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Web Page:
A webpage is a document written in HTML and can be viewed on any web browser. It is contained
within the web server, which can be accessed by entering the URL for that web page, and once it
is loaded, it appears on the user's web browser. Each webpage is linked with a unique URL; hence,
two pages cannot have the same URL (Uniform Resource Locater).
A webpage may contain text, links for other pages, graphics, videos, etc. Moreover, it is mainly
used to provide information to the user in text, images, etc.
Characteristics of a Web Page:
Following are some characteristics of a Web page:
 A simple webpage can be created very quickly.
 It takes very little time to create a webpage compared to a Website.
 A web page and a website should be compatible with any device, such as Mobile, Desktop,
Laptop, etc.
 The search engine provides a web page through a link, and when a user clicks on that link,
it is redirected to the webpage of a website.
 A webpage can have any type of information including videos, and audios.
 It can be made up of only HTML(Hypertext Markup Language), or CSS, or JavaScript for
dynamic and attractive behavior.

Web Site:
website is a collection of several web pages. These pages are linked together with hyperlinks. A
website has a unique domain name, and we can access it by entering that domain name in the URL.
To make your website available to every person in the world, it must be stored or hosted on a
computer connected to the Internet round a clock. Such computers are known as a Web Server.
Accessing a website:
When we type a certain URL in a browser search bar, the browser requests the page from the Web
server and the Web server returns the required web page and its content to the browser.

Web Application:
A web-application is an application program that is usually stored on a remote server, and users
can access it through the use of Software known as web-browser.
n general, a web application can contain online shops (or we can also say them e-commerce shops),
webmail's, calculators, social media platforms, etc. There is also some kind of web application that
usually requires a special kind of web browser to access them. We cannot access those kinds of
web applications by using regular web- browsers. However, most of the web applications available
on the internet can be accessed using a standard web browser.
Working of a Web Application:
In general, web-application does not require downloading them because, as we already discussed,
the web application is a computer program that usually resides on the remote server. Any user can
access it by using one of the standard web browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft
Edge, etc., and most of them are available free for everyone.
Advantages of Web Application:
 Any typical web application can run or accessible on any operating system such as the
Windows, Mac, Linux as long as the browser is compatible.
 A web application is usually not required to install in the hard drive of the computer system,
thus it eliminates all the issues related to the space limitation.
 They also reduce the expense for end-users, business owners because the maintenance
needed by the business is significantly less.
 Web applications are flexible. A user can work from any geographical location as long as
he has a working internet connection.
 It just takes a moment to create a new user by providing a username, password, and URL,
and it's all.
 After the availability of the cloud, storage space is now virtually unlimited as long as you
can afford it.
 A web application can be programmed to run on a wide variety of operating systems, unlike
native applications that can run on a particular platform.
 Any standard web application is developed with some basic programming languages like
HTML, CSS that are compatible and well known among the IT professionals.

Web Browser:
web Browser is an application software that allows us to view and explore information on the web.
User can request for any web page by just entering a URL into address bar.
Web browser can show text, audio, video, animation and more. It is the responsibility of a web
browser to interpret text and commands contained in the web page.
History of Web Browser:
he first web browser Worldwide Web was invented in the year of 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. Later,
it becomes Nexus. In the year of 1993, a new browser Mosaic was invented by Mark Andreessen
and their team. It was the first browser to display text and images at a time on the device screen.
He also invents another browser Netscape in 1994. Next year Microsoft launched a web browser
Internet Explorer which was already installed in the Windows operating system. After this many
browsers were invented with various features.
Functions of Web Browser:
Our dependency on the Internet has massively increased. Stated below are functions of web
browsers and how are they useful:
 The main function is to retrieve information from the World Wide Web and making it
available for users
 Visiting any website can be done using a web browser. When a URL is entered in a
browser, the web server takes us to that website
 To run Java applets and flash content, plugins are available on the web browser
 It makes Internet surfing easy as once we reach a website we can easily check the
hyperlinks and get more and more useful data online
 Browsers user internal cache which gets stored and the user can open the same webpage
time and again without losing extra data
 Multiple webpages can be opened at the same time on a web browser
 Options like back, forward, reload, stop reload, home, etc. are available on these web
browsers, which make using them easy and convenient.
Popular Web Browsers:
Here is a list of some popular web browsers:
Google Chrome: Developed by Google, Chrome is one of the most widely-used web browsers in
the world, known for its speed and simplicity.
Mozilla Firefox: Developed by the Mozilla Foundation, Firefox is an open-source browser that is
known for its privacy features and customization options.
Apple Safari: Developed by Apple, Safari is the default browser on Mac and iOS devices and is
known for its speed and integration with other Apple products.
Microsoft Edge: Developed by Microsoft, Edge is the default browser on Windows 10 and is
known for its integration with other Microsoft products and services.
Opera: Developed by Opera Software, Opera is a web browser that is known for its speed and
built-in VPN feature.
Tor Browser: Developed by The Tor Project, Tor Browser is a web browser that is designed for
anonymous web browsing and is based on Mozilla Firefox.

Lecture Izazullah
GPGC Charsadda

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