CHAPTER 1 Sample

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Background of the Study

Historically, the predominance of men acquiring most of the high-ranking

positions in society resulted in men owning higher status than women. According to
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, even in the modern period,
which is the 21st century, the world is still perceived as dominated by men with a male-
dominated culture. The longstanding system of patriarchy constantly affected humanity in
diverse aspects, especially women. Online and offline, women in politics faced prejudice,
discrimination, threats, and violence only because they are women. For centuries, women
have been fighting for their rights and social position. Nonetheless, despite the progress
and achievements, the state of women's rights continues to remain dire, and inequality and
discrimination become more developed norms everywhere (United Nations, 2020).
Leadership has been continuously gendered, which led to women experiencing gender
discrimination; women’s effectiveness in leading is based on being a woman, which
resulted in not recognizing their unique leadership competencies and skills (Carbajal,

According to the Philippine Commission on Women (n.d.), the right of women to

participate and be represented in all aspects of life is critical to fully recognizing their role
as actors and benefactors of progress. Women make up about half the population but
represent just roughly one-fifth of governmental appointed seats. Women in significant
political positions have demonstrated that they are as competent and successful as their
male comrades when it comes to leading and decision-making. Increasing women's
presence in political entities enables them to participate in progress and world power, as
well as guarantees that leadership leads to equitable access to assets, development
benefits, and accomplishments for both men and women. Women are mainly
underrepresented in local and national political bodies, unable to have participated in

peaceful movements, and are marginalized from political activities across the world.
Women experience several barriers to involvement in social and political engagement in
their nations, ranging from unequal treatment to a lack of encouragement and
opportunities (United States Agency for International Development, 2016).

Existing research and discussion on leadership in politics and governance are

overwhelmingly male-biased, owing to the historical and social perception that political
positions are reserved only for males. At the same time, there is an insignificant number of
discussions about women as elected leaders. In recognizing both men’s and women’s
importance as elected leaders, it is imperative not to confine the factors and perceptions to
gender alone but to consider the traits, characteristics, and skills of women. Hence, the
purpose of this study was 1) to present the different traits, characteristics, and skills that
align in determining the competence and importance of women as elected leaders and the
impact of elected women leaders in society; 2) to discuss the influence of the patriarchal
system under challenges that hindered women’s participation and representation in politics
and; 3) determine what are various initiatives that would help to promote the women’s
capabilities in holding a position in public office.

Statement of the Problem

This study sought to ascertain the importance of being an elected woman leader
and the challenges women have faced in their participation in politics. This study tried to
answer the following questions:

1. What traits, characteristics, and skills of women are perceived and considered as
important as an elected leader? How do these attributes make women different from
men in leadership?

2. How does the leadership of women leaders affect public recognition?

3. What are the challenges women face when entering Politics?

Conceptual Framework

Traits, Characteristics, and

Skills of Women in

Importance and
Impact of Women’s Challenges of Being an
Leadership in Society and Elected Woman Leader in
on the Public Selected Cities and
Municipalities in Cavite

Challenges of Women in
Political Participation

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The Philippine Commission on Women’s article regarding political participation

and representation of women stated that women in key positions in government had shown
their capabilities and importance in assuming leadership and decision-making roles.
However, the importance of women's political participation and representation still has
been called into question and contention throughout the years. Moreover, this is due to
various problems, such as gender issues, comparisons in the traits, characteristics, and
skills of men and women in decision-making and leadership, and other challenges that
women may encounter in running for public office.
Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study that researchers have
designed and utilized in their studies. This study used the independent-dependent variable
model to present the relation of the various variables included in the study. The distinctive
traits, characteristics, and skills evident to elected women leaders benefitted and gave
them an edge to participate, contribute, and leave a positive impact in politics, governance,
and other dimensions of society. However, the societal standards and norms linked with
being a woman confront, inhibit, and disempower them in attaining and maintaining
leadership positions. These factors associated with women's participation in male-
dominated fields ascertained and illuminated the importance of becoming elected leaders.
This illustration served as the reference and guide for the researchers in the discussion of
the literature, methodology, and findings of their study.

Theoretical Framework

In this study, leadership theories were specifically identified as the basis for the
difference between elected women’s and men’s leadership. These are the following:

1. Transformational Leadership is a leadership style wherein leaders can create a

valuable and significant change by encouraging, inspiring, and motivating their
followers to become leaders too, which leads to followers advancing their respective
higher levels of morale, motivation, and performance (Burkus, 2010). In addition,
transformational leadership is divided into four categories of behavior: 1. Idealized
influence – leaders behave, like role models, which leads to employees developing
trust and respect for them; 2. Inspirational motivation- leaders impart an appealing
vision to encourage the employees to have the same vision to achieve their own
goals; 3. Intellectual stimulation – leaders question the popular beliefs and
encourage followers to constantly learn new things and minimize playing safe
always; 4. Individualized consideration – leaders focus on attending to the personal
needs and concerns of each follower. They mentor and recognize their followers’
unique contributions and talents (Goethals and Hoyt, 2017).

2. Transactional leadership or managerial leadership focuses on the outcomes,

conforms to the existing order and structure, and applies the system of rewards and
punishments in motivating its followers. In contrast to the former, transactional 4

leadership's primary goal is to keep things the same. Therefore, it does not open to
changes. The leaders pay more attention to the work of followers to find errors and
deviations. Leaders of transactional leadership used contingent reward and
management by exception as a form of compliance. The contingent reward is a
recognition given whenever their followers successfully meet the desired goals,
often used by women leaders. In contrast, management by exception is used to
address the followers only when they fail to achieve desired goals by pointing out
the errors and shortcomings, often used by men (Goethals and Hoyt, 2017).

Transformational leadership, as previously stated, is a more engaged and motivating

style of leadership because it encourages participation and contribution from followers
than transactional leadership. Studies showed women outperform men across all four
dimensions of transformational leadership. This major difference is consistent with women
being more communal, democratic, collaborative, and perhaps more socio-emotional
oriented. In addition, research findings emphasized that leaders who implemented the four
forms of transformational leadership, as well as the "contingent reward" of transactional
leadership, are more effective. Thus, women tend to use a more effective style of
leadership which revealed to promote cooperation and support social values and are
somewhat unable to support unethical decisions (Goethals and Hoyt, 2017).

Significance of the Study

1. National Government and Local Government Units (LGUs)

The researchers believe that this study would enlighten the National Government and
Local Government Units (LGUs) as to why the large gender gap in the Philippines
persisted despite efforts and initiatives to increase women's participation and
representation. This study showed that society needs elected women leaders because
women's leadership style contributes to and provides methods and approaches for the
advancement of society and the well-being of the people. Additionally, through the
findings of the study, the National Government would be more informed of the challenges
elected women leaders experience, not just in the society they govern but also in their
workplace. Through this, the National Government and Local Government Units (LGUs)
may realize the importance of strengthening their efforts to provide more seminars,
workshops, and training programs for aspiring women leaders, as well as implement
concrete practices and enforceable legislation to protect elected women leaders and to
promote gender equality and women's empowerment extensively and effectively.
2. Elected Women and Men Leaders, Government Agencies, and other
The researchers believe that the findings of this study would serve as an enlightenment
to Women and Men Elected Leaders, Government Agencies, and other Organizations to
envision further actions such as movements, projects, programs, workshops, and policies
that would contribute to increasing the number of women leaders in the field of politics
and governance. This study may also help the mentioned stakeholders realize the
importance of elected women in leadership roles. The findings of this study could serve as
a wake-up call to take the lead and work collaboratively with one another in promoting
and protecting women's rights, educating and assisting potential women leaders in
developing their skills and knowledge to fully realize their full potential, which would
undoubtedly contribute to the betterment of society in the long run. Hence, this study
would be a guide to advance the situation and fully recognize elected women leaders as
legitimate leaders and key agents of positive change.

3. Future Researchers
This study may serve as a cross-reference in the future to undertake additional studies
or assess the reliability of the connected findings of the study. The findings of this study
are a beneficial source for future research purposes since this would be valuable
information that may supply necessary information that would help future researchers who
opt to further analyze elected women leaders. Furthermore, researchers believe that this
study served as a guide for other researchers who want to pursue the same study.
Conducting the same research is essential since the issues discussed here must assess in
the following years to see if there is progress in women's political participation and
engagement, as well as if society's attitude toward elected women improves.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study determined and analyzed the importance and challenges of elected
women in leadership positions in public office. This study discusses the status of men and
women in politics and governance in terms of leadership and presents the important traits,
characteristics, and skills and the impacts that would recognize women as important actors
in leadership, particularly in elective public office. Additionally, the study presented the
challenges elected women leaders encountered in entering politics and running for public

Data collection from interviews with sixteen (16) Councilors elected in the 2019
election, particularly in selected Cities and Municipalities in Cavite, and three (3) experts
used to supplement and enhance the foundation and framework of the study. However, due
to the limited availability of time and certain materials that are not accessible through
online platforms and are only obtainable in a physical library, the study is limited to
government data, other existing related published studies, protected papers, and three
experts consisting of two (2) females and one (1) male.

Definition of Terms

Characteristics - In Biology Articles, Tutorials & Dictionary Online (2022),

characteristics are qualities or traits unique to a person, creature, or group. It can be used
to identify a group of people with shared characteristics or classify an individual or a
group from others. 

Elective – In Lexicon (n.d.), elective refers to an individual or office appointed or filled

through election. Also, it refers to a body or position having the power to elect a political

Gender-biased - Reiners (2021) defined gender bias as the inclination to favor or prefer
one gender over another. A person tends to receive different treatments due to the
perception regarding gender. Unconscious prejudice often happens when one individual
unintentionally attaches certain attitudes and preconceptions to another person or group of
people. 7

Gender Discrimination – Springer Link (n.d.) defined gender discrimination as the unfair
treatment of a particular individual or group of individuals based on gender, which mostly
happens to women. It usually occurs when an individual is denied an opportunity or
misconstrued primarily because of their gender, also referred to as sexism. 

Gender Inequality - According to the European Institute for Gender Equality (2016),
gender inequality occurs in legal, social, and cultural contexts in which gender and/or sex
is the basis for determining the rights and dignity of both men and women. The inequality
could be seen in uneven access and enjoyment of rights and the acceptance of
stereotypical social and cultural roles.

Gender Role - According to CliffsNotes (n.d), gender roles are culturally and individually
defined. They dictate how men and women should perceive, behave, look, and behave in a

Governance – In Governance Today (n.d.), governance is defined as a system wherein

institutions are directed and controlled. It refers to the framework and rules that influence
decision-making, accountability, control, and behavior at an institution's highest levels. 

Importance - In Merriam-Webster (n.d), importance implies a characteristic or feature

that has a significant amount of value or relevance.

Leadership – Pratt (n.d.) defined leadership as the individual or group of individuals'

ability to influence and guide subordinates or other members of a particular organization
to achieve shared goals. Leadership necessarily requires certain characteristics, such as
good communication skills, charisma, assertiveness, and empathy. 

Patriarchy – According to Napikoski (2020), patriarchy is derived from the ancient Greek
word patriarches, a society wherein men hold power and possess more privilege: head of
the household, leaders of social groups, bosses or superiors in the workplace, and head of
state. In the traditional patriarchal system, the older men possessed power over the
younger generations of men, and women were oppressed. In the modern patriarchal
system, most men hold power, and this power hierarchy has been widely accepted by
various societies.  8

Political Participation – IGI Global (n.d.) defined political participation as any action
that shapes, forms, or are involved in the political realm. It refers to wide-ranging
activities taken by individuals who shape and control the decision-making processes that
affect them and the lives of citizens.

Political Representation – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2018) defined political

representation as activities that help citizens' voices, opinions, and perspectives be heard in
public policy-making processes. It tends to happen when political actors speak, advocate,
and represent the interests of others in the political realm.
Politics – In Merriam-Webster (n.d.), politics is defined as an art or science of
government. It involves activities that influence governmental policies or acquire and
maintain power in a government. 

Recognition - Collins Dictionary (n.d) defined it as an act and process of understanding

and accepting someone or something. It also refers to the acknowledgment of the
existence, legality, and validity of someone or something.

Skills - In Merriam-Webster (n.d.), the capacity to put one's learning to good use in
implementation or performance. A trained ability to do tasks efficiently. In other words, in
Cambridge Dictionary (n.d.), it is the capacity to successfully do a task or activity,
especially if you have mastered it.

Traits - In Biology Articles (n.d.), it is defined as aspects or individual characteristics of

an individual that are affected by the environment and/or generated by genes. In addition,
to Merriam-Webster (n.d.), it is a characteristic that distinguishes a person's personality. 

Underrepresented - In Merriam-Webster (n.d), underrepresented refers to being

insufficiently represented. It is used to define groups or communities that make up a lesser
percentage of a population than a bigger segment. 

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