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MS Word

1: MS Word is ____ software. Ans: Word processing.

2: The valid format of MS Word is ___ . Ans: .doc

3: What program is used in MS-Word to check the spelling? Ans: Spelling &

4: A word gets selected by clicking it Ans: Twice

5: _____ is the change the way text warps around the selected object. Ans: Text

6: To delete the selected text press Ans: Delete

7: The ___ works with the standard Copy and Paste commands. Ans: Office clipboard

8: What is the blank space outside the printing area on a page? Ans: Margins

9: Which of the following is an example of page orientation? Ans: Landscape

10: Formatting is performed on Ans: Text and Table

Shortcut Key:

Copy: CTRL+C.

Cut: CTRL+X.

Paste: CTRL+V.

Select all: CTRL+A.

Select next word: CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW.

Select previous word: CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW.

Select next paragraph: CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN.

Select previous paragraph: CTRL+SHIFT+UP.

Boldface: CTRL+B

Italicize: CTRL+I

Underline: CTRL+U
1: Which bar show the used formula of selected active cell? Ans: Formula Bar

2: What is the default row height of MS Excel? Ans: 15

3: Excel documents are stored as files called Ans: Worksheets

4: Which of the following is the default numbers of worksheet in MS Excel? Ans: 3

5: Formulas in Excel are made up of ___. Ans: Arithmetical operators and functions

6: The result is a ___ value either TRUE or FALSE. Ans: Logical

7: Which of the following is the comparison operator? Ans: =

8: On an Excel sheet, the active cell is indicated by Ans: A dark wide border

9: The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the Ans: Cell address

10: Which sign indicate to multiplication? Ans: *

Shortcut key:
Close a workbook: Ctrl+W

Open a workbook: Ctrl+O

Go to the Home tab: Alt+H

Save a workbook: Ctrl+S

Copy selection: Ctrl+C

Paste selection: Ctrl+V

Undo recent action: Ctrl+Z

Remove cell contents: Delete

Choose a fill color: Alt+H, H

Cut selection: Ctrl+X

Go to the Insert tab: Alt+N

Apply bold formatting: Ctrl+B

1: _____ is a presentation program. Ans: MS Powerpoint
2: In PowerPoint, the header and footer button can be found on the insert tab in what group?
Ans: Text group

3: The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the
Ans: Title slide

4: The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is Ans: Outline view

5: Times new Roman, Cambria, Arial are the example of _____ Ans: Font face

6: What is the default PowerPoint standard layout? Ans: Title slide

7: Which type of view is present in MS PowerPoint? Ans: Slide show

8: Which key helps to move to the beginning of a line? Ans: Home

9: To make the selected text italic, the shortcut key is Ans: Ctrl + I

10: Which PowerPoint view displays each slide of the presentation as a thumbnail and is
useful for rearranging slides? Ans: Slide sorter

Shortcut key:

Create new presentation: Ctrl+N

Add a new slide: Ctrl+M

Apply bold formatting to the selected text: Ctrl+B

Open the Font dialog box: Ctrl+T

Cut selected text, object, or slide: Ctrl+X

Copy selected text, object, or slide: Ctrl+C

Paste cut or copied text, object, or slide: Ctrl+V

Insert a new comment: Ctrl+Alt+M

Undo the last action: Ctrl+Z

Redo the last action: Ctrl+Y

Go to the next slide: Page down

Go to the previous slide: Page up

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