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Rodrigo C. Juaban Jr. MBA(Non-Thesis) 1st yr.


Management Ethics and Social Responsibility 12-3pm


Nepotism, or favoritism shown to family members or friends, is a common issue that can arise in
the workplace. While it may seem harmless at first, nepotism can create serious problems and lead to a
number of negative consequences.

One of the biggest problems with nepotism is that it creates an unfair work environment.
Employees who are not related to the person in charge may feel that they are being passed over for
promotions or opportunities due to their lack of connection. This can lead to resentment and low
morale, which can have a negative impact on productivity and overall job satisfaction.

In addition, nepotism can undermine the trust and confidence of coworkers. If employees see
that their colleagues are being favored due to their relationship with the boss, it can lead to a lack of
trust in the company's leadership and decision-making processes. This can lead to a toxic work
environment and contribute to a high turnover rate.

Our newly appointed General Manager explicitly exercise nepotism in our company. Right after
she was appointed, all of her “friendships” were promoted to a higher position. Those positions that
were given to her so-called “friendships” were mostly managerial positions. That unfair treatment led to
jealousy and undermined those other deserving employees for those particular positions.

To address nepotism in the workplace, it's important to establish clear policies and procedures
to ensure that all job openings are filled through a fair and objective selection process. Encouraging
open communication and addressing concerns promptly can also help to create a more positive work
environment. Additionally, fostering a culture of fairness and transparency can help prevent nepotism
from taking root and ensure that all employees are treated equally and given equal opportunities for

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