Ielts Reading Vocabs Sách 14 15 16

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Test 1

● Passage 1

Word Definition Example

1. foliage (n) the leaves of a tree or plant; dense green foliage

leaves and branches together

2. encase ( in sth) (v) to surround or cover The reactor is encased in concrete

something completely, and steel.
especially to protect it

3. preservative (a) preventing food or wood wood preservative/ preservative

from decaying agent
(n) a substance used to
prevent decay in wood/food

4. Fleshy (a) (of parts of the body or Fleshy arms/lips

people) having a lot of flesh
(of plants or fruit) thick and
soft Fleshy fruit/leaves

5. subcontracting (n) the practice of paying a Subcontracting is very common

person or company to do in the oil industry
some of the work that you
have been given a contract to

6. lock out of (v) to prevent somebody from I'd locked myself out of the house
entering a place by locking
and had to break a window to get
the door in.

7. troop (a) connected with soldiers, The major powers have said
especially in large groups they will not send in ground
troops (= soldiers who fight on
8. Have a monopoly over to have or take control of the The Dutch had a monopoly over the
largest part of something so nutmeg trade.
that other people are
prevented from sharing it
9. smuggle(v) to take, send or bring goods He managed to smuggle a gun into
or people secretly and the prison.
illegally into or out of a
country, etc.

10. transplant … to (v) to move Japanese production methods have

somebody/something to a been transplanted into some
different place or British factories.

● Passage 2

1. implementation (n) the act of making something the implementation of the new
that has been officially system
decided start to happen or be

2. trial (v) to test the ability, quality or We will trial the new drug in
performance of something to several hospitals.
see if it will be effective or

3. autonomy(n) the freedom for a country, a a campaign in Wales for greater

region or an organization to autonomy
govern itself independently

4. viable(a) that can be done; that will be There is no viable alternative.

successful (=feasible)

5. mileage (n) the distance that a vehicle has My annual mileage is about 10 000.
travelled, measured in miles

6. hurdle (n) a problem or difficulty that The next hurdle will be getting her
must be solved or dealt with parents' agreement.
before you can achieve
something (obstacle)

7. robust (a) strong and healthy He seems to be in robust (good)


8. conquer (v) to take control of a country or The Normans conquered England in

city and its people by force 1066.
● Passage 3

1 new - found knowledge (n) knowledge that is recently

discovered or achieved

2. Slump down (v) = drop ( in price,value, number,

The old man slumped down in his
etc., suddenly and by a large chair.

3. venture (v) to go somewhere even though He's never ventured abroad in his
you know that it might be life.
dangerous or unpleasant

4. send out (v) to produce something, such as The sun sends out light and heat.
light, a signal, sound, etc.

5. Deplete (v) to reduce something by a large Supplies are depleting fast.

amount so that there is not
enough left; to be reduced by a
large amount

6. delve into (v) to try hard to find out more She had started to delve into her
information about something father's distant past.

7. cutting -edge (a) at the newest, most advanced cutting-edge

stage in the development of technology/research/science/design

8. slant a way of thinking about Her book looks at his writings from
something, especially one that a feminist slant.
shows support for a particular
opinion or point of view

● Passage 1

1.purpose-built (a) designed and built for a purpose-built building/ tower

particular purpose

2. awning (n) a sheet of strong cloth that We sat under the blue and white
stretches out from above a striped awning of the cafe.
door or window to keep off
the sun or rain
3. counter-intuitive (a) the opposite of what you These results seem counter-intuitive.
would expect or what seems
to be obvious

4. have the tools to do sth able to do sth

5. carriageway (n) the part of a road intended for Vehicles should be parked as close as
vehicles, not people walking, possible to the edge of the
etc. carriageway.

6. at full scale t​hat is as complete and careful The police made a full-scale search of
as possible the area.

● Passage 2

1. clone (v) to produce an exact copy of A team from the UK were the first to
an animal or a plant from its successfully clone an animal.

2. embryo (n) a thing at a very early stage of the embryo of an idea


3. thylacine (n) hổ Tasmania

4. niche (n) a comfortable or suitable role, He eventually found his niche in

job, way of life, etc. sports journalism.

5. pop up (v) to appear or happen, She's one of those movie stars who
especially suddenly or pops up everywhere, on TV, in
unexpectedly: magazines, on Broadway.

6. strand (n) one of the different parts of an We heard every strand of political
idea, a plan, a story, etc. opinion.

7. stagnant (a) not developing, growing or a stagnant economy

8 mitigate (v) to make something less Soil erosion was mitigated by the
harmful, serious, etc.(= planting of trees.

9. permafrost (n) a layer of soil that is

permanently frozen, in very
cold regions of the world

● Passage 3

1.range from (v) vary from

2. fraternity (n) a group of people sharing the members of the

same profession, interests or medical/banking/racing fraternity

3. ostensible (a) seeming or stated to be real or The ostensible reason for his
true, when this is perhaps not absence was illness.
the case

● Passage 1+2 + 3
1. portable (a) that is easy to carry or to move portable device

2. desalination (n) the process of removing salt a desalination plant

desalinate (v) from seawater

3. distill ( from sth) to make a liquid pure by distilled water

heating it until it becomes a
gas, then cooling it and
collecting the drops of liquid
that form

4. envision (v) to imagine what a situation If you can envision your goals, you
will be like in the future, can achieve those goals.
especially a situation you
intend to work towards

5. phylogenetics a part of systematics that

addresses the inference of the
evolutionary history and
relationships among or within
groups of organisms.

6. gruesome (a) very unpleasant and filling you gruesome pictures of dead bodies
with horror, usually because it
is connected with death or

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