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e0e ®O0OK0OOHO D0O0®@ 2200000 @2a00 ®@®@OOOO®@ . ‘Answer Sheet No. 20e0oe @ @®@ ®@ » © @ @ ®@o » © ® ©O00 Sign. of Candidate ©®O©O® ®©®®O8®O » @ ®@2®2OO0O0 © ® © © © © © © @ _ Signofinvigitator @ ®©@OGOOO0@ soo ae tobe atawored on he page one MATHEMATICS SSC=Il 4717/8 /arcsveince incr handed over to the Cente, Superintendent. © SECTION — A (Marks 15) et WP gt ean Sic Seetrlwegis tated Oo matuse STO STOweds 20 Minutes Science Group efit? ; Fill the relevant bubble against each question: wih frtrarvEsrevEdhrg "The values of x from quadratic equation — (x= 4)(x41)=0 are: 03 BBS eect (s-A)(x+1) <0 en-donifs O 4! O* O os Ow - ots of equation px’+gx+2=0 are - - reciprocal of each other, then valve of pis: 2 ; Fi E O3 Poe HoH pisgr2-0 70° O7 Oo _ 'e¥elS plow 2 if discriminant of a quadratic equation is 7 positive but not a peract square, hen roots are Complex Rational rational Equal a Pn nth PR etesh5, Pe O3 Pid ° a inhi varies direct 0 , unin x vas dectyas yO 6 — intend yux y The identity (Sx+4)' =25x°+40x+16 is Only one value Only two Only three w 5, true for or voluesof x valuesofx Allvalies of x tee nd.Lf (Sed) =280s4oretoaty Oz. O cestasess O conbetsrss O deus x — ¢ ¢ — = Frumber set is 2 then numberof binary relations in 5 XxP ate . "Ov On Ox or PHU SAABY er wsnSIOEK ah te Fibula XY ee = Mf =10,Sr=7+9k and n=7 thenvalue 1 of kis O° O7 oo o7 Ik en=Te x=10,Ev=749k 4 ‘The value of Cosec@ Tan@ is equal to: Sind Cos Cosec Secd . See ceca © ° ° ° Page 1 of 2 1 Th given circular figure the length of chord is: 9. c= Te ] © 4m © fm O tem © sem teVbp na Pom ‘A line which has two points in common with z Cosine of a ‘Tangent of a ‘Secant of wo, acre She ota cle 6 sie os cre Unt? bind te nl PBS Sine % Cosine ta70 Tangent t» ‘Secant t/ —Fraven Rgwe F mZAOB=130", then the a asa ea at value of mZADB is. un, O 130° Oe O © 10° 45 mZADBimZAOB = 130°, Ath Tin given figure, the value of x is: i ~ = 7 2 © © 120° © 150° ou revel a PES The Tngeris drawn at the end pains of a : Giareter ofa ele se: Paral Perpendicular > Intersectng ver apping 3 mtbr gnr LBL gr OF Oe ° Sus The” Wiangle wi sides Bon, I5om and ; a, Tem ts Acute enged C) Obuse angled © Fightangled ©) Envonglr teetseteut Bom,15em,\em Wwicee — gah a? a angie gis y Ten whic one fhe Tooning — represents vi 7 ijeave sujecne lective a later} function tion” inten Nota function fi Ose OK, ey Ogre? A sae webeslieng gixryh —25A1 2200 2081 — ROU NUMBER LTT Page 2 of I r MATHEMATICS SSC-II > Science Group Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 60 NOTE: Attempt any nine parts from Section ‘B’ and any three questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. ‘SECTION ~ 8 (Marks 36) Q.2 Attempt any NINE parts. All parts carry equal marks. (9x4=36) (i) Solve by factorization. (i) Solve (ii) Showthat the equation x7 +(mx +e)’ =a" has equal roots if c? =a"(I+n") (iv) If w varies inversely as z and w=5,2=7, Find (2) The equation connecting w and z (b) The value of constant (c) The value of w; when ==" wtf 5 |. where a,b,cand x,y,z are non-zero numbers, then prove that 5 + by using k-Method . (vi) Resolve into Partial fractions pee 2x (vi) Mf U=W,4=9,B=N then find @® 4 & B (vii) If X={x|xeN ax<6} ¥={ylyePay

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