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Final Examination
2013/2014 Academic Session

June 2014

JIM 104 – Introduction To Statistics

[Pengantar Statistik]

Duration : 3 hours
[Masa: 3 jam]

Please ensure that this examination paper contains TWENTY TWO printed pages before
you begin the examination.

Answer ALL questions. You may answer either in Bahasa Malaysia or in English.

Read the instructions carefully before answering.

Each question is worth 100 marks.

In the event of any discrepancies, the English version shall be used.

[Sila pastikan bahawa kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi DUA PULUH DUA muka
surat yang bercetak sebelum anda memulakan peperiksaan ini.

Jawab SEMUA soalan. Anda dibenarkan menjawab sama ada dalam Bahasa Malaysia
atau Bahasa Inggeris.

Baca arahan dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawab soalan.

Setiap soalan diperuntukkan 100 markah.

Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan pada soalan peperiksaan, versi Bahasa

Inggeris hendaklah digunapakai.]

-2- [JIM 104]

1. (a) The cost per load (in cents) of 35 laundry detergents tested by a consumer
organization are shown below.

Class Limit Frequency

13-19 2
20-26 7
27-33 12
34-40 5
41-47 6
48-54 1
55-61 0
62-68 2

(i) Construct a histogram and frequency polygon.

(ii) Construct an ogive and hence, find the percentage of detergents that cost
more than 50 cents per load.
(iii) Find the mean, median and mode.
(iv) Based on (iii) what can you say about the distribution of the cost of the
(60 marks)

(b) High school children spend an average of 3 hours per day online. If the
standard deviation is 32 minutes, find the range in which at least 88.89% of
the data will lie. Use Chebychev’s theorem.
(20 marks)

(c) Given the data set: 5, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21.

(i) Find the percentile rank for each test score.

(ii) What test score corresponds to the 33rd percentile?
(20 marks)

2. (a) Box I contains 3 red and 2 blue marbles while Box II contains 2 red and 8
blue marbles. A fair coin is tossed. If the coin turns up heads, a marble is
chosen from Box I; if it turns up tails, a marble is chosen from Box II.

(i) Draw a tree diagram for the above experiment.

(ii) List the sample space.
(iii) Find the probability that a red marble is chosen.
(50 marks)

-3- [JIM 104]

(b) In a large university, the probability that a student takes calculus and is on the
dean’s list is 0.042. The probability that a student is on the dean’s list is 0.21.
Find the probability that the student is taking calculus, given that he or she is
on the dean’s list.
(30 marks)

(c) In a board of directors composed of 8 people, how many ways can one chief
executive officer, one director, and one treasurer be selected?
(20 marks)

3. (a) The average credit card debt for college seniors is RM3262. If debt is
normally distributed with a standard deviation of RM1100, find the
probability that a senior owes

(i) at least RM1000,

(ii) more than RM4000,
(iii) between RM3000 and RM4000.
(35 marks)

(b) Ninety percent of all people between the ages of 30 and 50 drive a car. Given
a sample of 20 in that age group, find the probabilities of

(i) exactly 20 drive a car,

(ii) at least 15 drive a car,
(iii) at most 15 drive a car.
(35 marks)

(c) The probabilities that a text book page will have 0, 1, 2, or 3 typographical
errors are 0.79, 0.12, 0.07, and 0.02, respectively. If eight pages are randomly
selected, find the probability that four will contain no errors, two will contain
1 error, one will contain 2 errors, and one will contain 3 errors.
(30 marks)

4. (a) The mean weight of 20 year old males is 142 pounds and the standard
deviation is 12.3 pounds. If a sample of thirty-six 20 year old males is
selected, find the probability that the mean of the sample will be greater than
144.5 pounds. Assume the variable is normally distributed.
(40 marks)

(b) Women comprise 83.3 % of all factory workers. In a random sample of 300
factory workers, what is the probability that more than 50 are men?
(30 marks)

-4- [JIM 104]

(c) Suppose a study of 40 students showed that they spent, on average, 12.6
minutes solving a problem in an assignment.

(i) Find a point estimate of the mean.

(ii) Find the 90 % confidence interval of the mean for solving a problem in
an assignment when  = 2.5 minutes.
(30 marks)

5. (a) The average number of days per year students in a particular school missed
school due to illness is claimed to be less than the national average of 10. The
following data show the number of days missed by 40 students last year. Is
there sufficient evidence to believe the claim at α = 0.05? Use the P-value
method. (use s to estimate ).

0 6 12 3 3 5 4 1
3 9 6 0 7 6 3 4
7 4 7 1 0 8 12 3
2 5 10 5 15 3 2 5
3 11 8 2 2 4 1 9

(40 marks)

(b) Two groups of students are given a problem-solving test, and the results are
compared. Test if there’s any difference in the mean of the results of the two
majors. Use  = 0.10.

Biology majors Physics majors

(30 marks)

(c) The time it takes for a customer to speak to a personnel at a customer service
department in recorded. If the time taken by a sample of 23 customers has a
standard deviation of 3.8 minutes, find a 95% confidence interval for the
variance and standard deviation of the time taken. Assume the variable is
normally distributed.

(30 marks)

-5- [JIM 104]

1. (a) Kos per muatan (dalam sen) 35 bahan pencuci yang diuji oleh persatuan
pengguna adalah seperti di bawah:

Had Kelas Frekuensi

13-19 2
20-26 7
27-33 12
34-40 5
41-47 6
48-54 1
55-61 0
62-68 2

(i) Bina histogram dan poligon frekuensi.

(ii) Bina ogif dan seterusnya, cari peratusan bahan pencuci yang kosnya
lebih daripada 50 sen bagi setiap muatan.
(iii) Cari min, median dan mod.
(iv) Berdasarkan (iii) apa yang anda boleh katakan tentang taburan kos
bahan pencuci?
(60 markah)

(b) Kanak-kanak sekolah menengah menghabiskan purata 3 jam setiap hari atas
talian. Jika sisihan piawai ialah 32 minit, cari julat di mana sekurang-
kurangnya 88.89% daripada data akan berada. Gunakan teorem Chebychev.
(20 markah)

(c) Diberi set data: 5, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21.

(i) Cari persentil untuk setiap markah ujian.

(iii) Apakah markah ujian yang sepadan dengan persentil ke-33?
(20 markah)

2. (a) Kotak I mengandungi 3 biji guli merah dan 2 biji guli biru manakala Kotak II
mengandungi 2 biji guli merah dan 8 biji guli biru. Sekeping duit syiling adil
dilambungkan. Jika kepala yang muncul, sebiji guli akan diambil daripada
Kotak I, jika bunga yang muncul, sebiji guli akan diambil daripada Kotak II.

(i) Lukiskan gambarajah pohon untuk eksperimen ini.

(ii) Senaraikan ruang sampelnya.
(iii) Dapatkan kebarangkalian guli merah dipilih.
(50 markah)

-6- [JIM 104]

Di sebuah universiti yang besar, kebarangkalian seorang pelajar mengambil
kalkulus dan berada dalam senarai dekan adalah 0.042. Kebarangkalian
seorang pelajar berada dalam senarai dekan adalah 0.21. Cari kebarangkalian
bahawa pelajar itu mengambil kalkulus, diberi dia berada dalam senarai
(30 markah)

(c) Di dalam satu lembaga pengarah yang terdiri daripada 8 orang, berapa banyak
carakah seorang ketua pegawai eksekutif, seorang pengarah, dan seorang
bendahari boleh dipilih?
(20 markah)

3. (a) Min hutang kad kredit untuk pelajar kolej tahun akhir ialah RM3262. Jika
hutang tersebut bertaburan secara normal dengan sisihan piawai sebesar
RM1100, dapatkan kebarangkalian bahawa pelajar tersebut

(i) berhutang sekurang-kurangnya RM1000,

(ii) berhutang lebih daripada RM4000,
(iii) berhutang di antara RM3000 dan RM4000.
(35 markah)

(b) Sembilan puluh peratus daripada semua orang yang berumur di antara 30 dan
50 memandu kereta. Bagi sampel seramai 20 dalam kelompok umur tersebut
dapatkan kebarangkalian

(i) tepat 20 memandu kereta,

(ii) sekurang-kurangnya 15 memandu kereta,
(iii) paling ramai 15 memandu kereta.
(35 markah)

(c) Kebarangkalian bahawa suatu muka surat sebuah buku teks mempunyai 0, 1,
2, atau 3 kesilapan taip, masing-masing adalah 0.79, 0.12, 0.07, dan 0.02. Jika
8 muka surat dipilih secara rawak, dapatkan kebarangkalian bahawa 4
daripadanya tidak mengandungi sebarang kesilapan, dua akan mengandungi 1
kesilapan, satu akan mengandungi 2 kesilapan, dan satu akan mengandungi 3
(30 markah)

4. (a) Min berat badan lelaki berusia 20 tahun adalah 142 paun dan sisihan piawai
adalah 12.3 paun. Jika satu sampel tiga puluh enam orang lelaki berusia 20
tahun dipilih, dapatkan kebarangkalian bahawa min dari sampel tersebut lebih
besar daripada 144.5 paun. Anggap pembolehubah bertaburan secara normal.
(40 markah)

(b) Peratus wanita yang bekerja dikilang ialah 83.3%. Dalam sampel rawak 300
orang pekerja kilang, berapakah kebarangkalian bahawa lebih daripada 50
adalah pekerja lelaki?
(30 markah)

-7- [JIM 104]

(c) Katakan satu kajian terhadap 40 pelajar menunjukkan bahawa mereka

menghabiskan, secara purata, 12.6 minit untuk menyelesaikan satu soalan di
dalam tugasan.

(i) Dapatkan anggaran titik untuk min.

(ii) Dapatkan selang keyakinan 90% untuk min menyelesaikan satu soalan
didalam tugasan anda bila  = 2.5 minit.
(30 markah)

5. (a) Purata bilangan hari dalam setahun yang tidak dihadiri pelajar disebuah
sekolah tertentu kerana sakit didakwa adalah kurang daripada min nasional 10
hari. Data berikut menunjukkan bilangan hari yang tidak dihadiri oleh 40
pelajar pada tahun lepas. Adakah terdapat bukti yang cukup untuk
mempercayai dakwaan tersebut pada α = 0.05? Gunakan kaedah nilai-P.
(gunakan s untuk menganggar ).

0 6 12 3 3 5 4 1
3 9 6 0 7 6 3 4
7 4 7 1 0 8 12 3
2 5 10 5 15 3 2 5
3 11 8 2 2 4 1 9

(40 markah)

(b) Dua kumpulan pelajar diberikan ujian penyelesaian masalah, dan

keputusannya dibandingkan. Ujikan sama ada terdapat perbezaan di antara
min keputusan kedua-dua major. Gunakan  = 0.10.

Major Biologi Major Fizik

(30 markah)

(d) Masa yang diambil oleh pelanggan untuk bercakap dengan kakitangan di jabatan
perkhidmatan pelanggan direkodkan. Jika satu sampel yang terdiri daripada 23
pelanggan mempunyai sisihan piawai 3.8 minit, dapatkan selang keyakinan 95%
untuk varians dan sisihan piawai bagi masa yang diambil. Andaikan
pembolehubah bertaburan normal.
(30 markah)

-8- [JIM 104]

Important Formulas
Chapter 3 Data Description

Mean for individual data:

Mean for grouped data:

Standard deviation for a sample:

Standard deviation for grouped data:

Range rule of thumb:

Median for grouped data:

n = sum of frequencies
cf = cumulative frequency of class immediately preceding the median class
w = width of median class
f = frequency of median class
Lm = lower boundary of median class

Chapter 4 Probability of Counting Rules

Addition rule 1 (mutually exclusive events):

Addition rule 2 (events not mutually exclusive):

Multiplication rule 1 (independent events):

-9- [JIM 104]

Multiplication rule 2 (dependent events):

Conditional probability:

Complementary events:

Fundamental counting rule: Total number of outcomes of a sequence when each event
has a different number of possibilities:

Permutation rule: Number of permutations of n objects taking r at a time is

Combination rule: Number of combinations of r objects selected from n objects is

Chapter 5 Discrete Probability Distributions

Mean for a probability distribution:

Variance and standard deviation for a probability distribution:


Binomial probability:

Mean for binomial distribution:

Variance and standard deviation for the binomial distribution:

- 10 - [JIM 104]

Multinomial probability:

Poisson probability: where X = 0, 1, 2, ...

Hypergeometric probability:

Chapter 6 The Normal Distribution

Standard score:

Mean of sample means:

Standard error of the mean:

Central limit theorem formula:

Chapter 7 Confidence Intervals and Sample Size

z confidence interval for means:

t confidence interval for means:

Sample size for means: where E is the maximum error of estimate

Confidence interval for a proportion:

- 11 - [JIM 104]

Sample size for a proportion:

where and

Confidence interval for variance:

Confidence interval for standard deviation:

Chapter 8 Hypothesis Testing

for any value n. If n < 30, population must be normally distributed.

for  unknown and n  30

for n < 30 (d.f. = n – 1)

z test for proportions:

Chi-square test for a single variance:

(d.f. = n – 1)

- 12 - [JIM 104]

Chapter 9 Testing the Difference Between Two Means, Two Variances and Two

z test for comparing two means (independent samples);

Formula for the confidence interval for difference of two means (large samples):

Note: can be used when

F test for comparing two variances:

where is the larger variance and

t test for comparing two means (independent samples, variances not equal):

(d.f. = the smaller on n1 – 1 or n2 – 1)

- 13 - [JIM 104]

Formula for the confidence interval for difference of two means (small independent
samples, variance unequal):

(d.f. = smaller of n1 – 1 and n2 – 1)

t test for comparing two means (independent samples, variances equal):

(d.f. = n1 + n2 – 2)

Formula for the confidence interval for difference of two means (small independent
samples, variances equal):

and d.f. = n1 + n2 – 2.

t test for comparing two means for dependent samples:

- 14 - [JIM 104]

Formula for confidence interval for the mean of the difference for dependent samples:

(d.f. = n – 1)

t test for comparing two proportions:


Formula for the confidence interval for the difference of two proportions:

- 15 - [JIM 104]

- 16 - [JIM 104]

- 17 - [JIM 104]

- 18 - [JIM 104]

- 19 - [JIM 104]

- 20 - [JIM 104]

- 21 - [JIM 104]

- 22 - [JIM 104]

- oooOooo -


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