Ideas and Vocabulary

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Companies sponsoring sports events for advertising purposes
For Against
 Sports teams or players are given free   Sports fans are more interested in the
equipment, which they could not event than in the sponsor’s advertising
afford otherwise messages
 Players can focus on their sports  Some companies advertise products
instead of being distracted by financial harmful to health
worries  Tobacco companies, among others,
 Companies can link their name to should not be allowed to sponsor sports
successful players events
 People think positively of companies  If the player is unsuccessful, it might
that donate products or equipment affect product sales.
 Sports sponsorship provides increased  The company’s reputation can be too
media exposure for the company and tightly linked to a player’s reputation
its brands  A player who does drugs or misbehaves
 Companies can showcase their will have negative consequences for the
products company and vice versa
Advertising Targeting Children
Problem Solution
 Advertising food and drinks that have   Some countries have already banned
a high level of fat and sugar causes advertising targeted at young children
 Little children pester their parents to  It should be illegal to use children’s film
buy the products advertised on TV and heroes and favorite cartoon characters in
social media advertisements
 Children are unable to differentiate  Instead of consumerism, advertising
between the actual TV programs and could promote creativity and values like
commercials friendship and honesty
 Children have yet to learn that things  Both schools and parents need to teach
cost money or that money needs to be their children critical thinking skills
earned  Food advertisements should encourage
 Advertising gives children the illusion children to eat healthy foods
that everyone has free access to all
material things.
Advertising Fast Food
For Against
 Freedom of choice is one of the key   Studies have shown a clear link between
principles of a democratic society the regular consumption of fast food and
 For many people, fast food is more obesity
affordable than healthy food  What people need is more information
 Without advertising, people would not about how to eat a balanced and healthy
be able to make informed choices diet
 Nowadays, many fast-food products  There is no need to advertise fast food
have a diet version and a regular because it is already everywhere in
version school canteens, in the supermarket, and
 Effective advertising helps us high street
understand the difference between  Fast food is unhealthy and advertising it
fast food and junk food is irresponsible
 Advertising should encourage people to
keep fit not to ruin their health

Advertising encourages spending

Encourages unnecessary spending Provides information about the product
 Advertising is often for products and  Adverts help people save money by
services that we do not need informing them about the real bargains
 A lot of adverts create artificial wants  Catalogs and brochures enable people to
 People often buy things only because of compare products and services at leisure
the image of power, success, and  If you do not have time to shop around,
glamour associated with them you can rely on advertising to learn about
 Children are easily influenced by new products
commercials and then pester their  Advertising informs consumers about the
parents to buy certain products environmental impact of products
 Advertising aims to subtly persuade  Consumers can easily find out if a
people to buy things company support fair trade

Protecting wild animals
For Against
 People have a responsibility to protect  It is too costly It involves law
the species on this plant enforcement, research, and security
 Loss of species can disrupt the balance of  Humans should be prioritized over animal
the ecosystem  Money should be spent on education and
 Biodiversity is essential for the well-being healthcare for people
of the plant  Species will become extinct, it is part of
 New medicines and treatment can be life
found by studying animal species  Not all animals are worth saving, some
 It is the only way some species can be animals are dangerous
protected from extinction
Animal testing
For Against
 Animal suffering can be kept to a  Animal testing does not mean it is 100%
minimum safe for humans
 Drugs must be tested for side effects and  Animals often killed during the
safety reasons experiments
 It is better for the animal to suffer than  Animal frequently suffer extreme pain
for a human to die  Animals have rights as well as humans
 Research can lead to new treatment and  It could be costly to run an experiment
save lives on animals
 Testing medicines on animals ensure the
medicine is safe for human use
Decrease in some animal species
Problem Solution
 Declining numbers due to illegal hunting  Develop breeding programs for
or poaching endangered species
 Endangered animal products are used in  Educate people to avoid buying products
the traditional medicine or fashion made from certain species
industry  House people away from animal habitats
 Loss of habitat due to deforestation and  Organize guards to protect animals and
human habitation have harsher punishment for poaching
 Low breading numbers and illegal hunting
For Against
 Zoos provide a safe environment for  Animals should have the right to live in
endangered species their natural habitat
 Zoos educate people to respect wild  Some animals suffer cruelty at hands of
animals zookeepers, staff, or visitors
 Zoos offer professionally ruined breeding  Holding animals in captivity is wrong
programs  People do not learn to respect animals if
 Zoos sometimes provide rehabilitation these are held behind the bars
for animals going back into the wild  The cages and enclosures are often too
 Zoos provide opportunities for people to small
have contact with wild animals
Man’s relationship with animals
Past Future
 Animals were used predominantly for  In the developed world, farmers now use
agriculture purposes machines for agriculture.
 Man’s diet often tended to be meat-  There are many vegetarians and vegans
based nowadays.
 Wild animals were hunted for food or  Many animal species are now protected
sport by law, and hunting is illegal
 In earlier times, horses oxen, and dogs  Dogs can be trained to guide and rescue
were working animals people and track down animals.
 Animals were essentially a source of food  Some animals are being used as
 All animals used to be wild companions
 Many animals species must become

3. ART
Supporting the arts
For Against
 Art is a way to express ideas and  Art does not play a vital role in society
communicate concepts  Artists should earn their living
 The government is responsible for  Funding could be better granted to more
protecting culture pressing social issues
 People can learn from art and be inspired  The healthcare system needs more
by it funding than the arts
 Art encourages creativity and promotes  Education should be prioritized over art
harmony in society  People’s basic needs should be put
 Art teaches people about their own before luxuries such as art
culture and history  There are enough wealthy patrons
 Without government funding, some around to subsidize the art
artists would not be able to work
 Most artists do not make enough money
to support themselves
Censoring Arts
For Against
 Some art criticizes religion and is deeply  People can decide for themselves
offensive whether a work of art is suitable or not
 Children need to be protected from  Art should be created without any
certain forms of art that are unsuitable restrictions

Children learning Art

For Against
 Children learn to express themselves  Art is not an essential subject for children
through creativity to learn it
 Children enjoy creating images  Art will not help children develop useful
 Children can learn about history through skills
art  Art will not help children find a job later
 Art can teach children about their culture  The school curriculum should focus on
 Children can develop social skills by doing core subjects such as math and science
art projects  Children can pursue their interest in art
at the home

Free Admission to art galleries and museums

For Against
 Children will be encouraged to visit  The money can be used to restore and
 Free entry enables the public to learn protect works of art
about their history  People respect what they pay for
 it helps promote a country’s cultural  The income from entry frees means that
heritage the government has more money to
 It promotes national pride spend on more vital areas
 Art should be accessible to people of all  Free admission leads to overcrowding
income group which soon discourages art-loving visitors
 The money generated from fees can
compensate for insufficient government
Renting or buying houses
Renting Buying
 It is more economical in the short term  Monthly mortgage payments benefit
 People can easily downsize when money homeowners not landlords
is short  Buying can be an investment if house
 People are not affected by changing prices rise
house prices  You renovate and decorate as you want
 People can relocate more easily for work  You cannot be asked to move
 The landlord is responsible for repairs  Your property becomes a reflection of
and maintenance, not the tenant your lifestyle, a place you can call home
Planting trees or building houses
Planting Trees Building houses
 Overpopulation is a problem in most
 Green spaces are necessary for people’s cities
wellbeing  Poor living conditions can result in
 Improving living conditions can reduce serious health concerns
crime rates  Urban spaces are limited, and housing is
 Trees buffer sound more essential than trees
 Trees are an essential part of the city’s  without affordable housing, cities are
ecosystem unable to develop further
 Trees are necessary for urban wildlife  Housing is a basic human need
Building houses in urban or rural areas
Building in Urban areas Building in rural areas
 More housing in cities will promote a  New towns can be properly planned in
bigger workforce the countryside
 Workers will not need to commute long  Rural areas offer healthier living
distances to get to work conditions without widespread pollution
 People will be able to walk or cycle to or sanitation problems
work  Land in rural areas is cheaper, which will
 Walking to work will benefit the reduce the cost of housing
environment  New job opportunities will open for rural
 Many cities have derelict= abandoned residents
areas that could be turned into housing
or public spaces
 More people will have access to public
facilities such as libraries and sports
centers, as these are often located in
urban areas

Promoting old houses

For Against
 A building is not necessarily valuable just  The building offers an insight into a
because it is old country’s past
 Space is needed for housing to deal with  Many old buildings are aesthetically
overcrowding pleasing to the eye
 Urban spaces can be better used to  There are financial advantages of
promote the development attracting tourists
 The historical and cultural value of the  Old buildings represent the cultural
building is more important than its age identity of the country
 Tourists are drawn toward old historical
Open plan office designs
For Against
 Illness can spread more easily when  without walls, there will be more
people work nearby communication between staff
 It can sometimes feel disorganized with  Staff can be affected by other people’s
the lack of hierarchy mess and clutter= Disorder
 It offers a flexible workspace for a high
turnover of staff

The closure of small business
For Against
 Local businesses do not offer as a broad  Small businesses are more aware of local
range of products as bigger businesses do needs and demand for specific products
 Large international businesses provide or services
more job opportunities  Local businesses support communities
 Globalization renders international and get involved in their activities
companies inevitable  Local Businesses build a sense of

Problems with the international business for local communities

Problems Solutions
 Local businesses cannot compete with  Local people should remain loyal to local
large international businesses businesses
 Large businesses do not shape the local  Global corporations should be granted
community whereas local businesses do. further tax cuts
 The Burden of high taxation makes it  Big companies should work alongside
difficult for many small businesses to local businesses to support the
survive community
 Local communities lose their uniqueness  Local businesses should be subsidized by
as international companies are the same the government
the world over.
Businesses providing sports facilities for employees
For Against
 Staff have the chance to improve their  A person’s health is their responsibility,
health not a company’s problem
 Healthy staff means increased  Sports facilities are too expensive for
productivity small business
 It provides an incentive for staff to  It would be better for companies to
remain loyal to the company spend more money on other aspects of
work, such as salary increases, bonuses
and extra time off.
 Paid maternity and paternity leave are a
much better incentive than sports
Businesses should support local communities
For Against
 It ensures the cooperation of the  Communities should be supported by
community the government, not by businesses
 A sense of community is essential for  Most businesses do not have funds
good business available
 It offers a chance for marketing and  Businesses should focus on their growth
promotion  International companies should not be
 People realize that not all businesses are thriving for solving local problems
run with the sole purpose of making as
much profit as possible for their owners

Marketing is the key to success

For Against
 Marketing helps promote products to  Well-trained, competent staff are key to
the public success
 Marketing encourages people to buy and  A good product should sell itself
increase sales  A good location is essential for public
 Unless people hear about a product, they access to a business
are unlikely to buy it.  Without good budgeting, companies can
 Companies can become better known go bankrupt.
and raise their profile
People buying things they do not need
Cause Effect
 Advertising influence people and  Consumerism can boost the economy, it
encourage them to buy things can create business and jobs
 Some people always want the latest  People can keep pace with fast-changing
model of anything to enhance their self- technologies.
image  People may overspend and get into debt
 People like to compete with their  Society becomes a “throw-away society”
neighbors to have the latest gadgets the Producing unnecessary waste.
“Keeping up with the Joneses” syndrome  Increased demand for products can result
 Some people become addicted to in low-quality products being made.
shopping fashion
 Unhappy people think” retail therapy”
would help them.

Business staff uniform

For Against
 A branded work uniform sets a company  People should have the right to wear
apart from its competitors. what they want
 It promotes equality between staff and  Uncomfortable uniforms can harm work
makes them feel part of a team performance
 Some uniforms are essential for hygiene  It is better to have a dress code than a
or safety reasons uniform
 Some uniforms are not flattering for
some employees
 Some staff does not like wearing
Business success is measured by money
For Against
 A successful business must make a profit  The reach of a company is more
 If a business fails to make money, it will important than the money it makes
close  The number of customers shows the
 No company can be successful if they are potential of a healthy company
failing financially  Good customer feedback shows that
 Shareholders naturally expect a company people are satisfied with the product or
to make a profit service offered

Family-run businesses are best

For Against
 Work schedules can be adjusted and  Ideas may become a state and fresh
covered more easily found. perspectives might be difficult to find.
 Family members trust each other.  There might be a bias toward promoting
 Decisions will be made that benefit the family members ahead of non-related
entire family staff.
 Family businesses are usually a lot less  A business dispute can lead to family
bureaucratic conflicts because issues become
 Family members have a shorter learning subjective rather than objective
curve because they have grown up with  Family members might not have the
the business required skills to be successful managers
 The business can be passed down or directors resulting in mediocre
through the generations business performance.
 Directors and managers who are family  Not all family members will have the
members will work harder and be more same aims for the company.
dedicated  A non-Family member may find it difficult
 The work atmosphere will be more to integrate.


Success is it innate or achieved?
Innate Learned
 Imagination and creativity are inborn  Some very talented people are lazy and
qualities necessary for success. do not achieve anything in life.
 Being naturally gifted makes you  We can learn a lot from our mistakes
successful earlier in life and success  Success results from determination and
breeds success hard work
 There are many examples of child  Giftedness is not a guarantee for success
prodigies. Mozart could compose music later in life
at the age of five.  The more effort we put in, the more we
 some people are born with talent, which practice a skill, the better we become
gives them a head start in life.
 It is undeniable that some people have
natural abilities that make them
Celebrities are role models and should behave well in public
Agree Disagree
 Celebrities should behave responsibly  A celebrity’s job is to entertain people
because they exert an enormous not to set a moral example.
influence on teenagers  Some stars only want to gain a lot of
 Celebrities are always in the spotlight publicity and achieve fame.
 Young people need positive role models  Parents and teachers rather than
to live with hope integrity and celebrities should be role models
compassion.  Like everyone else, celebrities may have
 Young people need to see that they can moral shortcomings or make the wrong
be very successful and very good people life choices.
at the same time.  Celebrities do not ask people to worship
 Celebrities are needed to compensate for them.
the lack of positive role models among
politicians and businesspeople.
Leadership skills innate or learned
Innate Learned
 Some people are born with a leading  Confidence to stand up for what you
personality believe in can be learned through training
 Being a powerful presence is not and practice
something that you can be learned  Some people only become leaders later
 Being charismatic and having oratory in life
good skills to influence people through  Life experience is important for leaders
words is essential for leader to learn essential skills
 You cannot learn to be positive, inspiring,  Leadership requires assertiveness which
or enthusiastic can be developed and learned over time
 Some people are genetically predisposed  Leadership consists of several skills which
to become leaders can all be learned and developed

Do some people change while others do not?

Change No Change
 People prefer to experience different  People prefer to avoid change to stay
aspects of life by changing their within their comfort zone
environment  Change is often considered unsafe and
 Change is a healthy way to live and grow unpredictable
 Change is unavoidable  Change can cause anxiety and worry
 Change makes life more interesting  Some people only thrive in a stable
 Getting into a rut leads to dissatisfaction environment
 Many people find happiness in a stable
relationship and a stable job.
Increase in crime rate
Causes Problems
 A lack of police on the street can result  Harsher punishment can deter people
in a more opportunistic crime. from crimes.
 All too often, criminals get off very lightly  Offering training programs can stimulate
 Poverty encourages some people to turn employment, bring hope, and give
to crime to pay bills and meet family structure to people's lives.
responsibilities  Schools and parents should teach young
 Unemployment can lead people to crime people to shun criminal and anti-social
due to financial pressure and a lack of behavior.
structure in their daily lives.  Seeing more police officers on the beat
 Young people can easily turn to crime might put people off criminal behavior
from peer pressure or lack of parental  The government should increase social
guidance benefits to alleviate poverty

Long term prison sentences

For Against
 Criminals are locked away and society is  Taxpayers must foot the bill for long term
effectively protected accommodation
 It keeps criminals off the streets and  Criminals receive punishment only rather
prevents them from re-offending so often than training or rehabilitation programs
 A lengthy punishment illustrates that  Criminals leaving prisons after a long
crime is wrong period of incarceration find it hard to
 Offenders are deterred by long sentences adapt to life on the outside
Re-offending after release from prison
Causes Solutions
 People with a criminal record are not  Ex-convicts should receive counseling
accepted by society before re-entering society
 Ex-convicts are unable to find paid  Training programs in prison can help
employment offenders develop new skills
 They are conditioned by life in prison and  Criminals must be rehabilitated to avoid
cannot adapt to life outside prison anti-social behavior
 Criminal behavior is a mindset  Rehabilitation programs should help
 Peer pressure from other offenders has a them make the right choice in life
negative impact  Rehabilitation programs should tackle the
social exclusion of offenders and their
Internet crime/Cybercrime
Types of crimes Solutions
 Hacking computers and databases to  People need to take responsibility for
obtain financial and private information their internet security.
 Hacking people’s emails and computers  People should not pay a company that
to hold them for ransom they do not know
 Money laundering online  The government needs stricter control of
 Fraudulent companies selling online the internet
 Racial and sexual harassment  Parents need to monitor their children’s
 Targeting and exploiting children online activities
 People should buy good anti-virus
software and use strong
 Parents need to talk to children about
the internet and its dangers
Advanced technology to solve and prevent crime
For Against
 Criminals or criminal groups can be  Many low-tech crimes are still being
tracked by electronic surveillance committed
 Data mapping allows the police to access  Some crimes are spur of the moment and
information cannot be tracked beforehand
 Online chatter can be monitored in real-  Re-education is the best prevention of
time crime
 Plans for the crime can be uncovered  The internet is too vast to effectively
online control or monitor
 Bystanders can record crimes in action  Some criminals have better technical
on their smartphone skills than the police
Fixed punishment for all crimes
For Against
 Punishment will be objective and not  Not all crimes are committed under the
depend on the judge’s opinion same circumstances
 It means that being able to afford a good  A person who plans a violent crime with
defense attorney will not affect the clear intention should not receive the
punishment given, which leads to greater same punishment as someone who acts
equality. in self-defense
 It saves time in court and is more cost-  Personal circumstances, such as extreme
effective poverty or mental health, should be
 It is a more effective deterrent when considered
people know the exact consequences for  Not all people who commit a crime are
the crime they commit violent or aggressive by nature.
 It prevents any corruption within the  A person who has never committed a
legal system affecting the punishment crime should not receive the same
given punishment as a repeat offender with a
 It prevents criminals from slipping long prison record
through the loopholes in the law
Juvenile crime
Causes Solutions
 Violence in the media can affect young  Limiting the viewing time of violent films
people’s attitudes and behavior and online games
 Lack of parental guidance can lead  Parents must set clear guidelines and
teenagers to delinquency rules
 Peer pressure and gangs can exert an  Encouraging parents to take an active
adverse influence on the young role in their child’s life
 Lack of interest and direction can lead  The government should have supervised
youngsters astray social clubs where youths can go in their
 Domestic violence can force young free time
people onto the streets and into bad  Encourage youngsters to take up a sport
company or hobby
 Set up more helplines and support
groups for young people from troubled
family backgrounds
 Schools should organize more interesting
and involving extracurricular activities
Juveniles receiving adult punishment
For Against
 Juveniles need to know that the law is  Juveniles are not fully responsible for
serious, and punishment is a good way to their actions.
teach them this.  Teenagers need re-education and re-
 Violent crime should carry the harshest socialization, not punishment.
sentence  Bad behavior is easier to change when a
 Teenagers are fully aware of their actions person is young
and know the rules of society  Adults’ sentences are too severe for
 People with a violent nature should be youngsters
removed from society as early as possible  Youngsters might be negatively
 Crime is a crime regardless the age influenced by time in adult prisons
The death penalty
For Against
 Capital punishment deters criminals from  Innocent people wrongly convicted might
contemplating a crime be killed
 It sends a clear message that crime is  Executing someone is equivalent to killing
morally wrong or murdering someone
 It eliminates the possibility of criminals  There is no pain-free way to kill someone
re-offending  It is better to re-educate and re-socialize
 It is a cost-effective punishment and a criminals
cheaper alternative to prison  The death penalty does not effectively
 Criminals who commit heinous crimes reduce the crime rate
should be put to death to protect society
Responsibility for crime in society
The government Individuals
 The government has the responsibility to  Individuals should ensure their
allocate more funds for policing the belongings and house are secure daily
streets  It is only the individual’s responsibility to
 The government should set up more change their passwords regularly and
counter-terrorist units keep their online transactions secure
 Cybercrime units should be better funded  People should learn self-defense and be
 Only the government can alter society on aware of their safety on the streets
a national scale through the  People should take responsibility for
implementation of new laws and stricter protecting their neighborhood by
punishments reporting suspicious behavior and setting
 The government is responsible for up neighborhood watch schemes
keeping the public informed about risks  People should avoid making choices that
and how important those risks can be put them at risks such as walking alone
reduced late at night
Broadcasting criminal trials on TV
For Against
 The public has a right to information so  Public and media pressure might
they can form their own opinions influence the outcome
 The public can learn about court  Public opinion might invalidate the jury’s
proceedings and the legal system in their role in the long run
country  Legal representatives might use TV as an
 Seeing the criminal on trial might act as a opportunity to promote themselves
deterrent to other contemplating crimes. rather than focus on the task at hand
 It might turn criminals into TV stars which
negatively influence young people
The gap between rich and poor
Problem Solution
 The distribution of global wealth is  Wealth should be equally distributed
unequal  Developing countries should provide
 As the rich grow richer, poverty worsens financial support to poor countries
in poor countries  Improving road infrastructure would
 Some countries cannot even cater to boost the economy
basic human needs  Taxes on wealth could be used to fund
 The richest 1% own half of the world’s health care and education for all
wealth while poorer people cannot even  Rich countries should offer training
afford health care or education programs in poor countries
 People leave poor countries to be  People should agree to return to their
educated in developed countries country of origin after education
 Some people do not return to their own  Developing countries should provide
country after graduation, which can more job incentives for educated people
cause a brain drain  More countries need to implement a
 Low wages cause many professionals in proper minimum wage policy
developing countries to migrate
 Poverty will increase in less developed
Rich countries should support poor countries
For Against
 Poor countries need investments to  Rich countries have their issues to deal
develop with.
 Without financial help, poor countries  Countries should solve their problems by
cannot get out of the circle of poverty themselves
 Rich countries can benefit from creating  Poor countries may grow dependent on
new markets rich countries
 Poor or rich, people should help each  The best form of aid is to help people to
other help themselves
Personal debt
Problem Solution
 People are being encouraged to use  Banks should be stricter about issuing
credit cards. loans
 People overspend without banks  Banks should set credit limits depending
stopping them on people’s history of debt management
 Some people are addicted to using their  Banks should monitor people’s
credit cards accumulation of debt better
 Advertising tempts people to squander  School should teach children about the
money on unnecessary items problems incurred by debt
 People should be taught how to budget
Using Credit Cards
For Against
 Credit cards offer the flexibility of  People are tempted to buy things they do
spending not need.
 People do not need to wait for payday to  People run up dept
buy what they need  People may turn to loan sharks for help in
 Cards are useful in emergencies debt repayment
 Cards encourage people to spend, which  Debt put a strain on families
benefits the business  Debt can cause problems for a country’s
Saving Money is good for a country’s economy
Saving Spending
 If spending is based on credit, it will  Increased spending reflects consumers'
result in increased debt confidence in a country’s economy
 A country that has too much debt has  When people spend money, it stimulates
financial problems the economy
 Saving for old age is essential and eases  Consumer spending can be considered
the strain on social welfare the driving force behind an economy
 Old people without enough money drain  New businesses will open to cope with
a country's economy increased consumers demand
 An increase in saving allows banks more  More jobs will be created as more
flexibility in lending money for businesses open
Discipline in schools
Separating naughty students Other methods
 Removing problematic students offers an  Schools should review the reasons for
immediate solution to discipline disruptive behavior
problems  Parents should be contacted if their child
 Students resume their studies with little misbehaves at school
interruption  Teachers should discipline students in
 Other students will not suffer because of front of others as an example
classroom disruption  Classroom assistants can support difficult
 Naughty students may need special students without removing them from
support away from the class the classroom
 Punishment can be administered as a
Parents should push children to do well
For Against
 Some children need an extra push and  Some children commit suicide
encouragement to perform well  Too much pressure will have a
 Parents want the best for their children detrimental impact on children
and understand the importance of  Learning should be enjoyable, not
educational achievements stressful
 Parents understand how much  Children may rebel and refuse to
competition there is in the world cooperate
 Parents should be actively involved in  Children are too young to handle
their child’s education pressure well
 Children do not understand the value of
education due to a limited experience of
the world
Art and music at school are a waste of time
Agree Disagree
 Art and music offer creative outlets  Art and music are overrated and do not
 Children have the chance to express prepare children for future careers
themselves through other means  Children would be better off learning IT
 Art and music are an essential part of any skills
civilization  Science is more useful as it could lead to
 Children can learn about history through the study of medicine and disease
art  Art and music are not functional to the
 Children need to develop a broad range society
of skills  Not all students are gifted in art and
 Children learn to appreciate other forms music and do not benefit from studying
of communications them
 Being articulate and capable of
mathematical calculations are more
important than being able to draw or sing
Streaming (Grouping students into different classes based on ability)
For Against
 Students of the same level can learn at  Streaming brings about labeling
the same pace  Students in the lower class are
 Students with less ability are not left stigmatized
behind  Students of different levels are not able
 Students who need to go more slowly are to help each other as they are separated
not made to feel inadequate 
 Advanced students can be challenged
with more difficult materials
 There are fewer disruptions in class from
bad behavior as lessons are tailored to
meet the students' need

Exams as a means of assessment

For Against
 It is a controlled way to assess a person  Some people suffer from nerves when
 The questions have been reviewed by they are under pressure
experienced exam makers  Neves make people perform worse than
 It is a time-effective way to assess a usual
person’s abilities and knowledge  It is wrong to assess people when they
 The controlled conditions avoid cheating are not performing their best
and plagiarism  Continuous assessment over the year is a
 Scoring is simple and consisted better representation of people’s work
 It can be a national standardized way to  Exams do not assess ability, only
assess students knowledge
 Results can be compared nationally  A person’s potential cannot be assessed
in an exam
 Students may only study to pass tests
rather than learn
 Students cannot get feedback on their
mistakes from exam
Wearing uniforms at school
For Against
 Uniforms promote equality  Uniforms do not help students increase
 Rich and poor both wear the same their grades
clothing  Schools should encourage children to
 Discrimination can be avoided explore their differences
 Uniforms promote unity within the  School uniforms make it difficult for
school as students feel they are all part of students from other schools to mix
the same group  Uniforms encourage conformity, which
 They are most cost-effective for parents can restrict a child’s development
 Students can focus on their studies rather  Lack of individual expression can lead to
than on their image rebellion
 There is less peer pressure to conform  Rich and poor will still be easily
 They support discipline differentiated even with uniforms
Obligatory extra-curricular activities
For Against
 Extra-curricular activities help students  Students should be allowed to choose
develop their character their extra activities
 Unlike extra activities, academic subjects  Forcing extra-curricular activities on
do not teach students social skills and students does not promote
teamwork independence or autonomy
 Extra-curricular activities, such as  Adding pressure to students is not
community services and sports, can be healthy for them
beneficial to students  Some students are already overloaded
 Students benefit from activities that are with homework
not academic  Some students prefer to focus only on
their academic subject
Studying abroad
For Against
 Not all students can thrive away from  Students will have access to superior
their home and family support facilities and tutors
 Students may suffer from culture shock  Students can learn self-reliance and a
and struggle to adapt to a new culture sense of independence

For Against
 It is useful for families who live far from  Children do not have the chance to
good schooling or need to move often interact with other children
 Classes schedule can be easily changed  They lose the opportunity to develop
 Lessons can be tailored to the child important social skills and make friends
 Children can get much support and help  The child might be lonely due to a lack of
as they need school friends
 A child’s interest can be incorporated  The parent-child relationship might be
into the lesson to make it more affected by the additional role of the
interesting teacher
 Children will not be bullied or experience  Parent and child may spend too much
peer pressure time together
 Religion can be incorporated into the  One parent will not be able to work and
curriculum earn money
 The speed of learning can be altered to  Children will have limited resources and
suit the child sports facilities
Corporal Punishment in school
For Against
 Physical punishment is the strongest  Children should not be hit
deterrent  Children should feel safe in their learning
 Students will think twice before breaking environment
the rules  Children learn to loathe and authority
 After receiving corporal punishment and may rebel
students have a deep respect for  It teaches children that physical
authority punishment is acceptable
 It is a quick and effective punishment  Children might grow up and use physical
that stops bad behavior punishment on their children
 Children learn quickly between what is  This perpetuates a cycle of abuse
right and what is considered wrong  This type of punishment is belittling,
controlling, and affects a person’s self-
Single-sex schools
For Against
 Children are better able to relax around  Same-sex schools do not prepare a child
other children of the same sex for real world
 Girls will not feel intimidated by boys  Children need experience of interacting
 Some girls mature faster than boys with the opposite sex
 Children will be able to concentrate more  Children have much to learn about the
on education opposite sex
 Lessons can be tailored to one gender  Boys and girls think differently, and this is
good to experience
 There is not any evidence that single-sex
schools result in better educational
A good teacher needs to be intelligent
Agree Other requirements
 A teacher must have a good knowledge  Students need to be motivated or
base in their subject inspired by a teacher
 A teacher’s primary role is to impart  Teachers need to know how to discipline
information and knowledge students
 Students prefer a teacher who is  Teachers need good classroom
passionate about their subject area management skills
 A student’s level of knowledge is in great  Teachers should be a good role model
dependent on their teacher’s level
More boys than girls study science
Reasons Solutions
 Boys and girls are often differing in what  Schools should encourage all children to
they are drawn to and what they find develop both their spatial and verbal
easy or difficult skills
 More boys than girls develop an early  Parents should avoid reinforcing
interest in science and technology stereotypes such as giving a chemistry set
 The world of science is often depicted as to Tom and a doll to Lucy
man’s world  University science departments need to
 There are still many negative stereotypes ensure that women are not
about girl’s abilities in science and math underrepresented
 Even today, most people implicitly  We need to remember that girls
associate males with science and female generally do as well as or even
with art outperform boys in science classwork
 Boys have more confidence than girls  When more women choose to go into
that they can succeed in science subject science, girls will gain more self-
Traditional classroom/ online learning
Traditional Classroom Online Education
 Teachers can provide help to individual  It allows a flexible class schedule, which is
students ideal for working people
 Students can have face-to-face  People can work full time whilst study
interaction with other students and their  Online learning is usually cost-effective
professors  Mature students do not need to study
 Students can collaborate on projects alongside immature, younger students
 Teachers can provide instant feedback  Online courses allow students to study at
and support in the classroom their own pace
 Classrooms give students a sense of unity  Students can take breaks in their study
and encouragement schedule to suit their needs
 Classrooms provide structured learning  Students can speed up their learning to
and an easy-to-follow schedule complete a course sooner
 Students are reminded of deadlines  It offers more diverse methods of
Education Should be free for everyone
For Against
 Everyone should have equal rights to  It is a financial strain for some countries
education to offer free education to all people
 Education should not be accessible only  The government would need to increase
to wealthy people tax to afford it
 Free education allows poor people as  It would be better if only gifted
well the rich to access education individuals were entitled to free
 More education people can help a education
country develop and prosper  Students will not appreciate and value
the education it is free
Causes Problems
 Fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, and  A tax increase in budget airlines would
coal are used in electricity generation for lead to a reduction in the number of
industrial and private consumption flights
 Carbon dioxide is emitted from the  Industries should be encouraged to use
burning of fossil fuels sustainable green energy
 Power plants generate electricity but also  Emissions from industries should be
produce carbon dioxide monitored more closely, and fines for
 Road traffic emission from petrol or exceeding the legal limit should be
diesel engines increase carbon monoxide increased
and nitrogen oxides  People can boycott products from
 Chemicals used in agriculture, such as companies known for pollute
pesticides, and insecticides are released  Limit the number of cars on the road by
into the air increasing petrol tax, improving public
 Cleaning products and paints cause transport, and setting traffic-free zones in
indoor air pollution city centers
 An increase in the number of cars and  People should control the use of energy
low-cost airlines has contributed to air in the home and avoid using products
pollution containing VOCs or other air pollutants
 People should be encouraged to recycle

Natural beauty spots

Why they are important The solution to protecting them
 Natural beauty spots are tourist  Stricter laws should be introduced to
attractions that boost a country’s protect natural beauty spots from
economy industrial pollution
 Natural beauty spots provide peaceful  Laws should prohibit using areas near
places for locals to enjoy natural beauty spots for the development
 Places of natural beauty are often of industry
biodiverse, which promote a healthy  Harsher fines and punishment can be
ecosystem imposed for those who litter
 Natural beauty spots are a source of  Human habitation should not be allowed
natural pride and identity to encroach on natural beauty spots
 Poaching and illegal hunting should be
more strictly controlled
Causes Problems Solutions
 The spread of human  The lack of habitat for  The government needs to
habitation and millions of species can curb the felling by
urbanization Is one of the result in the extinction of introducing better laws.
main causes of some species and an  Ban the cutting down of
deforestation ecosystem imbalance forests
 Some lands are no longer  It can cause an increase  Government should
fertile due to pollution, so in global warming as ensure reforestation of
forests must make way for there are not enough areas that have been
agricultural plantation trees to absorb the affected
 As the world’s population greenhouse gases  People can also
grows, there is a need for  Trees are an essential contribute by recycling
more agricultural land part of the water cycle. paper products,
 Some forests are Less water in the air unsubscribing from
destroyed over wildfire or means less water is physical junk mail, and
overgrazing returned to the soil, putting’ no junk mail’
 An estimated 18 million leading to soil erosion stickers on their mailbox
acres of forest are and barren land  Introducing better
destroyed each year  Indigenous people can farming methods to
 Logging operations cut lose their homeland prevent the felling trees
down many trees for for farmlands
paper production or wood  Crop rotation means land
is used more effectively
Resource Depletion
Causes Problems
 The world’s population is growing, and  Food waste should be collected for
demand is growing with it compost
 The world does not have enough  Compost can be used to nourish the soil
resources to support the rapidly growing and reverse the soil depletion
population  The government should control the
 Currently, humanity uses 50% of the amount of electricity used
world’s freshwater  Children should be taught about resource
 In 40 years, the world will have depletion
consumed 80% of the freshwater  Sustainable green sources of energy
available should be promoted and subsidized by
 Mineral and oil reserves are fast the government
depleting  Individual people should make the right
 Human beings are over-exploiting their choices to recycle, reduce energy
planet consumption and purchase only
 Pollution is hurting the world’s resources environmentally friendly products
 Soil depletion has a direct impact on the  Unwanted or unsold food should be
quantity and quality of food produced for redistributed
own growing population
Who Should take responsibility for solving environmental issues?
Individuals The government
 The government cannot oversee or  Only government can change laws and
control the action of all individuals ensure that they are enforced
 Even with the laws to protect the  The government has the financial means
environment, individuals must cooperate to tackle nationwide pollution and other
 People should actively reduce the environmental problems
amount of energy they use daily  The government can collect information
 People should recycle plastics and other on a national scale to see the whole
materials more picture and take effective steps to deal
 People need to be more responsible and with the problem
buy products that do not harm the  The government can impose tighter
environment control con companies that do not treat
or dispose of waste effectively
Solving Environmental Problems Globally or Domestically
Domestically Globally
 Some pollution, such as river water  Tackling environmental problems is a
pollution, is a localized problem financial burden many countries cannot
 The government knows best how to afford on their own
tackle their domestic pollution problems  Air pollution and marine pollution affect
 The government of each country should more than one country at a time
be responsible for educating their people  The reduction of greenhouse gas
about conserving energy and the emissions needs to be agreed upon at
importance of recycling international conferences or summits
 Residents need to take responsibility for  Global warming affects all countries
their actions around the world and needs a joint effort
 Only domestic governments can improve to tackle it
waste disposal and sanitation  Developed countries more responsible
 Better public transport policies aiming to for global warming than other countries
help reduce gas emissions must be
implemented domestically
Declining Biodiversity
Causes Problems
 Declining biodiversity is caused by the  As certain species decline in numbers the
destruction of animal and plant habitat ecosystem is out of balance
 Due to industry, growing human  Maintaining the balance of the
population, and agriculture, more land is ecosystem is essential for the welfare of
needed our planet
 As forests and other natural areas are  Once a species is lost, it cannot be
claimed, plants and animals lose their brought back
habitat.  Loss of plant and animal species can
 Illegal hunting and poaching reduce some affect our medical research and
animal numbers to the endangered level development of treatments
 Pollution has affected plant and animal  Biodiversity is essential for human health
number in terms of food and health care
 Plant and animal species depend on each  We should preserve the diversity of our
other planet’s plants and animals for future
 If one species declines, it can affect other generations to enjoy
species which are dependent on it 
 Over-fishing can cause a lack of
biodiversity in oceans
 Global warming and climate change have
had an impact on plant and animal

Parents or Teachers should discipline children
Parents Teachers
 Parents know their children better than  Teachers must maintain discipline in their
teachers classroom
 Parents might be able to understand the  Students should learn correct conduct at
reasons behind bad behavior school
 Parents need to be responsible for the  Teachers are qualified in different
upbringing of their child discipline techniques
 Parents need to be responsible for their  If teachers do not discipline a naughty
child’s conduct at home child, other children will suffer from the
Family size: Families are smaller than before
Bigger families previously Smaller families nowadays
 A bigger family meant more children to  Mothers often work and do not have
help and earn money time to take care of large families
 Agricultural families relied on children as  Modern life is geared towards small
farmhands families
 Having more children was important  Women have access to birth control
because the infant mortality rate was  Women have more awareness and choice
higher these days
 Many children provided security for  The cost of bringing up children has risen
parents in their old age in a time without  Smaller families are more geographically
social benefits mobile and can move city more easily to
 Having many children was sometimes find work
considered to be prestigious
Women having children later in life
Reasons Effects
 Working women prefer to focus on  There is an increased chance of health
building their careers and climbing the complications with the baby
career ladder  Older parents get tired more easily which
 Some couples prefer having financial can restrict their enjoyment and
stability before having and raising a child participation in parenthood
 The increase in divorce can affect when a  The age gap is bigger between parent
woman decides to have children and child which can lead to difficulties
 Advances in technology, such as IVF help relating to each other
older women become pregnant  The child, as a young adult, may feel the
burden of taking care of elderly parents

Childless marriages
For Against
 Married couples can focus on their  Children are the glue that holds the
careers family together
 Children change marriage and add too  Without children, there is a lack of
many responsibilities support in old age
 Without children, there is more freedom  Some childless couples did not choose
 Children are a financial burden this and suffer without children
 Childless couples can spend more time  Some societies view childless couples as
devoted to each other abnormal
 A family unit cannot be considered a
family without children

For Against
 It is better for parents to separate than to  The process of divorce cab be stressful
argue all the time for children
 An unhappy marriage can cause a child to  Children feel insecure as their family falls
suffer distress and witness unpleasant apart
scenes  Children may miss the other parent after
 Divorce is no longer stigmatized in the divorce
society  Some divorce settlements result in
 A happy parent is a good parent hostility between parents
 Each parent can devote quality time to  Children may feel caught between both
their children rather than quantity parents
 Children are unsure of whom they might
live with afterward
Single-parent families
For Against
 Children do not need two parents to have  The financial strain is sometimes placed
a stable upbringing on only one parent
 Children benefit from a loving  The children might miss the influences of
environment provided by one parent having a parent of each gender around
 Single-parent families are preferable to a  Children are not given a role model for a
dysfunctional marriage healthy adult relationship
 Children from dysfunctional marriages  Children are not able to grow up
can suffer emotional distress understanding adult relationships
 Children may have more responsibilities  Children are not able to witness how
in the house, which helps their adults work through difficulties and
development disagreements
 Children have no other parent to turn to
for comfort or support

Children spending more time with grandparents

For Against
 Both child and grandparents can enjoy a  Grandparents might feel exploited if they
closer relationship are relied on for childcare too often
 Grandparents can offer children a  Children might be confused if
different perspective on life grandparents say one thing and parents
 another
Both parents working
For Against
 Some families need two incomes for  Children with both parents working lack
financial stability parental guidance.
 Children benefit from the extra family  Parents do not have the time available to
income care for their children sufficiently
 Children learn to appreciate the value of  Children might lack support with
the money homework and other personal issues
 Children might need to take more  Parents struggle to cope when a child is
responsibilities in the home sick as they must both go to work
 Additional responsibilities help children  Parents might argue about whose job is
mature more quickly most important and who takes time off
 Some parents are happier if they have a for domestic issues
working life as well as family life  Children sometimes feel abandoned
 Children benefit from having healthy
happy parents
Care of the elderly families should be responsible
For Against
 Elderly people have paid taxes which  If both adults work, there may be no one
should be used for their care at home to provide support
 Elderly people thrive better when cared  Nursing homes and retirement homes
for by people who love them are structured to provide the right
 Family should support one another support and care
whatever the situation  Some families do not have the extra
 The family understands the needs for the finances available
elderly best  Some elderly people require specialized
 Grandparents have looked after their care that the family cannot provide
child in the past, now the children should  The family are not trained to take care of
look after them elderly people
 Retirement homes provide support but
not the love that the elderly person
 The elderly should be surrounded by
familiar objects and people

Researching family history

For Against
 Finding out about ancestors is a type of  People should focus on present family
self-discovery members rather than those in the past
 Knowing about their ancestors helps  Unpleasant information might be
people feel part of a larger family unearthed
 Family history can reveal hereditary  A past member of the family might have
medical conditions which might be been an embarrassment which is best
prevalent among the current generation forgotten
 Knowing if cancer, for example, is  People might discover secrets that are
common in their family can people take damaging to family members today
the necessary preventive actions  The past is best left in the past
 Researching family history can show a  Hereditary diseases do not necessarily
cultural history reoccur and may cause undue stress and
 There might be common skills to discover worry
within a family’s history
12. FOOD

GM foods
For Against
 Cheaper, more abundant crops will help  GMO.s pose a threat to the environment
alleviate the problem of hunger in the  Food production will become an industry
world dominated by a few powerful biotech
 Through genetic modification, food can companies
be given more flavor and better texture  GM seeds will travel to neighboring fields
 Crops can be madge more resistant to and threaten the non-GM crops
harmful insects and fungi  GM foods will eventually affect our
 Genetically modified foods can be given a organisms adversely
longer shelf life  People prefer foods that have not been
 The nutritional value of food can be tampered with in laboratories
Factory farming
For Against
 Factory farming is an efficient and space-  Animals live in cramped and unhygienic
saving way for producing food conditions
 Animals in factory farms are safe and well  Forest is being planted as more land is
looked after needed to grow plants to feed
 Intensive animal farming maximizes industrially reared animals
output  The intensive use of antibiotics in
 Production costs are greatly reduced industrial farming poses a threat to
 It is the best way to meet the growing human health
demand for cheap meat worldwide  Animals are often genetically
manipulated to produce more eggs or
milk or to grow bigger
 Even livestock animals are meant to live
freely outdoors
Fast food should be banned
Agree Disagree
 Eating a lot of fast food can cause health  Fast food is more affordable than so-
problems such as obesity called healthy food
 The fast-food industry has developed a  Informing is a more effective policy than
very healthy alternative prohibiting
 Fast food contains a large number of  People who work full-time cannot cook
additives, saturated fats, and sugars every day
 Fast foods get so much publicity that  Nobody wants the government to
people forget about the traditional foods prescribe their diet
 Workers in the fast-food industry are  Fast food is only bad if you have too
often ruthlessly exploited by their much of it
employers  The nutritional value of fast food is quite
low, and it does not satisfy hunger
Packaged food
For Against
 Ready meals are a real boon for working  Packaged food contains a lot of additives
couples and preservatives
 We can discover dishes from all over the  Home-cooked meals are healthier than
world industrially produced foods
 Prepared foods are always readily  Packing waste poses a serious threat to
available and are economical the environment
 Instead of wasting time cooking every  Most people need to take pride in the
day, we could devote more time to our food they have prepared themselves
children or our hobby  Conveniences foods lose a lot of
 Ready meals are prepared and packaged nutrients during processing
under the most hygienic conditions
Future world food shortage
Cause Solutions
 Climate change is responsible for drought  Eating less meat would result in more
and other extreme weather conditions land being available to grow crops for
 Population increases faster than food humans
production  Deforestation and overgrazing need to be
 Famers in developing countries use tightly controlled
outdated farming methods  World governments and agencies need to
 The cost of some basic commodities such work together to deal with climate
as rice has risen so much that many change at a global level
people can no longer afford them  Rich countries should help poorer
 The global financial crisis has caused countries to use clean energy
some countries to invest less in  Governments should adopt strict
agriculture measures to reduce the emission of
greenhouse gases
Vegetarian Diet
For Against
 It is time we stooped killing animals  A varied and balanced diet is the key to
unnecessarily good health
 A well-planned vegetarian diet contains  We are by nature omnivorous rather
all nutrients we need than herbivorous
 It is naturally high in fiber and low in  Without meat, we cannot get the amount
saturated fats, which helps prevent of protein we need to grow and remain
cancer strong and healthy
 It reduces the risk of heart diseases  Humans have eaten meet since
 Growing vegetables and cereals for prehistoric times
ourselves rather than for cattle will  Meat products taste delicious, while
greatly reduce the human impact on the vegetables and cereals are often bland

Preservative’s food
For Against
 If no food could be preserved, millions  In many countries, the government does
would die from starvation not have the resources to properly
 Today, very few people have the chance regulate the substances added to foods
to eat only what they can grow  Many additives trigger allergic reactions
themselves  Nobody knows exactly what the effect of
 Without preservatives, many foods could preservations will be in the long term
decay before reaching the consumer  Public health agencies carefully monitor
the preservatives that can be used in
food processing
 some preservatives are carcinogenic
 Studies about the dangers of
preservatives have produced inconsistent
 In many countries, additives must adhere
to a list of government directives
Funding prevention or cure?
Prevention Cure
 Health is the greatest asset of a nation,  Many people suffer from an injury or an
so the state needs to look after it illness that could not have been
 Effective health and safety measures at prevented; therefore, it needs to be
work save lives and save employers treated
money  Conditions in state hospitals reflect the
 Early cancer detection tests should be degree of civilization in a society
free for everyone  A lot of hereditary/genetic diseases can
 People can easily be encouraged to adopt be cured, but only a few of them can be
a healthy lifestyle prevented
 If preventive care services are not  Funding cuts to public hospitals endanger
funded, a lot fewer people will have patients resulting in overburdened
access to them medical staff
 Public money is better spent on health
care than on showcase projects such as
high-speed rail networks
A growing number of overweight people
Causes Solutions
 Fast food outlets are ubiquitous  Fast food restaurants can easily offer
nowadays healthy alternatives
 Many people consume more calories  People should avoid overeating and take
than they burn through physical activities more exercise
 Our lifestyle has become far too  Taking up an outdoor sport or a physical
sedentary activity like gardening or walking can
 Food advertising often encourages compensate for a sedentary lifestyle
people to buy sugar drinks, high-fat  Junk food advertising should be tightly
snacks, and other unhealthy food controlled or banned altogether
 Processed food is often tasted and less  The public needs to be made aware of
nutritious than whole food and so the health risk posed by engineered
promote overeating foods

Responsibility for public health

For government responsibility For Individual’s responsibility
 Citizens expect decent health care in  In the end, it is only up to us whether we
return for the taxes they pay heed the advice given by health agencies
 Affordable health care is a basic human and doctors
right  We often know instinctively which foods
 People are free to choose a healthy diet and activities are beneficial to our health
and to take regular exercise and which ones are detrimental
 Public health care is too serious a matter  Funding public health offers an excellent
to be placed exclusively in the hands of return on investment
profit-oriented organizations  Our health is our biggest asset, so it is our
 The government can introduce taxes and responsibility to maintain it
regulations to guide people towards  In many countries, citizens contribute to
healthier choices the funding of public health through
income tax

Fewer people walk these days

Why do few people walk Solutions to the problem
 Most people live too far away from their  With a better public transport system, a
workplace to walk commuter could at least walk or cycle to
 Walking is seen as something you do out the nearest station
of necessity and not for fun  Travel agencies could offer a wider range
 Walking is not glamours- after all, of walking holidays
pedestrian also means commonplace  The positive impact of walking on the
unimaginative environment needs to be emphasized
 People have become slaves to their car more
 Sprawling suburbs have made walking  It is time to reshape our cities and create
impractical and increased car more walkable neighborhoods
Social media benefit communication
Agree Disagree
 Social media make spoken and written   Social media encourage people to use a
communication between people telegraphic style and resort to emoticons
possible anytime, anywhere to express their feelings
 Thanks to social media, everyone can  Being constantly online cuts people off
find countless like-minded people from their immediate surroundings and
worldwide and network with them disrupt face-to-face communication
 As more and more people are online  How many ‘likes’ our post gets has
all the time, messages are often become more important than saying
answered almost immediately anything truly meaningful
 People across the globe can connect  People react quickly to express their
with anyone to share their thoughts, opinion but only rarely engage in a
photographs, and life experience constructive dialogue online
 Social media provide a platform for  Anonymity and the absence of face-to-
people to discuss local or international face interaction can promote an uncivil or
issues and influence political decisions even aggressive style of communication
Computers will replace teachers
For Against
 Computers cost less than teachers   Computers are unable to give feedback
 Using affordable computers makes to students or help them identify their
education accessible to those in a mistakes
reduced financial situation  Lessons are set and cannot be adapted to
 Computers are reliable, they are student needs
always on time, never be sick, and do  Computers are not able to understand
not make mistakes individual differences in learning
 Teachers vary in skill. Not all teachers  Teachers can offer various perspectives
are good at their job to problems depending on the student
 Computers can be programmed to be  Computers are only as good as the
interactive and a fun way to learn people who program them
 Computers have already become  Teachers can help students learn beyond
valuable teaching tools in the the basic curriculum and develop
classroom qualities such as a sense of right and
 Computers are unable to inspire
Risk for children online
Problems Solutions
 Children who are victims of   Parents need to keep an eye on their
cyberbullying can fall into severe children’s online activity and talk to
depression them about the dangers involved in
 Teens can challenge each other to using the internet
come into contact with strangers who  Online safety is a component of
turns out to be online predators internet literacy and should be taught
 It is all too easy to access inappropriate in every school
websites and explicit images and videos  Parents and children need to spend
 Computer games are addictive and more time engaging in leisure activities
cause children to neglect their together
homework  Parents need to talk openly to their
 Children may inadvertently reveal children about how to stay safe online
personal information, which could  Children need to be taught how to
result in identity theft recognize and report inappropriate
online behavior
Internet brings people closer together
Problems Solutions
 You can make affordable or free voice  Social media platforms are often too
and video calls to friends, relatives, and used to spread malicious gossip or false
colleagues all over the world information
 Social networking platforms enable you  The internet drives us further apart
to join a global community of people when we use it to communicate with
who share similar interests our neighbors or our office colleagues
 With the internet, tracking down long-  Our everyday reality is gradually being
lost friends is relatively simple supplanted by the virtual world
 With your mobile device, you can  The more time you spend online, the
update everyone on what you are less you interact with the people in
doing and where you are at this very your immediate surroundings
moment  You should remember that only about
 Social media help you discover friends half of the world’s population has
you never thought you had internet access
Security online
Problems Solutions
 Hackers can get access to computer  Passwords need to be strong and
systems to steal private data and changed regularly
personal information  We should never follow a link or open
 Petty cybercriminals spread malware an attachment from a suspicious or
and computer viruses just for fun unwanted e-mail
 Business often connects their  We should make sure we use a secured
computers to networks. which means internet connection
malicious attacks can rapidly affect all  We should not share posts from social
users media indiscriminately
 Computer users fall prey to phishing  All devices should be equipped with a
and are deceived into revealing firewall and reliable anti-virus software.
confidential information
 People can be easily tricked into
following a link or opening an e-mail
attachment, in this way giving criminals
access to their system
Online shopping
For Against
 The range of products available online  Shipping is sometimes as expensive as
is practically unlimited the item you order
 Virtually any product you can think of  You cannot try or finger the clothes you
can be delivered straight to your buy
doorstep  Once a retailer has got your address, they
 Consumers can easily compare prices keep bombarding you with unsolicited e-
 Consumers can easily compare prices mails and special offers
 Consumers no longer have to spend  Fraud and security breaches remain a
the best part of the weekend cause for concern for both consumers
queueing in crowded shopping centers and retailers
  There is no fact-to-fact interaction with
knowledgeable and helpful sales staff,
which is part of the pleasure of shopping
Meeting people online
For Against
 What people share and post online  Meeting different people online can
gives you a very good insight into their become so addictive that we may end up
minds and characters cutting ourselves off from the real world
 Online dating websites have already  Subscription fees to sites that check for
enabled thousands of people fake user-profiles and offer more security
worldwide to find their soulmate can be exorbitant
 We have become too busy to spend  There is no way to know who the person
time meeting new people and getting you meet online really is
to know them properly  People with bad intentions can track you
 You can meet so many people online down once they know your name and the
that you can choose whom you like town you live in
and whom you would like to get in  Online predators make friends with
touch with people online then try to scam them
 Chatting with people online removes
the pressure of face-to-face
English as the only global language
For Against
 It will have a beneficial effect on  Losing a language means losing a culture
communication between people from  When countries share the same
different countries language, they will become more similar
 Misunderstanding will be eradicated and less unique
 Cultural differences will be explained  People will have no reasons to travel
more easily abroad if countries are similar
 Trade will increase between countries  The tourist trade might suffer, which can
 People will be brought closer together affect some countries dependent on that
 The conflict between countries can be income
more easily avoided  Language includes history which should
be never forgotten
 A single language will not necessarily
mean less conflict
Free online translation render learning a foreign language obsolete
Agree Disagree
 Computers provide instant translation for  Computers will not be programmed for
languages regional variations of languages
 Computers make fewer mistakes than  If the internet crashes, people will need
humans in translation language skills to communicate
 Language takes years to learn not only  The internet is not accessible in some
minutes for a computer to translate places in the world
 Computers offer impartial translations  Learning language allows for closer
 voice-to-voice translator apps already contact with local people
enable communication between millions  Learning a language helps people
of people with no knowledge of foreign understand a culture
Learning a foreign language at primary school
For Against
 At a young age, children absorb  Children should focus on their language
information more easily first
 Children are already in the language  Children may confuse languages if they
acquisition stage, making learning a try to learn their language and a foreign
foreign language easier one at the same time
 Children are naturally enthusiastic and  Not all countries have the facilities and
can develop an interest in foreign teachers to offer a foreign language at
languages through fun and games primary school
 Learning becomes more difficult as child  Many children lose interest in foreign
ages languages as soon as they are tested like
 Children enjoy language classes because in other school subjects
they are usually very different from  Older children are cognitively more
classes in other subjects mature and are therefore able to learn
more with less input
Shopping as a leisure activity
Reasons for popularity Other activities
 Advertising on TV and magazines tempts  Sport is a hobby that people can enjoy
people to buy products and luxury items whilst improve their health
that they do not need  People have a chance to be more social
 Peer pressure forces people to keep up and can improve their self-esteem
with the latest trend  Some interests, such as photography or
 People buy on impulse due to the art, offer a creative outlet
atmosphere and background music in  Recreation activities can make life more
shops fulfilling
 Shopping malls offer all-day facilities to  People can discover new skills they were
encourage people to spend more time not aware of
there  Some hobbies such as chess, keep people
 Some people find shopping therapeutic mentally astute
because they can take their mind off their  Doing volunteer work for charities can be
problems rewarding for individuals and beneficial
 Credit cards have made it easier for for society
people to go on a shopping spree  Some pastimes can open a whole new life
 for people

The value of free time

For Against
 People need a chance to unwind from  People should focus on work to earn
stress and recharge their batteries money for their future financial stability
 Constant work can result in burnout and  Free time does not help pay the bills
affect our mental wellbeing  Free time can be expensive. People do
 A healthy work-life balance can improve not earn money during their free time
a person’s quality of life and some recreational activities can be
 People are more productive at work if expensive
they enjoy their free time  People with too much time on their
 Families can benefit from spending more hands can become depressed
social time together  People can become lethargic if they have
 Free time can help people develop useful nothing to do
skills through hobbies  Work provides structure to the day


Violence in the media promote violence in society
For Against
 Children who are exposed to violence on  Millions of people watch graphically
TV tend to play much more aggressively violent films every day, but few become
 Violent films and video games may incite killers
teenagers to commit criminal offenses  Extreme poverty and despair are more
 A sizeable proportion of films offer free likely than violent films on TV to drive a
advertising for guns and propaganda of person to commit acts of violence
violence  In many countries, violent crime is
 Mass murderers make the headlines and decreasing although violence continues
become the heroes of disaffected youth to be omnipresent in the media
 Some studies have shown that there Is a  Violent behavior is a complex issue with a
positive correlation between watching host of risk factor
violent films and physical aggression  Media violence has a greater impact on
against another person our thinking and emotions than on our

Famous people have a right to privacy from the press

For Against
 Privacy is one of the basic human rights  Ordinary people have a right to know
 Paparazzi are a nuisance and only pander whether public figures meet acceptable
to the voyeuristic audience moral standards
 Media intrusion into the lives of  The public interest in the private lives of
celebrities is downright immoral those in power is entirely legitimate
 There is a huge difference between what  From a legal perspective, the right to free
is in the public interest and what the expression is as important as the right to
public is interested in privacy
 The law needs to give privacy greater  Many pops and movies stars like their
protection to counter the media’s private lives to be put on display to gain
frequent invasions of privacy more public attention and promote their
 Our parliamentary representatives
should willingly be open to scrutiny at all
No future for radio
For Against
 In the age of visual media, radio is  Radio can catch our imagination much
gradually becoming obsolete more than visual media
 People have become image and screen-  Listening to the radio in their car will
obsessed, so audio and print media will remain the commuter’s favorite activity
disappear unless they adapt for decades to come
 To attract more listeners, the radio will  Radio broadcasting technology keeps
have to find new ways of broadcasting developing all the time
content and become more visual  More and more people enjoy listening to
 Many radio stations are out of touch with the radio online via a computer or
their audience and fail to improve on-air smartphone
content  With connected cars, listening to internet
 To discover new songs and artists, young radio while driving is now more popular
people prefer to turn to sites like than ever
Children watching TV
For Against
 Watching TV is a popular pastime for  Watching Tv rapidly becomes an
children whose parents cannot afford to addiction which is then hard to overcome
let them take up a sport or join a hobby  Children need to interact with other
club people to develop linguistically, socially
 When children watch TV with their emotionally
parents, the family bond can be  Children are unable to make sense of all
strengthened the violence they see on TV
 Children can access an extensive range of  The more children watch TV, the less
documentary and educational programs they exercise and the more junk food
in the comfort of their home they eat
 Unlike surfing the web or playing  TV viewing takes away time from reading
computer games, watching TV is often a and from doing homework
whole-family activity
 Watching good entertainment programs
can be a source of relief to children who
are ill or under stress
TV influence culture
For Against
 Many people worldwide have learned  Television merely reflects changing social
English through watching subtitled TV and cultural values
shows.  Culture is not monolithic, and society is
 The huge number of violent films on TV fragmented, so TV could not possibly
has desensitized people to violence influence all their constituents groups
 Regular viewers end up thinking reality  Sitcoms and reality shows hold up a
should be like what they see on TV, which mirror to society, so culture influences
affects their values and their behavior TV.
 Lifestyle programs from developed  TV’s dependence on viewer ratings and
economies such as the UK are in high advertising revenue means that it cannot
demand in emerging markets afford to risk challenging the prevailing
 Some TV Shows portray the controversial values
relationship as acceptable, which has the  Culture is dynamic and keeps
power to shape viewers’ attitude transforming itself, while many TV shows
just aim to preserve conventionality and
the status quo.


Role of music
For individuals For society
 Music can stimulate our imagination and  Music can affect the mood and the
be a source of inspiration behavior of a whole nation
 It is often said that music reduces stress  Music has a unique ability to unite people
and anxiety across age, gender, and social divides
 Many people find relief from pain and  In some countries, the music industry
worry is music plays a significant role in the economy
 Listening to music can inspire people to  The music of a country is part of its
create music themselves culture and imbued with its beliefs and
 Music fulfills the basic human need for ideologies
rhythm, melody, and aesthetic pleasure  Music can be used to create a cultural
identity, a sense of belonging to a group
Traditional music
For Against
 Traditional music is a vital part of a  Because of its close ties to a specific
country’s cultural heritage and should be culture, it can be difficult for traditional
preserved music to appeal to a diverse society
 The language and the traditional music of  It is sometimes perceived ad uninventive
a country are the best expressions of its and too predictable
spirit  It is out of touch with the reality of
 Traditional melodies are extremely contemporary society
versatile and can be played in different  It can nurture an unhealthy sense of
styles nostalgia
 It is sometimes used to strengthen  Some people find it repetitive and limited
national unity in scope
 It will always transcend fads and fashions
International Music
For Against
 Like global brands, international music  Its omnipresence and success can make
makes the world seem uniform people underestimate their musical
 Its success is a testimony to the fact that heritage
there is much more that unite us than  It is often very commercial and
divide us dominated by some of the wealthiest
 It strengthens our feeling of belonging to economies
a global community  It is a powerful global business that
 It stimulates our curiosity to discover threatens traditional music
other cultures  In the process of trying to please
 It contributes to the spread of English as everyone, it loses depth and character
a global language
 It builds bridges between people across
the globe.
Stopping free music download
For Against
 Music piracy threatens the livelihood of  Music downloads should only be stopped
creative artists if they are illegal
 Downloading has become so normal that  CDs are outrageously expensive, so many
people fail to see its ethical and copyright music lovers cannot afford them
implications  If downloads were made illegal; listeners
 It is strictly illegal to download would soon find new ways to rip music
copyrighted music without the express from certain sites for offline listening
permission of the author  Most people who pirate music would not
 From an ethical perspective, there is no buy CDs anyway, so free downloads do
difference between downloading music not hurt the music industry
illegally and stealing a CD from a shop  It is more urgent to stop record
 Stream-ripping sites rob artists of the companies from exploiting creative
royalties they deserve, and on the other artists than to ban free downloads
hand, make a lot of money from

19. NEWS
Is all news true?
Is all news true? Functions of the news
 It seems that we have officially entered  The prime function of the news is to help
the age of fake news and alternative facts people keep abreast of world events and
 Very few news media seem to be free current affairs
from political bias  Media outlets fulfill the fundamental
 In many countries around the world, human need to learn and share news
news media have become instruments of  Through public relations firms, news
propaganda media shape public opinion
 News outlets are often tightly controlled,  News corporations may influence what is
either by government or by business considered newsworthy to advance a
interest particular agenda
 If what happened can usually be  One of the chief purposes of news media
described objectively, explaining how and is to publicize government proclamations
why it happened necessarily involves

News often focuses on bad news

Why Solutions
 Some research suggests that we are  Whenever possible, editors should strive
more attracted to negative words in for a balance between negative and
headlines neutral or positive news.
 Our brain has a negativity bias, which  News media should focus more on the
means we give more weight to negative day-to-day concerns and achievements of
events and thoughts than to positive local communities
ones  Grassroots movement and social media
 News about conflicts and disasters tell us together could redefine the concept of
whether we are safe or need to react news and newsworthiness
quickly to avoid danger  People should be made aware of their
 People who have the final say on what hunger for sensational news and taught
goes into the news prefer negative how to alleviate it
coverage  Given the powerful impact the news has
 Earthquakes and planes crash happen on people, information and media
quickly, whereas good events often literacy should be taught at school.
develop over a period

The newspaper will one day disappear

For Against
 Competition from online media is  In emerging economics, newspaper
squeezing out traditional print publishers circulation is on the increase
 Many newspapers have been forced to  Newspapers will evolve and focus on
file for bankruptcy background stories and analysis of global
 Increasingly, people are getting their events instead of breaking news
news for free from the internet  Sunday papers that focus on the news of
 Newspapers are losing revenue from the week are already highly popular in
advertising and classified ads some parts of the world
 Even newspapers that have a digital  In some countries, free commuters’
edition are struggling to survival newspapers are proving hugely popular
 It may take time, but newspapers are
bound to adapt to new technologies and
create a new business model
Online news is reliable
Agree Disagree
 Professional journalists see it as their  There are countless fake news and satire
duty to help the public differentiate sites that the public mistake for genuine
between trustworthy and dubious news news sources
sources  Anonymous bloggers pass themselves off
 The multiplicity of news sites makes it as journalists and spread news whose
possible to cross-reference what we authenticity is hard to verify
read.  We should not blindly trust even
 Even journalists now get some of their reputable newspapers, let alone
information from online sources electronic news media
 Readers can react immediately to an  Internet hoaxes spread like wildfire, and
online news item either to confirm or to millions of readers fall for them
contest its veracity  The more any news item is repeated, the
 Internet literacy is increasing, so people more people tend to believe its content is
can easily tell whether an online news truthful
site is credible or not


Which are best, e-Book or paper books?

E-books Paper books
 They enable you to have immediate  A physical book is less likely to get stolen
access to all the books in your library than an e-reader
wherever you are  The feel of a paper book, its weight, and
 You can access digital books on a wide its smell is part of the enjoyment of
variety of devices reading
 If you have eyesight problems, you can  A beautifully designed cover and quality
read them on a large PC monitor and paper make a book an object of desire
adjust the font size, color, and contrast  Bookshop browsing provides more
 People living in areas with no bookshops enjoyment and intellectual stimulation
or postal services are no longer deprived than scrolling through an online catalog.
of books  The print books on our shelves are a
 Many e-books readers have a built-in permanent reminder of our intellectual
dictionary, so you can look up an journeys
unfamiliar word
Public libraries
For Against
 Public libraries make knowledge and  They lend resources and provide
information sources accessible to all information but, unlike the internet, they
 They are welcoming places open to do not enable people to share
anyone irrespective of age, gender, or  They are sometimes patronized by shady
social class characters who do not respect the rules
 They are a meeting place for people with of conduct
similar interests  People can now access information
 A public library is often the heart and soul online in the comfort of their own homes
of a community  There are more books available online
 They often host cultural events and than at the local library
community activities  The books are often damaged or stained

Reading storybooks is a waste of time

Agree Disagree
 Fiction disconnects the reader from  When we read a story, we can learn
reality and encourages them to love in a empathy as we identify with some of the
fantasy world of their own characters and see the world through
 It is better for a child to interact with real their eyes
people than to spend time with story  Good stories are both enjoyable and
characters educational and instill a love of reading
 Some stories have a negative emotional for children
impact on the children  Reading aloud to children foster the
 Storybooks are often so beautifully acquisition of literacy skills
illustrated that readers may pay scant  Shared reading with children is a unique
attention to the written words opportunity for parents to bond with
 Storybooks cannot compete with the them
appeal of videos  Storybooks for young children stimulate
cognitive development
Libraries should spend more money on Technology, not books
Agree Disagree
 There is a limit to how many physical  Public libraries are more seriously
books a library can store underfunded and should not waste
 Libraries that offer free internet access money on state-of-the-art technology
attract many more users  Citizens do not want their local library to
 Producing printed books puts a great turn into yet another internet café
strain on the environment and natural  Print books make people less screen
resources dependent
 Digital resources are less vulnerable to  Many arts and scientific books are not
natural disasters available in digital format
 It has become impossible to do any  Library patrons expect print versions of
serious research without access to digital books and periodicals since they could
resources access their digital edition at home

Causes Solutions
 People do not have enough respect and  There should be harsher punishment for
do not feel personally responsible for the people who litter and more street
environment cameras to catch them in the act
 Some people are not aware of the effects  The government should provide more
littering can have litter bins for public use
 Some people develop bad habits of  Recycling should be encouraged and
dropping litter rather than disposing of it made more accessible
properly  The government should run a campaign
 There are not enough easily available against littering
litter bins in cities and towns  Children should be educated in schools
 People feel there will be no about the effects of littering
consequences and they can get away
with it
 Once litter starts to pile up, people feel
less inclined to dispose of their litter

Causes Solutions
 Abusive home environments force  The government should provide
children to run away permanent supportive housing for
 Some people cannot afford their children and adults escaping abuse
accommodation as house prices have  More free or affordable housing should
soared beyond their means be provided for people on low income
 Some people are drug or alcohol addicts and the unemployed
who struggle to function in normal  People with drug problems should be
society given proper treatment
 A lack of affordable housing can result in  Housing benefits should be provided for
some people becoming homeless people without homes to reduce social
 Domestic violence or mental health exclusion
problems can drive people onto the  Programs should be designed to help
streets low-income people increase their income
 Unemployment and poverty are common
factors that push people into being
The importance of traditional lifestyle
The importance of traditional lifestyles
 Traditional lifestyles often contain valuable knowledge of the natural world that must not be
 A unique perspective of the world around us and our places in it is part of many traditional
 Traditional values such as patience, selflessness, respect of elders, loyalty, and humility are
still important in today’s world
 The traditional lifestyle is a direct link to our past and our cultural heritage
 Many countries rely on attracting tourists by offering a traditional cultural experience
 We can gain useful insight into natural remedies that can help us deal with illness today by
studying some traditional ways of life
 Should the modern world crash, we will need to fall back on the traditional ways of life
The traditional lifestyle is being lost
Causes Solutions
 As people leave the countryside for cities  The government should provide financial
to work, traditions are lost. support to keep local and rural
 Globalization has resulted in the loss of communities
local traditions  Schools and parents should encourage
 The elderly are no longer a source of children to learn more from their
wisdom for young people today who do grandparents
not value their traditions  Schools should teach children about local
 The younger generation has more traditions and ways of living as a part of
interest in modern lifestyles the curriculum
 The world is changing too fast to protect  People should be made aware of the
traditional lifestyles importance of keeping a traditional
 TV programs and soap operas should
make a point of putting a positive spin on
traditional lifestyles
People moving from rural to urban areas
Causes Problems
 The majority of people relocate to find  Cities will struggle with overpopulation
employment  There will be a lack of housing for people
 Rural areas offer limited opportunities for coming from urban areas into cities
young people to better themselves  Unemployment in cities will increase
 Educational and medical facilities are of a  Poverty will rise in urban areas as a result
better standard in urban areas of unemployment
 Children will have brighter prospects in a  Crime rates will increase in urban areas
city  underpopulation in rural areas will affect
agricultural production and local
Society needs rules to function
With rules Without rules
 People need to know what behavior is  People would be able to hurt others with
acceptable and what behavior is not impunity
 Individuals and society can function  There will be no safety in communities
better when given guidelines  Children would grow up not knowing
 Rules and punishment deter people from right from wrong
committing a crime  Society would be thrown into complete
 Rules protect vulnerable people and keep disarray
everybody safe  A society without rules is no longer

Cultural diversity
For Against
 Variety is important for life  Society might start to lose its cultural
 People will learn to be more tolerant of identity
other people’s beliefs  Cultures might start to compete with
 Children will learn that all people and each other for predominance
beliefs are equal  Cultural clashes might result in violence
 The world will become more peaceful  Some cultural groups may feel that
and homogenous others are given preferential treatment
 Diversity means that society is rich and  There may be a clash in religious beliefs
 Innovation can stem from new
perspectives and different cultural
 Society will become more integrated
Definition Causes
 Happiness is different for each person  Having basic human needs met and
depending on their perspective and having human rights upheld must be a
personal circumstances in life prerequisite to happiness
 Some people think happiness is a feeling  Money can affect happiness, but how
rather than a state of a person’s life much money is needed depends on each
 People living in poverty often define individual
happiness as connected to money, while  Strong family ties are considered
people who are sick define it as relating essential to happiness as human beings
to health are social creatures and not meant to live
 People from different social and cultural in isolation
backgrounds have different values and  Some people think happiness is just a
needs state of mind
 To lose health can be a source of misery
and unhappiness
Definition Creating utopia
 Utopia is a perfect world where people  Provide people with education that helps
feel happy and safe them develop their unique skills
 Crime rates are low or non-existent  Provide free health care for all citizens
 People feel a sense of community and regardless of income or age
trust each other  Teach children to obey laws to from a
 Fear is not known in a utopian society table society and strong future
 People can live life to the full and enjoy generations
perfect health  Have police on the streets to deter crime
 A place without corruption, greed, or and create a sense of security
selfishness  Promote family values and strong bonds
between neighbors
 Create close-knit communities that
support each other
The generation gap
Causes Solutions
 People are no longer brought in the same  Parents need to actively engage their
way as their parents were children in family society life
 Young people are more at ease with  Parents need to find a common ground
modern technology and can keep pace on which to build a bond with their
with its development children
 Technology has altered the way people  Parents should encourage their children
communicate and interact with each to spend more time with their
other grandparents
 Free time activities have changed since  Schools can organize social projects to
the previous generation develop interactions between children
 The wisdom of the elderly is no longer and the older generation
relevant in today’s society  An interchange of knowledge between
children and the elderly can bring
modern technology and history together
Tighter gun control
For Against
 People with mental health issues can  Banning guns or having a stricter gun law
pose a serious threat to society if they will not stop crime
own a gun  People should be allowed to have
 The freedom of gun ownership is weapons to protect themselves with.
outdated from a time when the common  Many people own guns for sports or
person was more at risk hunting which are harmless activities
 Gun ownership increases the possibility  There are more moto vehicle-related
of violent crime deaths than deaths from firearms
 A peaceful society will never be achieved
as long as it is easy for people to buy a
deadly weapon
 Most guns are not used as a form of self-


Spending money on space exploration
For Against
 Space exploration might lead to solutions  Many social programs could be solved
to some of our planet’s problems with only a fraction of the money
 Man has always had a desire for squandered on space exploration
adventure and exploration, and to  It can be a source of conflict if countries
surpass anything that the previous use satellites to spy on each other’s
generation has achieved  Space missions put astronauts' lives in
 Many people believe that the long-term danger and expose them to various
survival of the human race depends on health hazards
people being able to move off-planet  Governments fund outer space research
earth mainly to achieve military dominance
 Some technologies that we commonly  The taxpayers’ money would be better
use today were originally developed for spent on health and education
space exploration
 The digital image processing developed
by NASA to study picture the moon
contributed to the development of the
MRI scan
 Space exploration creates countless jobs
Sending communications into space
For Against
 Establish communication with aliens from  Sending signals into space is probably the
space could give us access to unimagined best way to find out if there is life
knowledge and resource elsewhere in our galaxy
 Trying to improve communication  We have not even learned how to
between cultures and countries would be communicate with all the species on
more useful for mankind earth
 Scientists suggest that there could be  Earth-like planets are so far away that
other civilizations in our galaxy that we would take hundreds of or thousands of
might be able to communicate with years for any message to reach them
 As we now have the potential to wipe  An interstellar probe sent from earth
ourselves off the space of earth, we need would probably contaminate any alien
to find other habitable planets planet, or contaminate us on its return
 If we received a response to a signal sent  Even if there were living organisms in
from earth, our view of the universe outer space, it is unlikely that we would
would be utterly transformed know how to communicate with them

Space tourism
For Against
 Space is the final frontier for mankind to  Space tourism revenue can be used to
explore finance the space industry’s military
 The nascent space tourism industry is ambitions
already creating countless employment  Space tourism is an elite industry
opportunities designed to indulge the whims of the
 Advances in space tourism technology super-rich
might lead to the creation of space  There are still so many untrodden paths
settlements and hidden gems on our planet that
 A large number of people have already escaping to the cosmos in unnecessary
signed up for future space trips  Rocket emissions will further damage the
 The negative impact of global mass ozone layer and aggravate the global
tourism renders the search for new warming
destinations inevitable  The risk involved is currently so high that
every space tourist is dicing with death


International sport events
For Against
 Highly publicized events often inspire  The money spent on state-of-art
people to take part in sports regularly stadiums and arenas would be better
 They spread good cheer and optimism, spent on education and health services
which can give the economy a boost  Hosting events like the world cup may
 The host country is in the limelight end result in the country incurring huge debt
can enhance its image  After being the focus of the world for a
 Mega sports events attract many foreign few weeks, places where the events were
visitors, which promotes retail trade and held soon slip back into anonymity
stimulates the economy  Events that draw huge crowds are often a
 Increased tourism and infrastructure potential target for terrorist attacks
development benefit the host nation  If the event is not well organized, the
image of the host nation abroad will be
Dangerous sports should be banned
Agree Disagree
 Extreme sports far too much publicity  All sports are potentially dangerous,
compared with safe sports that can help including some of the most popular ones
us maintain and improve our health  Better coaching, stricter rules, and
 the true spirit of sport is to motivate all enhanced sports equipment will greatly
people to participate, not just a tiny reduce the risk of injury
minority of daredevils  Many more deaths are caused by road
 Sustainability of lifelong injury is too accidents than by playing sports, yet
often a price to pay for a brief adrenaline nobody would consider banning driving
rush  Extreme sports give people the
 Out health is our greatest asset, so sports opportunity to challenge themselves
that put it at risk should not be allowed physically and psychologically
 It is selfish to risk one’s life for pleasure  Most people who take up a sport are
aware of the risks associated with it
Children should learn team sport, not individual sports
Agree Disagree
 Learning team spirit makes us more  Individual sports are better at teaching
adequate members of society children to rely on their skills and be
 Team sports foster a sense of belonging independent-spirited
and a sense of respect for both  In team sports, it is easy to hide behind
teammates and opponents someone on a poor day
 Teammates learn to support each other  Team sports often have fixed training
to achieve a common goal schedules, which can create difficulties
 Playing in a team gives children the for both parents and children
opportunity to interact with others and  When children play a team sport, they
to get over their shyness have less time to engage in sporting
 Children generally have more fun when activities with their parents
they engage in an activity with their  Children with a disability or a medical
peers rather than on their own condition might suffer emotionally if they
are forced to fit into a team
Government should build sports facilities for top athletes vs public
For top athletes For the public
 Top athletes are like an ambassador for  Schools should be the main beneficiaries
their country and as such deserve top- of public investment in sport
notch training facilities  Amateurs too need suitable venues and
 If they are to compete successfully on the facilities
global stage, top athletes need a proper  Some of the children of today will be the
sports infrastructure top athletes of tomorrow, so they need
 The success of star athletes motivates the to be provided with facilities to get
masses to engage in sport involved in sport
 The countries with the largest number of  The declining number of people engaging
top athletes are often those with the best in sport is in great part to be blamed on
sports facilities the lack of sports facilities
 The success of top athletes brings
prestige and worldwide attention to their

Watching sport on TV is a waste of time

Agree Disagree
 Doing sport improves our health while  Not all sports fans have the chance to
slouching in front of the TV has the attend sports events
opposite effect  Watching our favorite teams or athletes
 Watching sport on TV easily becomes an on TV can inspire us to get actively
addiction that makes our body stiff and involved in sports ourselves
rusty  Television is a convenient and affordable
 Watching sport indiscriminately disrupts way for armchair sports enthusiasts to
family life and relationships keep their passions alive
 TV viewing is a passive activity often  Many people who play sport can improve
accompanied by compulsive their skills by watching others again and
consumption of junk food. again
 If you love a sport, you could be outside  Being passionate about something makes
actually playing it instead of being us happier human beings, and for many
slumped in front of the TV people following the sport on TV is a real
Who is responsible for children to exercise?
Schools Parents
 All schools should encourage students to  Parents should set an example for their
take part in a sport children by engaging in a sporting activity
 As the aim of the school is to develop  Parents should instil a love of physical
human potential, sport and physical activity into their children to promote
education should have pride of place on healthy development
the curriculum  Family life can greatly benefit from
 For centuries, “A healthy mind In a parents and children being active
healthy body” has been the motto of together
many educational institutions  Considering the growing number of
 For many children, school is the only overweight and obese children, parents
place where they can get involved in have to ensure that their kids get plenty
sport of exercises
 Compulsory education should not favor  Parents play a key role in helping their
academic subjects at the expense of the kids find a sport that they enjoy
Banning mobile phones in public areas
For Against
 Most public areas have free phones that  As public phones booths seem to be on
can be used in case of emergency the verge of extinction, it would be
 Mobile phones can be used to take irresponsible to ban mobile phone use
photos and videos and so violate other  Mobile phones save lives as emergency
people’s privacy services can easily locate you when you
 They are intrusive and harm the call
environment of other people  Instead of imposing a ban, it would be
 In hospitals and airplanes, they can more practical to have designated areas
interfere with sensitive equipment for cell phone users
 They are a permanent distraction when  Many people think that a ban would
they are allowed in the classroom curtail their freedom
 Cell phones are a relatively recent
invention and people just need a little
more time to learn how to use them
properly n public
Technology has helped people become more social
Agree Disagree
 Everyone can easily belong to multiple  Under the veil of anonymity, many
online communities people in chat rooms and on discussion
 Communication technologies abolish boards easily become offensive
distances and enable everyone to  It is easy to disseminate false information
connect around the globe online in order to ruin someone’s
 Through social media, anyone can build reputation
up a network of like-minded people  When in a company, people cut
 Certain apps enable families and friends themselves off from their surroundings
in different corners of the world to chat and prioritize phone calls and messages
for free 24/7  Many people end up sending more time
 Many people have been able to onscreen than on face-to-face interaction
reconnect with long-lost friends through  Phone calls and messages constantly
a social networking site. disrupt face-to-face conversations and
friendly get-togethers

The gap between old and young has widened due to technology
For Against
 It is much easier for younger people to  Family bonds are strengthened when
master new technology because they children teach their parents and
were born in an environment where it grandparents how to use new technology
was omnipresent  Mobile phones and social media make it
 Most schools now teach computer skills easier for grandparents to keep in touch
whereas older people have to start from with their children and grandchildren
scratch  Many elderly people wish to keep on
 The relevance of new technology is not learning
obvious if you have lived happily without  Technological skills and knowledge have
a PC or mobile for forty years always been passed from generation to
 Many adults have difficulty keeping generation
abreast of technologies changes  Parents and children can play video
 As parents and children spend more time games together, which fosters family
onscreen and less with each other, the bonding
generation gap widens
Mankind is now dependent on modern technology
For Against
 For the majority of people, the issue is  ‘What’s your wi-fi password? is one of
not dependency on modern technology the first questions people ask when they
but access to it visit you
 Wishing to live with the times is not the  Digital detox holidays are growing in
same as dependency popularity
 Less than half of the world’s population  People look at you strangely if you ask for
use the internet direction in town or for a wake-up call at
 Many people have found ways to a hotel
increase face-to-face time with family  Internet addiction is now recognized as a
and friends mental disorder
 We tend to rely on technology more than
before, but this does not mean that we
cannot live without it
Technology increases the gap between the rich and the poor
Agree Disagree
 The most sophisticated hospitals are  Thanks to technology, countries that
private and cater mainly to wealthy were still underdeveloped half a century
patients ago are now among the world’s
 Increasing the automation in superpowers
manufacturing means many workers lose  Increasingly, public places offer free
their jobs while factory owners increase internet access
profits  Advances in aviation technology have
 The use of cutting-edge technology in made traveling by air more affordable
elite private schools give children of  In countries without landline
wealthy parents a big advantage over communications, mobile phones provide
poorer children access to jobs, education, and healthcare
 Poorer people get into debt to buy state-  Advances in agricultural technology have
of-art digital devices improved the health and standard of
 Highly profitable hi-tech companies living of people in developing countries
relocate to developing countries where
labor costs are lower

The internet is mankind’s most important invention

Agree Disagree
 It is an inexhaustible source of knowledge  The invention of the telephone, the light
and information bulb, and the computer made the
 It enables people around the globe to internet possible
communicate in writing and speaking in  Without the wheel, it is unlikely that
real-time mankind would ever have reached an
 Information can be disseminated faster advanced stage of technological
than ever before development
 Thanks to the internet, universal access  Only about half of the world’s population
to education will soon be a reality has access to the internet
 It is the first invention that turned our  It is hard to imagine how our civilization
planet into a global village would have evolved without the engine
For Against
 The tourist trade is a valuable source of  Tourists can influence and even alter the
income for many countries local culture
 For some countries, tourism makes up a  Historical buildings can be damaged by
large proportion of the national income large numbers of tourists
 Increased demand for tourists can boost  Having a large tourist trade can adversely
local economies and local businesses affect the environment by causing
 Job opportunities increases as more pollution
tourists visit local areas  Money from the tourist trade does not
 Tourism can also bring investment always benefit local communities
opportunities from wealthy foreign  Very often, it is only individuals business
investors owners who benefit from the tourist
 People who rely on the tourist trade will
be affected by a world economical
Tourism cause damage to historical buildings
Causes Solutions
 Many buildings were not built to  Increasing the entry fees means that
accommodate such vast hordes of people more money will be available for
 The large numbers of people flooding restoration and conservation
into historical buildings will inevitably  The number of people entering any
cause erosion historical building should be restricted
 Some people who visit historical buildings  More guards should be posted around
are not respectful and purposely cause historical buildings to prevent intentional
damage damage
People need to learn the language to travel
For Against
 Knowing the local language enables  In some situations, body language, such
tourists to have a richer cultural as hand gestures and miming, can work
experience by talking to local people just as well as verbal communication
about their country and history  Not everyone has the time or means to
 People will be able to communicate their learn a language before they travel
needs, which is important while traveling, abroad
and organizing transportation and  Guidebooks usually contain enough
accommodation information for people to get around and
 Lack of effective communication may cope without foreign language skills
mean that misunderstandings with locals  Many people manage to communicate
are not quickly resolved via translation apps
 It might be risky to venture into some  Not all people traveling abroad seek
countries without being able to ask for cultural experiences or wish to interact
help or to understand written notices and with the local population
simple etiquette  Package holidaymakers will have
 In some countries, menus are only representatives of their country to
available in the local language, so people welcome them and help them, which
with allergies would need to be able to render learning a language unnecessary
enquire about the ingredients of the
dishes and meals on offer
People should adapt to the culture of the country they are visiting
For Against
 It is a sign of respect to follow the  It is unrealistic to expect that all
traditions and customs of a country foreigners entering a country will discard
 By not adapting to the culture, it is their own culture in favor of new and
possible to deeply offend or insult a local unfamiliar customs
person, which could lead to an  Some countries depend on the tourist
unpleasant situation. trade for their economy and should
 Part of going abroad is to experience therefore accept tourists as they are,
firsthand how other people live including the differences in culture
 By adapting to a culture, people can be  People should not have to adapt to any
more easily accepted by locals, which can customs that might conflict with their
enhance a person’s travel experience religion
 In some countries, cultural rules are  People’s culture from part of their
fixed, and non-compliance is punishable identity, so they should not have to
by law change it
 It is not always easy to find access to all
information about a country’s cultural
People do not need to travel if they have a TV
For Against
 Armchair travelers are spared all the  TV is no substitute for being under new
hassle of planning a holiday skies and experiencing a new place with
 Documentaries and specialized TV all your senses
channels enable everyone to discover the  You can see more of a country and learn
world from the comfort of their own more about it in a 30-minute
homes documentary than you would during a
 Many people watch programs about month’s holiday there
places they have already been to, or  Traveling is much more than a simple
which they are intended to visit audio-visual experience
 Traveling vicariously saves your money  A good travel TV show can awaken our
and reduces your carbon footprint almost instinctive urge to discover new
 Travel TV channels offer a wealth of places
fascinating programs that can captivate  Even the best HD images cannot replace
viewers more than direct experience the excitement of meeting new people
and discovering their culture

Traveling is a group or alone

Group Individually
 Group travel creates bonds between the  The solo traveler does not depend on
people involved in the experience anyone and takes all decisions on their
 Group travel greatly reduces safety own
concerns  Traveling on one’s own is a great
 Traveling with people from country opportunity to develop one’s self-
removes the stress of having struggled in confidence and develop as a person
a foreign language all day long  Solo travelers are more inclined to meet
 It is rare for all members of a group to new people and make new friends
share the same interest, so there will  Traveling solo can be more expensive as
always be someone dissatisfied you cannot benefit from group discounts
 Traveling always involved making a lot of on transport, food, or accommodation
decisions, which can be quite time-  If you feel ill or lonely, there is nobody to
consuming in a group cheer you up or support you
 When you are in a group, you are less  A solo traveler can be an easy target for
open to people outside the group someone with bad intentions

For Against
 Ecotourism is an easy way of getting  When indigenous cultures are regularly
actively involved in caring for our exposed to mass tourists, their traditional
environment cultural practices change or disappear
 It enables tourists to learn about the flora  Local people sometimes revive ancient
and fauna of a specific location traditions only to provide photo
 It protects the environment and boosts opportunities
local economies  Ecotourism can become an empty slogan
 It helps preserve local traditions and used by unscrupulous profit-making
create jobs for local people organizations to attract environmental
 It can provide incentives for conscious tourists
environmental protection  Local communities are sometimes
displaced to make way for new hotels
and tourist attractions
 Local communities that depend
excessively on ecotourism risk being
shattered if there is another economical

Congestion in cities
Causes Solutions
 There has been an increase in the  Building overpasses and underpass to
number of people owning a vehicle deal with roads that were never built to
 Fewer people are choosing to travel using handle a large traffic volume
public transport in favor of public  Encourage people to use bicycles by
transport offering cheap bike rental throughout the
 The infrastructure of many major cities is city center
inadequate to deal with the high volume  Raise the tax on privately owned vehicles
of traffic to limit ownership
 Frequent roadworks result in roads being  Schedule roadworks for night time only
closed and congestion building in other when traffic flow is at minimum
areas of the city  Stagger opening and closing times to
 The same opening and closing time of control traffic flow at peak times
business, services, and shops cause mass  Improve the efficiency, reliability, and
rush-hour traffic comfort of public transport
 There are few or no incentives for the
public to cycle
Is increasing tax on flights the best way to reduce air travel?
Increase Tax: Pros and cons Other Possible solutions
 As cheap tickets and budget holidays  Make other forms of transport, such as
abroad are the main reason people fly, overnight trains or sleeper buses, more
increasing tax will increase the airfares, efficient and comfortable for passengers
which will deter people from choosing to  Lower the price for using other forms of
travel by plane transport
 By raising the price of flights, the price of  Encourage people to holiday within their
goods will also increase, which will be own country rather than abroad
detrimental to the consumers  Reduce business travel by promoting
 As many countries rely on the money video and web conferencing
brought in by tourists who fly in from  Increase investment in the rail
abroad, increasing the price of tickets will infrastructure
result in fewer visitors and possible
economic problems
 Higher airfares will only affect lower-
income families
 Higher taxes will discourage airlines from
investing in cabin amenities

Retaking The driving test every five years

For Against
 People develop bad driving habits and  A better alternative might be to get
forget vital skills that a regular test would people to undergo a full medical
help to avoid examination to assess their fitness to
 Regular testing will ensure that people drive
continue to be attentive and careful  It is unlikely that a person’s driving ability
when driving would be compromised over just five
 Some people have developed health years
problems affecting their driving that  There would be a strain on the
would be flagged up more quickly with government to provide more driving test
regular testing facilities and more staff
 It helps people keep up to date with the  For people who cannot afford to retake
development of technologies, speed and their test but rely on their car for work,
facilities cars their whole livelihood could be at stake
 People will be retested on essential road  It would be a financial strain on many
rules which are easily forgotten after people to retake their tests so often
years of driving
 As road systems develop and modernize,
people will be able to learn the correct
way to approach them
Public transport
Benefits Problems
 Many people cannot afford their private  Public transport does not offer flexible
transport, which makes public transport routes, which means many destinations
essential are not catered for
 Without public transport, many people  Buses must take a long route to the
would have problems traveling long destination to pick up passengers, which
distances to work can make the journey too time-
 Public transport allows many people to consuming for many people
travel in just one vehicle, which helps  Overcrowding on public transport can
reduce traffic congestion in city centers make using it unpleasant for many or
 There are environmental benefits of almost impossible for disabled people
many people using one vehicle in the  The punctuality of buses and trains is
form of reduction in the consumption of frequently unreliable
fossil fuels  Petty crimes such as pickpocketing can be
 Some public transport, such as inner-city rife in some forms of public transport.
trams, are highly energy-efficient or use
sustainable energy
 People can use their commuting time on
public transport to make friends or
 There are significantly fewer traffic
accidents involving public transport
compared to private transport
Increasing car ownership
For Against
 It allows people more freedom to travel  The number of cars on the road has a
as they can choose the route themselves direct impact on air quality because
and take detours when they want exhaust fumes are a major contributor to
 Private transport is quicker as there is no air pollution.
need for numerous stops to pick up  As the number of cars rises, demand for
passengers in out of the way location more fossil fuel increases, which cause
 There is a positive correlation between more pollution as well as depletion of the
increasing car ownership and economic world’s resources
growth: greater demand for cars can  As car ownership increases, so too does
result in more car manufacturing, more the gap between rich and poor
jobs, and more tax revenue  Some people buy cars they cannot afford
 Cars have built-in air conditioning, on credit schemes to keep up with the
cushioned seats, and other luxuries that Joneses, which can lead to more personal
make it a more comfortable way to travel debt
 Cars also mean that people will incur
extra expenses such as fuel costs,
insurance, and repairs
The government Should spend more on railways
For Against
 Trains are much more environmentally  Many areas, particularly the countryside,
friendly than cars and buses are not served by public transport and
 High-speed railways can link major cities can only be reached by car
and greatly reduce commuting time  What is needed to better road
 Efficient train services will encourage infrastructure to reduce traffic
people to leave their cars at home, which congestion and increase driving safety
will lead to reducing road congestion and  People want to stay in control of their
carbon emissions lives and cannot be expected to depend
 Increased investment in the rail on public transport whenever they need
infrastructure is necessary to put end to to go from one place to another
train delays and increase passengers’  Even in some economically advanced
comfort countries, trains are unreliable and
 The train is probably the safest and most- overcrowded
stress free mode of transport  In most countries, motorists pay road tax
and therefore expect the road network to
be maintained and extended

Importance Ways to Protect our oceans
 Oceans cover more than two-thirds of   New ways must be found to dispose of
our planet plastic waste so that it does not end
 Oceans generate most of the oxygen we up in oceans
breathe and absorb carbon from the  Climate change must be tackled
atmosphere urgently to stop the destruction of
 Oceanic currents play a crucial role in coral reefs and other ecosystems
regulating the earth’s climate  Overfishing must be stopped to allow
 Seas and oceans are not only a source of the fish stock to recover
fish but also of algae and seaweed that  Every one of us can support an
have a high nutritional value organization working to protect the
 Without international shipping, the world oceans
economy would collapse  We can make difference by using
reusable plastic bags and refusing
single-use ones
Water pollution
Causes Problems
 In many countries, agriculture pollution is   Contaminated water makes people ill,
one of the main causes of water and those living close to polluting
contamination industries are most at risk
 Oil spillages make water unsafe to drink  Cholera, typhoid, and other diseases
and also destroy ocean wildlife and the are spread by contaminated drinking
ecosystem that sustain them water
 A lot of radioactive waste is not properly  When heavy metal and nitrate
disposed of fertilizers get into our drinking water
 People dump a huge amount of waste supplies, they can cause cancer and
into rivers, riverbanks, and coastal waters disrupt our hormones
 Pesticides, fertilizers, and animal waste  Big fish like tuna accumulate high
seep into the soil and groundwater, quantities of toxins from
rendering it unsafe for human contaminated water
consumption  As oceans water become more acidic,
it is getting more difficult for coral and
shellfish to survive
Marine life
Importance Ways to protect it
 Marine life is a major source of our   We can use reusable bags when
animal protein and of products that are shopping instead of plastic ones
very useful in medicine  We can reduce our carbon footprint
 The beauty of marine life supports the by driving less and using less
leisure and tourist industry in many parts electricity and water
of the world  We can take part in beach, and
 Millions of jobs in fishing, aquaculture, riverbank clean-ups or help organize
and tourism depend on marine life one
 Ocean vegetation absorb a lot of carbon  We can use eco-friendly washing-up
dioxide, so without it, global climate liquid, washing powder, and personal
change would be much worse care items
 Seaweed and algae could put end to  There are many simple ways of
hunger and malnutrition in the world conserving water like turning off the
tap when brushing one’s teeth
Water use should be controlled by the government
For Against
 Too many citizens still think freshwater is   In some countries, bureaucracy
an unlimited resource mismanagement and corruption
 Together, the government can develop jeopardize the public water system.
agriculture policies that promote efficient  Ultimately, using water wisely is the
water use on a global scale responsibility of individuals
 The government could set maximum  It is mainly by raising taxes and cutting
limits for water consumption investments that public water utilities
 It is the government’s responsibility to manage to keep prices relatively low
prepare for droughts and other  Rather than punish everyone with
emergencies water restrictions, it would be better
 Water agencies can educate citizens to reward people who manage to
through programs promoting water conserve water at home
conservation and efficient water use  Partnership with the private sector is
often necessary to ensure efficient
management of water resource
Drinking water should be free not sold
For Against
 Involving profit-making agencies in the   In some of the most populous
water management and distribution countries in the world, tap water is
world excludes the poorest from not safe for drinking unless it has been
essential services. boiled.
 Water is a human right and should be  Ordinary plastic bottles may take
affordable to all, like food and like the centuries to decompose but there are
medicines we need when we are ill now plastic-free biodegradable water
 Unlike the air that we breathe, water bottle
needs a costly infrastructure that has to  To make tap water-free, agencies
be maintained permanently might save money by reducing quality
 Most brands of bottled water contain tiny control costs
plastic particles which we ingest when  Disposable plastic water bottles have a
drinking disastrous effect on the environment
 Every human being needs an adequate
amount of safe freshwater not to die
from dehydration

28. WORK
The best way to get a good job
Education Experience
 You can get certain jobs without a formal  Employers often value experience over
degree, but you will find it a struggle to education, especially in vocational fields
advance professionally  One or two years of hands-on industry
 University graduates can be trusted with experience is usually an asset when
more responsible roles applying for a job
 Obtaining an academic qualification is  Landing your first job is a struggle If you
already proof that you are able to rise do not have prior real-world experience
through the ranks  There is so much competition among
 In certain fields, having a degree will graduates that having some work
enable you to earn a higher salary right experience will give you a head start over
from the outset others
 Some academic programs require that  Recruiters are more likely to hire an
the student do an internship or a work applicant with relevant work experience
placement in order to graduate rather than one with an academic degree
Job satisfaction
A realistic expectation Unrealistic
 Many people work eight hours a day for  Some people are unable to find
over 40 years and rightly expect to derive contentment/happiness in anything they
a feeling of fulfillment from their job do
 A job is more than a paycheque, it needs  With rising unemployment and fierce
to be a source of pride and self-respect competition for jobs, the greatest
 We can bring meaning and purpose to satisfaction is simply to have a job
any job if we fully engage in our work and  Many people have to accept jobs that are
adopt a positive attitude towards completely unrelated to their studies
colleagues and superiors  Employees sometimes feel unfairly
 It is legitimate to expect to feel respected compensated for their work and are
in the workplace and appreciated for the therefore demotivated
quality of our work  Inhumane working conditions in certain
 At work, like in general, satisfaction also industries more often lead to
depends on intrinsic factors, not only despair/hopelessness than satisfaction
extrinsic ones

Problems with work-life balance

Causes Solutions
 Some companies expect their workers to  Drawing up a list of priorities can improve
stay connected at home and to be on call our time management
at all hours of the day  Taking enough exercise is essential to
 Working from home can blur the keep fit and have a fresh mind
boundaries between our private and  We need to set ourselves realistic short
professional lives and long-term goals and the time frame
 Many people are expected to take work within which to attain them
home with them  When we are at home, we should make a
 All the stress accumulated during the point of prioritizing our family
working day often makes it difficult to  We should make an effort to maintain
wind down at home friendly relationships with colleagues and
 The time spent commuting also takes its ask for help when we need it
toll on our private life

Who should have high salaries?

Doctors and teachers Sports and showbiz stars
 Public sector doctors and teachers  Showbiz and sports celebrities are a
provide indispensable services source of national pride
 Health and education should be the top  Celebrities’ salaries are not shouldered
priorities of any government by taxpayers
 Doctors and teachers have spent a great  Stars often have to pay exorbitant agent
deal of money on their studies and then fees.
often attend expensive professional  A professional athlete’s career usually
training seminars ends when they are in their mid-thirties
 Health care professionals deal with  Their generous salaries partly
matters of death and life regularly compensate for what they sacrifice and
 Teachers shape the future for millions of all the training they have to undergo
children all over the world

Children and part-time work

For Against
 In certain environments, children  Work rob children of what makes
spontaneously want to work alongside childhood unique and beautiful
their parents  Children could not possibly juggle a job
 In poorer countries, children often must with school duties and extracurricular
work part-time to help their parents activities
make ends meet  Children are vulnerable and can easily be
 Starting to work at a young age prepares taken advantage of by employers
you more adequately for adult life  Childhood is a time for learning, playing
 It teaches children how to react and and for children to enjoy
behave in situations they would not  Having to work and to go to school would
encounter at home or at school greatly reduce the number of time
 It makes children appreciate the value of children can spend with their parents
hard work and money  In some developing countries, children
do manual labor under conditions that
can be dangerous to their health or

Children and work exploitation

Causes Solutions
 Destitute families in underdeveloped  Richer nations should provide financial
countries often have no other choice but support and encourage poorer ones to
to make their children work for survival make education free and compulsory
 In some countries, access to compulsory until age 15.
free education is limited for nonexistent  Buying Fairtrade products brings a better
 Adding another wage to a family’s standard of living for poor people in
income can lighten the financial burden developing countries
people carry  We should give the United Nations more
 Child labor laws are often either not power to enable it to eradicate extreme
enforced or shamelessly violated poverty and hunger worldwide.
 As countries compete for jobs and  Countries, where workers’ rights are
investment, governments resist fulling respected, should not trade with
international standards in order to keep countries where those rights are
labor costs low repressed
 Interest payment on development loans
to developing countries should be

Teachers do not want to work in rural areas

Reasons Solutions
 In developing countries, the standard of  Graduate teachers from rural areas
living in rural areas is even lower than in should be supported in obtaining and
cities. retaining jobs in rural schools
 Rural areas often lack adequate health  Teachers taking up a post in a remote
care and public transport infrastructure location should be offered incentives
 Schools in rural areas are often in poor such as travel and relocation allowance
repair and may lack even basic  Fringe benefits like free medical
equipment and facilities insurance and housing allowance would
 Teachers in country schools sometimes make jobs in remote areas more
earn much less than their counterparts in attractive
the city  Teacher training colleges could arrange
 Many teachers feel daunted by the for some of the teaching practice to take
prospect of having to live in isolation place in rural schools
 Rural schools should be better funded
Working online from home
For Against
 Employers no longer waste time and  A feeling of isolation and loneliness often
energy commuting sets in after a while
 You can design your home office  You miss out on the collective energy of
environment in any way you like the office
 Conference calls are now possible even  Face-to-face interaction with co-workers
with a basic home computer and bosses is irreplaceable

All employees should have the same salary in a company

For Against
 It is immoral that some people earn in a  An employee’s salary should be
month what it takes other people in the commensurate with their experience and
same company a whole year to earn qualifications
 Income inequality is a frequent cause of  It is naïve to think that senior staff would
industrial action accept the same salary as those in junior
 Too many companies have a rigid roles
hierarchy with a dearth of highly paid  Those who risk their lives at work every
middle managers day deserve a higher salary than an
 The concept of equal pay for equal work assistant who does menial office tasks.
can put end to the gender pay gap  Employees would lose the motivation to
 Many companies have adopted a flat work hard and give the best of
structure where all employers are themselves
involved in decision making and work  Opportunities for career development
towards a common goal are necessary for employee satisfaction
and retention at a company
Factors influencing career choice
Salary Other factors
 People hope to be offered pay  Trends in the job market affect the
commensurate with their qualifications choices available to us
and experience  Many people look for a job that can give
 A good salary enables you to support them the opportunity to rise through the
your parents ranks
 Young people need to earn enough when  People want to engage in tasks that they
they want to get married and start a enjoy and that they feel good at doing
home of their own  Many children want to follow their
 Many graduates leave university in debt parent’s profession
and have to pay off their student loans  Your personality often has a decisive
 Your income should enable you to cover influence on the career path you choose
all your basic needs, pay your bills and
live in modest comfort

Changing jobs VS, A job for life

Changing jobs One job for life
 Many university graduates have to take  Loyalty to a company often leads to
on jobs that are not related to their promotions opportunities
studies to start with  Companies have long-term goals that
 You become more flexible when you require continued commitment and
have the chance to experience different dedication to achieve
company cultures  It takes time to establish the kind of
 When you switch jobs, you keep learning meaningful professional relationships we
new skills and become more versatile need to find real job satisfaction
 Very few companies can guarantee their  When you stay in the same job for a long
workers lifelong employment time, you end up performing your job
 If you make frequent career moves mechanically
without good reason, employers might
worry you are just a job hopper

Women in the armed forces

For Against
 Gender equality must be achieved in all  Some jobs in the armed forces require a
areas of human activity level of physical abilities and fitness that
 Women played a crucial role in the women could not reach
armed forces during World War 2  If taken prisoners by the enemy, women
 Many essential noncombatant roles can soldiers are more likely to suffer abuse
be taken over by women to free men for  As the military remains a typical macho
combat subculture, women recruits run the risk
 On the modern battlefield, leadership of being resented or harassed
skills and technical expertise are more  Mixed-gender military units would
valuable than brute strength inevitably lack cohesion
 To enjoy the same opportunities as men,  Women are much more likely to get
women have to be exposed to the same injured than men

The retirement age should be extended

For Against
 The skills and the experience of senior  Making it easier to retire early might
employees are necessary for the alleviate the problem of youth
economy to prosper unemployment
 Setting the retirement age at 65 was  Delaying retirement eligibility risks
decided many decades ago when life aggravating the problem of youth
expectancy was much lower employment
 Many senior employees would welcome  Delayed retirement would penalize
the opportunity to work beyond the lower-income workers in physically
legally-mandated retirement age demanding jobs
 Forcing healthy people in their mid-  Conditions should be improved for a
sixties to stop working is unfair worker who wishes to take early
 Longer life expectancy means pension retirement
funds now have to pay out much more  The taxpayer’s money would be better
money than is paid to them spent on pension funds than on weapons
and prestige projects

Robots and work

For Against
 Robots can work more efficiently and  Robots in the workplace mean more
more precision than humans people are laid off from work
 Robots are already being used  Robots can break down or malfunction,
successfully to perform some surgical rendering them either useless or
procedures unreliable
 Robots used in mass production can  The cost of fixing a broken machine or
reduce the price of items made robot can be high and require specialist
 Robots and machines reduce a services
company’s labor costs because they  Robots are only as good as humans who
require only a single purchase cost but no programmed them
salary  Robots could not handle the many
 Robots can easily replace or unexpected situations people are faced
reprogrammed for other duties within the course of a single day’s work
World overpopulation
Causes Problems Solutions
 There is an increase in  A growing population  The government should
the birth rate with means growing poverty, enforce a one-child
people enjoying which leads to an policy
increased longevity increase in crime  Women should be
 People enjoy a better  A longer population educated about family
standard of living, which greater demand planning
which also means a for food will cause a  Birth control should be
longer lifespan food shortage more readily available
 People are more health-  The gap between rich for free.
conscious and able to and poor will result in  Sex education should be
lead a healthy lifestyle greater inequality and taught in schools
 Better medical facilities lead to unrest  An incentive should be
help people recover  There will be more offered by the
from illnesses that unemployment due to government to families
otherwise might have more competition for with fewer children
been fatal jobs
 New medical  The use of the world’s
treatments can help resources is
elderly people extend unsustainable and will
their lives result in the depletion
 Fertility treatment has  The degradation of the
allowed women to environment will be
overcome pregnancy inevitable owing to the
problems demand for more
 Infant mortality rates energy and more
have dropped due to industry
better education for
women and better
medical facilities
Aging world population
Problems Solutions
 The number of old people will exceed the  The retirement age should be increased
number of young people.  If more elderly people work, they will be
 The economy will suffer able to support themselves
 Young people will not be able to  Elderly people should continue to
financially support the entire elderly contribute to the workforce
population  Elderly people will be able to continue to
 The government will need to divert more pay taxes
funding into elderly care, which will  People should be encouraged to save
produce a lack of funding in other areas more for their pension
 A growing younger population is needed
 People should be encouraged to have
more children
Global warming
Causes Solutions
 Climate changes have resulted in  New sources of energy needed to be
temperature rises found that are sustainable and
 Trapped carbon dioxide in the Earth’s environmentally friendly
atmosphere causes an increase in  Transportation that is solar powered or
temperature runs on green energy needs to be used
 The use of fossil fuels for industry results  People can recycle plastic and reuse
in more carbon dioxide being produced containers
 Transportation also contributes to rises in  People need to be aware of the amount
carbon dioxide of energy they use in their homes
 Carbon dioxide is not being sufficiently  Government should have stricter rules
absorbed by trees and plants against deforestation
 Deforestation has resulted in fewer trees  Government can arrange for more trees
to combat CO2 emissions to be planted
International Aid and rich countries to poor countries
For Against
 Aid could be given by funding the  The money from rich countries comes
development of hospitals and medical from taxpayers and should be used to
training and giving free medicine to benefit taxpayers in terms of supporting
ensure good health care social services, health care, and
 Aid could be given in the form of teacher education
training and educational facilities rather 
than just financial aid  Poor countries may develop a
 Helping poor countries reduce the dependency on aid rather than solving
animosity between the wealthy countries their national problems
and poorer ones, which will help  The government are answerable to their
promote international peace citizen for how they spend the tax payer’s
 In some poor countries, conditions have money
created a humanitarian crisis, which  If a poor country has continual political
cannot be ignored by rich countries unrest, aid will not have a long-term
 Refusing to give aid to poor countries impact and may not be effective
could result in hundreds of thousands of  Rich countries have a responsibility to
unnecessary deaths their people before helping others
 Rich countries have the extra money to  Poor countries need to be trained how to
help others as well as themselves tackle their domestic problems rather
 Supporting the economic growth of than be given aid
poorer countries can open a new market  There are not enough rich countries in
for rich countries the world to give enough aid to all the
 There should be a moral obligation for poor countries to achieve the desired
people with money to help those without results
 There is no guarantee that financial aid
will be effective if corruption exists within
the poor countries

A growing gap between rich and poor

Causes Solutions
 Corruption in some countries affects the  Offer free education, which will allow
distribution of wealth people the chance to escape the poverty
 The poverty circle in some countries circle
cannot be broken due to lack of free  Ensure that all countries have minimum
education and limited job opportunities wages that are sufficient for a good
 While developed and developing standard of living
countries have growing markets,  Increase the taxes on people with higher
underdeveloped countries are still salaries and make sure they are paying
tackling basic human necessities such as them, then use the money to fund free
clean water, shelter, political stability, education and health care for all people
and food production  Put a ceiling on the higher salaries to
 Effective collection of taxes in rich ensure a more equal distribution of the
countries means they have money for the wealth in the society
development of the country  Narrow the gap between the salaries of
blue-collar and white-collar workers
The brain drains
Causes Problems Solutions
 Poor living standards in  Countries will lose their  Invest in and improve
the person’s native top professionals and facilities in schools and
country the potential to train hospitals
 Lack of good media and future generations  Increase wages to
education facilities in  Countries will see a encourage professionals
the country they came shortage in their skilled to stay
from workers which could  Offer a clear career path
 Political instability, critically affect for professionals with
unrest, and violence can education, medicine, opportunities for
lead people to look and other fields developments
outside their country of  People will be affected  Make sure promotion is
origin by those who have based on skills and
 Developed countries already left their experience rather than
can offer worker’s country, leading to bias or personal
children a future with more migration contacts
brighter prospects  A country will lose  Invite professionals
 Developed countries financially from from developed
offer workers better educating workers from countries to train
working conditions and childhood and then lose professionals in their
more up-to-date them in adulthood country of origin
facilities  A country will lose some
 Professionals will be of their brightest and
able to work at the most dynamic people
forefront of their
profession in developed

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