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1 Read the text. Then tick ( ) the sentences T (true) or F (false)

Imagine a long queue at a market and you are standing at the end. The queue is
moving very, very slowly. How do you feel?
Richard Larson, a psychology professor, studies the feelings of people in queues.
Then, he helps companies make their queues better. According to Larson, queues
can make people feel frustrated. But some queues are fun to wait in. One theme
park has got computer games and video cameras for people in the queue. There,
waiting is enjoyable!
Larson says something else interesting: Information helps. Some places – banks or
chemists, for example – give numbers so clients know how many people are in front
of them. Disneyland has got signs with the waiting time for rides so people can
choose to wait or leave.
Understanding queues is a science and with Richard Larson’s help, maybe we can
enjoy standing in them!

1. Richard Larson is interested in people’s feelings in queues. …… ……
2. Queues always make people feel frustrated. …… ……
3. People don’t want to know their number in a queue. …… ……
4. You can know the waiting time in queues at Disneyland. …… ……
5. Larson wants people to feel good in queues. …… ……

2 Complete the sentences

1. Richard Larson is a ……………………………… .
2. People in queues sometimes feel ……………………………… .
3. Computer games make waiting ……………………………… .
4. People know how many people are in front of them when they have got
a ……………………………… .
5. The ……………………………… at Disneyland help people decide to go or wait.
3 Read the text. Then complete the sentences below

Imagine a long queue at a market and you are standing at the end. The queue is
moving very, very slowly. How do you feel?
Richard Larson, a psychology professor, studies the feelings of people in queues.
Then, he helps companies make their queues better. According to Larson, queues
can make people feel very angry and frustrated. But some queues are fun to wait in.
One theme park has got computer games and video cameras for people in the
queue. There, waiting is enjoyable!
Larson says something else interesting: Information helps. Some places – banks or
chemists, for example – give numbers so clients know how many people are in front
of them. Disneyland has got signs with the waiting time for rides so people can
choose to wait or leave. Sometimes a sign says there’s a 40-minute wait, but the
queue moves quickly and it’s only 30 minutes. The people in the queue feel lucky,
not angry!
Understanding queues is a science and with Richard Larson’s help, maybe we can
enjoy standing in them!

1. Larson studies ……………………………… .

2. People in queues sometimes feel ……………………………… .
3. Computer games make waiting ……………………………… .
4. People know how many people are in front of them when they have got a
……………………………… .
5. The ……………………………… at Disneyland help people decide to go or wait.

2 Answer the questions

1. What is Richard Larson’s job?
2. Why do some companies get help from Larson?
3. What example does the text give of a fun queue?
4. Why does the text mention a chemist’s?
5. Why do some people in long queues at Disneyland feel lucky?
1 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. at the ice rink / Sandra / is skating / beautifully
2. eat / they / slowly / very / usually / their dinner
3. she / buys / clothes / new / always / at this shop
4. dark / has got / the / girl / hair
5. am watching / I / interesting / programme / very / a

2 Complete the text with connectors of sequence. There may be more than one
correct answer. Use each connector once
Ben Stiller was born into an entertainment family, so it isn’t surprising he became
an actor. 1…………………… , he appeared in a drama called Kate McShane with
his mother. 2…………………… , he went to Calhoun School in New York.
…………………… , he went to study at the University of California.
…………………… , he got parts in different plays
and TV shows. 5…………………… , he appeared in films like Meet the Parents.
Today, he’s an international star.

3 Choose the correct answers

Rod 1 love / loves / is loving rugby and he watches every rugby game on TV. He 2
want / wants / don’t want to visit a rugby stadium, so he often 3 browses / browse
/ is browsing
the web for a place to visit. At the moment, he 4 is reading / doesn’t read / reads
about the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. The Millenium Stadium 5 has got / is
/ are seats for 74,500 people. On some days, there aren’t any games and visitors 6
often / right now / every day tour the stadium. 7 Their / They’re / They walk
around the 8 players / player / players’ showers
and run onto the field. There is a special place for the Queen and 9 she / her / his
family to sit. 10 It’s / Its / This the royal box. The 11 visitor’s / visitors’ / visitors
can sit there on the tour. Ron is very excited. He 12 has got / is / isn’t at the
stadium today, but he hopes to visit soon.

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