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—Siddhorth Singh Sortoyzsp4g ______— . of pate 19/0/22. Tee Assi ty) Cad: Nofive dls pevied. bi Brasts | Ay 4 Soil in divided ly ny ratcad | Aw. “ho CT enginet Ye dleldy perinel in divide info physical dl ond! che - C day Pyal tye ti hoes Soe of Lon oud thinner | — of drowicall rea tfieis conditions. Luving aid felis Bzed, nt h oe \opovized ond! & mixed with dire. Chemical cele the game Ab 9, ees igvition diay for 8 engive. Buving “his. phase vedebion Stor cloiab. _e. andl jpritioa nies plate bik detest cae? ALS Os | Quer. ( mn trereane wx _ -_ ed i Oui cote Of ST omcl CT engjwek 9x, Avy Ti, $t engine te air fuel oibcture ib measat to be ipptted by he Spark plug a has onbit onl ot a. precise pride in Die compression Sheol. Mocking cows kg when the peck of the eombustiny preteit nb longer necuns of te opbinun © rmerneist: for Ne _four-srke oyel. The splindlen pressure. increas cbarottall. due to sheok nova oud £ trecites a metallic “pinging Lorn z = ZI | ~ ~—Tpretion . — ~ ——_~ nor |g SR - NS The oye e . Time —> ~ Tio CT engine if the daly period & long, a lovpe ameunt of fucluillbe ou | colleral inthe. cortbustion chamber before i sition Shuts. The aula iquitipn his Longe moun of fuel may couse. ig vate of pressioce_ tise. tzhich coudes_lenoo ing inn dlegel engine oH A sd = a ae 7 x“ GunZ. titbbely of 2-8 cingror explin different staget conboustion iin St Eyal ~ _A ) 28, of combustion in Seeiele i eS _) Preparation Phase: The time lag lttinen fist ignicti of fiel ancl the cormencenent pf main Nae of ey qeehartarie : ~ a ~ ~ = 2 gst 1 Teeg b bab PD sta 2 fe ee Since, 8 Plone propogotion Stovting pose. Ts clavt it 5) Ales nay 1 eof barry prose in thick the remaining ing fuel © pavkicler = eae a con 0th). corme in couoct vaibh thenir in ;, é¢ paths oe a Weteeteaotar coat rod ~ coil) hove fp puth the Fisk in-ox OE Nero sinctela TRO fae RG on_piston. by “the connerhi 2 upunrd direction. may nek be able te pveccome th cna Sia = __0r fear dhe ee eee we ated a the tombusticn of fuel Unde this condition, the ey oi Stott nal Oe exploele Sty tanta wy 2 © Ges Er factors. ef siete in_& @ Arg. Focbors eS eee Phenomend_in ST Eng ine are: =) Tnpenics faclog: Thoveasing You -tropevotauce of Ye wabvened wire 7 [Neelzagen) > ———inereaxe Ye pestiity of Mnnde inthe ST engines — 2 Neu, Focbors: Tnerensing the densiby of unbornk mixture. will jnoveade Ye = 3 Phe sibility bf Lupe im the: engine. Avct ibpp asl fue fe = 8) Tine. Fachors Thoreosing re time of exposwre. of the unburned! mirtiure top aufo ignition tondifions increnve the possbility of Vasc in. SE engin 11) Conpesition: Higher the euboine number, lt the endloncy. te lactle. Paving. \ hove rwoximuna tendon gy fe kenoek and aremodic Series have minivatana Zz 1 Herden y, to knock Bee eh SS + sts @ ! Dee. (ith help of P-8 diogrona exploin.cifred stages of combustion in CT Engine. - Ars. Stogea of eornbushen tn CT Engines on | __l) xittion Ried: Tr CT engines the dels. pevindl ia divided ids “ <