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Republic of the Philippines


Tel: 038-4113289 Telfax: 038-5017516
6300 Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premiere S&T university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the Country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.


Exercise Title Remarks Assigned Laboratory
1 Diode Characteristics CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits & Electronics
2 The Diode Limiter, Diode CMO recommended Instrumentation
Clamper, Rectifiers and Circuits & Electronics
Filters, Voltage Doubler, Lab
3 Zener Diode and Voltage Chosen by the Instrumentation
Regulation Department Circuits & Electronics
4 BJT Characteristics and Chosen by the Instrumentation
Biasing Department Circuits & Electronics
5 Small Signal Amplifier CMO recommended EE Computer Lab
a. Common-Base
b. Common-Emitter
c. Common-Collector
6 JFET Amplifier CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits & Electronics
7 BJT/ JFET Response CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits & Electronics
8 Cascaded Amplifier CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits & Electronics
9 Power Amplifier CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits & Electronics
10 Differential Amplifier, CMO recommended Instrumentation
inverting / Non-inverting Circuits & Electronics
Operational Amplifier, Lab
Operational Amplifier
11 Feedback Amplifier CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits & Electronics
12 Square wave Oscillators CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits & Electronics
13 Familiarization with Digital CMO recommended Instrumentation
Circuits Circuits & Electronics

Prepared by:

Peter Adonis A. Tortor, ECE

Course In-Charge
Republic of the Philippines
Tel: 038-4113289 Telfax: 038-5017516
6300 Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premiere S&T university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the Country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

Laboratory Exercise No. 10.1

EE 01 (Electronic Circuits: Devices and Analysis)
Differential Amplifier

Group Leader:
Group Members:

Course Year & Section: Date Performed:

Course In-Charge: Date Submitted:
Rating: Comments:

I. Introduction
An electronic device called a differential amplifier enhances the difference between two input
signals. It is frequently utilized in a variety of applications, such as instrumentation circuits, data
acquisition systems, and audio amplifiers. A differential amplifier's capacity to reject common-mode
signals—signals that are present on both input lines—is one of its main advantages. This rejection is
crucial since it aids in removing unwanted interference and noise from the output signal. Gain,
bandwidth, and common-mode rejection ratio are frequently used to describe the performance of
differential amplifiers, which can be built with discrete or integrated circuitry.
II. Learning Objectives:
After performing this experiment, you will be able to:
1. Compute dc and ac parameters of a differential amplifier with emitter bias.
2. Build a differential amplifier circuit, test it, and measure differential and common-mode gain.
III. Materials and Equipment

-Two 47Ω, two 10 kΩ, two 47 kΩ
Two 1 µF capacitors
Two 2N3904 NPN transistors (or equivalent)
IV. Theory

The differential amplifier (diff amp) is used to amplify the difference in two signals. The output is
related only to the difference between the two inputs. If the input signals are identical, the operation
is said to be common-mode signals. The output of the ideal difference amplifier will be zero for
common-mode signals. When the inputs are different, the operation is said to be normal-mode. The
normal-mode signal is amplified by the differential amplifier. The difference amplifier is important in
Republic of the Philippines
Tel: 038-4113289 Telfax: 038-5017516
6300 Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premiere S&T university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the Country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

applications in which a weak signal is in the presence of unwanted noise as illustrated in Figure 43-1.
The desired transducer signal drives the diff amp in normal mode. The noise source will tend to
induce equal voltages into the twisted pair wires, driving the diff amp in common-mode. The signal at
the output will represent the original transducer signal without the induced noise voltage.

The diff amp's ability to reject unwanted common-mode signals while favoring the desired
normal mode signals is called the amplifier's common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). CMRR is often
exposed in decibels (dB) and can be defined as:

In this equation, AV(d) represents the differential voltage gain and Acm represents the common-
mode voltage gain. The CMRR is a dimensionless number.

V. Procedure
1. Measure and record the resistance of the resistors listed in Table 43-1.

2. The circuit shown in Figure 43-2 is a differential amplifier with single-ended output and emitter
bias. Except for VC, the dc parameters should be identical for Q1, and Q2. The transistors are
forward biased by the negative supply connected to the common tail resistor, R T. Notice that RT,
Republic of the Philippines
Tel: 038-4113289 Telfax: 038-5017516
6300 Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premiere S&T university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the Country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

has two emitter currents in it, one from each transistor. To solve for the dc parameters in the
circuit, the first step is to write Kirchhoff's voltage equation for the closed path indicated by the
dotted line on Figure 43-2. The first sign of each voltage drop is used in writing the equation.
(Note that Kirchhoff's voltage law can be written in either direction and obtain the same result.)

The base current can be expressed in terms of the emitter current by using the approximation:

By substitution, and solving for IE :

Compute IE for the circuit shown in Figure 43-2. If you do not know the for your
transistor, assume a value of 100. Enter your computed I E in Table 43-2.

3. Compute the remaining dc parameters listed in Table 43-2. The base voltage for either transistor,
Vb, can be found by subtracting IERB1 from zero (ground). The emitter voltage for either transistor
is 0.7 V less than V. The voltage at point A can be computed by subtracting IERB1 from VE. VC(Q2) is
found by subtracting IERB1 from VCC.
4. Construct the diff amp shown in Figure 43-2. The signal generator should be turned off. Measure
and record the dc voltages listed in Table 43-2. Your measured and computed values should
agree within 10%.
Republic of the Philippines
Tel: 038-4113289 Telfax: 038-5017516
6300 Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premiere S&T university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the Country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

5. Using the computed IE, calculate re, for the transistors. Enter the computed re, in Table 43-3.
6. Compute the differential gain, AV(d), for the circuit. The diff amp can be thought of as a common-
collector amplifier (Q₁) driving a common base amplifier (Q₁). Point A represents the output of
the CC amplifier and the input of the CB amplifier. The Q₁ base voltage, Vb(Q1) is shown as equal to
Vs. The gain to point A is approximately 1/2, so VA(ac) is shown as a computed 50 mVpp. The
differential gain is the product of the gain of the CC amplifier and the CB amplifier.

7. Compute the common-mode gain from the formula,

Enter the computed Acm in Table 43-3.

8. Turn on the signal generator and set Vs for 100 mVpp at 1.0 kHz. Use the oscilloscope to set the
proper voltage and check the frequency. (It may be necessary to attenuate the generator input
to obtain a 100 mV signal.) Measure the ac signal voltage at Q₁'s base Vb(Q1), point A, and at Q₂'s
collector Vc(Q2). Determine the differential gain, AV(d). (The overall voltage gain is the ratio of the
output to the input voltage.) Using two channels, observe the phase relationship between these
waveforms. Enter your measured results in Table 43-3.
9. To measure the common-mode gain, it is necessary to put an identical signal into both Q₁, and
Q₂. Do this by removing point B from ground and connecting point B to the signal generator.
Increase Vs to 1.0 Vpp and measure Vout. Enter the measured Acm in Table 43-3.

VI.Guiding Questions
1. Using the measured differential gain and the measured common-mode gain, compute the CMRR
for the differential amplifier. Express your answer in decibels.
Republic of the Philippines
Tel: 038-4113289 Telfax: 038-5017516
6300 Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premiere S&T university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the Country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

2. In step 2, Kirchhoff’s law was used to develop the equation for the emitter current. The second
term of the equation contains 2IE in it. Explain.
3. In step 6, it is stated that the voltage gain to point A is approximately one-half. Explain.
4. Predict the dc voltage at point A if the base of Q 2 is open.
5. Name at least three malfunctions that could account for a dc voltage of +12 V on Q 2’s collector.
Laboratory Exercise No. 10.2
EE 01 (Electronic Circuits: Devices and Analysis)
Inverting / Non-inverting Operational Amplifier

Group Leader:
Group Members:

Course Year & Section: Date Performed:

Course In-Charge: Date Submitted:
Rating: Comments:

I. Introduction

II. Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this laboratory exercise, the student will be able to:
1. Design and study the open loop gain from Inverting Amplifier circuit and Non-Inverting
Amplifier circuit.
III. Materials and Equipment
 Function generator
Frequency = 50Hz 
Amplitude: 750mV, 850mV, 900mV, 950mV, 1V, 2V. 
Duty cycle = 50% 
Regulated Power Supply (+10v and -10v)
R1: 1.369 kΩ
R2:10.38 kΩ
741 IC
Connecting wires. 

IV. Theory
An inverting-amplifier circuit is built by grounding the positive input of the operational
amplifier and connecting resistors R1 and R2, called the feedback networks, between the inverting
input and the signal source and amplifier output node, respectively. With assumption that reverse-
transfer parameter is negligibly small, open-circuit voltage gain Av, input resistance Zin and output
resistance Zo can be calculated.
Figure 1: Inverting Amplifier 

The operational amplifier can also be used to construct a non-inverting amplifier with the
circuit indicated below. The input signal is applied to the positive or non-inverting input terminal of
the operational amplifier, and a portion of the output signal is fed back to the negative input
terminal. Analysis of the circuit is performed by relating the voltage at V 2 to both the input voltage
Vin and the output voltage Vo. The output is applied back to the inverting (-) input through the
feedback circuit (closed loop) formed by the input resistor R 1 and the feedback resistor R2. This
creates ve feedback as follows. Resistors R 1 and R2 form a voltage-divider circuit, which reduces
Vo and connects the reduced voltage V2 to the inverting input.

Figure 2: Non-Inverting Amplifier 

V. Procedures
Part 1:
1.     Observe the output waveform from CRO. An inverted and amplified waveform will be
2.     Measure the input and output voltage from the input and output waveform in the CRO.
3.     Calculate 

4.     Compare the theoretical voltage gain from the above equation with the experimental value
obtained by dividing output voltage by input voltages observed.
5.     Observe outputs of the inverting amplifier circuit using different input waveforms. Draw the
necessary waveforms on the graph sheet.
Part 2:
1.     Observe the output waveform from CRO. A non-inverted and amplified waveform will be
2.     Measure the input and output voltage from the input and output waveform in the CRO.
3.     Calculate 

4.     Compare the theoretical voltage gain from the above equation with the experimental value
obtained by dividing output voltage by input voltages observed.
5.     Observe outputs of the inverting amplifier circuit using different input waveforms. Draw the
necessary waveforms on the graph sheet.

VI. Guiding Questions

1. Define an integrated circuit and classify them.
2. What is an op-amp and what are its types?
3. How to define the symbol of op-amp?
4. What are the various terminals of op-amp 741 IC?
5. What is the operating voltage range of IC 741?
Laboratory Exercise No. 10.3
EE 01 (Electronic Circuits: Devices and Analysis)
Operational Amplifier Operations

Group Leader:
Group Members:

Course Year & Section: Date Performed:

Course In-Charge: Date Submitted:
Rating: Comments:

I. Introduction
Measuring instruments and devices are
II. Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this laboratory exercise, the student will be able to:
1. Use a digital/analog voltmeter to determine the voltage in a circuit.
2. Use a digital/analog ammeter to measure current in a circuit.
3. Use a digital/analog voltmeter and ammeter to simultaneously measure voltage and current in a
4. Use a digital/analog wattmeter to determine power in a circuit.

III. Materials and Equipment

Computer system
Computer-aided circuit analysis software

IV. Procedures
1. Set

V. Questions
1. How is a voltmeter connected to get voltage measurement?

2. How is an ammeter connected to get the current measurement?

3. Describe how to measure voltage and current simultaneously.

4. How is a wattmeter connected to get the power of a circuit?

Laboratory Exercise No. 10.1
EE 01 (Electronic Circuits: Devices and Analysis)
Differential Amplifier

Group Leader:
Group Members:

Course Year & Section: Date Performed:

Course In-Charge: Date Submitted:
Rating: Comments:

I. Introduction
An electronic device called a differential amplifier enhances the difference between two input signals.
It is frequently utilized in a variety of applications, such as instrumentation circuits, data acquisition
systems, and audio amplifiers. A differential amplifier's capacity to reject common-mode signals—
signals that are present on both input lines—is one of its main advantages. This rejection is crucial
since it aids in removing unwanted interference and noise from the output signal. Gain, bandwidth,
and common-mode rejection ratio are frequently used to describe the performance of differential
amplifiers, which can be built with discrete or integrated circuitry.
II. Learning Objectives:
After performing this experiment, you will be able to:
1. Compute dc and ac parameters of a differential amplifier with emitter bias.
2. Build a differential amplifier circuit, test it, and measure differential and common-mode gain.
III. Materials and Equipment
-Two 47Ω, two 10 k Ω, two 47 k Ω
Two 1 µF capacitors
Two 2N3904 NPN transistors (or equivalent)
IV. Theory

The differential amplifier (diff amp) is used to amplify the difference in two signals. The
output is related only to the difference between the two inputs. If the input signals are identical,
the operation is said to be common-mode signals. The output of the ideal difference amplifier
will be zero for common-mode signals. When the inputs are different, the operation is said to be
normal-mode. The normal-mode signal is amplified by the differential amplifier. The difference
amplifier is important in applications in which a weak signal is in the presence of unwanted noise
as illustrated in Figure 43-1. The desired transducer signal drives the diff amp in normal mode.
The noise source will tend to induce equal voltages into the twisted pair wires, driving the diff
amp in common-mode. The signal at the output will represent the original transducer signal
without the induced noise voltage.

The diff amp's ability to reject unwanted common-mode signals while favoring the desired
normal mode signals is called the amplifier's common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). CMRR is
often exposed in decibels (dB) and can be defined as:

In this equation, AV(d) represents the differential voltage gain and Acm represents the common-
mode voltage gain. The CMRR is a dimensionless number.

V. Procedure
1. Measure and record the resistance of the resistors listed in Table 43-1.

2. The circuit shown in Figure 43-2 is a differential amplifier with single-ended output and
emitter bias. Except for VC, the dc parameters should be identical for Q1, and Q2. The
transistors are forward biased by the negative supply connected to the common tail resistor,
RT. Notice that RT, has two emitter currents in it, one from each transistor. To solve for the dc
parameters in the circuit, the first step is to write Kirchhoff's voltage equation for the closed
path indicated by the dotted line on Figure 43-2. The first sign of each voltage drop is used in
writing the equation. (Note that Kirchhoff's voltage law can be written in either direction and
obtain the same result.)

The base current can be expressed in terms of the emitter current by using the

By substitution, and solving for IE :

Compute IE for the circuit shown in Figure 43-2. If you do not know the for your
transistor, assume a value of 100. Enter your computed I E in Table 43-2.

3. Compute the remaining dc parameters listed in Table 43-2. The base voltage for either
transistor, Vb, can be found by subtracting IERB1 from zero (ground). The emitter voltage for
either transistor is 0.7 V less than V. The voltage at point A can be computed by subtracting
IERB1 from VE. VC(Q2) is found by subtracting IERB1 from VCC.
4. Construct the diff amp shown in Figure 43-2. The signal generator should be turned off.
Measure and record the dc voltages listed in Table 43-2. Your measured and computed
values should agree within 10%.
5. Using the computed IE, calculate re, for the transistors. Enter the computed re, in Table 43-3.
6. Compute the differential gain, AV(d), for the circuit. The diff amp can be thought of as a
common-collector amplifier (Q₁) driving a common base amplifier (Q₁). Point A represents
the output of the CC amplifier and the input of the CB amplifier. The Q₁ base voltage, Vb(Q1) is
shown as equal to Vs. The gain to point A is approximately 1/2, so VA(ac) is shown as a
computed 50 mVpp. The differential gain is the product of the gain of the CC amplifier and
the CB amplifier.

7. Compute the common-mode gain from the formula,

Enter the computed Acm in Table 43-3.

8. Turn on the signal generator and set Vs for 100 mVpp at 1.0 kHz. Use the oscilloscope to set
the proper voltage and check the frequency. (It may be necessary to attenuate the generator
input to obtain a 100 mV signal.) Measure the ac signal voltage at Q₁'s base Vb(Q1), point A,
and at Q₂'s collector Vc(Q2). Determine the differential gain, AV(d). (The overall voltage gain is
the ratio of the output to the input voltage.) Using two channels, observe the phase
relationship between these waveforms. Enter your measured results in Table 43-3.
9. To measure the common-mode gain, it is necessary to put an identical signal into both Q₁,
and Q₂. Do this by removing point B from ground and connecting point B to the signal
generator. Increase Vs to 1.0 Vpp and measure Vout. Enter the measured Acm in Table 43-3.

VI. Results
(In this section, the results of the experiment will be presented concisely.)

VII. Discussions
(The discussion in this section will be based on the guiding questions.)

VIII. Conclusions
(The highlights and conclusions of the experiment will be presented in this section.)

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