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Performance Evaluation of MVDR Beamforming Algorithm for Smart

Antenna Systems using MATLAB: Signal Enhancement and

Interference Suppression”
Mayank Singh Bisht
Dept of ECE
National Institute of Technology Warangal

Abstract— In this report, we present a performance evalua- The implementation of the MVDR algorithm in MATLAB
tion of the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) provides a versatile and powerful platform for studying
beamforming algorithm implemented in MATLAB for smart the algorithm’s behavior in various scenarios. This report
antenna systems. The objective of this study is to assess the
effectiveness of the MVDR algorithm in enhancing the desired investigates the algorithm’s performance by considering pa-
signal and suppressing interference in a multi-antenna system. rameters such as the number of antenna elements, desired
We describe the theoretical background of the MVDR algorithm beamforming angle, interference angles, and Signal-to-Noise
and its implementation in MATLAB. The simulation results Ratio (SNR). The simulation results and analysis will provide
demonstrate the improved signal-to-interference-plus-noise ra- insights into the effectiveness of the MVDR algorithm in dif-
tio (SINR) achieved by the MVDR beamforming algorithm com-
pared to conventional beamforming techniques. The evaluation ferent scenarios and its potential for real-world applications.
includes the analysis of beamforming performance in different By evaluating and analyzing the MVDR algorithm’s per-
scenarios and the impact of various system parameters. The formance in MATLAB, this report aims to contribute to the
findings from this study provide insights into the benefits and understanding of its capabilities and limitations, providing
limitations of MVDR beamforming in smart antenna systems, valuable insights for researchers and engineers working on
contributing to the advancement of wireless communication
technologies. advanced beamforming techniques in smart antenna sys-
Smart antenna systems have gained significant attention in II. MVDR A LGORITHM :W ORKING AND PROCESS
wireless communication due to their ability to enhance the The proposed method, known as the Minimum Variance
performance of wireless networks by exploiting spatial di- Distortionless Response (MVDR) algorithm, leverages the
versity. The beamformer is used for the purpose of detecting spatial diversity offered by an array of antenna elements
the desired signals and suppressing the interference signals. It to adaptively adjust the weights and create a spatial filter.
filters the interference signals and outputs the desired signals The algorithm aims to optimize the beamforming pattern in
whose mainlobe points to desired direction. Beamformer, order to maximize the desired signal power while minimizing
which is the key technology in many fields, is widely used the impact of interference and noise sources arriving from
in radar, communications, sonar, GPS, and other fields. For different angles. This optimization process results in an im-
example, weather radar system needs the algorithm to get proved Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) at the
the desired signals [1] from the meteorological information. desired signal direction.The algorithm proceeds as follows:
In MIMO communication system, the beamformer is used to
achieve large array gains [2]. A. Parameter Definition
”This report presents an in-depth analysis and evaluation The algorithm begins by defining the necessary parame-
of the MVDR algorithm implemented in MATLAB. The ters. These include the number of samples (N), the number
objective of this study is to assess the performance of the of antenna elements (M), the desired beamforming angle
MVDR algorithm in improving the signal quality by en- (desired angle) specified in degrees, the interference angles
hancing the desired signal while attenuating interference and (interference angles), and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
noise.MVDR (Minimum Variance Distortionless Response) expressed in dB.
is a typical beamforming (beamformer) algorithm, which was
proposed by Capon in 1967 [3].The algorithm maximizes B. Signal and Steering Vector Generation
the desired signal power while minimizing interference and The desired angle and interference angles are converted
noise by adaptively adjusting weights and optimizing the from degrees to radians. The signal power and noise power
beamforming pattern. This technique utilizes the spatial are calculated based on the specified SNR. The steering
diversity of an antenna array to enhance signal quality. The vector for the desired angle (Desangl) and the steering
result is an improved Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio vectors for the interference angles (Intangl) are generated
(SINR) at the desired signal direction. accordingly.
C. Received Signal Generation III. C OMPUTATION C OMPLEXITY
The desired signal (s d), interference signals (s i), and The computational complexity of the Minimum Variance
noise signal (n) are generated. The desired signal is com- Distortionless Response (MVDR) algorithm can be analyzed
posed of complex random values scaled by the square root based on its key computational steps. Let’s denote the
of the signal power. Similarly, the interference signals and number of samples as N and the number of antenna elements
noise signal are generated for each interference angle, also as M.
scaled by the square root of the signal power and noise 1) Generating Signals and Steering Vectors: Generating
power, respectively. The received signal (x) is obtained by the desired signal, interference signals, and noise signal
combining the desired signal, interference signals, and noise involves generating random numbers, which has a
signal using the respective steering vectors. complexity of O(1). Generating the steering vectors
for the desired angle and interference angles requires
D. Sample Covariance Matrix Calculation computing trigonometric functions and performing
The sample covariance matrix (R) is calculated by taking element-wise multiplications, resulting in a complexity
the outer product of the received signal with its conjugate of O(M).
transpose and averaging it over all samples. 2) Calculating Sample Covariance Matrix: The computa-
tion of the sample covariance matrix involves com-
puting the outer product of the received signal and
E. Inverse Covariance Matrix Calculation
averaging over N samples. This step has a complexity
The inverse covariance matrix (R inv) is computed by of O(N*M2ˆ2).
taking the inverse of the sample covariance matrix. 3) Calculating Inverse Covariance Matrix: Inverting the
sample covariance matrix requires performing ma-
F. Weight Calculation trix inversion, which typically has a complexity of
The weights (w) are calculated by multiplying the inverse O(Mˆ3) using standard algorithms.
covariance matrix with the steering vector for the desired 4) Calculating Weights: The calculation of the weights
angle and normalizing them if required. involves multiplying the inverse covariance matrix with
the steering vector for the desired angle and normal-
ization if necessary. This step has a complexity of
G. Beamforming
The weights obtained in the previous step are applied to 5) Applying Weights to Received Signal: Applying the
the received signal, resulting in the beamformed signal (y). calculated weights to the received signal involves per-
forming a matrix multiplication between the weights
H. Power Calculation and the received signal. This step has a complexity of
The power of the desired signal (desired signal power) and O(M*N).
the power of the noise (noise power) are computed by taking 6) Calculating Power: Computing the power of the de-
the average of the squared magnitude of the corresponding sired signal and noise involves averaging over N sam-
signals. ples, resulting in a complexity of O(N).
7) Calculating SNR for each Sample:
Iterating over each sample index and computing the
I. SNR Calculation
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) has a complexity of
The Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is calculated for each O(N).
sample index. This is done by iterating over each sample In summary, the computational complexity of the MVDR
index and computing the SNR using the power of the desired algorithm is dominated by the computation of the sample
signal and the noise. The resulting SNR values are expressed covariance matrix (O(N*M\ˆ2)) and the inversion of the
in decibels (dB). covariance matrix (O(Mˆ3)).The other steps have relatively
lower complexities.
J. Result Visualization It’s important to note that the provided complexities are
The desired signal, beamformed signal, and the estimated approximate and can vary depending on the specific imple-
SNR are plotted to provide a visual representation of the mentation and optimizations employed.
algorithm’s performance.
By following this method, the MVDR algorithm can effec-
tively exploit the spatial diversity offered by an antenna array There are several ways to improve the efficiency of the
to adaptively adjust the weights and enhance the desired MVDR algorithm, including:
signal power while mitigating the impact of interference 1) Reduce the Number of Samples (N): If feasible,
and noise sources from various angles, thereby improving reducing the number of samples can significantly de-
the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) at the crease the computational complexity. However, it is
desired signal direction. crucial to ensure that the reduced number of samples
still provides sufficient statistical information for accu-
rate beamforming.
2) Optimize Matrix Computations: The computation of
the sample covariance matrix and the inversion of the
covariance matrix are computationally intensive steps.
Utilizing efficient matrix computation techniques and
algorithms, such as sparse matrix representations or
fast matrix inversion algorithms, can help reduce the
computational complexity of these steps. Figure 2 presents the beamforming results for the imaginary
3) Utilize Parallel Computing: Certain parts of the part of the desired signal and the beamformed signal.
MVDR algorithm, such as matrix multiplications, can Similar to Figure 1, the blue line represents the desired
benefit from parallel computing techniques. Employing signal, and the red line represents the beamformed signal.
parallelization strategies, such as utilizing multi-core The alignment between the two signals indicates the
processors or distributed computing platforms, can successful suppression of interference and noise, resulting
significantly speed up the execution time. in an improved representation of the desired signal.
4) Implement Approximations: Depending on the spe-
cific requirements and constraints of the application,
certain approximations or simplifications can be ap-
plied to reduce the computational complexity. For ex-
ample, instead of using a full-rank covariance matrix,
a lower-rank approximation can be employed to reduce
the computational burden.
5) Optimize Code and Algorithms: Careful optimiza-
tion of the code and algorithm implementation can lead
to performance improvements. This includes utilizing
efficient data structures, minimizing redundant calcu-
lations, and utilizing vectorized operations for better
utilization of hardware capabilities. The estimated Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) provides a
quantitative measure of the algorithm’s performance in
enhancing the desired signal and suppressing noise. Figure
3 illustrates the estimated SNR for each sample index. A
higher SNR value indicates a better separation between
the desired signal and the noise. As shown, the estimated
V. R ESULTS A ND G RAPHS SNR values demonstrate an improvement in the SNR at the
In this section, we present the results obtained from apply- desired signal direction, validating the effectiveness of the
ing the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) MVDR algorithm.
algorithm to the received signals. The algorithm aimed to
maximize the desired signal power while minimizing the ”The obtained results and graphs confirm the capability
impact of interference and noise sources from different of the MVDR algorithm in enhancing the desired signal
angles. and mitigating the impact of interference and noise.
The successful alignment between the desired signal and
the beamformed signal, along with the improved SNR,
validate the effectiveness of the algorithm in beamforming


The MVDR algorithm demonstrated superior performance

compared to conventional beamforming techniques, as ev-
Figure 1 illustrates the beamforming results for the idenced by the improved Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise
real part of the desired signal and the beamformed Ratio (SINR). The algorithm effectively utilized the spatial
signal. The blue line represents the desired signal, diversity of antenna arrays to adaptively adjust weights and
while the red line represents the beamformed signal. As optimize the beamforming pattern.
observed, the beamformed signal aligns with the desired The study analyzed various scenarios and system pa-
signal, indicating successful beamforming. The amplitude rameters to provide valuable insights into the benefits and
variations over the sample indices highlight the effectiveness limitations of the MVDR algorithm. The results confirmed its
of the MVDR algorithm in enhancing the desired signal. capability to enhance signal quality and mitigate interference,
contributing to the advancement of wireless communication
Furthermore, the report discussed ways to improve the
algorithm’s efficiency, including reducing the number of
samples, optimizing matrix computations, utilizing parallel
computing, implementing approximations, and optimizing
code and algorithms.
Overall, this evaluation highlights the potential of the
MVDR algorithm in smart antenna systems, emphasizing
its ability to enhance desired signals while suppressing
[1] C. Fulton, J. L. Salazar, Y. Zhang et al., “Cylindrical Polarimetric
Phased Array Radar: Beamforming and Calibration for Weather Ap-
plications,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 2827–2841, 2017.
[2] N. Song, T. Yang, and H. Sun, “Overlapped subarray base hybrid
beamfroming for millimeter wave multiuser massive MIMO,” IEEE
Signal processing Letters, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 550–554, 2017.
[3] J. Capon, “High-resolution frequency-wavenumber spectrum analysis,”
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 1408–1418, 1969.
[4] Yuteng Xiao,”MVDR Algorithm Based on Estimated Diagonal Load-
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