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Lesson: 137 Week: 4 Day: Friday Date: 3rd February 2023

Time: 8:10 a.m. – 9:10 a.m. Class: 4 Nilam Subject: English Language

Theme: World of Knowledge Topic: Get Active!

Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / the most + adjective

Skills Main: Writing Complimentary: Reading

Content Writing Writing

4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.4 Describe people and objects
intelligibly for a range of purposes in print using suitable statements
and digital media

Learning Reading Reading

3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.2 Understand specific information
non-linear print and digital texts by using and details of simple texts of one or
appropriate reading strategies two paragraphs

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Objectives 1. answer at least 3 out of 5 questions.
2. write at least 1 sentence about their favorite sports.

Success Criteria/ At the end of the lesson, pupils can:

Can do 1. answer at least 3 out of 5 questions.

statements 2. write at least 1 sentence about their favorite sports.

Performance 3

Teaching aids Textbook/writing book/flashcards/PPT slide

CCE: Patriotism HOTS: Creating

21 CL: Method: Pupil-centered

Differentiation Strategies: Constructivism
Activity: Pair/Group Discussion

Teacher Activities Pupil Activities Rationale

Pre-Lesson 1. Teacher shows some 1. Pupils say the To recall last

adjectives using the superlative adjectives class’s lesson.
(Set induction)
flashcards and asks for each adjective.
+- 5 mins pupils to say the
superlative adjectives.
Lesson 1. Teacher explains about 1. Pupils listen to the An explanation
Development the comparative and explanation and respond about
(Presentation) superlative adjectives when needed. comparative and
using the PPT slide. superlative
+- 15 mins
adjective will
help the pupils
to do exercises
in the next

Lesson 1. Teacher reads along 1. Pupils read along the Although the
Development the text in page 96 with text with the teacher. pupils have read
the pupils and asks 2. Pupils answer the texts during
several questions to questions in activity 2 the previous
+- 15 mins check their page 97. lesson, reading
understanding. the text once
2. Teacher guides the again is a good
pupils on answering way to have a
question in activity 2. recall of
previous lesson.

Post Lesson 1. Teacher asks the pupils 1. Pupils sit and share The usage of
to sit with their pairs their favorite sport with superlative
and share one favorite their pairs. adjectives in
+- 10 mins sport they like. 2. Pupils write one their sentences
2. Teacher asks the pupils sentence about their can show their
to write one sentence favorite sport using the level of
to describe their superlative adjectives understanding
favorite sport using the learned. of the lesson.
superlative adjectives

1. Teacher asks the pupils what is the most popular, easy, hard and
underrated sports in Malaysia.

Assessment Writing book

In my observation, the pupils can follow the lesson well. Although this lesson was
quite boring, each of them gave good cooperation and well-behaved. They also
managed to construct simple sentence using superlative adjective to describe their
favorite sport.


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