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1st slide: Title

2nd slide: learning objectives

If you choose among these two Food

corporation which one will you choose….

3st slide:
Jollibee or Macdo

Is your reason based on food corporation
facts or is just based on your personal
point of view.

Sometime class we let our judgement be

affected by our emotions instead of
presenting facts about an issue or topic
and that makes our statement biased…
Do you have any idea what is bias? In
uour own opinion Lang class.

4rt slide:
So what is a bias?
Show slides Boys read….

When we say Unbiased class it is based

on facts…

Example: According to President duterte

goodbye Kapa.
The Department of education stated that
magiging maaga ang Christmas break.
According to NASA
5th slide:
(SHOW SLIDE) - Are you familiar with
the standing issues..?Because of social
media we have an easy access to any
news or issues that is trending
nationwide… and the moment we hear or
watch news we immediately react to it.

WHY class?

Because writers of this trending news

used strategies that appeals to the
viewers or listeners. But have you ever
think of an author or a writer is bias?
6th to 7th slide:
Show slides Read and explain!
8th slide:
Every author holds opinions that affect
his or her discussion of an issue…..

Opinions that you as reader must try to

recognized and understand.

Such judgement show an authors biases

or preferences for one side of an issue
over another..

9th slide:
Next slide.. So how can we spot bias?
10th slide: These are the things to
remember class in recognizing bias
Show slides….read


11th slide: (Next slide)

Word choice and connotation or look for
loaded words connotation is an implied
meaning of a word aside from its literal
meaning another may influence the
readers by using words that are charged
with emotion that are positive or

12 slide:
Example: His friend looks like a gangster
The loaded word here is gangster, the
denotative or dictionary meaning of it is
member of a gun or a bully. And one of
the connotative or suggestive meanings
of this can be someone who is
frightening. Now as a reader you have to
analyze whether the word is positive or

Another example class is when we saw a

person na daghan og tatoo..

Another example:
Erika is a forceful best friend

The word forceful here can be positive or

It will be positive if Erika serves as your
supporter or motivator who pushes you
to achieve something you like.
And it will be negative if Erika force you
to do something against your will

Nasabtan pa class??

13th slide: Next is the names and titles

Show slide read

14th slide: Example:

1. Jennie, an average student, joined
the quiz bee.
If this will be how the author present the
concept it is biased for he or she is
stereotypes or labels just she is an
average student who doesn’t have a
chance of winning.

2. Jennie, who got the highest score in

her section, joined the quiz bee.

Now this will be the presentation of the

concept: Jennie here was described as
someone who will present their section.

Nasabtan ang names and titles class??

15th- 16th slide: Next the third one is the

Placement and size.

Nasabtan class???
17th slide: The fourth is selection or
Show slide

18th slide: Make sure to consider

multiple sources to get a full story. And
know how to differentiate facts from

19th slide: Example: show slide

This is biased because the author did not
elaborate or tell the reason why the
mayor looks like that. He or she omitted
such important support in his or her

Nasabtan ang Selection or omission

20th slide: And the last one is the images
and videos
Some photos can make the subject look
beautiful intriguing serious and so on..
Other photos however cab be unsanitary
disappointing or ridiculous

Example: show slide.

Here is an example of a bias statement

Show slide
Showing favourites and expressing
preferences are example of bias.
Sa paghuhusga class kong sino ang
matalino sa pagitan ni jenna at jane hindi
dapat na maging basehan lang ang klase
ng relasyon na meron ka sa kanila hindi
porke kaibigan mo yung isa. Ay sya na
ang totoong mahusay at magaling, ang
tunay na dapat pag basehan ay ang
performance nila academically at paano
ito nag tatranslate sa grades na
nakukuha nila, sa paraang ito magiging
patas ang iyong paghusga at maiiwasan
ang pagiging bias.

COMPETENCY: Examine Biases (For or against) made by the author

Towards the end of the lesson, students are able to;
a. Determine the concept of bias,
b. To appreciate the importance of learning bias and;
c. To apply in real-life situations of learning bias.

Topic: Examine Biases ( for or against) made by the author

Reference: English Quarter 3 Module 1
Materials: Visual Aids,Pictures,Scotch tape,
Value focus: Cooperation, Teamwork

III. Lesson Procedures

A. preliminary activity: Prayer, Greetings, Checking of attendance, Review of previous

B. Motivation
Let’s try!
Directions: The teacher will divide the group into four. The student will say "UWU" with
action if the statement is in biased form and "Hoha" if the statement is unbiased.

1. Burger is the best food ever.

2. Dogs are cleaner that cats.
3. According to WHO, frequent washing of hands is one of the habits one must
4. Cotton candy is made up of sugar
5. The effects of online games are really very bad.

B. activity

Directions: Students will be divided into four groups. Look for trending news or
article on social media and try to analyze it. List down all the bias statements you
see in the article. 

C. analysis
The teacher will ask a question to the students. The answer must at least 5 sentences.
1. What is bias?
2. Give at least two situational example of bias.

D. abstraction
Discuss the Bias- is an opinion that influences a persons thoughts, feelings, or actions.
A person can be biased against something or have a bias for something.

E. application
Directions: ROLE PLAYING
Student will be divided into two groups. Create a scenario in which two singing
contestants compete in a school singing competition. Contestant # 1 shows excellent
performance and win the contest, than #2. One of the judges of the competition is the
aunt of C#1. C#2 claim that the contest has bias since one of the judges is the aunt of
VII. Assignment
Direction: Research in advance about the expression used in propaganda techniques.



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