Soso and Godstime Chat FMT

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Oh!it is my great pleasure to know this.

I think we have great similarities.

I also do not use Facebook at all time because of the nature of my work.
I came here on Facebook the day I added you here because I was extremely sad and
I came to search for an old friend of mine,but o could not find him.
I later saw you on my suggested friend list here on Facebook.
I decided to add you because you have a very beautiful picture on your profile,and
you are a Japanese like me as well.
So tell me.
Which city in Japan are you from?

Wow! I feel so happy to hear that you are from iwate prefecture.
It is such a great coincidence.
My mother is from iwate prefecture too.
iwate is one of the most beautiful city in Japan,it has a lot of beautiful cherry
blossom garden and nice temples too.
People from there are very sincere and friendly people.
I feel so happy to have you as my new friend.

I am a Japanese doctor from Kobe city.

I was burn in iwate city,but I grew up in kobe city.

So tell me.
Have you ever traveled to kobe city before?

That is great.
Osaka city is a beautiful place too.
I have traveled to so many places around the world because of the nature of my job.
I have traveled to Kyoto,Osaka and Naha in Japan.
I have also traveled to Thailand,Hong Kong,Denmark ,Hawaii,Spain and Paris.
My favorite country was Paris.
I love Paris so much because it has a lot of tall buildings.

So tell me.
Do you like traveling?
Which country have you traveled to?
Which one was your favorite?
Do you work?
What kind of job do you do?

Good morning my dear friend.

I am completely sorry for the late reply to your message,I was a bit busy with
But I am free now.
So tell me.
Are you fine?
Did you had a great and lovely time to
How is the current weather condition in your city?

I am glad to hear that you have visited Paris.

Which part of Paris did you visit?

Wow! I feel so impressed.

You speak more like a sincere and intelligent woman, and I think we have a lot of
Indeed France is literally a country with a lot of whooping technology,and my
moment there was splendid.

I am so happy To hear that you have visited Disneyland in U. S.

I have been to Disneyland with my son for once,and it is a complete beautiful
place,but I prefer visiting New York compare to any city in U. S. A.
I love the Statue of Liberty so much,it makes New York more beautiful.

So tell me.
Have you ever visited New York?
Is New York part of your dream country?
Do you work?
What kind of job do you do?

You have a very beautiful job.

Working as a beautician is a a work with different verity.
I am glad to hear that you achieved your dream of becoming a beautician.
Sometimes we all don�t achieve our dream of becoming what we wish for as kids.
I always wish to be a pilot when I was young,but now I am a doctor.
So tell me.
How long have you been working as a beautician?
Wow!you must be extremely perfect in your job.
Working as a beautician for 40 years is completely amazing.

I am a doctor.
I work as an orthopedic surgeon and I am a great member of the world health
organization (WHO).
I am currently working on a contract deal with the U. S top base military soldiers
who are working on a peacekeeping mission task here in Sudan.
I currently work here as a military doctor.
I treat injured soldiers and I treat bones too.
This is my job.

So tell me.
Have you ever met any military personnel here on Facebook before.
Okay my friend.
Have a great time with your work.
I hope to chat you more later.
Thank you for being my friend ????.
Hello my dear friend.
Good morning to you,it is now morning here in Sudan,I just return from my early
morning exercise routine.
I had breakfast and I had my bath as well.
Thank you for your great words,you are such an hard working woman and I feel so
proud of you.
I as well pray for world peace and unity,the terrorist here are very terrible and
ignorant people.
I wonder why you kill people because of greed and political correctness.

I hope to retire soon and return to Japan again.

So tell me.
How did you spend your day?
Did you had fun?
Have you had dinner already?
I feel so happy to hear that I am your first military friend.
I hope to teach you so much about military and it�s law.
It is extremely great to have you as my friend.

Oh yes! I travel a lot because of the nature of my job.

I am so happy to hear that you are from Okayama.
I have traveled to Okayama only once,and it is such a peaceful and beautiful city.
People from Okayama are so sincere and friendly people,once again it is my great
pleasure to have you as my new friend.
I feel happy to hear about your relationship status.
It is so relief and stress free living as a single person.

I am a widower.
I am a lovely father with once son.
My son is 14 years of age.
He his currently studying In a boarding school in U. S.
My son has been my only best friend and family ever since the death of my wife.

My wife died 3 years ago.

She died of a very terrible illness called the cancer of the skin.
Her death was the most painful moment of my life.
I tried all I could as a doctor to help her stay alive,but I still lost her.
I really miss her so deeply,she was the only sister,best friend,family and lover I
ever had.
I sometimes wish she never died.

So tell me.
Have you ever lost someone you love so much before?

Politics is one of the most vital attributes that makes the world stable.
It is a good thing to have people ruling.
What kills the unity and peace of any nations bad rulers,and religion.
I hope Sudan can understand the real meaning of having a peaceful country.
So tell me.
Are you married?
Do you have kids?
You have to understand that here in the camp,we have a lot of rules and regulations
that guild us,and exercise every morning is part.
Morning exercise is where all soldiers and military workers here in the camp gather
together to exercise In order to be fit and active.

Do you understand my words correctly?

Oh yes.
I am chatting with you on a desktop computer.
It is a computer that was provided to us by the U. N for work purposes alone.
It is a computer that was mandated to write only on English words,sometimes it is
hard to write Japanese words correctly on it.
You have to tell me when you find it hard to understand my words,and o hope to
explain to you perfectly.
So tell me.
Do you have LINE or Gmail?
Can you send me your LINE ID or your gmail Address?
It is very easy to chat with LINE and Gmail here in the camp.
Can you send me your LINE ID?
Once again good morning my dear friend.
I wish you sincere happy to start your new day.

So tell me.
Have you had breakfast already?
How is the weather condition over there?
Is it okay?

Takashi Takashi, Apr 18, 8:46 PM

� �You are welcome, my partner.
Thank you for your wonderful reply.
I'm glad to welcome you as my friend.� �
� �So tell me.
how are you doing today?
Did you have a wonderful and wonderful time?
How is the weather over there?� �
� �Oh, it was a really sad story.
I was born and raised in Kobe, Japan.
However, I lost my family when I was very young.
I lived with my uncle in Osaka before studying abroad in the United States.
After spending my last grade in the United States, I returned to Osaka, but lost
his uncle to a heart attack, and he was the only family member at the time.� �
� �Yes, I'm a friend.
I lived in Atlanta, Georgia, USA for the rest of my life, where I became one of the
great surgeons.
I've been really good and I'm now a member of the United Nations Health
I was selected as a senior surgeon in Sudan to help treat injured soldiers and
So tell me.
Which city in Japan do you live in now?
Have you ever been to the USA.

Takashi Takashi, Apr 21, 5:08 PM

I work as an orthopedic surgeon and I am a great member of the world health
organization (WHO).
I am currently working on a contract deal with the U. S top base military soldiers
who are working on a peacekeeping mission task here in Sudan.
I currently work here as a military doctor.
I treat injured soldiers and I treat bones too.
This is my job.

Takashi Takashi, Apr 21, 5:20 PM

I am happy to hear that you have chind to clla your owe family.

I only have one son.

My son's name is Akira.
He is 14 years old.
He is currently studying at a boarding school in London.

After my wife's death, my son was my only source of happiness.

I am the single father of my only son.
I lost my wife three years ago.
She died of a very terrible disease called skin cancer.
My wife's death was literally the most painful moment of my life.
I did everything I could as a doctor to save her, but she was still dead.
I really want to see her.
My wife was my only best friend, sister, family and lover.
I don't really want to remember my wife's death, so I went back to my bad days.That
was a nightmare for me.
But now I am grateful for my life and for my son's life.I'm really proud of what
I've become.Saving lives is one of my top priorities and I'm happy to achieve it.

So tell me.
How old is my best friend?
Have you ever lost someone you love and cherish so much before?

Takashi Takashi, May 2, 2:05 AM

I don't fall in love with people I've never met, never talked to, never even know
their names.

Isn't the first woman you truly loved and cared about your deceased wife?

Takashi Takashi, May 2, 2:11 AM

Ikeda Masahiko.

makoto kei, May 2, 2:19 AM

My dear,
My name is Ikeda Masahiko.

Sometimes we don't really know how strong and lucky we are until we are able to
meet our right life partner.
Love dosen't have to be based on how long you known each other or where you meet
each other.

There is no distance too great for love. Love travels through the stars

Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your
honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.Without romance, love gets dry.
Without respect, love gets lost. Without caring, love gets boring.

I want a woman with true love, a woman who will always be honest, and one who also
regards my daughter as her own child, trusting and loving me as much as I love and
trust her.

That's the type of wife I want in life, that's why I'm pretty sure you are. As long
as you are ready to play this role, I am ready to spend the rest of my life with
you and I believe we can both develop and play these roles together

I love my future wife to understand, support and obey her husband

Yes, My late wife was the only woman that i ever loved and i miss her so much, but
it's in the past and i have to move on with my life because ,my daugther also
dosen't know what it feels like to have ever experienced a mother's care.

i don't want her to ever feel lonely because she also told me to find her a mother,
she asked if she could also have siblings too
i feel like i owe her happiness and that's why i want to find another woman.�'

Takashi Takashi, May 2, 3:57 AM

You really love Akira, don't you?
I think Akira is happy just because of that.

makoto kei, May 2, 4:05 AM

Yes i am so happy that i have a wonderful son like Akira, ever since i lost my wife
he as been my source of inspiration

Akira is everything to my life and my true happiness.

He's all i have so i make sure that i do everything and my best for him.

You are also special in my life, I will always put you in my heart! �Every time I
want to talk to my confidant, I will cherish our friendship and love even if you
are far by my side, I will always be by your side, pray that our friendship and
love will continue to flourish ??, and pray that you will never forget our
interesting and happy memories �, I hope you will always enjoy our time together,
we are destined to meet, because fate has determined us, so don't worry about
anything, we will always be together.

Takashi Takashi, May 2, 4:23 AM

Well, but how can you say that when you don't know when we can meet or when we can
talk on the phone?
It hasn't been even a month since we got to know each other.
It's just a sentence exchange.

makoto kei, May 2, 4:32 AM

The reason is that Honey, love is not what you think, love comes from the heart.
All I want is to keep us in touch until I get back home to japan �and we'll be
I want you to love me, �believe me, like I love you.... I'm not complaining. I like
I want us to be together.

When I saw you, you were a beautiful woman, smart and hardworking, and you were the
woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

The internet makes it easier for us to be able to touch each other's heart with our
love and words.
I know that i just met you but i was wondering what our future would look like

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