapted from:

Figure 2: Pilot CO2 flux site of Taiwan

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Figure 3: Sensible heat flux, water vapor flux, and CO2 flux of Dong Hua site
during 2005/06/04 00:00 LST and 06/05 23:00LST

Figure 4: Chinese Culture University Hua-Lin surface observation site

January 2007

Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Huynh Duc HOAN*, Le Van SINH* and Vien Ngoc NAM**

*Can Gio Mangrove Protection Forest Management Board, Viet nam

**Nong Lam University, Viet Nam

Can Gio (formerly Duyen Hai) is located Only Avicennia and Nypa palm were able to
south of Ho Chi Minh City in its suburban survive and regenerated after the application of
district. During the Indochina War, the herbicide. Some species such as Phoenix
mangroves here were damaged by herbicides. paludosa and Acrostichum aureum, a fern that
After the war, the forest was destroyed by dominated on elevated land, have expanded.
locals felling trees for such needs as fuel wood After many years of chemical spraying, the
and house construction. A Mangrove degraded land still has only scattered small
rehabilitation programme was begun in 1978 trees.
with vast tracks of mangroves planted. Some Since 1978, a vast programme of
20,000 ha of Rhizophora apiculata were reforestation has been undertaken by Ho Chi
planted and accompanied by 10,000 ha of Minh Forestry Department. Up to now, the
natural regeneration. Between 1978 and 1991, reforestation effort has brought vast ecological
the mangroves were classified as economic improvements to the environment such as
forest, between 1991 and 2000, the forest biodiversity, i.e., wild animals such as monkeys,
became protected forest and since 2000, the otters, pythons, wild boars, crocodiles and
forest has been deemed a mangrove natural various kinds of birds have returned to the
reserve. artificially regenerated mangrove forests. In
Designated as the Biosphere Reserve by 1991, Can Gio mangrove forest has been
UNESCO, it is the first for Vietnam. The declared an "Environmental Protection Forest"
management of the mangrove forest changed by the Council of Minister and Can Gio has
hands several times as its classification varied. become one of the most beautiful and extensive
The successes and failures in mangrove forest
management during the course of this period
are presented in this report.
1. Introduction of Can Gio Mangrove
Biosphere Reserve
Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is
located about 1,300 km south of Hanoi and
includes a mangrove in Can Gio, a suburban
district and covers an area of 71,361 ha. It is the
poorest district of the city with the population
of 62,000. A network of rivers and channels
traverses the delta and the main waterways
leading to the port of Ho Chi Minh City.
From 1964 - 1970, Can Gio mangrove
forest (formerly Rung Sat) was sprayed heavily
with herbicides: 665,666 gallons of Agent
Orange; 343,385 gallons of Agent White and
49,200 gallons of Agent Blue. As a result, 57%
of mangrove forest in the district was destroyed
(Ross, 1975). In some areas, large trees of
Rhizophora, Sonneratia, and Bruguiera were
killed by the herbicide spraying and in many
areas the vegetation was completely destroyed.

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

site of rehabilitated mangrove in the world. It Mangrove area in Vietnam

was also approved as Mangrove Biosphere 450000 408500
Reserve by UNESCO in 2000. 400000
After 28 years, more than 19,000 hectares 350000
of mangrove forest have been planted, mainly 300000

Total area (ha)

with Rhizophora apiculata species following 252000
massive wartime destruction. This process has
200000 156608
served to meet the demand for wood fuels and 155290
construction materials in HCMC, as well as to
re-establish suitable conditions for the
development of various activities such as
fishery, aquaculture, research, education, 1943 1962 1982 1994 2001
ecotourism and others. But in last few years, Year
the mangrove has faced with the degraded Mangrove
forests by management policy, human impacts No Province/City
area (ha)
and natural disasters. Total area 155,290
The area of Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere 1 Quang Ninh 22,969
Reserve 2 Hai Phong 11,000
The forest resource of Can Gio Biosphere 3 Thai Binh 6,297
Reserve covers an area of 31,111 ha or 43.06 % 4 Nam Dinh 3,012
of the total area. About 10,982 ha of natural 5 Ninh Binh 533
mangrove forests and 19,096 ha are artificial 6 Thanh Hoa 1,000
forest occupied 38.61% and 61.39% of the 7 Nghe An 800
forest respectively. 8 Ha Tinh 500
10 provinces and
9-19 700
Table 1: Extent of Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere cities of Northern
Category Area (ha) Percent (%) 20 Ba Ria-Vung Tau 1,500
1. Forested area 31,111 43.60 21 Ho Chi Minh City 24,592
a. Forest plantation 19,096 26.76 22 Long An 400
b. Natural mangrove 10,982 15.39 23 Ben Tre 7,153
c. Wasteland 1,033 1.45 24 Tien Giang 560
2. Non forested area 37,250 56.40 25 Tra Vinh 8,582
a. Waterways 22,091 30.96 26 Soc Trang 2,943
b. Utilized land 15,059 21.10 27 Bac Lieu 4,142
c. Others 3,100 4.34 28 Ca Mau 5,285
Total 71,361 100.00 29 Kien Giang 322

2. Introduction of Mangrove in Viet Nam

Geographical distribution
Phan Nguyen Hong (1991) divided Vietnam
mangrove into 4 zones:
- Zone 1: Northeast coast
- Zone 2: Northern delta
- Zone 3: Central coast
- Zone 4: Southern delta

January 2007

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

3. Introduction of Mangroves of the world Bermuda (32020’ N); southern extension are in
Mangroves are distributed New Zealand (380 03’ S), Australia (380 45’ S)
circum-tropically, occurring in about 112 and on the east coast of the South Africa (320
countries, with total area coverage of about 18 59’ S) (Spalding, 1997)
million hectares. Of the total, 41.4% exist in REFERENCES
south and Southeast Asia. The Mangroves Chan Hung Tuck. (1990). Proposed Establishment and
occupy about one quarter of the world’s Management of Mangrove
coastline, but they form just about 0.45% of the Plantations in Duyen Hai District, South Viet Nam.
world forests (world Resource Institute, 1996 – Field Document No I, VIE/86/027. FAO/ UNDP.
NAS. (1974). The effects of herbicides in South Viet
Nam, Summary and conclusion 5: 7 -10.
K. Kathiresen – S. Z. Qasim (2005). Biodiversity of
Areas % of
Region Mangrove ecosystems.
in sq km total Vien Ngoc Nam. (1991). Rehabilitation and
South and Southeast Asia 75,170 41.4 development mangrove forest in Can Gio District,
The Americas 49,096 27.1 HCMC. Forestry Review 12/1991. (In
West Africa 27,995 15.4 Vietnamese).
Australasia 18,788 10.4 Vien Ngoc Nam. (1990). A management plan for
East Africa and Middle 10,348 5.7 mangrove in Can Gio District (Period 1990 - 1995),
Total 181,397 100 HCMC Forestry Department (in Vietnamese).
Ross, P. (1976). The mangrove of South Viet Nam. The
Mangroves are largely restricted to latitudes Impact of military use of herbicide. In Proct. Int.
Sym. Biol and Man of Mangrove. Vol. 2 : 695 -
between 300 N and 300 S. Northern extensions 701.
of this limit occur in Japan (31022’ N) and

Progress in ChinaFLUX
Zhongmin HU and Xuefa WEN
Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling,
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

An accurate evaluation of carbon flux 1. Introduction of ChinaFLUX

between vegetation and atmosphere is critical Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystem Flux
for quantifying the spatial pattern of carbon Research Network (ChinaFLUX) relies on
budget in terrestrial ecosystems (Baldocchi, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN)
2003). As a member of FLUXNET, and was established in 2002. It has four
ChinaFLUX plays an important role in scientific objectives: (1) To develop the
exploring the interaction of standard methodology for long-term
soil-plant-atmosphere, evaluating the role of measurement of terrestrial ecosystem CO2, H2O
terrestrial ecosystem in global carbon cycle, and heat fluxes in China; (2) To obtain data on
and investigating the response of terrestrial the net ecosystem exchanges of CO2, H2O and
ecosystem carbon exchange to global heat in a variety of vegetation communities,
environmental changes. The objectives of this and data on CO2, CH4 and N2O emission from
paper are to: (1) briefly overview the and/or uptake by the soil in these communities;
development of ChinaFLUX; (2) summarize (3) To obtain data on ecological patterns and
main achievements of ChinaFLUX in flux processes that are relevant to carbon cycle in
measurement techniques, in understanding of the terrestrial environment; (4) To develop
the controlling mechanism of environmental process-based models of water and carbon
factors on terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance cycles for typical Chinese ecosystems.
and in modeling of carbon and water fluxes in At present, ChinaFLUX has four forest sites
terrestrial ecosystem and (3) discuss the future (Changbaishan (CBS), Qianyanzhou (QYZ),
directions of ChinaFLUX. Dinghushan (DHS) and Xishuangbanna

January 2007

Table 1 Background of the 8 ChinaFLUX sites

Sites (abbreviation) Location and altitude Climate and soil Vegetation Canopy height

Temperate deciduous broad-leaved and

Changbaishan forest site 42°24′N 128°05′E; Temperate continental monsoon climate coniferous mixed forest. Pinus koraiensis,
26 m
(CBS) 738 m Upland dark brown forest soil Tilia amurensis, Quercus mongolica,
Fraxinus mandshurica, Acer mono etc.

Typical subtropical monsoon man-planted

Qianyanzhou forest site 26°44′N 115°03′E; Typical subtropical monsoon climate
Pinus elliottii, Pinus massoniana, 12 m
(QYZ) 102 m Typical red earth
Cunninghamia lanceolata, Schima
superba etc.
Typical subtropical typical tropical
Monsoon humid climate of torrid zone of evergreen broad-leaved forest.
Dinghushan forest site 23°10′N 112°34′E; south Asia Lateritic red-earth, yellow- Cleistocalyx operculatus, Syzygium
20 m
(DHS) 300 m earth, and mountain shrubby-meadow jambos, Castanopsis chinensis, Pinus
soil massoniania, Rhododendron
moulmainense etc.
Tropical seasonal rain forest. Pometia
tomentosa, Terminalia myriocarpa,
Typical monsoon humid climate of torrid Barringtonia macrostachya, Gironniera
Xishuangbanna forest site 21°57′N 101°12′E;
zone of south Asia Lateritic and red subaequalis, Mitrephora maingayi, 40 m
(XSBN) 756 m
lateratic soil Garcinia cowal, Knema erratica, Ardisia
tenera, Mezzettiopsis creaghii,
Dichapetalum gelonioides
Temperate semi-humid and monsoon
Yucheng cropland site 36°57′N 116°36′E; Warmer temperate dry farming cropland 0.8 m (wheat);
climate Soil type is aquox and salt aquox,
(YC) 28 m Winter wheat and summer maize 3 m (maize)
and surface soil is rich in light-mid loam
Highland continental climate Typical frigid vegetation of Northern
37°36′-37°39′N 0.6 m (shrub);
Haibei grassland site Soil type is alpine meadow soil, Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. Potentilla
101°18′-101°20′E; 0.2 m (meadow);
(HB) alpine scrubby meadow soil and swamp fruticisa shrub, Kobresia humilis meadow
3215-360 m 0.5 m (swamp)
soil and Kobresia tibetica swamp meadow
Typical steppe and meadow steppe.
Inner Mongolia grassland site 44°30′N 117°10′E; Temperate semi-arid continental climate Leymus chinense, Stipa grandis and S.
0.4 m
(NMG) 1189 m Chernozem soil krylovii. Stipa Baicalensis, Festuca
Lenesis, Filifolium sibiricum

Typical Kobresia meadows of the northern

Dangxiong grassland site 30°51′N 91°05′E; Plateau monsoon climate
Tibetan plateau. Kobresia littledalei, 0.15 m
(DX) 4250 m Meadow soil with sandy loam
Blysmus sinocompressus, K. microglochin

(XSBN)), three grassland sites (Haibei (HB),

Inner Mongolia (NMG) and Dangxiong (DX))
and one cropland site (Yucheng (YC)) that are
conducting long-term fluxes observation of NMG
carbon dioxide, water and heat (Table 1). In
addition, chamber method was used at 16 sites HB YC

to measure soil efflux of greenhouse gases such

as CO2, CH4 and N2O etc. In recent two years, DX

more than 40 new flux sites have been

established by some institutes and universities QYZ
in China (such as the Institute of Chinese ChinaFLUX sites

Academy Science, China Meteorological Other flux sites in China

Administration, Chinese Forestry Academy),

which greatly enhances the extension and Fig.1 Distribution of flux observation sites in China
intensity of flux research in China(Fig.1). development of the process-based models of
2.Major progresses of ChinaFLUX carbon/water cycles and techniques of field
A mass of first-hand flux data in major observation.
terrestrial ecosystems has been obtained since 2.1 Flux observation technique, data
the establishment of ChinaFLUX in 2002. At processing and evaluation
present, ChinaFLUX has published three Same as many other techniques, eddy
special issues (one in “Agricultural and forest covariance method also has its own
meteorology”, two in “Science in China, disadvantages. Errors appeared when the
series D”), which was mainly on natural condition cannot meet the
carbon/vapor balances in different ecosystem, requirements of eddy covariance flux
environmental controls on carbon/vapor flux, measurement (Baldocchi, 1988). Main causes

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

of the errors are induced by: loss of high and is a small carbon source too. The winter
low frequency signal due to the limitation of wheat-corn rotation farmland ecosystem at YC
sensor’s physical attribute (Moore, 1986); was sequestrating carbon during the 2
underestimation of long term carbon balance measurement years.
by choosing improper coordinate system and
2.2.2 Response of ecosystem CO2 exchange to
due to the turbulence that is not well-mixed
during the nighttime (Lee, 1998; Massman
GEP is mostly determined by the
and Lee, 2002). ChinaFLUX has developed a
coordination of temperature and moisture.
relatively sound flux data processing
Seasonal variation and annual total GEP at CBS
procedure through long-term exploring and
site are mainly affected by temperature and leaf
practice, including data collection and storage,
area index (Zhang et al., 2006a; Zhang et al.,
flux calculation and error correction.
2006b). The alpine meadow on Tibet Plateau
2.2 Environmental controls on ecosystem (HB and DX) is also mainly controlled by
carbon budget temperature (Li et al., 2006). In growing season
with enough radiation, moisture is the primary
2.2.1 Evaluation of carbon budget in major
factor determining the production of forest
ecosystem. Precipitation and its temporal
Most sites of ChinaFLUX have
variability is the key factors that affect the GPP
continuously measured CO2 flux for 2~3 years.
at NMG (Flanagan et al., 2002).
The three forest sites in eastern China (CBS,
Many studies have found that temperature
QYZ and DHS) are big carbon sinks.
is the primary factor that governs ecosystem
Observation data indicated that tropic seasonal
respiration among various environmental
rain forest ecosystem at XSBN site was a net
factors (Lloyd and Taylor, 1994). Q10 and
carbon source. This site located in a valley with
annual total respiration of the forest ecosystems
complex terrain and drainage flow as well as
in ChinaFLUX follow the order as XSBN >
advection occurring frequently. Significant
CBS > QYZ > DHS, indicating Q10 decreased
uncertainty and errors might exits in the eddy
with increasing temperature (Shi et al., 2006).
covariance measurement results in this region.
Results show that Q10 in grassland was higher
The semi-arid Leymus chinensis steppe at NMG
than that of forest (Tjoelker et al., 2001). In
was evidently a carbon source in both 2004 and
addition to temperature, soil moisture, soil
2005. In contrast with the temperate steppe, the
organic matter and microbes are also found to
alpine meadow and alpine shrub at HB, located
be influencing soil respiration. Fu et al. found
at north-eastern Tibet Plateau, were net carbon
that the Q10 of semi-arid steppe decreases
sinks during the observing years. The alpine
distinctly under moisture stress (Fu et al., 2006).
meadow at DX, located at the southern edge of
They also suggested that moisture may become
Tibet Plateau with the highest altitude, however,
the key factor that controls ecosystem
8 8

6 6

NEE/tC·ha ·yr

NEE/tC·ha ·yr

4 4


2 2
y = 0.20x + 0.17 y = 0.005x - 2.0
0 2 0 R = 0.78
R = 0.76
-2 -2
(a) (b)
-4 -4
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 400 800 1200 1600
Mean annual air temperature/℃ Annual preciptation/mm
Fig.2 The relationship between the annual total NEE and annual mean temperature (a) and annual
mean precipitation (b) in the typical ecosystems of ChinaFLUX. (Data source is the same as table 1
but not including Xishuangbanna site)

January 2007

respiration under severe drought stress. With results during the first three years of its
both eddy covariance and chamber method, development, and has received worldwide
results suggested that Q10 model is better than attention from flux research community.
multiplicative model in describing the seasonal Compared with other countries or regional
variation of Reco in ecosystems which could networks, flux observation and research in
easily suffer drought stress (Yu et al., 2005). China is still at the primary phase and much
Most of ecosystems in the east of China more efforts are needed for further research on
(CBS, QYZ, YC, NMG) experienced a drier following issues
and warmer year in 2003. But these ecosystems
3.1 Key issues in ChinaFLUX
showed different responses to the seasonal and
Issues about the representativeness and
interannual changes in temperature and
reliability of observed flux data with EC
precipitation. GEP and Reco at QYZ and NMG
technique under difficult topography,
were significantly restrained by water stress
vegetation and climate conditions haven’t been
and NEE decreased evidently in the drought
resolved yet. The three forest sites of QYZ,
summer of 2003 (Liu et al., 2006; Suyker et al.,
DHS and XSBN all locates in complex terrain.
2001; Flanagan et al., 2002). YC also had lower
ChinaFLUX will make more efforts on,
production in the drier year. But CBS did not
①evaluation and correction of flux in complex
show distinct decrease of NEE in 2003. NEE of
alpine grasslands (HB and DX) were usually terrain; ②techniques under complex
restrained by the low temperature and short meteorological condition and the correction
growing season, although there was abundant methods for the underestimation during
precipitation in warm season at the two sites. At nighttime; ③comparisons among eddy
the temperate steppe NMG, precipitation and covariance, biometric, chamber and
soil moisture have greater effects than aerodynamic method.
temperature. At regional scale, there were Further cognition on the mechanism and
significantly positive relationship between net processes of ecosystem carbon/water flux is
ecosystem carbon uptake and temperature or needed to explain the observation results, and
precipitation among various ecosystems such as apply the results to regional scale. Many other
forest, grassland and cropland (Fig. 2). observation methods (such as isotope technique,
soil respiration measurement, aviation
2.3 Modeling of carbon/vapor fluxes in observation in atmospheric boundary layer and
ChinaFLUX remote sensing etc.) are needed in future for
To better understand the mechanism of deeper understanding of biological and
main ecosystem processes, many models were environmental controls on different
developed or applied in ChinaFLUX. Ren et al. components of ecosystem carbon and water
(2005) and Zhang et al. (2005) established flux.
photosynthesis-transpiration coupling model on The data-model fusion system can greatly
canopy scale by using the observed flux data accelerate the work on ecological processes
from CBS and YC sites. Wang et al. simulated research at different scales. ChinaFLUX has
the variation of ecosystem carbon and water carried out some primary studies on flux
fluxes during the growing season at CBS in data-model fusion (He et al., 2006). As one of
2003 at hourly step based on the BEPS model. the major research contents, ChinaFLUX will
He et al. simulated the CO2 flux of three take much more efforts on developing a
different ecosystems (cropland, forest and data-model fusion system, and use this system
grassland) of ChinaFLUX with BP artificial to inverse the historical variation of terrestrial
neural network (ANN), using energy flux, ecosystem production and to predict the future
temperature and surface soil water data (He et trends of ecosystem carbon budget under
al., 2006). Gu et al. parameterized and possible climate scenario.
validated CEVSA model by using the ground Primary results of ChinaFLUX showed
investigation information of the flux data from great variation in the carbon sequestration
QYZ site in 2003 (Gu et al., 2006). capacity among different ecosystems and
3. Key issues and future direction of different years. Long-term (5-10 years)
ChinaFLUX measurement is particularly needed to
ChinaFLUX has obtained some significant accurately evaluate the function of CO2

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

sink/source in most ecosystems. In addition, water-carbon-nitrogen cycles yet. However, it

for the diverse vegetation types in China, there is a key issue to observe ecosystem
is large uncertainty in evaluating the water-carbon-nitrogen couping, explore the
ecosystem carbon budget on national scale relationships between water, carbon and
only with data from current ChinaFLUX sites. nitrogen cycles and the response and adaptation
Therefore, the emergent task is to extend the of terristrial ecosystem to global changes in
diversity of biomes and climate by adding critical regions of NSTEC, NECT and GCT.
more flux sites. As a main part of FLUXNET, ChinaFLUX
will play an important role in assessing the
3.2 Future directions of ChinaFLUX
carbon budget on Euro-Asian Continent and
Terrestrial transect is a bridge to link site
global ecosystems, in exploring the response
observation with regional research and a
and adaptation of terristrial ecosystem to global
media of scale conversion between different
changes. In order to study terrestrial ecosystem
spatial and time scales. IGBP start-ups 15
carbon cycle, carbon budget and the interaction
transects in 4 critical regions, including North
between carbon cycle and global change,
East Chinese Transect (NECT) and North
ChinaFLUX should cooperate with not only the
South Transect East Chinese (NSTEC).
domestic organization of flux research, but also
Influenced by the monsoon and the high
elevation of Tibet Plateau, the grassland in other national/regional fluxnet (e.g. AsiaFlux、
China formed a natural transect driven by the KoFlux、AmeriFlux、CarboEurope、OzFlux).
change of water and heat conditions spatially References
(Chinese Grassland Transect, CGT) (Yu and Baldocchi D D, Hicks B B, Meyers T P. Measuring
Sun, 2006). EACEEFT (Euro-Asian biosphere-atmosphere exchanges of biologically
Continental Eastern Edge Forests Transect) related gases with micrometeorological methods.
Ecology, 1988, 69: 1331~1340
and EACGT (Euro-Asian Continental Baldocchi, D D, Assessing the eddy covariance
Grassland Transect) are both basic platform technique for evaluating carbon dioxide exchange
for international cooperation research on rates of ecosystems: past, present and future.
global change and terrestrial ecosystem on Global Change Biology, 2003, 9: 479~492
continental sale. NECT、NSTEC and CGT are Flanagan L B, Wever L A, Carlson P J. Seasonal and
interannual variation in carbon dioxide exchange
important parts of EACEEFT and EACGT, and carbon balance in a northern temperate
and are also the core research region of grassland. Global. Change Biology, 2002, 8:
ChinaFLUX. Combining flux observation and 599~615
transect research is one of the main future Fu Y L, Yu G R, Wang Y F, et al. Effect of water stress
directions of ChinaFLUX to understand the on ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration of a
response and adaption of water, carbon and Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia.
Sciences in China, Series D, 2006, 36(Supp. I):
nitrogen cycles to global change, and discover Gu F X, Cao M K, Wen X F, et al. A comparison
the formative mechanism of the spatial pattern between simulated and measured CO2 and water
of terrestrial ecosystem structure, function and flux in a sub-tropical coniferous forest. Sciences in
process. China, Series D, 2006, 36(Supp. I):
Carbon, water and nitrogen cycles are He H L, Yu G R, Zhang L M, et al. Study on simulating
coupled ecosystem processes. Most present of three different ecosystems CO2 flux in
ChinaFLUX based on artificial neural networks.
carbon-water coupled models simplified the Sciences in China, Series D, 2006, 36(Supp. I):
coupling relationship of carbon and water Lee X. On micrometeorological observation of
cycles and are difficult to exactly simulate the surface-air exchange over tall vegetation.
processes of ecosystem carbon and water cycles Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 1998, 91:
(Yu et al., 2004). Global change has increased 39~49
ecosystem primary production. It also results in Li Y N, Sun X M, Zhao X Q, et al. Seasonal variations
and mechanism for environmental control of NEE
more effective nitrogen absortion by vegetation concerning the Potentilla fruticosa in alpine shrub
and fixation by soil organic matter, and meadow of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Sciences in
eventually limiting ecosystem porduction (Luo China, Series D, 2006, 36(Supp. I):
et al., 2001). Long-term ecological effect of Liu Y F, Yu G R, Wen X F, et al. Seasonal Dynamics of
nitrogen deposition is still unkown (Norby and CO2 Fluxes from Sub-tropical Plantation
Cotrufo, 1998). ChinaFLUX has not carried out Coniferous Ecosystem. Sciences in China, Series
D, 2006, 36(Supp. I):
the integrated research on Lloyd J, Taylor J A. On the temperature dependence of

January 2007

soil respiration. Functional Ecology, 1994, 8: temperature-dependent Q10. Global Change

315~323 Biology, 2001, 7: 223~230
Luo Y, Wan S, Hui D, et al. Acclimatization of soil Yu G R, Wang Q, Zhuang J. Modelling the water use
respiration to warming in a tall grass prairie. efficiency of soybean and maize plants under
Nature, 2001, 413: 622~625 environmental stresses: application of a synthetic
Massman J C, Lee X. Eddy covariance correction and model of photosynthesis ~transpiration based on
uncertainties in long-term studies of carbon and stomatal behavior, Journal of Plant Physiology,
energy exchange. Agricultural and Forest 2004, 161: 303~318
Meteorology, 2002, 113: 121~144 Yu G R, Sun X M. Principles of Flux Measurement in
Moore C J. Frequency response corrections for eddy Terrestrial Ecosystems. Beijing: High Education
correlation systems. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Publishing, 2006
1986, 37, 17~35 Yu, G. R., Wen X. F, Li, Q. K., et al., Seasonal patterns
Norby R. and Cotrufo M.F. A question of litter quality. and environmental control of ecosystem
Nature, 1998, 396: 17~19 respiration in subtropical and temperate forests in
Ren, C. Y., Yu, G. R., Wang, Q. F. et al., China, Sciences in China, Series D, 2005, 48(Supp.
Photosynthesis-transpiration coupling model at I): 93-105.
canopy scale in terrestrial ecosystem, Sciences in Zhang J H, Yu G R, Han S J, et al. Seasonal and annual
China, Series D, 2005, 48(Supp. I): 160-171. variation of CO2 flux above a broadleaved Korean
Shi P L, Sun X M, Xu L L, et al. Net ecosystem CO2 pine mixed forest. Sciences in China, Series D,
exchange and controlling factors in a steppe - 2006b, 36(Supp. I):
Kobresia meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Zhang L M, Yu G R, Sun X M, et al. Seasonal variation
Sciences in China, Series D, 2006, 36(Supp. I): of carbon exchange of typical forest ecosystems
Suyker A E, Verma S B. Year-round observations of the along the eastern forest transect in China. Sciences
net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in a in China, Series D, 2006a, 36(Supp. I):
native tall grass prairie. Global Change Biology, Zhang, Y. Q., Yu, Q., Liu, C. M. et al., Simulation of
2001, 3: 279~290 CO2 and latent heat fluxes in the North China
Tjoelker M G, Oleksyn J, Reich P B. Modelling Plain, Sciences in China, Series D, 2005, 48(Supp.
respiration of vegetation: evidence for a general I): 172-181.

Preliminary Review on CO2 Flux Observation and Research by

China Meteorological Administration (CMA)
Lei LUO*, Lin-Gen BIAN**, Zhi-Qiu GAO**
*Institute of Plateau Meteorology, China
**Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, CMA, China

Background and Strategy one of the 24 GAW global background stations

China Meteorological Administration and the only one on the interior Eurasia
(CMA)’s interest in observing the atmospheric continent. Ever since then, observation of
chemical composition mainly began in the early GHGs flux and research in carbon cycle has
1980’s when acid rain emerged as a serious become one important mission of CMA.
problem in many areas of China, particularly in Recently, CMA has been reshaping a new
the southwestern provinces. A series of acid operation system and more efficient monitoring
deposition observation sites were set up by network. Monitoring and research on
CMA in order to monitor acid pollutants and atmospheric chemical compositions has been
assess their impact on local environment. Later separated as one of the eight major operation
on, with the global environmental focus turned fields (tracks) within CMA. It is planed that
to the ever increasing concentration of besides the four background stations (Mt.
greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, Waliguan Station in Qinghai Province and three
CMA was also actively involved in a number of regional stations in Beijing, Heilongjiang and
international programs such as Global Zhejiang Province), another 3 regional
Atmosphere Watch (GAW) for monitoring background stations will be established in
GHGs. This led to the establishment in 1980s Xinjiang, Yunnan and Hubei Province. CMA
of 3 regional atmosphere background stations would also set up GHGs background
and in 1994 the Mt. Waliguan Station which is observation sites in typical ecosystems as a

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

supplement to the background stations, - A number of flux observation sites (roughly 9

currently there are at least five already in to 12) belonged to CMA subordinate research
operation. CMA mainly aims at measuring all bodies, usually financed by the Ministry of
atmospheric chemical components in these Science and Technology
stations and GHGs observation is of course the - Around 4-6 eddy-covariance systems set up
most important part. CMA’s ultimate objective with support from international cooperation
is to establish a network composed of 30 programs, e.g. JICA, NOAA etc.
stations, including observation sites in 14 key It must be noted that CAMS has proposed
monitoring zones. From August, 2003, and pushed the CAM Flux program (under the
organized by Chinese Academy of leadership of Professor Bian Lingen) to set up
Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), a number of eddy-covariance (EC) systems in different
eddy-covariance systems have been setting up ecosystems and landscapes in China for a better
across the country in key ecological locations understanding of surface flux and its
and this is the first CMA program specifically response/feedback to climate change. It is
aimed at establishing carbon flux network. actually these widely distributed EC systems
However, all the above mentioned background that have made up the majority and framework
stations or observing sites could also be of CMA flux. Currently with support from
encompassed as the CMA flux components CMA provincial institute, CAMS has already
although formal guidelines or regulations on established a network consisted of 7 EC sites.
how CMA Flux will be operated are still In the near future, 5 more EC systems will be
evolving. set up. Altogether there will be around 14 EC
systems in operation which cover a variety of
CMA Flux Network
ecosystems, landscapes and environment in
According to preliminary statistics, there
China. In most cases, the EC equipment would
are at least 15 to maximum 22 Carbon flux
installed in existing stations, therefore, except
observation sites in routine operation using
surface flux (H, LE, G, FCO2), it is quite
eddy covariance systems within CMA (Fig.1).
convenient to measure related meteorological
They could be roughly divided into three
and ecological variables simultaneously. These
variables include LAI, soil temperature and
- 4 background stations directly invested and
wetness, radiation components, precipitation,
managed by CMA
gradients of wind, humidity and air temperature,

■ ■■

▲★ ■

★ Forest

▲ Grassland
★ CMA Background Stations

■ CMA Research Institute Sites
▲ Internationally supported Sites

Fig. 1 CMA Flux Network (may not include all available sites)

January 2007

etc. CAMS and its provincial partners are now z CO2 flux observation and modeling in
developing flux data policies and guidelines so farmland
as to guarantee an efficient monitoring network A number of observation and experiments
and quality research within CMA. It is also were carried out in paddy field in southern
intended to cooperate and integrate CMA flux provinces in order to explore the CO2 flux and
with both domestic and international flux the sink/source characteristics in farmland
networks. ecosystems. One important finding is that
Many CMA provincial bureaus are also Chinese paddy field served as a sink of CO2
promoting their observation networks with with a net deposition of about 41 g・m -2・d-2 in
particular focus on GHGs flux monitoring. All growing seasons (June to July).This is quite
these CMA observation stations are located significant considering the vast paddy areas in
across the county and covered at least five China. Based on in situ observation, digital
typical ecosystems (Fig.1). Approximately, experiments were conducted to model the CO2
there are two sites in alpine grassland on the flux of rice in different growing periods. The
Tibetan Plateau, one in the Inner Mongolia simulated results also confirmed the observed
grassland and one in tropic grassland. There are fact that Chinese paddy fields could be
2 sites in wetlands (the Liaohe River and the significant carbon sink although the deposition
Yangtze River estuary), two or three sites amount might be less than that observed in
located in forestry area (Longfengshan in field.
Heilongjiang and Lin’an in Zhejiang Province), z Response of terrestrial ecosystems to
no less than three sites in the farmland concentration of CO2 in atmosphere
(Shangdianzi in Beijing and Gucheng in Hebei This is the area that CMA has done quite
Province). intensive studies on several special vegetation
Carbon cycle research by CMA types in grassland, forest as well as individual
CMA has conducted research in carbon plant species with regard to their response to
cycle promptly after its establishment of GAW the increasing concentration of atmospheric
stations with monitoring data available. CO2. Many research results have been
However, since atmospheric chemistry is published. For example, experiment has shown
relatively a new area for CMA, it still needs that the productivity of grassland composed of
time and effort to achieve significant research. the Aneurolepidium chinense community could
CMA’s subordinate research institutes, e.g. increase by 20% with enriched CO2. Both in
CAMS and other 8 research institutes at situ observation and modeling indicated that the
provincial level, are the major strength in Dahurian Larch forest in northeast China is a
carrying out research. Till now, they have been carbon sink but poor management may reduce
doing intensive job in the following areas: its sink capabilities.
z Analysis on the background CMA research institutes also did a lot of
concentration of GHGs at the GAW other research on carbon cycling, such as on
background stations how to improve the observing techniques and
With the accumulation of sufficient data qualities to ensure more reliable
observation data (1980s - now), the background measurement of flux.
concentration and temporal variation of CO2, Flux sites of the Institute of Plateau
CO and CH4 were studied. One significant Meteorology (IPM)
finding is that the CO2 concentration observed From the early 2004, IPM has started to
at Mt. Waliguan Station is on a steady rise over construct its first comprehensive station for
the last 10+ years, which corresponded quite atmospheric observation and experiment in
well with the results observed elsewhere such Litang County, Sichuan Province on the eastern
as at Mauna Loa Station in Hawaii. But due to Tibetan Plateau. Till the October of 2005, the
the inner continental environment of Waliguan, first phase of construction has completed and
the seasonal variation is less than other sites. the station is in trial operation. An eddy
Research shows that data obtained at Waliguan covariance system (Campbell LI7500) is
is quite representative for the northern installed which measures CO2 flux at a height
hemisphere, and hence the data has been widely of 2.2 m. The station is located on alpine
used internationally. grassland with quite flat topography (Fig.2).

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Fig. 2 Landscape of IPM Observation Station

Fig. 3 The wetland Landscape of the planed Flux Observation Station

January 2007

Introduction to Study on CO2 Flux in Laoshan Site,

Northeast of China
Song CUI, Wenjie WANG and Yuangang ZU

Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology, Ministry of Education,

Northeast Forestry University, China

In China, forests are mostly distributed in Zhangguancai Mountain which belongs to

northeast and southwest. The area of land Changbaishan cordillera. Geographical
covered by forests in China is 1.7491×109ha coordinates of the research site is
(statistic value in 2006). 18.21% of China 45°20′N,127°34′E. Average elevation above
mainland is covered by many kinds of forest. sea level of the site is 340m (W.J. WANG et al.,
Plantation, 0.5365×109ha in area, is one of the 2006). The typical temperate monsoon climate
most basilic components of China forest. Larch of China mainland dominates the whole area.
forest is considered to play a very important The annual mean precipitation is about 700mm
role on the global ecosystem carbon budget due (but the statistic in this area from 2001 to 2004
to its huge distribution in the boreal forest of shows less precipitation than before, about
Eurasia. To evaluate the carbon sequestration 650mm) and rainfall mainly occurs in growing
ability of the large biome and the possible season. The mean potential evapotranspiration
influence of environmental variables, we is 1.094 mm, and the mean air relative humidity
established a site in a Larch plantation of is 70%. The mean annual air temperature in the
northeast China using closed-path eddy past years is about 2.8oC (NEFU, 1984). From
covariance technique, and conducted ecological 2002 to 2004, the mean air temperature is
and physiological research at the site. (Wang et 6.09℃, higher than before. Soil in the site is
al., 2005) characterized by the typical dark brown forest
Introduction to the site: soil, fertile and mesic. The depth of dark brown
Our flux site is in Laoshan Station, located soil is about 40cm, while soil becomes less
in Maoershan Experimental Forest Farm of brown with increasing depth from 40 to 110cm
Northeast Forestry University, northwest of where rock substrate is often observed. The
amount of soil organic matter varied among

Fig1. Flux tower, larch (Larix gmelinii) plantation and soil profile in Laoshan site

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

forest types and generally is 4%-12.4% at the sensible heat, latent heat, H2O and CO2
5-10cm depth. Soil pH is about 6.0. In winter, fluxes over the larch plantation. It includes the
surface soil (0-15cm under the surface) stays equipments mentioned thereinafter. Wind
frozen for about 5 months. Deep soil (deeper velocity and virtual temperature were measured
than 15cm) never freezes even in winter (Wang using a three-dimensional ultrasonic
et al. 2005a). anemometer (SAT-550, KAIJO, Japan), which
Of all plantations in Maoershan was installed at 29 m above ground (about 10
experimental forest farm, Larix gmelinii is the m above the canopy layer). Concentrations of
most popular tree in afforestration, and its CO2 and H2O were measured with a closed-path
volume and area are 69.6% and 66.3%. Larch CO2/H2O infrared gas analyzer (IRGA, LI-7000,
plantation is mainly distributed in the slope
LICOR, USA) set in a temperature-controlled
from 0-15degree, and over 70% of these
box at the top of the tower (20 m high). Air
plantations are in the slope less than 10 degree.
samples were automatically drawn using a
The site is just located on a slope of about 5-6
diaphragm pump at the rate about 6.5 L min-1
degrees with south aspect, and about 200m
from the air inlet, which was installed at the
from a mountain of about 500 m elevation on
almost same height with but 40 cm apart from
the northern edge. A low hill covered with
the anemometer; and the air was led to the
broad-leaved deciduous forest lies on the
IRGA via a Dekabon tube of about 11 m in
western part of it. The larch plantation in our
length and 4 mm in inner diameter. To prevent
study site was 3300 ha−1 and afforested in 1969
condensation of air sample in cold and humid
(Shi, 2001).
condition, a linear heater was fixed to the
About fifty-five species including arbor,
whole air sampling tube. The IRGA was
shrub and herb belonging to 30 families, are
operated in differential mode with a CO2 and
observed in the station. In arbor layer, Larix
gmelinii, Franxinus mandshurica and Betula H2O free N2 gas flowing through the reference
platyphylla are the dominant canopy species. cell. The gain of CO2 and H2O of the analyzer
The mean canopy height is about 17 m, and the was automatically checked once a day by
height of Larix gmelinii is approximately 18m flowing two standards CO2 gases of 320 ppmv
and the DBH is 17.2±4.5cm. Some shrub tree and 420 ppmv. The raw data of the three
species, such as Acer mono, Pinus koraiensis, components of wind velocity and virtual
Quercus mongolica, Ulmus japonica, temperature from the ultrasonic anemometer
Euonymus pauciflorus, Aralia elata, Syringa and vapor and CO2 concentrations from IRGA
reticulata var. mandshurica, Acanthopanax were sampled in 10 Hz and temporally stored in
senticosus, Acer ginnala, Sorbus alnifolia, a data logger (CR 23X, CSI, USA), and finally
Franxinus rynchophlla, Rhamnus yoshinoi, automatically transferred to an online computer
Corylus heterophylla and Phellodendron every 3 hours.
amurense are observed in the forest floor. The incident and reflected long- and
Many grass species also grow well on the forest short-wave radiations were measured using a
floor through vegetative period, especially in net radiometer (MR-40, EKO, Japan) installed
early spring. The grass species include on the tower at 21 m above ground; the incident
Adenocaulon adhaerescens, Agrimonia and reflected photosynthetic active radiations
obtusifolia, Chelidonium majus, Polygonatum (PARs) were measured using PAR-02 sensors
humile, Cacalia hastata, Filipendula palmata, (PREDE, Japan) at the same height. The PAR
Convalaria keiskei, Ploygonatum involucratum, transmitted through the canopy was measured
Rubia chinensis, Brachybotrys paridiformis, in the forest floor at 1 m above the ground at 3
Carex spp. etc. (Shi et al., 2001) locations around the tower. Air temperature and
relative humidity were measured at 14 m
Study in the site (within the canopy) and 21 m (above the
For clarifying the function of larch canopy) with ventilated thermometers and
plantation in the global warming processes, a hygrometers (HMP45D, VAISALA, Finland).
flux tower with eddy covariance method was Precipitation was measured using a rain gauge
built in our study site in 2002 (Wang et al., (YG-52202, YOUNG, USA) installed on the
2002). The tower equipped with a closed-path top of the tower at about 22 m above ground.
eddy covariance system was used to measure Variation of air pressure was measured using a

January 2007

Fig 2 Meteorological and flux measurements at the site.

barometer (PTB101B, VAISALA, Finland) at 3 secure long-term data of environmental
m above ground. Soil temperatures at depths of conditions and the flux of matter and energy.
5cm, 10cm, 20cm and 50 cm were measured Simultaneously, validation measurement by
using C-PTG-30 (Climatec, Japan). Soil water ecophysiological method and biomass assay
contents at depths of 5 and 20 cm were method were also carried out (Wang, 2001b).
determined using time-domain reflectometry As a part of the ecophysiological study in this
(TDR) sensors (CS-615, CSI, USA). Variations site, works were carried out from 2001 to 2006
of Soil heat flux at a depth of 5 cm were such as photosynthesis and respiration
detected using soil heat flux sensors (MF-81, measurements (LI6400,LICOR, USA) of leaf
EKO, Japan). The equipments mentioned above and cone, respiratory consumption from stem,

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

root, litter, and branch and soil microbe. (Wang northern climatic zone (41.81 ton ha-1 for
et al., 2006; Wang, 2005) young forests and 55.6 ton ha-1 for middle age
To understand the effect of forest-clear-cut forests). Within the same vegetation type,
on soil respiration, a plot that was clear-cut ~ higher density and primary productivity were
10 years ago with vegetation similar to larch observed in young and middle age forests (less
plantation (about 1.5 ha and 100m far from the than 50 to 100-year-old), while relatively lower
larch plantation) was selected to compare with values were observed in mature forests (Wang
the larch plantation. Several species, such as et al., 2005). In the Laoshan station, from
larch, birch, ash, Korean pine and Scots pine intra-and inter-species comparison,
which could be found in the canopy or near the considerable variation of allometric relations
larch plantation are also compared with the was found among different association of L.
larch plantation. Their ages were quite similar gmelinii forest and different larch species. This
(30-40 years old) with the larch in the site. variation may be habitat dependent, but not
Therefore, an inter-species comparison on stem species specific. Both at the level of stand and
respiration, soil respiration (LI6400, LICOR, ecosystem, biomass accumulation and
USA & Portable Automatic Soil CO2 Efflux productivity were affected by tree age and
System, Liang Naishen, Japan) and its management and habitat environment.
components were also carried out in this Moreover, shrubs and grasses make a
study(Wang et al, 2003) proportionally higher contribution to the
productivity of ecosystem. In a regional scale,
Results we have got
NPP of larch forests increases with latitude. In
Larch forest is an important and typical
addition, carbon allocation to root increases as
component of representative natural ecosystems
latitude increases. Productivity of L. gmelinii
in northeast China, and is regarded as important
forest in northeast China was similar or even
carbon sink in moderating global carbon
higher than other larch forests, other kinds of
balance. In the Daxingan Mountains region,
forests both in China and in boreal and
northeast China, the aboveground biomass and
temperate forest regions around world. By
primary productivity of these forests decreased
investigating the CO2 flux of larch forest
with increasing latitude, along with different
ecosystems, the carbon uptake rate was greatly
climatic zones. Namely, in the same age group,
influenced by the VPD and tends to decrease
aboveground biomass and primary productivity
with increasing VPD when the VPD exceeded
were generally higher than those in the
15hpa. The light-use efficiency was
southern climatic zone (85.37ton ha-1 for young
considerably higher on cloudy days than on
forests), while they were generally lower in
(μmol m-2 s-1) (m m ) (m3 m ) (hPa) (℃) (μmol m s )
-2 -1


-20 Ta Ts





323 8 58 108 158 208 258

Fig 3.Seasonal variation of C flux

January 2007

clear days. However, the temperature effect on counterbalanced by that of the ecosystem
photosynthesis was found to be minimal at this respiration. Under dry environment condition
site. (VPD>10 hPa), GEP was strongly affected by
NEE of the larch ecosystem varied VPD and decreased with the increasing VPD at
seasonally, acting as a carbon source in a rate of 0.30 µmol m-2 s-1 hPa-1, and the
dormant season and a carbon sink in growing ecosystem respiration was also enhanced
season. The larch forest ecosystem at Laoshan simultaneously due to the increase in air
was a carbon sink, which assimilated 120 to temperature, which was linearly correlated with
190 gC/yr. The initial light use efficiency in VPD. As a result, the net ecosystem carbon
June was the highest, but the potential sequestration was greatly reduced with the
maximum GEP was lower than in July and increasing VPD at a rate of 0.52 µmol m-2 s-1
August. Respiration mainly determined by air hPa-1. We also found that a moderate air
temperature. GEP varied with APAR following temperature zone (from about 10 to 25 °C) was
a saturation model. High VPD (>10 hPa) the optimum condition for net carbon
reduced the GEP linearly. Higher temperature sequestration of the larch ecosystem (Wang et
showed no influence to GEP but Lower al., 2003).
temperature (<10hPa) decreased GEP. June was Soil respiration was measured in four forest
the most important month for carbon uptake stands (larch, Korean pine, Scotch pine and
(>90%). This might be ascribed to high light birch) by trenching - box in Laoshan Station.
use efficiency and sufficient radiation, but the The result showed that the highest proportion
high VPD tended to lower the GEP (Wang, of total soil respiration was microbial
2004). respiration ( above 60%) , the second one was
On the other hand, we evaluated the carbon root respiration (20%~30%), and the lowest
sequestration ability of the large biome and the was litter respiration (10%). The variation of
possible influence of environmental variables soil respiration under different treatments was
using closed-path eddy covariance technique. exponentially correlated with soil temperature.
The net ecosystem exchange of the larch There was no obvious correlation between
ecosystem at the Laoshan station varied respiration and soil moisture.
seasonally. The larch ecosystem acted as a Larch cone scales are green, but little is
carbon source in dormant season from October known of their photosynthetic role in cone
2003 to April 2004, but converted to a carbon development or how they differ in gas
sink in growing season. Annually, it was a exchange characteristics from needle leaves.
carbon sink during the year from October 2003 Respiration and photosynthetic rates were
to September 2004, and assimilated 121 g C maximal in young cones. During cone
m-2 yr-1 (u*>0.20 ms-1) to 190 gC m-2yr-1 (u*>0 development, Rcone decreased progressively
ms-1) (Wang et al., 2005). Of which, June was from a maximum value of about 21.9 µmol m– 2
the most important month for carbon s–1 to around 0.3 µmolm– 2 s–1 in late August.
assimilation, i.e., carbon uptake during this Correspondingly, Pcone decreased gradually
period constituted 93% of the annual from 7.8 µmol m– 2 s–1 to zero. Normalized per
accumulated amount. The ecosystem unit fresh mass and per unit cone surface area,
respiration was mainly controlled by changes in Rcone and Pcone during maturation
temperature, and the photosynthetic activity showed broadly similar trends. Pcone was
was determined by radiation in general. positively correlated with the total chlorophyll
However, the photosynthetic process of the concentration in cone scales (r2 > 0.82, P
larch ecosystem was also largely influenced by <0.001), whereas there was no correlation
vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and temperature. between foliar chlorophyll concentration and
We found that 10 hPa was the threshold Pleaf (r2 = 0.02, P > 0.1). A good correlation was
between humid and dry environment for the observed between Pcone and soluble sugar
larch ecosystem. Under humid condition concentration in cone scales (r2 = 0.85, P <
(VPD<10 hPa), the gross ecosystem production 0.001), but there was no significant correlation
(GEP) increased with increasing temperature, between starch concentration and Pcone ( r2 =
but the net ecosystem production (NEP) 0.07, P > 0.1). However, both soluble sugar and
showed almost no change with increasing starch concentrations in leaves were positively
temperature because the increment of GEP was correlated with Pleaf (r2 > 0.22, P < 0.01).

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Nitrogen concentration in cone scales and in species Comparison. Eurasian

leaves was positively correlated with the J.For.Res.8-1:21-41,2005.
corresponding photosynthetic rate. A positive
correlation was observed between stomatal Y.FUJINUMA.Response of CO2 Flux to
density and Pcone (r2 = 0.91, P < 0.001), but no Environmental Variables in Two Larch Forest
correlation was found between gs and Pcone. The Ecosystems in East Asia.Phyton(Austria)Special
Ci–Pcone relationship was statistically significant, issue: ”APGC 2004”,Vol
whereas no such relationship was found in 45,Fasc.4,(339)-(346),2004.
SHI Fuchen, CHEN Xiangwei, WANG Wenjie,
leaves. The water status of cone scales
TAKAGI Kentaro, AKIBAYASHI Yukio, Sasa
significantly influenced Pcone (r2 = 0.51, P < Kaichiro and UEMURA Shigeru. Vegetation
0.01), whereas leaf water content did not affect Characteristics of a Larch-dominant Site for CO2
leaf photosynthesis (r2 = 0.07,P > 0.1). Flux Monitoring Study at the Laoshan
Chlorophyll concentration was higher in Experimental Station in Northeast China. Eurasian
needles than in cone scales, both per unit J.For.Res. 3:55-67,2001.
surface area and per unit fresh mass. The Chl
a/b ratio was 18% lower in cones than in leaves TAKAYOSHI KOIKE .Carbon dioxide exchange
(P <0.05). Soluble sugar concentration in cone of larch (Larix gmelinii) cones during development.
scales was only 70% of that in leaves; there Tree Physiology ,26, 1363–1368, 2006.
was a similar trend in starch concentration. Shi, F., Chen, X., Wang, W. and Zu, Y. Introduction to
Nitrogen concentration was significantly lower the larch-dominant site for CO2 flux in a forest of
the Laoshan Experimental Station in Northeast
in cone scales than in needles. Dark respiration
China. Proceedings of International Workshop for
rates were higher in cones than in leaves, but Advanced Flux Network and Flux Evaluation,
only young cones had higher photosynthetic p87-91, Sapporo, Japan,2001.
rates than leaves. Photosynthetic rate per unit Wang, H., Saigusa, N., Yamamoto, S., Kondo, H., Zu,
chlorophyll was, on average, 1.60 times higher Y., Yang, F., Wang, W., Hirano, T., Toriyama, A.
in leaves than in cones. Similarly, Pleaf /N was and Fujinuma, Y. Seasonal variation of net
ecosystem CO2 exchange over larch forest in
more than 30 times higher than Pcone /N. The
northeast China and northern Japan. Proceedings of
ratios Rcone/N and Rleaf/N were broadly similar International Workshop on Flux Observation and
for cones and leaves. Stomatal density was Research in Asia P72-73, Beijing, China., 2003.
about three times higher on leaves than on Wang, H., Zu, Y., Saigusa, N., Yamamoto, S., Kondo,H.,
scales of young cones, and much higher than on Yang, F. and Wang, W.. CO2, water vapor and
scales of mature cones. The value of Ci energy fluxes in a larch forest in northeast China. J.
Agr. Meteoro. 60, 549-552, 2005.
(400–1000 µmol mol–1) was about three times
Wang,W. Physiological ecology of respiratory
higher in cone scales than in leaves (about 220 consumption of a larch (Larix gmelinii) forest in
µmol mol–1), and was also higher than Northeast China. Ph.D. Thesis,Hokkaido Univ,
atmospheric [CO2] (about 360 µmol Japan,242 p, 2005a.
mol–1).(Wang et al., 2006) Wang,W., X. Yan, F. Shi, Y. Zu and S. Nie. A trial to
accelerate afforestation of Korean pine forests using
Reference a strip-cutting method for deciduous broad-leaved
Huimin WANG, Nobuko SAIGUSA, Yuan-Gang ZU, secondary forests in Northeast China—an
Wenjie WANG, Susumu YAMAMOTO and ecophysiological approach. Eurasian J. For. Res.
Hiroaki KONDO. Annual Carbon Sequestration by 3:27–48. 2001b.
a Larch Forest in Northeast China. Proceedings of Wang, W., Y. Zu, F. Yang, H. Wang and F. Wang.
the International Conference on Research Photosynthetic ecophysiological study on the
Highlights and Vanguard Technology on growth of Korean pine afforested by the edge-effect
Environmental Engineering in Agricultural belt method. Acta Ecol. Sin. 23: 2318–2326. 2003.
Systems September 12-15, Kanazawa, Japan, NEFU.Basic data for Maoershan experimental forests
267-271, 2005. ofNortheast Forestry University (NEFU). NEFU
W.J.WANG, Y.G.ZU, H.M.WANG, X.Y.LI, Publishing House, Harbin,China. 1984.
T.HIRANO, and T.KOIKE. Newly-formed Wang, W.: Physiological ecology of respiratory
photosynthates and the respiration rate of girdled consumption of a larch (Larix gmelinii) forest in
stems of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Northeast China. Doctoral Thesis. Hokkaido
Zucc.) Photosynthetica 44 (1): 147-150, 2006. University, Sapporo,2005.
Wang Wenjie, Zu Yuangang, Wang Huimin, Matsuura Wang, W., Yang, F., Zu, Y., Wang, H., Takagi, K., Sasa,
Yojiro, Sasa Kaichiro and Koike Takayoshi. Plant K.,Koike, T. Stem respiration of a larch (Larix
Biomass and Productivity of Larix gmelinii Forest gmelinii) plantation in Northeast China. Acta bot.
Ecosystems in Northeast China: Intra- and Inter- sin. 45: 1387-1397, 2003.

January 2007

Eddy Covariance (EC) Flux Research in Institute of Botany,

Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yuhui WANG*,**, Yunlong WANG*, Guangxu SHI* and Wanqing ZUO*
*Laboratory of Quantitative Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Botany,
The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
** Institute of Atmospheric Environment, CMA, China

Introduction (1) Degraded Leymus chinensis steppe site: Its

The continuously increasing concentrations location is 43°32′45″N, 116°40′40″E.
of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide Elevation is 1250m. Biome/Vegetation is
(CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) typical steppes dominated by Leymus
that are mainly resulted from human activities, chinensis, Stipa grandis and Artemisia
have greatly influenced the inherent carbon and frigida etc. This site is a grazing steppe.
water cycling of terrestrial ecosystem and (2) Stipa grandis steppe site: Its location is
resulted in distinct global environmental 43°32′45″N, 116°40′40″E and its elevation
changes. The long-term and continuous is 1250m. Biome/Vegetation is typical
measurements of carbon and water exchange steppes dominated by Stipa grandis and
between biosphere and atmosphere are Artemisia frigida etc. This site has been
necessary for understanding environmental fenced since 1980 from free grazing
controlling mechanisms over carbon and water steppe.
cycling of terrestrial ecosystem, evaluating the (3) Stipa krylovii steppe site: One was set up in
capability of carbon sequestration and Xilinguole, Inner Mongolia. Its location is
illustrating spatio-temporal patterns of carbon 44°08′03″N, 116°19′43″E and its elevation
sink/source of terrestrial ecosystems (IPCC, is 1100m. Biome/vegetation is typical
2001; Yu et al., 2005). Eddy covariance sites steppes dominated by Stipa krylovii and
measuring carbon and energy fluxes provide a Leymus chinensis etc. This site has been
unique contribution to the study on the fenced since 1997 from free grazing
environmental, biological and climatological steppe.
controls of net surface exchange between
vegetation and the atmosphere (Baldocchi et al., Another one was set up in Duolun, Inner
2001; Wilson et al., 2002). At present, these Mongolia. There is an ecotone of cropland and
equipments and technologies are being widely pasture. Its location is 42°32′03″N,
used to study carbon and water flux of 116°13′36″E and its elevation is 1350m.
terrestrial ecosystems in the world. Biome/Vegetation is dominated by Stipa
krylovii, Artemisia frigida, etc. This site has
Eddy covariance (EC) sites: been fenced since 2001 from free grazing
Up to now, 9 EC flux towers had been set steppe.
up by Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Cropland
Sciences (CAS) since 2003. They are widely One EC flux tower was set up to monitor
distributed in typical grasslands, cropland, the exchange of CO2, H2O flux between
desert steppe, sandland, boreal forest and agricultural ecosystem and atmosphere. This
Populus artificial forest in North China. These site is located in 42°32′03″N, 116°13′36″E, its
sites are important part of US-China Carbon elevation is 1350m. It is very near to Stipa
Confederation (USCCC) launched in 2003. The krylovii steppe site located in Duolun, and the
detailed information is as follows: distance between two towers is less than 1km.
Typical Grasslands Biome/Vegetation is Triticum aestivum
Four EC flux towers were set up in typical plantation. This site was reclaimed about 35
grasslands in Inner Mongolia to monitor effect years ago.
of different human disturbance on carbon and
water flux of typical grassland ecosystems.

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Desert steppe and Sandland data rectification and interpolation have been
Two EC flux towers were set up near the developed by “Global Change and Terrestrial
Ordus Sandland Ecological Station for Ecosystems” Research Group, Institute of
examination of the difference in carbon and Botany, CAS. Based on flux data from Stipa
water flux between desert steppe and sandland. krylovii steppe stations in Xilinguole, Inner
Its location is about 39°29’N, 118°11’E, its mongolia since 2003, the flux traits of typical
elevation is about 1200-1350m. steppe ecosystems were analyzed. Two models
Biome/Vegetation is Artemisia ordosica, were developed to estimate fluxes of terrestrial
Caragana intermidia,Salix psymophild,etc in ecosystems: variational technique based on
desert steppe. micrometeorological gradient observation and
Boreal forest process-based dynamic Chinese terrestrial
One EC flux tower was set up in ecosystem model (DCTEM). Variational
Huzhong,Heilongjiang province to monitor technique used full information provided by
carbon and water exchange between soil, the boundary layer observation, the surface
vegetation and atmosphere of boreal forest energy budget, and the Monin-Obukhov
ecosystem. Its location is 51°35.50’N, similarity theory. DCTEM includes four
123°12.81’E. Its altitude is 698m. submodels: Land surface process model,
Biome/vegetation is Larix gmelinii, Betula vegetation phenology model, carbon allocation
costata etc. This site is a secondary coniferous model, carbon balance model and soil
forest. biogeochemical model. Those two models
Populus artificial forest could describe the flux dynamics of terrestrial
One EC flux tower was set up in Kubuqi ecosystems very well.
desert, Inner Mogolia to understand the effect Up to now, 9 EC sites have been set up by
of sandland conversion to artificial forest on Institute of Botany covering many terrestrial
carbon and water exchange between soil, ecosystems in North China. They provided a
vegetation and atmosphere. It is located good platform to understand the
40°32′18″N, 108°41′37″E. Biome/Vegetation spatio-temporal patterns of carbon sink/source
is Populus and liquorice (Glycyrhiza in terrestrial ecosystems, compare the
uralensis). This site was sandy dune before contribution of different ecosystem to Chinese
planting Populus forest at 2001. carbon and water cycle, and elucidate the
responses of carbon and water flux to
Research Objectives environmental change and human activities in
The research objectives of flux research is different ecosystems.
to facilitate a better understanding of the
environmental factors influencing the rate and Acknowledgements
magnitude of carbon sequestration and water This work is supported by National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 30300049) and
cycling across a range of ecosystems and Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-SW-133). The
climatic gradients with the use of mutually authors thank Dr. Shiping Chen and Dr. Steve McNulty.
agreed upon measurement protocols and Some information about EC sites came from their
equipment, and through a collaborated reports downloaded from
network of data sharing and analysis.
Advance in flux research
At present, a mass of valid data have been 1. IPCC, Climate change 2001: The Scientific Basis,
obtained and accumulated from these eddy Contribution of Working Group I to the Third
covariance sites. The multi-disciplinary, Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
multi-scale research approaches have been on Climate Change(eds. Houghton,J.T.,
employed in these flux sites to monitor the Ding,Y.,Griggs,D.J.), New York: Cambridge
basic elements in soil-vegetation-atmosphere University Press, 2001.
2. YU Guirui, ZHANG Leiming, SUN Xiaomin, FU
continuum and the key processes of carbon Yuling & LI Zhengquan. Advances in carbon
and water cycles in different ecosystems, flux observation and research in Asia. Science in
which provided valid datasets and China Ser. D Earth Sciences 2005 Vol. 48. Supp.
experimental platform for integrated research 11-16.
on ecosystems carbon and water cycle. 3. Kell Wilson, Allen Goldstein, Eva Falge, Marc
A set of EC data disposal software for EC Aubinet, Dennis Baldocchi, Paul Berbigier,

January 2007

Christian Bernhofer, Reinhart Ceulemans, Han K., Evans, R., Fuentes, J., Goldstein, A., Katul, G.,
Dolman, Chris Field, Achim Grelle, Andreas Law, B., Lee, X., Malhi, Y., Meyers, T., Munger,
Ibrom, B.E. Law, Andy Kowalski,Tilden Meyers, W., Oechel, W., Paw U, K.T., Pilegaard, K.,
John Moncrieff, Russ Monson, Walter Oechel, Schmid, H.P., Valentini, R., Verma, S., Vesala, T.,
John Tenhunen,Riccardo Valentini, Shashi Verma Wilson, K., Wofsy, S., 2001. FLUXNET: a new
2002 Energy balance closure at FLUXNET sites. tool to study the temporal and spatial variability of
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. ecosystem-scale carbon dioxide, water vapor and
113:223–243. energy flux densities. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 82,
4. Baldocchi, D., Falge, E., Gu, L., Olson, R., Hollinger, 2415–2434.
D., Running, S., Anthoni, P., Bernhofer, C., Davis,

Stipa krylovii steppe in Xilinguole Stipa krylovii steppe in Duolun

Leymus chinensis steppe in Xilinguole Cropland in Duolun

Populus artificial forest in Kubuqi

Boreal forest in Huzhong

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

Overview of Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research Network and

Carbon Flux Measurements
Shirong LIU, Yuandong ZHANG
Chinese Academy of Forestry China

About CFERN z Monitoring the long-term response of

The Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research forest ecosystems to the most relevant
Network (CFERN), which is a long term stress factors by analyzing data from a
ecological research network covering a broad network of selected study sites,
spatial scale and is composed of forest, desert
The core research areas of CRERN
and wetland ecosystems distributed in different
z Impacts of forest vegetation on water
geographical regions, is directly managed by
resource and eco-hydrological process;
the State Forestry Administration (SFA),
z Forest carbon storage and carbon cycle;
PR.China. There are 15 forest ecological
z Climate change and forest ecosystem;
research stations in CFERN which represent
diverse ecosystems and research emphases Site describtion of major stations in CFERN
(Fig.1). Genhe Station
The research station is in the north-west hillside
The objectives of CFERN
of The Great Xinganlin Mountains (N50°49'-
The objectives of CFERN are as following:
50°51', E121°30'- 121°31'). Vegetation is
z Promoting multi-disciplinary and
dominantly boreal forest with Larix gmelinii.
integrated research and enhancing
cooperation and communication among Maoershan Station
the network members; Maoershan & Liangshui Station was founded in
z Carrying out long-term terrestrial 1974 by Northeast Forestry University (NEFU)
ecosystem monitoring and research and located in Maoershan and Liangshui,
activities; respectively (127°30′-127°34′E, 45°20′-
z Collaborating and sharing data and 45°25′N).The typical vegetation in Liangshui is
information between the network members primitive Korean Pine forest . Maoershan has
in order to increase the efficiency of different types of secondary and artificial
research and the understanding of forest forests with different disturbances.
ecosystems. Taiyueshan Station
The mission of the CFERN The Station was set up in 1991 and managed by
The overall mission of the CFERN is to study Beijing forestry university (BJFU). It is located
structure and function of forest ecosystems in in Lingkong mountain forestry center of Taiyue
China. It includes: forestry management bureau, Shanxi province
z Understanding ecological processes and (N36°33', E112°03'). Forests are dominantly
forest ecosystem dynamic over extended Pinus tabulaeformis, Larix principis-
temporal and spatial scales; rupprechtii ,Quercus liaotungesis, Populus
z Creating database of forest resource, davidiana, Betula platyphylla etc.
ecological environment, water resource on
a given area or state level; Qinling station
z Establishing assessment and monitoring The Station was set up in 1980 and managed by
system of forest ecological effects in core Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University
sites; (NWAFU). It is located in the middle of
z Identifying and providing solution for Qinling mountains, Shanxi province
ecological problems; (N33°18'-33°28' , E108°20'-108°39'). Forests
z Setting up dynamic monitoring network are dominantly Pinus armandii.
and warning system of forest ecological

January 2007






State Wolong
SFA Huitong

Qinlin Kasite

Fig.1 Distribution of 15 forest ecological research stations affiliated to CFERN in China

Baotianman station Main vegetations are evergreen coniferous

The Station was set up in 2002 and managed by forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest,
Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF). It is deciduous broad-leaved forest, mingled forest,
located at Baotianman natural reserve, Henan bamboo and so on.
province (N33°25'-33°33' , E111°53'-112'). Wuyishan Station
Forests are dominanted with broad-leaved It is located at Wuyishan State Natural Reserve,
species such as Quercus aliena var. acute, Fujian (117°27'-117°51'E , 27°33'-27°44').
Toxicodendron verniciflnum, Tilia tuan,
Vegetations are subtropical ever green
Carpinus cordata, etc.
broad-leaved forest that is typical and
Xiashu Station representative type in the same latitude of the
The site was set up by Nanjing Forestry globe.
University in 1986 and is a unique long term
Huitong Station
ecological research site for urban forest in
It was established in 1979 and located in
China (31º59’N, 119º14’E ). The dominant
Huitong, Hunan province (N26°50', E109°45').
community is mixed deciduous trees such as
Platycarya strobilacea, Liquidambar The vegetation is dominantly artificial Chinese
formosana, Pistacia chinensis. fir forest.

Dagangshan Station Jianfengling Station

It is located in Fenyi, Jiangxi province and It is located at southwest Hainan Island
managed by the Chinese Academy of Forestry (18°36'~52'N in latitude and 108°50'~109°05'E)
(CAF) (114.30~114.45E, 27.30~27.50N). and managed by CAF. The various vegetation

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

types are distributed in this region along forest, whose representative species are Abies
altitudinal gradient, such as semi-deciduous faxoniana, A. fabri, Picea brachytyla, etc.
monsoon forest, evergreen monsoon forest,
Linzhi Station
gully rain forest, mountain rain forest and
The station is located at Linzhi County, Tibet.
mossy forest.
(29°351-29°571N, 94°251-94°451E).
Qilianshan Station Vegetation type is subalpine forest, whose
The station is located in Gansu province (E representative species are Picea likiangensis
100°17’, N38°24'). Picea crassifolia is Var. linzhiensis and Abies georgei Var smithii.
distributed in the north and semi-north slopes,
Kasite Station
dry-grassland and some shrubs are in the south
It is located at Guiyang, Guizhou
or semi-south slopes.
province(N26°53'-27°03', E106°51'-107°07' ).
Wolong Station The zonal forest vegetation is sub-tropical
It is located at Wolong State Natural Reserve, moist evergreen broad-leaved forest with
Sichuan (102°52′-103°24′E, 30°45′-31°25N). non-zonal karst evergreen broad-leaved forest.
Forest is mainly sub-alpine dark coniferous

Research site with carbon flux measurement

Station with EC measurement equipment
Station Name Open-path Closed-path Profile Vegetation type Orgnization
Dagangshan √ √ √ Subtropical evergreen CAF
Jianfengling √ √ √ Monsoon forest CAF

Maoershan √ √ √ Secondary NEFU

broad-leaved forest

Other research site with EC measurement equipment

Research site Open-path Closed-path Profile Vegetation type Orgnization
Laoshan, Larch plantation
Heilongjiang √ √ √ NEFU
Daxing, Popular plantation
Beijing √ √ √ BJFU

Anqing, Anhui Wetland popular

√ √ √ plantation CAF
Yueyang Wetland popular
Hunan √ √ √ plantation CAF

January 2007

Carbon flux measurements in Dagangshan

and Jianfengling stations
Main publications
Because all carbon flux equipments
mentioned above are just installed on sites,
their measurements are mostly under
calibration process. There are several other sites
in preparation for carbon flux measurement.
Thus, it will take 2 or 3 years to complete the
whole carbon flux network under the
designation of CFERN. A few of carbon flux
results has been published while most available
Carbon flux equipment in Dagangshan publications in relation to carbon cycle focused
on forest soil carbon process.
1) Mao Zijun, 2002, Summary of estimation
methods and research advances of the
carbon balance of forest ecosystems. Acta
Phytoecologica Sinica, 26 (6): 731-738
2) Wang Chuankuan, Yang Jinyan, 2005,
Carbon dioxide fluxes from soil respiration
and woody debris decomposition in boreal
forests. Acta Ecologica Sinica,
3) Yang Jinyan, Wang Chuankuan, 2005, Soil
carbon storage and flux of temperate forest
Meteorological observation tower in Jianfengling ecosystem s in northeastern China, Acta
Ecologica Sinica, 25(11):2875-2882
4) Yang Jinyan, Wang Chuankuan, 2006,
Effects of soil temperature and moisture on
soil surface co2 flux of forests in
northeastern china. Journal of Plant
Ecology, 30 (2):286-294

Meteorological equipment in Dagangshan

Carbon flux equipment in Jianfengling

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue

January 2007 I would like
to express
Editorial board: my gratitude
AsiaFlux Editorial Sub-Workgroup for the
and staffs of
TC 2006.
AsiaFlux Secretariat: This special issue was
c/o Center for Global Environmental Research made possible by their
National Institute for Environmental Studies dedicated effort.
16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, 305-8506 Japan
TEL: +81-29-850-2971 FAX: +81-29-858-2645 The editor of
E-mail: AsiaFlux Newsletter Special Issue:
Dongho LEE
(Yonsei University, Korea)
AsiaFlux Newsletter is only available on the
AsiaFlux Website:

Copyright 2002: AsiaFlux. All rights Reserved.


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