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Section: F12-2

HIS 003
Assignment No. 4 (50 pts.)

Make your own two (2) discussion type questions and answer it correctly.
(Topic: Moro-Spanish Wars)

1. How did the Moro-Spanish wars affect the impressions of the Christianized
natives to Moros before up to the present? Share your experience and opinion
about this.

Honestly, when I was still a kid and still learning to adapt to a melting pot
environment, I was really scared of our friends Muslims. I think it was planted
in my mind that they are strong, powerful and inviolable. Maybe because of
what I have been hearing about them coming from biased opinions and
observations. But when I grew up, I then realized that they are not something
to be scared of. They are our brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends that
are living peacefully with us.
When I heard about the Moro-Spanish wars, I discovered that Moros were
being portrayed as threatening people in the eyes of the Christianized natives.
And I think this goes the same way today. Because many Moros were
accused as rebels of the country and they are different from everybody. Some
Moro individuals are being discriminated against because of their beliefs and
culture. This was indeed disheartening because many of the Filipinos have
not yet learned about them.
This was shameful because we were only one Filipinos, we have the same
goals and that is to get the independence and peace that we always wanted.
What can we get from discriminating against them and pointing-out wrong
doings to them? People didn’t know how mesmerizing their past was. People
didn’t know how Moros became Islam, and how they established in Mindanao.
And just by the demonizing thoughts from enemies, from allies - the natives
became their foe.
It must be remembered that we should stop stereotyping. We have to
respect their attributes and change our own impressions for them. They are
not bad people, they were just protecting themselves for their security and
community. Just like the other Christianized natives who are always willing to
fight for their rights and protection. Thus, Moros being brave, proud and
upstanding in the present are just because of the wrong misconceptions about
them. Markedly, it will always be best to know the story behind the curtains.
We must dig for the truth for us to be enlightened of the mistakes before.
2. What do you think were the best attributes of the Moros against the

I have observed from the first phase, that aims to eliminate Borneo as the
rival of Spaniards. This was actually successful in leading towards the second
phase but the ties between Brunei and Sulu were still there, for they were
allies. I think one of the attributes of Moros was being loyal to their allies. They
trust them as their brothers and sisters. They were not wrong as they asked
for help against the invaders in the third phase. Later, in the second phase
that defeated the invaders strengthened the kinship relationship of the royal
families of Mindanao and Moluccas. Also toughened the hold for the island of
Mindanao against the Spanish for they had actually discovered how hard it
will be if they lose the island itself. I have observed that they are vigilant and
smart in a way they protect their lands for their community.

The fourth phase until the sixth phase had shown how Moros became
brave to match in defending and doing counter-attacks as intensely as they
can. Indeed, the war had many casualties from the natives, Moros, and the
Spaniards. Thus, I think the best attribute of the Moros was being fearless.
They were not intimidated by the invaders, which were the Spaniards.
Instead, they became on fire and lion-heartedly faced those “big guys''. They
fought against them with pride to protect their lands and religion. And I think
that is why they remained unconquered.

All in all, Moros were far different from the foe. They were wise, loyal, bold,
and fearless in facing the Moro-Spanish wars. They were rigid in protecting
what they have and who they were. That is why I am in awe of how they
defended themselves. Look at how history made them, the Moro population
arises and their colorful culture has been flaunted. Their attributes did
contribute in preserving their religion, identity and the history of the

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