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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Entrepreneurship

Grade 12- Albera

March 1, 2023

Prepared by: Queenie B. Cervantes

I. Objectives:
At the end of the sixty-minute period, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the various sources of ideas for entrepreneurial ventures
b. Tell the alternative methods for generating ideas for new ventures.
c. Create their own business ideas on entrepreneurial ventures that is become a
trend nowadays

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Generating Ideas: Harnessing Logic and Creativity
Subtopic: Sources of Ideas for Entrepreneurial Ventures
References: K to 12, Pathways to Entrepreneurship, pgs 17-18

PowerPoint Presentation
Values Integration:
Identifying, Communicating and Observing
Utilizing and create own business ideas that is new for entrepreneurial

III. Procedures:

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Routine Activities
a. Prayer
The teacher will ask one student to lead the prayer.
b. Greetings
The teacher and students will greet each other.
c. Classroom Routine
The teacher will ask the students to pick up the pieces of
garbage under their chairs and throw them into the garbage
d. Checking of attendance
The teacher will ask the class secretary to list the absent on a ¼
sheet of paper.

e. Classroom rules

The teacher will ask the students to recall the agreed classroom
1. Raise your hands if you want to answer.
2. Avoid talking when the class is going on.
3. Always ask permission if you want to go out.
4. Avoid cheating.
5. Respect your teacher and your classmate.

f. Review
The teacher will ask the student about their previous topic
which is characteristics of the entrepreneur and the
entrepreneurial decision- making.

g. Motivation
The teacher will give an activity called “Arrange Me”. The
teacher will show the scrambled letters related to the Ideas for
Entrepreneurial Venture.


Expected answer:

h. Presentation:

The teacher will ask the students to guess the topic for the day based
on their activity.
The teacher will reveal the subject matter which is the sources of ideas
for entrepreneurial ventures.
The teacher will let the students read the objectives that they will
attain for this lesson.
IV. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the topic on identifying sources of ideas for entrepreneurial


 A number of practicing entrepreneurs and business coaches have identified a

host of sources, from which we can find business ideas. These can be
categorized into four major sources:


a) From the product
b) From the process
c) From the person
d) From relationships

 FROM THE PRODUCT - Entrepreneurs can source their business from existing products
or services. Many entrepreneurs have introduced new products and services by
differentiating them from those currently in the market. You can differentiate a product by
changing its shape, size, color, and contents.

Annoyance-driven Innovation - More than just changing the features of a product, successful
entrepreneurs introduce new products because of their satisfaction with those available in
the market.

Example: Lot’s Pizza introduced square pizzas, and Grab, because in difficulties
riding taxi(s).

 FROM THE PROCESS- Business ideas can likewise arise from the process of production
and distribution.

Example: Pritchon, the use of “pugon” in the creation of Pan De Manila’s

pandesal, 3N Bakery’s fried siopao, Seven Eleven’s 24-hour service.

FROM THE PERSON- The individual examines his/her interests, hobbies, skills, dreams,
and even his/her travels. Many small firms’ productions handicrafts evolved from hobbies of
Example: A number of pre-schools and other training institutions were
established by successful teachers and Cooks apply their popular recipes by
establishing a carinderia or small restaurants.

FROM RELATIONS- The last category of sources is from relations. Many Filipino-Chinese
individuals sourced their entrepreneurial ideas from families and relatives - Friends and
classmates can also be sources of business ideas and partners.

Example: Some may start their business partnership as teammates in school

projects and eventually decide to put up their business after graduation.
V. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students to summarize the topic that we discuss. The teacher
will give seatwork activity individually to the students. The teacher will ask the
students the following questions;

1. Do you have any idea on the business that is uniquely trend nowadays?
2. What are those businesses that you know that is becoming trend in the
entrepreneurial venture?
3. What are the four sources of entrepreneurial venture?

VI. Application

The teacher will group the students into 5.

The teacher will give the activity to the students on creating their own ideas on
entrepreneurial ventures uniquely.

Directions: Every group will make their own idea that is unique and to become a
trend for your entrepreneurial venture in the future.


Uniqueness- 50%
Details and Information- 25%
Teamwork- 25%

VII. Evaluation

The teacher will conduct a quiz to the class serve as evaluation of the learning.

Directions: Answer the following questions below. 5 points each.

1. Identify the various sources of ideas for entrepreneurial ventures.

2. Discuss the alternative methods for generating ideas for a new venture.
3. Explain the factors that contribute to creative thinking
Expected Answer:

1. Top 7 sources of business ideas & opportunities for entrepreneurs

-Interests and hobbies

-Customer surveys

-Brainstorming and dreams


-Mass media

-Personal experience and talents

-Trade fairs and exhibitions

2. Brainstorming in Reverse


-creating word banks.


-mind map.

-reverse brainstorming session.

-thinking hats technique.

3. Three key elements make up creativity: a problem, environment, and willingness to

explore. If you look at any creative solution or invention in the past dozen decades
alone, you'll undoubtedly notice that each of these aspects is evident.

VIII. Assignment
Make a research about Generating Business Ideas through logical thinking and
Generating business ideas through creative thinking.

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