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Anshu kumat

he baning of fosil bvels orerpopu laton de horestatgn and wrasta

asPosal a hae a sianihi tant adverse <hbet o
9ur eniyon mea! A an) the plant itlbtho
."ympact h each ot each o th follouring pheno
e diiese And yet wery in tey-Connected
a) Buanimg o Fossil Fuels
fossil huels Such as oil s natal gas
Coal etc. s dlo main Souse o eenhouse gos emmist
’hese yajes in tutn cause Alobal wuY ming &ad glob
and ci mae chonge
’ hlobal Warming s Clinot Chene Causes
isig Sea levedextre me weathes evenb &yat and othey
Pnviron henta Prob lens
b) Orbopulaha
’ when the populathio inckeases siFwibi con tly it pus

7 More peopk m
nean in Cheased re yuim ent o bood
Shelter theyutey et
ats deods to dehor est ation, pollutien ondothes
’ UA
enion ent problems
De hoes taten
USes Suh
de velop ment housiny et is called defores tation
Fo, ess
play mp o tont ole in enyiron nent by
bsorbing Os proiding hebitat bor uild lie , golat
wates cy cle et
Dehores taon dads to imate
chonge , sod e05ibm and
des oy ei bio
Waste didpos ali
’ Waste disposal is a maja
pollute enrinonment problem becaus lt Con
wastes wt pro dyce i) hot di sposed o
Propesy it ontaminate Soil & ate

you cae Can See thatt

that all th ab 0t probimi
yce BA
So t is im poy toat to
ades thes prob lens nd Sole take Steps to
, beho is bo lete.
2 Hy Ymns
LU mpact re hatattgs
laion Ship
hare al aayy had a cloie an d
with th e n mint
-We degend om it bor oUY b0S ic needs -
Ouy inter ation
wiho the
po SiHve ond emiyonm
Deen boto posie tn so
So bor hge
nogahi e
Agi co lture Humors haut
been ha mi ng hor

h)s has allo ued us to
produee sup lus o bood fo
tlis has help ed tob
buing o inprote the health and
mang people
dech nology*
G natul esoUsce has ed to tha
new tch deelop In ent
’Some hing no'ogies .
that was Gon si
yesteday is dered
he heality to day
from the discovevy d
to make wheel 8 hire to n
System im miatns humon in now being able >
hno' ogies hae tallegenci
Inproved yualihg ob be la
mony ways
(c) Ayt s lultue
’ Human hae been nspised by tho natynd rolJ box
musi as wel as Deligious Bspir ituad belieh s
’ OUx actvities polu te t air, wateh s lond
’ This does hnm to bo humons

(b) cimate chan9ei

Incoase In th 9xeen houe goses h atmosphese de to
Dvesuse ot bossl hele in bluenes the dinat of the eas th.
’ hjs in tug n exeme
1S Causing etesne weathe eents 5hand
ise in ea de vtls
OMabita doss
’ We a3e ck ating boredt and othes ntorel hobi
tats to
DOtO homes ytoads Ond ohes nboaptructur
’ his is
destroying homes o many plon t s aimals.
’ t is im potant to hind ays b
balone oUy need t
Lih th needs od the enriron ment Fo, that to
m0ny Susta'nable stoagies hat could be apl
implemented So me
fuels. fossil oate atey otA
an gase9enhouse produce dont hat powes
ond Sol6as asSuch dgy Renewabl
ene e
Enevg9 ablRenew
e (bO) ’
bo. thy prodoci
heal hg keep Coulo
hsey that water
So 8soil the protect helos
to tt ’
mert ron enri Je on imoat
holops cuspU,
os othoy DUY educa
o-d g en yate Yving Lonse ’
seati Con (b)
bil s lond togoes
Reeylinghat wnste
omountof huduo
th helps
to hoteia
cling: Recy (a)
An ecoosystem
5ystem )s a
àn a pa)
Pa hcuda awa, Lohich intesad in texad with
tach othe the envibon ment (no,
liing included).
I) an ecosyStem t
Biohe ta ctos

’ ecosystem tte
Plant on'maJt, fongi,
inc luded n his
bacteyia and othes icYo-Oyqamim
() Abiote facors e
on-kiving batos in
’ hes Inctude Sun hgtt, wa ter and
b Biodive Sta is tho arietty ye lashtt nclode
iing things s 6vom bacte
via to plant to ani mals
Aoe au many easons
to why
a) i) Habit at Los bìoive sity s being

We hum 0ns
lai nu ate. desbeyig
Jhis is
buing done dhovgh
kgli ties
0thoy atties dehoesta tion dr ve lopment ani

Speies ploats o.d


Pll tien is
haymi g meng Speies oh plan
homig dnimatt
3As hay been done h»othouugh dh lease of themi tol!
waste othe pullutonth ino he
proble n o miceploths i Sog out of
(onb( hot il has been

iv) ci male Change

climale chane is Caubimg ho tor ths
)his Causes clim ate to chany
)Jhs is hauing lke 6loodisg dnd elhng
hegate impat On many glacont
Spcies plant
(V) hvo Sive Spri
9h asive Species
Spe eres au he
may Out compete notive
Lead do inelion
Nitoaen cCu ce ds o bio chomial (ycb tha
descsibes mend ot nithogen dhrovgh th
’ Sinco nitogen
is Ab an
acid which ahe importonomponent ob ami
-’ And esposible bo
hormatibn o proteix.
Organ Sm S
being the building bloc k bor all ivig
-’ DSo) nihogen
cycle is ey
mportat to sustoih lihe
Steps fn ntogen Cycle

9asl) to ammona CWH)

process o Convey nihoger
’ Js process is
Caried out by mul tode o, mioo
bo nio
’ t i the
take vp proce$s bu
by which plonts anl othe
ntoatelWoz) other
bom Soil
ond use ! to otjanismt
yn tosize
ntogen con tainihs
le+ his point big hiis Compnds
tn olter
hake Sopoin
iti ast)
procecs Db
hale CNDy) Contng
am monia (Wn) in!
monia into
by gvoup battela called itoi hiess:
(y Ammonihoton
1Ato ammonla VH 3)
Hhis is done byby bacteia s Bngi

2t Is proces) of Con reoig mitrat ( o3) batk into

nitogen g0s CM.
’hs is ae caj ied ot by
baceterd ad calle d Oenitibiess.
Cycde is
ba lane process aj |+ ma'ntaa
agrclure as plon t ned
hitro ge 4t Is
P>oLes ts Sent a
tor libe
bacteri xid at
Chit sononas)
mate No

Consumpthan KPland nitate buctead ct datin

Fes ti lieg Cniby baches)
Aiy llytbn ,

col’ Vatual Souy ces

NotuJ Sous (es o at
Stos) pollutin
Wild hire ond ea includ volconyes , dujt )

unan- made Saces
Mumon made
Sources of
poltutibn nclude
incod, Cas, hki
boctoies )powty plont
Qctinties ond ayic tual

Photochemical Smog *
t s a
type o aly
when Syn liht
Suniht tacts unth polluhen thot is bormd
yde man
pollutnts that
pollutomts in th
t a
o lontibute to phochemia
Doy oniC nitegem
Lom pOund S
oxi des o, ) ond
S mog
Prob lems inc can Cause aavan
vanetyo health
luding espi vaD
poobem S eye iitat
toophicat on

be wtes be Comes en ehed utn huti ents, suct

as nitrog en
This Con ead to eerestje plont ath utic en
Qep lete Ony 9en kevels in th wates and harm

’ seotophicato lon be caused by a ariety t

bactors in cluding griolhal tu nobb Siuag?
dischaae and in dustial raste

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