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I'm going to write about the facilities which should receive money from the local authorities (the
town hall) in my town. I am going to mention two installations that I consider more relevant in
my opinion.
First, the Sport Centres are more important places, the people dedicate and pay attention to their
body and health in this society. It’s vital that nowadays all the people can access to these
installations but not all the citizens get to use them as their purchasing power isn’t enough to
enjoy it.
In the second place, the public gardens are also important places where all kind of people enjoy
using them; children, young people and older people, without forgetting our pets that can run and
play in their allowed places. I think that there aren’t enough parks and a lot of them are poorly
cared. We have to think that these places are the lung of our cities and the more we have, the
better so the pollution takes over the big cities.
In conclusion, I think that these are some of the places in my town where the town hall should
spend money. No doubt there are many more places where to dedicate the public money but
these are my preferences.

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