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Chips are the most popular variety of snacks and are consumed year-round by people
of all age groups from all income segments. Potato chips are more popular than banana
chips but banana chips have a special category of consumers and they are preferred by
many. Competition is more fierce than in the case of potato chips. There are some
national as well as regional established brands for potato chips but they are not in
banana chips as the market is small. This provides an opportunity for a new entrant as
the market is not dominated by some brands and with good quality and competitive
pricing, it is possible to capture adequate market share. Manufacturing Process: It is
very well-established and standardized. Damaged or ripe bananas are taken out during
inspection and only good quality unripe bananas are washed in water. Then they are
peeled and trimmed before slicing or cutting them to the required size. Then they are
washed in boiled water and dried. Dried pieces are deep fried and then either salt or
spices or both are applied to them. After cooling, they are packed. The process and
weight loss are in the range of 15% to 20%.


Our company will produce a unique and different product for the market to change the
trend of the people from vegetable snakes to fruit snakes. We will provide specific
unique products to our targeted market customers for their maximum level of
satisfaction. There is no firm that produces (fruit snacks) now in our national market.
We will offer these new trended products at moderate prices for the customer's benefit.


.To provide a quality product to consumers at a reasonable price.

.To change the mind of people from vegetable snakes towards fruity snakes.
.To compete in the market on quality behavior, not on price strategies
. To provide jobs.


The main target people are the young ones who like to eat chips very much but it can
prefer also to the adult and old ages. Its target market is the different snack zone
specifically on school canteens, non-school canteens like grocery and stores around the
province, moreover on terminals for pasalubong purposes.

Age of group of consumers of banana chips


A wide choice of snacks. It can either be retail or wholesale.
The customer can gain access to the store with minimal waits
and can choose the option of delivery or pick up.
Customer service.
The customer will be impressed with the level of attention that they receive



• For the health-conscious all over the country.

• Especially for the convenient transportation areas.
• Children generally under teenage.
• Young generation generally under the age range 13-25


• The lower middle class, middle class, and upper middle class.
• The conscious people.

Behavioral Factor

• Those who have a negative idea about traditional chips.

• Those who seek good quality.
• The non-users and regular users of the chips


Banana chips are popular worldwide owing to their nutritional content. In the food industry, the
demand for banana chips has been increasing particularly from the snacks and ready-to-cook
food segment. The food processing segment is expected to gain a higher percentage in market
share. Food processing is primarily driven by growing urbanization and rapidly surging
population as well as increasing awareness among consumers regarding organic food products
in the market. Fruit-based products such as cookies, and snacks are part and parcel of
consumption patterns both in rural and urban India.


The banana chips are packed in 30 grams of plastic and each pack is individually labeled. It
provides a wide variety of premium quality chips with a production process that uses primarily
bananas and other ingredients which are all-natural, with no preservatives or additives. Each
pack is well-sealed to maintain the product's crispiness.


Price is neither the competency nor strategy of the proposed business. Furthermore, the main
distribution links of the competitors are the School canteens, grocery stores, convenience
centers, and pasalubong centers.
(Each pack of 50 grams of banana chips is priced at RS 50)

(As per research 100 pcs of bananas almost 10 kgs can produce 100 packets of 50


The delicious and healthy banana chips product will be distributed mainly to
canteens of the different schools in Kalinga. Since the business aims to make it known also to
non-school canteen customers, it will deliver to retail stores in some near retail stores of offices
are also targeted and also individuals for own or family consumption.


It plays an important role in the exchange process by informing customers of an organization's

product or service and convincing them of its ability to satisfy their needs or wants. The
business shall be promoted by word of mouth, direct marketing, sales promotion, and through
personal selling efforts of the business proponent. It can also be promoted through online social
media which is in demand nowadays in marketing their products.
Packaging and labeling will be enhanced more to
further, promote the product

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