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The happiest day of my life

Both good and unpleasant things can happen in our life. Every day of my life is precious, but
there is one very special day that I will always remember dearly, and that was when my parents
gave me a new pet as a surprise when I was a young child. That pet was a cat and I named her
kitty, she was a very sociable cat and a playful one. We always play outdoors, eat together, and
even sleep together. There are times that we don’t get along, but we always find a way to
reconcile. I have always wanted a pet cat, and there are times that I envy people that have pets
to keep them company. I prayed every single day to make my wish come true, and it did come
true. That day will forever be in my mind and heart. Not only that it helped me to be responsible
enough, it gave me new ways to learn more on how to be more productive. That is why I called
that day the happiest day of my life.

The person who has made a great impact in my life

A person can impact another person’s life, it can be either pleasant or unpleasant. But, as a
result of those impacts, we are able to learn from our past experiences that will help us to do
better. Through experiences, we may learn more about who we are and use that knowledge to
make our efforts more successful and productive. The person who has made a great impact in
me would be my mother. Because she is the one who sacrificed a lot for me to give everything I
ever wanted in life. She was also the one who helped me whenever I needed help with
something. She has always been there for me, which is why I have a good life. Even when I'm
having ups and downs, she'll always be at my side, comforting and cheering me up. I wouldn't
be the person I am today if it weren't for her. That is why I need to work hard and do my best to
repay what my mother did to me. My mother is someone I will always treasure, and I will never
forget the sacrifices she made for me, and for that I would say that the person who has made a
great impact in my life is my mother.

Death Penalty

The death penalty, commonly known as the capital punishment, has long been a controversial
and heated topic. If someone commits a crime that is considered terrible enough for death to
come sooner for the culprits, they will get the death sentence and be executed. Many terrible
criminals who received the death penalty are sent to their graves with their secrets. There are
public opinions on the death penalty that have changed throughout the year and are constantly
evolving, but there are still other individuals who feel that the death sentence is a good
punishment and they will continue to believe it. But for me, the death penalty shouldn’t be
allowed in the first place because of its negative effects. The death penalty can increase the
possibility of executing an innocent person. Everyone on death row is entitled to a second shot
at life. There is sometimes no proof for execution just because of what they did. The majority of
people feel that if a criminal takes someone's life, then their lives should be taken away as well,
but I don't believe it would discourage anybody from committing crimes because I believe that
we should kill the crime, not the criminal. There shouldn’t be any crimes that deserve this
punishment because it is too Extreme. A death sentence is very horrifying in any case,
especially if the person being executed is innocent. The death penalty should be prohibited
because it is ethically wrong and might lead to false accusations.

My Favorite hobby

A hobby plays an important role in our lives, keeping us busy in order to save our time and
make our lives happier and more productive. My favorite hobby is making art because when I
draw, it makes me feel relaxed and enjoy the time that I put in my works. I started making
drawings when I was young because my aunt always made sketches about nature, buildings,
people, etc. That is when I started making drawing's because I was inspired by my aunt. The
way she always looks peaceful and stress free when she sketches silently, makes me want to
be like her more. That is why I asked my aunt to teach me how to draw and make good
sketches. From that day on, I always attended my aunt's lessons once a week. Although I made
a lot of mistakes, my aunt has always been very patient and kind to me. So, I worked hard to
master those skills and made some improvements. In the end, it was all worth it.

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