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Saudi Aramco Safety References:

1. G.I. 2.100, Work Permit System.
2. G.I. 2.709, Gas Testing using Portable Gas Monitors
3. G.I. 7.025, Mobile Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification.
4. G.I. 6.030, Traffic and Vehicle Safety
5. GI 7.030, Inspection and Testing of Requirements of Elevating/Lifting Equipment.
6. Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual.
7. Saudi Aramco Safety Handbook.
8. G.I. 8.002, Safety Spectacles.
9. G.I. 8.005, Protective (Safety) Footwear.
10. G.I. 1783.001, Fire Fighting Training Company Personnel
11. G.I. 7.028 Crane Lift Types and Procedures
12. GI 1783.001 Fire Fighting Training Company Personnel

# Recommendations / Notes Assigned to Mobile Phone #

All site personnel are required to wear PPE, such as safety helmet, safety glasses,
1 All Site Employees
gloves, and safety shoes.
2 Conduct a Toolbox Safety Meeting prior to starting the work activity. CAT Foreman / HSE
Explain to key personnel the purpose of the JSA and enforce the implementation of
3 CAT HSE Department
4 Use the JSA to identify hazards and list the precautions on the work permit. CAT HSE Officer

5 Garbage shall be disposed of properly and on a regular basis. CAT Supervisor/Foreman

If an injury or near miss occurs, the JSA shall be reviewed immediately to determine
6 CAT HSE Manager
whether changes are needed in the job procedures.
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1. Transportation and 1.1 Covid-19 infection 1.1.1 Ensure temperature checks shall be taken by all employees including Site
mobilization of subcontractors prior to start work. Supervisor/
equipment, 1.1.2 Training session and toolbox talks regarding covid-19 shall be practiced. HSE Officer/
material, and 1.1.3 Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever, cough, and difficulty of breathing. Workers/
people to worksite 1.1.4 Ensure provision of mask at workers in the job site. Operator/
1.1.5 Awareness thru signage’s on how to clean hands by using alcohol-based hand Driver
rub or soap and water. Flagman/
1.1.6 Safe physical distance shall be maintained all the time.
1.2 Heat stress / Heat 1.2.1 Ensure provision of cool drinking water for all workers at site.
stroke 1.2.2 Designated shaded break areas / resting shelters at a distance not greater than
100 meters.
1.2.3 Schedule the most stringent work during coolest part of the day
1.2.4 Awareness shall be given, and awareness posters shall be posted at the
prominent locations (bulletin boards, rest shelters etc.).
1.3 Traffic accident 1.3.1 Follow speed limit on the road.
1.3.2 Drive only on designated route for heavy equipment.
1.3.3 Equipment/ vehicle shall be inspected prior to travel.
1.3.4 Equipment/vehicle operated by the SAG licensed operator/driver.
1.3.5 All required documents shall be available with the equipment/vehicle
1.4 Equipment/Vehicle 1.4.1 Ensure preventive maintenance of equipment on regular basis.
failure 1.4.2 Ensure corrective maintenance is done (as required).
1.4.3 Operator/Drivers must have valid SAG license.
1.4.4 Certified operators as per G.I 7.025 with valid licenses
1.4.5 Ensure that pre-checks are done regularly prior to use the equipment/vehicle.

1.5 Equipment/Vehicle 1.5.1 Operator/Drivers must have a valid SAG license and defensive driving training.
collisions (with other 1.5.2 Ensure the equipment/ vehicle is in good working condition.
equipment /vehicle 1.5.3 Follow standard procedures on traffic and vehicle safety and signs posted on site.
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and existing 1.5.4 Follow speed limits and safe driving practices all the time.
structures) 1.5.5 Drivers and all occupants must use seat belts.
1.5.6 Do not use cell phone while driving.
1.5.7 Drivers must take care especially for the blind spots.
1.5.8 Maintain safe distance of heavy equipment among other heavy equipment /
vehicles and existing structures.
1.5.9 Use proper PPE (coveralls, safety shoes etc.) while driving.
1.5.10 Assign flagman / spotter to direct the driver for safe equipment/vehicle moment.
1.5.11 Equipment must fulfill the PWAS requirements in line with the Schedule B of SA
and should be in good working condition.
1.6 Fall of material 1.6.1 Secure the material properly.
1.6.2 Ensure that the weight/load of the material is within the safe capacity of the
vehicle transporting it.
1.6.3 Highlight the extended material with warning tapes etc.
1.7 Inclement weather 1.7.1 Stop equipment/vehicle in case of inclement weather conditions (rain, dust storms
conditions etc.) and park at the safe area.
(High wind, rain, 1.7.2 Ensure proper communication with the team and stay at the safe area.
dust etc.) 1.7.3 Ensure that beam lights and hazards light are switched on during bad weather
1.7.4 Stop the activity and report in-case of adverse weather.
2. Work permit 2.1 Violation of work 2.1.1 Comply with work permit system CAT-HSI 026A and SA G.I 2.100. Issuer and
permit system receiver both would have in their possession the valid work permit card
certification and correct type of work permit will be issue and received.
2.1.2 Issuer and receiver will conduct a joint site inspection.
2.1.3 Job description and work equipment to be used will be clearly stated on the work
permit. All check boxes will be correctly marked.
2.1.4 Special precautions like barricading, or safety signage will be stated on work
HSE Officer
2.1.5 Work permit receiver must stay full time on work site.
2.1.6 Ensure proper type of firefighting equipment is available, inspected and color
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3. Mechanical 3.1 Equipment Failure 3.1.1 Comply with SA G.I. 7.025 (Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and
excavation/ auger Certification). Heavy Equipment operator shall be competent and have a
Drilling valid Saudi Aramco Certificate for the equipment. Unauthorized personnel
(For Posts &
will not be allowed to sit at or operate the equipment. Work equipment
shall be operated at a safe distance from the existing facility.
3.1.2 Daily equipment inspection shall be done, and inspection checklist will
be prepared.
3.1.3 Make sure drilling auger is inspected in good condition.
3.1.4 Only authorized operator shall be allowed to perform the job.
3.1.5 Restrict movement of unauthorized personnel in the area.
3.1.6 Inspected and good conditioned equipment shall be allowed to perform
the activity.
3.1.7 Ensure implementation of positive disablement protocols once WPI/ WPR
HSE Officer/
equipment is not in use.
3.1.8 Always maintain safe distance from the edge of the excavation.
Engr/ Site
3.1.9 Flagman shall be provided with the heavy equipment (as required).
3.1.10 Always operate the work equipment at a safe distance from the edge of
3.1.11 Ensure that preventive maintenance of equipment is done on regular
3.1.12 PWAS should be functional, and operator must stop the heavy
equipment movement in case alarm sounds.
3.1.13 All open excavation will be protected with barricades and safety
signboards shall be installed. While equipment reversing or mobilization
to other location, get the spotter assistance to avoid from blind spots.
3.2 Struck Against 3.2.1 IFC drawings shall be consulted prior to proceed for excavation.
(Underground 3.2.2 Pre-excavation checklist shall be used prior to start the excavation.
facilities or person) 3.2.3 Flagman will also stay at safe distance from working equipment and will
make eye contact with equipment operator. (As required)
3.2.4 Restrict unauthorized movement in the working area.
3.2.5 Do not use mechanical excavator nearby existing facilities keep away
mechanical excavator 3m (10ft) from existing facilities.
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3.2.6 Stop excavation in case any abnormal condition.

3.3 SIMOPs 3.3.1 Do not allow the working personnel next to heavy equipment working zone.
(Simultaneous 3.3.2 Pre-job briefing shall be conducted for the involved personnel.
Operations) 3.3.3 SIMOPs (Simultaneous Operations) shall be properly planned and organized.
3.3.4 Educate the workforce regarding line of fire hazards.
3.4 Dust 3.4.1 Ensure all personnel wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
including face mask.
3.4.2 Ensure regular water sprinkling for dust suppression.
3.4.3 Plan and maintain good housekeeping in the area.
3.4.4 Stop work in case sandstorm or inclement weather conditions.
4 Lifting operations 4.1 Equipment failure 4.1.1 Equipment (Crane) should be certified by SA approved 3rd party and
(Loading, certificate should be valid.
unloading of 4.1.2 Ensure preventive maintenance of the crane is done on regular basis.
materials and 4.1.3 Ensure corrective maintenance is done (as required).
installation of 4.1.4 Operator must have valid SAG license and certified operators as per G.I
accessories) 7.025 with valid licenses
4.1.5 Ensure that pre-checks are done regularly prior to use the
HSE Officer/
4.1.6 Ensure that the crane is inspected daily, and inspection checklist is Construction
maintained. Engr /Site
4.2 Topple down 4.2.1 All pads must be placed on the even surface. Supervisor/
(boom truck) 4.2.2 Ensure that outriggers are fully extended and placed on the pads suitable Operator /
for bearing the load. Rigger/
4.2.3 Safe distance shall be ensured from existing structure and equipment’s.
4.2.4 Safe load capacity shall be strictly followed prior rigging and do not exceed
the rated capacity SWL of the crane.
4.2.5 Stop the activity in case of any inclement weather condition (wind speed
more than 32km/hr., poor visibility, rain, fog etc.)
4.2.6 Ensure that Crane Operator is certified as per requirement of G.I. 7.025.
4.2.7 Critical Lift Plan should be prepared in compliance with G.I. 7.028 to all
critical work activities.
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4.3 Fall of load / 4.3.1 Trained and certified rigger shall be available all the times with the crane.
material 4.3.2 The lifting and rigging hardware shall be as per the required
capacity/rating and must be inspected by the rigger prior to use.
4.3.3 No damaged/ under capacity or uninspected lifting and rigging hardware
shall be used.
4.3.4 Ensure that load/material is properly secured prior to lift.
4.3.5 Inspection log sheet for crane and lifting and rigging hardware shall be
maintained by the competent person.
4.3.6 Ensure that SA certified Rigger is available as per requirement and
approved lifting plan is provided (if required).
4.3.7 Ensure that tag lines are used to direct the load and to restrict the free
movement of lifted load.
4.4 Struck by / Struck 4.4.1 Ensure that always Rigger is available to direct the crane operator.
against 4.4.2 360̊ of operator should be clear all the time.
4.4.3 Ensure that tag lines are used to direct the load and to restrict the free
movement of lifted load.
4.4.4 Two-way communication must be always used if rigger not visible.
4.4.5 Never stay in the blind spots of the operator.
4.4.6 Safe distance shall be maintained from the existing structures and other
4.4.7 Barricade the area and post safety signs.
4.4.8 Unauthorized personal shall not be allowed to stay near the ongoing
4.4.9 Ensure that Rigger is certified as per requirement of G.I. 7.025.
4.5 Ergonomics 4.5.1 Loading, unloading, and handling if material shall be done in a safe
hazard manner.
4.5.2 Proper manual lifting technique shall be followed all the time.
4.5.3 Ergonomically safe posture shall be followed to perform the activities in
a safe manner.
4.5.4 Mechanical aids shall be used for lifting and handling of materials.
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4.6 Protruding objects4.6.1 Use appropriate personal protective equipment such as coverall suit,
& caught in hand gloves, safety shoes, goggles etc. to avoid possible hand, foot, or
between head injuries etc.
4.6.2 Communicate hazard according to daily activities.
4.6.3 Ensure proper communication among the working crew members.
4.6.4 Never place hand under the load.
4.6.5 All protruding objects in the area shall be secured and made identifiable
using warning tapes etc.
4.6.6 Ensure that Tag lines are used to direct the load and to restrict the free
movement of the lifted load.
5. Steel fixing and 5.1 Sharp edges 5.1.1 Do not place hand between objects to prevent pinch points.
Form work 5.1.2 Ensure correct lifting technique shall be followed.
5.1.3 All machine guards must not be removed.
5.1.4 Always stay at a safe distance and location. WPI/ WPR
5.1.5 Communicate hazard according to daily activities. HSE Officer/
5.1.6 Handle the materials carefully and beware of sharp edge materials. Construction
Engr / Site
5.2 Formwork collapse 5.2.1 Formwork, false work, and temporary supports must be checked, properly
tied, footed, braced, and supported before loading and before pouring Workers
walls or columns.
5.3 Slip and trip 5.3.1 Clear the access route for the movement of workers.
hazards 5.3.2 Remove and store unnecessary tools and materials from work area.
5.3.3 Maintain good housekeeping during the activity.
6. Concrete pouring 6.1 Exposure to 6.1.1 Ensure to provide appropriate PPE such as coverall suit, safety glass,
concrete mix chemical resistant gloves, and safety rubber boots etc.
splashing 6.1.2 MSDS for cement products shall be provided. WP Issuer/
6.1.3 Portable eye wash station shall be provided at site Receiver/
6.1.4 Restrict unauthorized personnel.
6.2 Vibration 6.2.1 Ensure job rotation and proper rest of working crew. HSE Officer
6.2.2 Ensure proper barricades and safety signs in place.
6.2.3 Only authorized personnel shall stay in the area.
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6.2.4 Ear plugs and antivibration gloves shall be provided for the worker.
7. Fencing work 7.1 Damaged/Faulty 7.1.1 Ensure that all tools and equipment are inspected and color coded.
(Using hand tools) tools or equipment 7.1.2 Ensure that appropriate and safe working platform is provided.
7.1.3 Use appropriate PPEs to prevent possible injuries (hand gloves, hard hat,
safety glasses and safety shoes etc.)
7.1.4 Proper bending tools shall be used.
7.1.5 Substandard or damaged tools shall be removed from site immediately.
7.2 Fall of person/ 7.2.1 Only trained personnel shall perform the job.
material 7.2.2 All materials and tools shall be properly handled, and no material shall be
thrown down.
7.2.3 Inspected and good conditioned A type ladder shall be used.
7.2.4 Portable stair steps shall be provided to reach at maximum safe level.
7.2.5 Ladders shall be secured to prevent from personnel falling.
7.2.6 Ensure that all materials are returned and properly stacked at their HSE Officer/
designated storage location. Construction
7.2.7 Proper access shall be provided prior to start the activity. Engr/ Site
7.2.8 Ensure all required hand tools such as spanners shall be attached to tool Supervisor/
lanyard (secured to wrist). Workers
7.2.9 Area shall be properly barricaded and secured.
7.2.10 Ensure proper signages shall be in place such as ‘Danger – Deep
excavation, Confined space, work in progress etc.
7.2.11 Stop work in case of sandstorm or inclement weather conditions.
7.3 Ergonomic 7.3.1 Good working posture shall be maintained all the time.
hazards (Manual 7.3.2 Training shall be given to the personnel performing manual handling.
handling) 7.3.3 Use mechanical aids for shifting of materials.
7.3.4 Appropriate PPEs shall be worn.
7.4 Sharp edges, 7.4.1 Handle the materials carefully and beware of material especially the sharp
surfaces & edges.
protruding objects 7.4.2 Use appropriate personal protective equipment such as coverall suit,
safety glass, gloves, and safety shoes etc. for performing the activity.
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7.4.3 Communicate hazard according to daily activities.

7.4.4 Sharp edge tools must be covered after use.
7.4.5 All protruding objects in the area shall be secured.
8. Backfilling and 8.1 Faulty Equipment 8.1.1 Ensure that compactor is inspected and fit for the job.
Compaction Works 8.1.2 The operator should be trained and skilled to perform the job.
8.1.3 Preventive maintenance of the equipment shall be ensured.
8.1.4 Report any kind of deficiency to take corrective measures.
8.1.5 Ensure implementation of positive disablement protocols once equipment is not
in use.
8.2 Dust 8.2.1 Ensure all personnel wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment WPI/ WPR
including face mask. HSE Officer/
8.2.2 Ensure regular water sprinkling for dust suppression. Construction
8.2.3 Plan and maintain good housekeeping in the area. Engr/ Site
8.2.4 Stop work in case of sandstorm or inclement weather conditions. Supervisor/
8.3 Noise 8.3.1 Use hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs when exposed to
excessive noise levels at or greater than 85 dBA.
8.3.2 Assess noise level with sound level meter, when possible, when level
exceeds 85 dBA.
8.4 Vibration 8.4.1 Roller operator should be trained and competent to perform the job.
8.4.2 Operator must take rest after specific intervals to avoid fatigue due to
vibration of the compactor.
8.4.3 Ensure the use of seatbelt while operating the equipment.
9. Housekeeping 9.1 Slip, trip, and fall 9.1.1 Keep working area, access ways and passage free from obstructions.
9.1.2 Stack all kind of materials in designated material storage area. Site
9.1.3 Maintain good housekeeping during the job and after the completion. Supervisor/
9.2 Environmental 9.2.1 Generated waste shall be properly segregated and disposed. Foreman/
Pollution 9.2.2 Keep the area clean and tidy. HSEO
9.2.3 Give awareness to the workforce regarding waste handling.
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Acknowledgment of Workers:

I have got briefing and understood the requirements according to above job safety analysis to execute the job safely.
Name Employment No Designation Company Signature Date

Job Supervisor Acknowledgment:

I understand my role and responsibilities mentioned in above job safety analysis to supervise the job safely and I am responsible to advise the workers according
to job with identified hazards and control measures.

Name Employment No Designation Company Signature Date

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