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Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam) 61186029I

Reflection Paper of Study

Training in Business and Industry

Training Title: Creative Active Learning: Visual Note-Taking

Trainer Name: Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam)
Trainees are IHRD Students
Length of Time: 25 minutes >

The Picture Superiority Effect is widely known and used in our daily life as people remember what
they see more than what they read (Lester, 2006). Implementing this psychological concept in
education by simplifying information into visuals will help students learn more in a fun and
creative way. Nevertheless, it will better communication and enhance students’ mental stimulation
to be long-lasting and develop further. Therefore, specifically teaching IHRD students, will help
both their study and future work in training.

Prescribed/Expected Learning Outcome(s):

IHRD students can capture complex new ideas by organizing their thoughts visually which will
help boost comprehension and retention.

Instructional Objective(s):
IHRD students will change their mindset and encourage themselves that they can draw no matter
how skillful they are or how much creativity they have to do visual note-taking whenever they are
having lectures in class or discussions in the meeting.

Prerequisite Concepts and Skills of Trainees:

Before joining this training, trainees should be interested in better communication using pictures,
open their minds, and believe that anyone can draw. Note-taking and deep listening skills will
fasten the training to be even more effective and engaging.

Materials and Resource

Trainer (should prepare) Trainees (should prepare)
40 half-A4 papers
Colorful markers
Laser pointer

Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam) 61186029I

Training Activities
Time Instructional Materials /
Trainer Activities Trainees Activities
(Min.) method Resources
Ice-Breaking - Pay Attention 5 Active- Classroom
- Short game: - Interact with Trainer mins learning PPT
Think about ‘Plant’ - Answer questions Lecture Projector,
- Short game: Laser
What do you see first pointer,
- Illustrate how the brain Agenda,
- What is
Visual Note-taking
- What it can be applied
- My previous expertise

Activity 1 – Crazy 12 - Draw 12 circles 3 Active Ice Papers,
Ideas! - Transform the circle into mins Breaking Markers,
- Give instructions and an 12 pictures in 1 minute
- 1-minute Timekeeping
- Wrap up: Everyone can

Training Objective - Pay Attention 5 Active- PPT

Lecture – How to do - Interact with Trainer Mins learning Projector,
visual note Lecture: Board,
- Elements of Sketchnotes Whiteboard Marker,
- Steps to Do Visual Note Hand-on
- Tips for New

Activity 2 – Let’s do it! - Read the context in the 9 Coaching Papers,

- Give instructions and PowerPoint mins Whiteboard,
context - Visualize the Markers,
- 5-minute Timekeeping information Awards,
- Share to a pair for 2
minutes - Find a pair at a different
- Wrap up that everyone is table and compliment +
different take pics + award

- Post it Reflection - Write 3 sentences in 3 Qualitative Post-it,
I like, I wish, I learn 3 different colors of post- mins Feedback Pen
it and put on the board

Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam) 61186029I

Training Activities Assessment and Evaluation:

After the training, IHRD students will learn how to utilize their artistic ability to better their lecture
and communication through visual note-taking. Post-its reflection will be conducted to evaluate
the training. To consider this a successful learning transfer, IHRD students can visualize the note
in Activity 2 and they should use this skill for their studies and future career.

Due to its benefit that helping people become more well-organized in their thinking systems and
presentation, this visual note training can be adapted to both education and business purpose.
Visual note training is supposed to be 3 hours – 3 days so that the audience could fully gain the
content and have more time to practice with the trainer and other trainees. The content will be
varied to the skill of the audience which can be divided into 3 levels:
1. Beginner: Introduction to Visual Notes, Drawing Elements, and Highlighting Keywords
2. Intermediate (Take instant note): Deep Listening, Composition, and Fast Sketch
3. Expert (Become a visual note taker): Create Portfolio, What to Prepare, How to Set Prices
and Find Customers

Organizational Strategies:
The 25-minute training design is a short brief of how to do the visual note. Any organization or
sector can utilize it as an introduction to the longer visual note course or a gimmick for student or
employee orientation. Since we are living in a world where data is overloaded, visual note-taking
will help them to study and work more effectively and efficiently.

To make this training become more sustain, the organization should encourage and allow their
trainee to use what they have learned in their work. Drawing can be seen as an informal way to
present in assignments or reports, but if we can positively pursue this picture-based presentation
to be an organizational culture, it would allow the people to become more creative, productive,
and engaging. Nevertheless, it will bring a positive reputation and vibes to the organization to
attract the new generations whom these days prefer to shortcut and easy-to-capture content.

Behaviour Management Strategies:

1. Having Clear Expectations: Announce simple and easy objectives, so that the trainee has
them set in their mind while using positive language to encourage them.
2. Modeling Behaviors: Talk about my past expertise and demonstrate how to do each step
3. Create Stimulating Lessons: Design active learning with 30% lecture and 70% doing and
create engaging lectures by asking open questions and easy-guessing answers.
4. Develop Relationships: Coach personally, give feedback and award them upon their work.

Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam) 61186029I

I. Introduction of Training Practice

From cave paintings to today's emojis, humans have always appreciated communicating visually,
and visuals accompanied by text have always been a powerful way to share thoughts.

Visual note-taking technique, also called graphic recording, visual thinking, and sketchnoting,
combines text and visual elements to record information shared or experienced. Instead of
traditional text-heavy forms, which are not very effective for retaining information, visual note-
taking uses images, structuring, connectors, and text to record information to help them understand
and comprehend the information quickly and easily. With its benefit of a mental boost to process,
retain and recall information, I have chosen this topic to introduce one of the most effective and
fun learning methods to my IHRD friends as it can be a great way to inspire them to try something
new and enjoy the rest of the Master’s class.

In visual note-taking, learners can take notes visually regardless of their age, experience level, or
even knowledge of drawing. The idea of sketchnoting may not appeal to all students initially, so
encourage them to start simply with a simple exercise called ‘Crazy 12’, an ice-breaking activity
that challenges the trainee to draw anything from circles as much as they can. The objective of this
fun game is to get your creative juices flowing and introduce the concept that 'everyone can draw'
in a relaxed and comfortable environment. As part of the training, I have to make sure everyone
understands that visual note is not about artists, but rather about bringing out the relationship
between information and graphics. It's more important to make it easy to capture than to draw
beautifully, and most importantly, there is no right or wrong way to take visual notes.

Preparation for the Training Practice

Before finalizing the training plan, I need to clarify several steps and questions to make the
25-minute session become more professional and useful to everyone. See Figure 1:

Figure 1: Preparation for the Training Practice

Figure 1: Preparation for the Training Practice

Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam) 61186029I

II. Implementation of Training Practice

Prior to training, the trainee insists to turn on the light because she wants to create a bright
environment; together with a background soundtrack to make the training climate more engaging.
In addition, she prepares the materials and training agenda for each table for the audience to use
as well as shows her readiness for the training.

With the design of the Active Learning style, the flow is not separated into 3 parts as usual, yet
there are completed training elements mentioned in the training plan.
The trainer did not reveal the topic until she begins the
introduction with questions that will later refer to the topic
itself: What will you think first when it comes to ‘Plant’? and
What do you see in this picture? The responses from trainees
are very satisfied because of its easiness that allows trainees to
participate. Even though some of the answers are unexpectedly
Figure 2: Introduction wrong, it was a successful opening that aims to gain the
attention of audiences. What the trainer does well in discussions is that she will address questions
clearly and pause before actually asking, so it gives the trainee to have a breath to get ready.
A simple mini-game that engages trainees to start their first
creative exercise. The trainer challenges the trainee to draw
anything from the circle as much as they can in those 12
circles. The game is timed for 1 minute with a fun background
song. The trainer also visits each table to see how trainees are
doing and make sure everyone participates. With a clear
explanation and example of how to do it, the trainees can do it
and the winner perfectly complete the 12 drawings! What the Figure 3: Ice Breaking
trainer realize is that she does not mention the prize for the winner, so some people are whining
about not knowing about the prize, so they lack motivation. Anyhow, the trainer can achieve one
of the three objectives that “everyone can draw”. With this reflection, trainees are starting to have
a positive feeling towards the training and will disregard their ability to do the rest of the activities.
The trainer uses a well-designed PowerPoint and instantly
show how to do visual note on the whiteboard to emphasize
the explanation which can gain a lot of attention from the
trainee. Moreover, there are some follow-up questions during
the lecture as well. The elaboration of the content is easy and
concise, yet it could be better if the trainer uses more specific
Figure 4: Lecture terms and explain them in detail. Some of the pictures are also
too small to be seen or asked questions, but the overall slide is appealing and informative.

Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam) 61186029I

The activity allows every trainee to practice visual note taking which is the key purpose of having
individuals acquire this skill. The content of making the visual note is mentioned in the lecture, so
the trainee could get familiar with it and save time from reading the text again. The vibe of the
activity is going smoothly along with the chill song. The trainer also draws an example along with
the trainee and has some time left to check each group. However, it is suggested that the trainer
could also prepare this before so that the coaching time is longer. The activity also combines
reflection session with friends to exchange their thought about their artwork and take photos to
share in Line Group for good memories.

Figure 5: Activity

With the limited time, the feedback session is reserved during the break time. But the trainer has
already prepared the table for trainees to put the post-it: I LIKE / I WISH / I LEARN on the
whiteboard so that the trainer can adapt it for future training.

III. Outcome and Suggestions for training practice

The overall training is well-structured and very into small

details. The feedbacks from trainees are very positive (Figure 7)
as well as the professor also finds it interesting. However, the
major part that indeed needs to be adjusted is the time. The time
spent on this training is considered to be overtime in the lecture
part. The trainer needs to be a lot more careful with controlling
the time even though the climate training is enjoyable.
Figure 6: Feedbacks on Whiteboard

Suggestions for training practices

• Training design for 25 minutes should remove the introduction part and start with the
Crazy 12 activity as an ice-breaking to save time.
• Trainers can prepare the final visual note in the activity to increase more time for coaching.
• To make the training becomes more professional, the trainer should practice more to make
sure that content and flow are going smoothly and on time.
• Trainers should give more time for recognition. As most of the trainees are first time doing
the visual note, it is nice to encourage them to do it and also give them feedback and
compliment. In addition, the awarding time should be extended.

Nattapon Aunhabundit (Mommam) 61186029I

Figure 7: Feedback

References List
Doug Neill (2016). An Introduction to Visual Note-Taking. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Ink Factory (2022). The Powerful Science Behind Visual Note-Taking. Retrieved September 30,
2022, from

John Stevens (2021). How to use the Picture Superiority Effect to your advantage. Retrieved
October 3, 2022, from

Lester, P. M., Ph.D. (2006). Syntactic Theory of Visual Communication. Retrieved September
27, 2022, from

Paige Tutt (2021). How—and why—to Introduce Visual Note-Taking to Your Students. Retrieved
October 3, 2022, from

TCI (March 29, 2019). Drawing: The New Note-Taking. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

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