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Our mind is the most powerful organ in our body, it can control how we cope, adapt, solve

problems, and make choices in our lives. It is very important that we take care of our mental
health as much as we take care of our physical health.

In the documentary “Mental” of the GMA it was shown the very poor ventilation of each rooms
or what they called pavilions. It was humid and oppressive, and the sickly moans of the
patients filled the suffocating space. The flies buzzed incessantly, landing on open wounds
and feeding on the stale food that lay unattended on trays. The nurses, overworked and
underpaid, could do little to help the suffering patients, as they too were affected by the
unbearable conditions.

The hospital was severely understaffed, with just one doctor for hundreds of patients. The
doctor rushed from bed to bed, checking on the sick and dispensing medication as best he
could. But with so many patients to attend to, he could only provide basic care, and many of
the patients were left to suffer without proper medical attention.

Outside the wards, the hospital grounds were equally depressing. The walls were stained with
dirt and grime, the paint peeling off in places. The corridors were dimly lit, with broken light
fixtures that flickered and buzzed. The toilets were overflowing with feces and urine, and there
was no running water to flush them away.

In the midst of all this misery, the patients lay helpless and in pain, some crying out for their
loved ones, others praying for relief from their suffering. It was a living hell, a place of despair
and hopelessness. And yet, for many who had nowhere else to turn, this was their only
source of medical care.

The hospital was a stark reminder of the dire need for proper healthcare facilities in the
country. It was a plea for help to the government and to society at large, to invest in the health
of its citizens and to provide them with the basic human right of access to healthcare.The
government should prioritize mental health and allocate more funds for mental health services
and education. They can work towards creating more facilities and programs that cater
specifically to mentally ill patients.

They can also work towards addressing the stigma and ignorance surrounding mental health
by implementing educational campaigns that promote understanding and acceptance.
Furthermore, there is still a stigma surrounding mental health in the Philippines. Many people
believe that mental illness is a result of personal weakness or even possession by evil spirits.
This stigma prevents many from seeking help, which only exacerbates the problem. The lack
of education and awareness about mental health can also contribute to families not knowing
how to properly care for their loved ones who have mental illnesses.

In conclusion, mental health in the Philippines is an issue that needs urgent attention from the
government. More funds and resources should be allocated towards mental health services
and education to help reduce cases of mental illness and address the stigma surrounding it.
Mental health should be taken seriously so that individuals and their families can receive the
care and support they need.

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