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What are the roles that international organizations, non-government organizations, and

the United Nations do in global governance?

International organizations play a significant role in global governance. They promote

opportunities for exchange, debate, and collaboration pertaining to social policy. NGOs serve a
different purpose. NGOs are a helpful resource of knowledge and technical support for
governments and international organizations. They typically provide local data that is
inaccessible to and unseen by governments. NGOs are vital to society's advancement,
community development, and citizen engagement. The United Nations is devoted to upholding
global peace and security, fostering good ties between nations, and advancing social
development, improved livelihoods, and human rights.

Is the United Nations successful in achieving its goals?

Numerous deployments of peacekeepers and initiatives to enhance safety and peace

have been successful. In hundreds of countries, the UN has effectively carried out humanitarian
missions to aid in conflict resolution and promote reunification. The UN has not truly been able
to put a stop to all violence and create lasting peace in the world. However, this is definitely too
much to demand from any organization. They clearly did not put an end to the war in this world.
It is nevertheless feasible to claim that these actions have contributed to the emergence of a
less violent society.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The IMF provides extensive assistance to low-income countries through strength and
monitoring programs, as well as budgetary provisions, to assist them in achieving or recovering
a macroeconomic state conducive to robust and long-term poverty reduction and development.
It currently has a key position in the control of problems with the payment balance and world
economic catastrophes.

World Bank
The World Bank supports long-term growth in the economy and the elimination of
poverty by offering technical and financial assistance to assist nations in developing new
processes or projects like the construction of schools, the provision of water and electricity,
disease prevention, and environmental protection. It is significant because it promotes global
economic participation, which helps to reestablish and preserve globalization's positive effects.

World Trade Organization

WTO serves as a platform for nations to discuss trade deals. The major purpose of the
World Trade Organization is to maintain the most efficient, predictable, and unrestricted flow of
trade. It is an important component of the organization as it could improve economic growth and
aid in nation-building.

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