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 Disadvantage of conventional concrete is the high self-weight of concrete.

 The density of the normal concrete is about 2200 Kg/m3 to 2600 Kg/m3.
 This heavy self-weight results in an uneconomical structure.
 Attempts have been made to reduce the self-weight of concrete to increase the efficiency
of concrete as structural material.
 The density of lightweight concrete varies from 300 to 1850 Kg/m3.


 Helps in reduction of dead loads.

 Increases the progress of the building.
 Lowers the haulage and handling cost.
 Overall weight of the building is reduced resulting in the corresponding reduction in the
size of the foundation.
 The formwork needs to withstand a lower pressure than ordinary concrete.
 Has low thermal conductivity. A property, which improves with decreasing density.
 Result in enhanced thermal comforts and lower power consumption.
 Gives an outlet for industrial waste such as fly ash, slag etc.


Basically there is only one method for making concrete light i.e. by the inclusion of air in
concrete. This is achieved in actual practice by three different ways:

 By using porous lightweight aggregate having a specific gravity less than 2.6. This type
of concrete is known as lightweight aggregate concrete
 By introducing large voids within the concrete or mortar mass by means of gas or air
bubbles. These voids should be clearly distinguished from the extremely fine voids
produced by air entrainment. This type of concrete is generally known as aerated,
cellular, foamed, or gas concrete.
 By omitting the fine aggregate from the mix so that a large number of interstitial voids is
present; normal weight coarse aggregate is used. This concrete is known as no-fines

It is clear that the presence of air voids reduces the strength of light concrete compared
with ordinary normal weight concrete. But in many applications high strength is not
essential and in others there are compensations. ( as described above ). Thus the case for
the use of structural lightweight concrete rests primarily on economic considerations.

Table 1 Shows the Whole range of Lightweight Concrete under Three Main Groups

Table 1 : Groups of Lightweight Concrete

S.N No-fines concrete Lightweight aggregate Aerated Concrete

o concrete Chemical Aerating Foaming
a Gravel Clinker Aluminium Preformed
powder method Foam
b Crushed stone Foamed slag Hydrogen Peroxide Air-
and bleaching entrained
powder method foam
c Coarse clinker Expanded clay
d Sintered pulverized Expanded shale
fuel ash
e Expanded clay or Expanded slate
f Expanded slate Sintered pulverized fuel ash
g Foamed slag Exfoliated vermiculite
h Expanded perlite
i Pumice
j Organic aggregate

Out of the three main groups of lightweight concrete the lightweight aggregate concrete and
aerated concrete are more often used than the no-fines concrete
 Lightweight concrete can also be classified according to the purpose for which it is to be

 Structural lightweight concrete, comparatively lighter than the conventional concrete but
at the same time strong enough to be used for structural purposes.
 This classification is based on the minimum strength: The 28-day cylinder compressive
strength should not be less than 17 MPa.(ASTM C 330-89)
 Concrete used in non-load bearing walls
 Insulating Concrete.

 The aerated concrete is more widely manufactured and used in the Scandinavian
countries; whereas in U.K, France, Germany and U.S.A. owing to the production of
large scale artificial industrial lightweight aggregate, lightweight aggregate concrete is
widely used.
 The trade names of some of the industrial lightweight aggregate are
 Leca (Expanded Clay produced in a rotary kiln),
 Aglite (Expanded shale/clay produced by Sinter strand method in which the moist
material is carried by a travelling Grate under burners),
 Lytag (Sintered pulverized Fuel Ash),
 Haydite (Expanded Shale)

Lightweight Aggregates
 Lightweight aggregates can be described into two categories:
1. Natural lightweight aggregate
2. Artificial lightweight aggregate.
Natural lightweight aggregate:
 The main aggregates in this category are

(a) Pumice
(b) Diatomite
(c) Scoria
(d) Volcanic Cinders
(e) Tuff
(f) Sawdust
(g) Rice Husk
 Except for Diatomite all of these are of volcanic origin.
 Natural lightweight aggregate is not found in many places and as such they are not used
extensively in making lightweight concrete.
 Out of the natural light aggregates pumice is, is rather widely used.
 Is a light coloured, froth like volcanic glass
 Bulk density in the region of 500 Kg/m3 to 900 Kg/m3.
 Structurally strong Pumice makes a satisfactory concrete with density of 700 Kg/m3 to
1400 Kg/m3.
 Good insulating properties
 High absorption and shrinkage.
 The lightness of the Pumice is due to the escaping of gas from the molten lava

 It is hydrated amorphous silica derived from the remains of microscopic aquatic plants
called diatoms.
 The deposits are formed beneath the deep ocean bed.
 Subsequently when the ocean bed is raised and becomes a continent, the diatomaceous
earth becomes available on land.
 In pure form it has an average weight of 450 Kg/m3.
 But due to impurities, the naturally available diatomite may weigh more than 450 Kg/m3.

 Scoria:- Scoria is also a light aggregate of volcanic origin which is usually dark in
colour and resembles the industrial cinders.

Artificial lightweight aggregate:

 These kind of aggregate are classified on the basis of the raw material used and the
method of manufacture.
 In the first type are included the aggregates produced by the application of heat in order
to expand clay, shale, slate, diatomaceous shale, perlite, and vermiculite.
 The second type is obtained by special cooling process through which an expansion of
blast furnace slag is obtained
 Industrial cinders form the third and the last group.

 The following are the main aggregates in this category.

(a) Artificial cinders
(b) Coke breeze
(c) Foamed Slag
(d) Bloated Clay
(e) Expanded Shale and Slate
(f) Sintered Fly Ash
(g) Exfoliated Vermiculite
(h) Expanded Perlite
(i) Expanded Blast Furnace Slag
(j) Thermocole Beads

 Perlite is a glassy volcanic rock found in America Italy, Ulster and elsewhere.
 When heated rapidly to the point of incipient fusion (900 to 1100C) it expands owing to
the evolution of steam and forms cellular material with a bulk density of as low as 30 to
240 Kg/m3.
 Concrete made with perlite has
 A very low strength.
 A high shrinkage, and
 Is used primarily for insulation purposes.
 An advantage of such concrete is that it is fast drying and can be finished rapidly.


 Vermiculite is a material with platy structure similar to that of mica, and is found in
America and Africa.
 When heated to temperature of 650C to 1000C, Vermiculite expands to several, or
even as many as 30 times, to its original volume by exfoliation of its thin plates.
 As a result the bulk density of the exfoliated vermiculite is only 60 Kg/m 3 to 130 Kg/m3
and the concrete made with it is of very low strength and exhibits high shrinkage but is
an excellent heat insulator

Expanded/Bloated Clay, Shale and Slate:-

 These are obtained by heating suitable raw materials in a rotary kiln to incipient fusion
(temperature of 1000 to 1200C), when expansion of the material takes place due to the
generation of the gases which get entrapped in the pyroplastic mass.
 This porous structure is retained on cooling so that the specific gravity of the expanded
material is lower than before heating.
 Often the raw material is reduced to the desired size before heating, but crushing after
expansion can also be applied.
 Expansion may also be achieved by the use of sinter strand.
 Here, the moistened material is carried on a travelling grate under burners so that the
heating gradually penetrates the full depth of the bed of the material, resulting in the
entrapment of the hot gases in the mass of the material.
 Expanded shale and clay aggregates made by sinter strand process have density of 650 to
900 Kg/m3, 300 to 650 Kg/m3 when made in the rotary kiln.
 They produce concrete with a density usually within the range of 1400 to 1800 Kg/m3.
 Concrete made with expanded shale or clay aggregates generally has a higher strength
than, when any other lightweight aggregate is used.

Expanded Blast Furnace Slag or Foamed Slag:-

 Foamed slag is one of the most important types of lightweight aggregates.

 Produced by rapidly quenching the blast furnace slag obtained from pig iron industry.
 If the cooling is done with a large excess of water, granulated slag is formed which is
used in the manufacture of blast furnace slag cement.
 Foamed slag is produced in two ways:-
1. When a limited amount of water in the form of spray comes in contact with the
molten slag as it being discharged from the furnace, steam is generated which bloats
the still plastic slag, so that the slag hardens in a porous mass, rather similar to
This process is known as Water Jet Process.
2. In the Machine Process, the molten slag is rapidly agitated with a controlled amount
of water, where steam and gases (formed due to the chemical reaction of some of the
slag constituents with water vapours) are entrapped in the mass resulting in the
formation of porous mass on subsequent cooling. This mass also resembles the
 Expanded or foamed slag is being used for many years and has a density between 300 to
1100 Kg/m3.
 Concrete produced with this slag has density of 950 to 1750 Kg/m3.
 In India large quantities of foamed slag is being manufactured in Mysore Iron and Steel
Works at Bhadravati.
 Industries have come up near the steel mill to manufacture pre-cast building blocks and
partition wall panels.
 Foamed slag is also used for the manufacture of RCC lintels and other small structural

Insulating ConcreteModerate Strength Structural Concrete

Sinter strand expanded clay or
Shale, pulverized fuel ash, and
expanded slag
Rotary-Kiln expanded clay,
shale and slate





200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

28-day air-dry density – Kg/m3

Fig 1:Typical ranges of densities of concrete made with various lightweight aggregates
 The various types of lightweight aggregates available allow
 Density of the concrete to range from a little over 300 1850 Kg/m3,
 Corresponding strength range of 0.3 to 40 MPa and sometimes even higher.
 Strength of about 60 MPa can be obtained with very high cement contents (560 Kg/m3).
 Strength of lightweight concrete depends upon the density of concrete.
 Less porous aggregate, which is heavier in weight produce stronger concrete particularly
with higher cement content.
 The grading of concrete, the W/C ratio, the degree of compaction also affects the
strength of concrete.
 Most of the lightweight aggregates have rapid and high rate of absorption, restricting the
use of normal mix design procedure.
 Care is to be taken to protect the reinforcement from corrosion, owing to the higher
water absorption rate.

 Some of the properties of lightweight aggregate concrete as compared to normal weight

concrete are:
(a) For the same strength, the modulus of elasticity is lower by 25 to 50 per cent; hence
deflections are greater.
(b) Resistance to freezing and thawing is greater because of the greater porosity,
provided the aggregate is not saturated before mixing.
(c) Fire resistance is greater because lightweight aggregates have a lesser tendency to
spall: the concrete also suffers a lower loss of strength with rise in temperature.
(d) Lightweight concrete is easier to cut or to have fitments attached.
(e) For the same compressive strength, the shear strength is lower by 15 to 25 % and the
bond strength is lower by 20 to 50 %. These differences have to be taken into account
in the design of reinforced concrete beams.
(f) For the same strength the creep of lightweight concrete is the same as that of normal
weight concrete.

Table 2 : Typical properties of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

Type of Type of Bulk Mix Dry Density Compressive

Concrete Aggregate Density of Proportion of Concrete Strength
Aggregate by Volume Kg/m3 MPa
Kg/m3 Cement:
Foamed Slag Fine 900 1:8 1700 7
Coarse 650 1:6 1850 21
1:3.5 2100 41
Rotary Kiln Fine 700 1:11 650 – 1000 3–4
Expanded Coarse 400 1:6 1100 14
Clay 1:5 1200 17
1:4 1300 19
Sinter-strand Fine 1050 1:5 1500 24
Expanded Clay Coarse 650 1:4 1600 31
Rotary Kiln Coarse 400 1:5 1350 – 1500 17
Clay with natural
Rotary Kiln Fine 950 1:6 1700 28
Expanded Coarse 700 1:4.5 1750 35
Pumice 500 – 800 1:6 1200 14
1:4 1250 19
1:2 1450 29
Exfoliated 65 – 130 1:6 300 – 500 2
Perlite 95 – 130 1:6 - -
 Aerated concrete
 Made by introducing air or gas into the plastic mix of cement and sand
 Has a cellular structure, somewhat similar to sponge rubber.
 Contains cells between 0.1 and 1 mm in size.
 The resulting concrete is known as aerated or cellular concrete.
 Strictly speaking, the term concrete is inappropriate as usually no coarse aggregate is

 There are TWO basic methods of producing aeration, an appropriate name being given to
each end product.
(a) Gas Concrete

 It is obtained by chemical reaction generating a gas in the fresh mortar, so that

when it sets it contains a large number of gas bubbles.
 The mortar must be of correct consistence so that the gas can expand the mortar
but does not escape.
 Finely divided aluminium powder is most commonly used, the proportion being of
the order of 0.2 per cent of the mass of cement. The reaction of the active powder
with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 or the alkalis liberates hydrogen bubbles.
 Powdered zinc or aluminium alloy can also be used. Sometimes hydrogen
peroxide is employed to entrain oxygen bubbles.

(b) Foamed Concrete

 This kind of concrete is obtained by adding some foaming agents (usually some
form of hydrolyzed protein or resin soap) to the mix.
 The agent introduces and stabilizes air bubbles during mixing at high speed.
 A stable pre-formed foam is added to the mortar during mixing in an ordinary
Gasification method is the most widely adopted methods using aluminium powder or any
other similar material. This method is adopted in the large-scale manufacture of aerated
concrete in the factory. The whole process is mechanized and is subjected to autoclaving
(high pressure steam curing) in order to improve the compressive strength and reduce the
thermal and moisture movements, and shrinkage.

The practice of using pre-formed foam is limited to small scale production and in situ work
where small change in the dimensional stability can be tolerated. But the advantage is that
the concrete of any density required at site can be made by this method.

 As in other lightweight concretes the strength varies with density.
 A concrete with a density of 500 Kg/m3 would have a strength of 3 to 4 MPa, and a
concrete with a density of 1400 Kg/m3 have a strength of about 12 to 14 MPa.
 The modulus of elasticity of aerated concrete is usually between 1.7 and 3.5 Gpa.
 Creep, expressed on the basis of stress/strength ratio, is sensibly the same as that for
ordinary concrete.
 Aerated concrete is principally used for heat insulation purposes because of its low
thermal conductivity, and for fireproofing as it has a better fire resistance than ordinary
 Structurally aerated concrete is used mostly in the form of autoclaved blocks or pre-cast
members and in floor construction instead of hollow tiles.
 Unprotected reinforcement in aerated concrete would be vulnerable to corrosion.
 Other advantage of aerated concrete is that it can be sawn, holds nails, and is reasonably
 Although its water absorption is high, the rate of water penetration through the aerated
concrete is low due to the absence of capillary pores.
 For this reason the aerated concrete has a comparatively good resistance to frost.
 Obtained by omitting fine aggregate from the mix.
 There is an agglomeration of nominally one size coarse aggregate particles surrounded
by a coating of cement paste up to 1.3 mm thick.
 Large pores within the body of the concrete are responsible for its low strength.
 Large size of the pores means that no capillary movement of the water is possible and
consequently the rate of water penetration is low.
 The usual aggregate size is 10 mm to 20 mm; 5 per cent oversize and 10 per cent
undersize are allowed but no material should be smaller than 5 mm.
 No-fines concrete with a density of as low as 640 Kg/m3 can be obtained using
lightweight aggregate.
 On the other hand, with normal weight aggregate, the density varies between 1600 and
2000 Kg/m3.(Table 3)
 The compressive strength is between 1.4 and 14 MPa, depends on density, which is
governed by the cement content.(Table 3)
 Practical mixes vary rather widely, i.e. with a lean limit for the cement/aggregate ratio by
volume of between 1:10 to 1:20; the corresponding cement contents are approximately
130 Kg/m3 to 70 Kg/m3.
 W/C ratio is the controlling factor in strength for normal weight concrete.
 In case of no-fines concrete w/c ratio is not the controlling factor as there is a very
narrow optimum value for w/c ratio for any given aggregate.
 A w/c ratio higher than the optimum would make the cement paste drain away from the
aggregate particles while with too low a w/c ratio the paste would not be sufficiently
adhesive, and a uniform composition of concrete would not be achieved.
 Typically the w/c ratio is between 0.38 and 0.52.
 The actual strength of concrete is to be determined by test but the increase in strength
with age is similar to that of ordinary concrete.
 Modulus of rupture is about 30 per cent of the compressive strength, a proportion which
is higher than normal weight concrete.

Table 3 : Typical data for 10 to 20 mm no-fines Concrete

Aggregate/Cement Water/Cement Density 28-Day

Ratio by Volume Ratio by Mass (Kg/m3) Compressive
6 0.38 2020 14
7 0.40 1970 12
8 0.41 1940 10
10 0.45 1870 7


 Used in large scale for load bearing, cast in-situ external walls for single storey and
multistoreyed buildings.
 Used for temporary structures because of low initial cost and also for the ease with
which it can be broken and reused as aggregate.
 Used for external wall for heat insulation.
 Because of rough texture it gives a good base for plastering.
 Even if the outside surface of the no-fines concrete wall is subjected to rain beating, the
inside of the wall will be free from dampness because of low capillary action on account
of large voids.
 Where sand is not available the use of no-fines concrete should become popular
construction material.
 Architecturally it is an attractive construction material.

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