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Sedimentary rocks
3.1 Sedimentary rocks
The sedimentary rocks are made up of sediments derived from older rocks. These sediments
are mainly loose sand and mud or is has been estimated that sedimentary rocks
constitute about 5%of crustal rocks and extend up to the depth of 16 km. Three main
sedimentary rocks are silt, shales, and clay = 4%; sand stone = 0.75% and limestone =0.25%

The sedimentary rocks are formed from eroded minerals grains, mineral precipitated from
solutions and consolidation of organic remains of plants. Main constituent of sedimentary rocks
are detrital material.

Table: Sediments, their size and rocks

Diameter (mm) sediment sedimentary rocks

>256 boulder breccia

64 cobble conglomerate

2 pebble

1/6 sand sandstone

1/256 silt siltstone

<1/256 clay shale or mudstone

3.2 Types and classification of sedimentary rocks

There are three types of sedimentary rocks;

a) Detrital or mechanically formed sedimentary rocks

These rocks are formed from sediment grains loosing by pre-exiting rocks with
weathering process. These rocks consist of material such as gravel, sand, and clay. These
rocks are of three types;
I. rudaceous rocks----------boulders deposit e.g. conglomerate
II. arenaceous rocks-----------sand rocks e.g. sandstone
III. argillaceous rocks---------clayey rocks e.g. shale
b) Chemical sedimentary rocks and evaporates
This rocks are deposited by precipitation of minerals from solution and accumulation
soluble content e.g. rock salt, limestone chart etc. these are three types;
I. carbonate rocks -----------limestone, dolomite
II. sulphate rocks---------------gypsum rocks
III. chloride rocks---------------rock salt

c) Organic sedimentary rocks

These rocks are composed of organic carbon composed such as animals and plants
remains e.g. coal etc. These of are two types;

I. calcareous rocks ------------limestone (animal, fossils)

II. carbonaceous rocks-----------coal seams (plant remains)

3.3 Uses of sedimentary rocks

Construction material such as sand and gravel limestone for cement, clay for ceramics, silica
sand for glass ,gypsum for plaster .many mineral deposit are also found in sedimentary rocks
such as coal oil and gas, uranium, gold, tin, diamond , zircon, magnetite ,chromite etc.

3.4 Composition of sedimentary rocks

The raw materials from which the sedimentary rocks have been formed include loose sand and
muddy detritus, derived from the brake down of older rocks. This material is brought together
and sorted by water and wind. Some sediments are formed by remains of plants and animals
that lived on land, rivers, on deltas along coast lines and in the sea. Sediments may also be
formed by evaporation of water precipitation of the soluble minerals with it. For example Nacl
is formed by evaporation of sea.

3.5 Development of sedimentary rocks

The components sediments become hardened into sedimentary rocks such as sandstone,
limestone shale by changes start soon after the sediments are accumulated. Water present in
the voids or pores between the particles of sediments carries minerals which coats the grains
and acts as a binds them together. Such process is called cementation. The sediments are
pressed by weight of overlying strata and pores water squeeze out and mineral material is left
behind in pricitated form .with the passage of time these sediments are consolidated.

This process is called compaction .Whole of the process which converts sediments to
sedimentary rock is called “digenesis”. Two important characters of sediments are their
porosity and packing. ”porosity” is percentage of void space in a rock and “packing” depends
upon the grain size of the deposited material.

3.6 Texture of sedimentary rocks

The texture of sedimentary rocks reflects the mode sediment may be fine grained
as in clay sediments or course grained as in sandy sediments. Most sand grains are composed of
quartz. The may be rounded, Sub angular or according to the degree of transport. Other
minerals in the sand or sandstones are feldspar, mica, apatite garnet, zircon, tourmaline and
magnetite. They are in small amount.

Grade scale as follows;

Very course grained--------------1mm to 2mm (dia)

Course grained -------------------1/2mm to 1mm

Medium grained -----------------1/4mm to 1/2mm

Fine grained -----------------------1/8mm to 1/4mm

Very fine grained ------------------0.06mm t0 1/8mm

3.7Common sedimentary rocks

i. Conglomerate-----pebbles and gravel after cementation and consolidation.

ii. Breccia------resembling conglomerate but having angular fragments instead of rounded.
iii. Sandstone------composed of mainly quartz grains.
a. Siliceous sandstone------cementing material is silica
b. Calcareous sandstone--------cementing material is calcium carbonate
c. Ferruginous sandstone-------cementing material is iron oxide
d. argillaceous sandstone----------cementing material is clay
1. Grit --------sandstone containing course and angular sand grains.
2. arkoses--------sandstone rich in quartz and feldspar
3. Shale------laminated fine grained containing caco3 and iron minerals.
4. Mudstone-------unlamented shale or clay.
5. Laterite-----------red, porous, found on bed rocks as a weathered product.
6. limestone -------consists chiefly calcite and dolomite
7. marl-------impure limestone which contains mixture of clay and calcaious
8. Fine and chert------crystalline form of silica found in limestone and chalks.

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