Growing Demand For Arial Photography

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Growing demand for aerial photography

Aerial photography serves the most typical purpose for small drones. In major

township developments and smart city initiatives, aerial photography offers broader

perspectives. Commercial drones are now

available with built-in cameras or flexible

configurations that provide for the

attachment of lightweight electronics. These

drones currently have numerous

Figure 4 – Drone for photography
implementations in the media and

entertainment industries. Studios have begun to use professional drones to capture specific

frames in the most cost-effective manner. The market is expected to thrive as a result of the

rising demand from customers and business owners to advertise resorts, hotels, tourist

destinations, public spaces, and theme parks using aerial photography.

Aside from that, the use of drones in industrial plants to transfer packages is being

investigated. Furthermore, because of the close vicinity in which the drones can function and

their low noise compared to an actual aircraft, they can be used for sleeker activities such as

wildlife detection. Drones are being used to replace manned aircraft in many industries,

including law enforcement, film, and media production, and construction. Last but not least,

there have been initiatives to create a commercial drone that can carry packages up to five

pounds. The growth of the Internet as a platform for commerce over the past twenty years has

made it possible for businesses to become more visible, cut expenses, and shrink their

distribution network, ultimately rendering the traditional physical setting. Nevertheless, both

surface and air transit continue to be essential to the logistics and distribution network.

Drones provide the opportunity for a brand-new mode of distribution and transportation,

which has the potential to totally alter the level of competition. Google, DHL, and Amazon
Prime Air will take the lead in investigating the revolutionary delivery method. When the

service is fully implemented, Amazon says they will be able to deliver more than 80% of its

products by air (Rao et al., 2016).

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