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Research question: Is there a significant difference in the respondents’ marital status and their gun

ownership at home?

Table 1 shows the relationship between the respondents’ marital status and gun ownership at home. It
shows that the difference in marital status of the respondents has a significant moderate relationship with their gun
ownership at home with a p-value of .000 that is less than .05 level of significance (two-tailed) (r=.236, p < .05). It
means that the respondents’ marital status and their gun ownership at home are correlated with each other.

Table 1
Significance of Relationship of Respondents’ Marital Status and
Their Gun Ownership at Home

Satisfaction with Their Financial Situation

r p-value Remarks
Race of the Respondents 0.236 .000 Significant

Table 2 shows the results of the linear regression analysis. The standardized beta coefficients and t-
statistics results of the independent variables. namely: Marital Status and Gun Ownership at Home. The level of
significance is set at α = 0.05. A t-statistics p value of <0.05 will reject the null hypothesis indicating that the
coefficient of the variable is not equal to zero.

The standardized beta coefficient of the respondent’s marital status is .236, while t-statistics is t = 9.92, and
p=.000. This indicates that in individual capacity, the marital status is a significant predictor of the respondents’ gun
ownership at home.

Table 2
Significance of Relationship of Respondents’ Marital Status and
Their Gun Ownership at Home

Individual Influence Standardized   t p-value Remarks

of Predictors Coefficient

Gun Ownership at Home

Marital Status .236 9.92 .000 Significant

Combined Influence                    Remarks

of Predictors

Marital Status
R = .236
R2 = .056
F = 98.405

P = .000                                                                                Significant
Research question: Is there a significant difference in the respondents’ marital status and different race
towards their satisfaction in their financial situation?

Table 3 shows the relationship between the respondents’ marital status and race towards their satisfaction in
their financial situation. It shows that the difference in marital status of the respondents has a significant moderate
relationship towards their satisfaction in their financial situation with a p-value of .000 that is less than .05 level of
significance (two-tailed) (r=.179, p < .05).

On the other hand, the difference in the race of the respondents has a significant moderate relationship
towards their satisfaction in their financial situation with a p-value of .000 that is less than .05 level of significance
(two-tailed) (r=.081, p < .05).

This means that Marital status and their race correlates toward their gun ownership at home.

Table 3
Significance of Relationship of Respondents’ Marital Status and Race
Toward their satisfaction in their financial situation

Satisfaction with Their Financial Situation

r p-value Remarks
Race of the Respondents .081 .000 Significant
Marital Status .179 .000 Significant
Table 4 shows the results of the linear regression analysis. The standardized beta coefficients and t-
statistics results of the independent variables. namely: Race of the Respondents, Marital Status and Satisfaction with
their Financial Situation. The level of significance is set at α = 0.05. A t-statistics p value of <0.05 will reject the null
hypothesis indicating that the coefficient of the variable is not equal to zero.

On the one hand, the standardized beta coefficient of the race of the respondent is .053, while t-statistics is t
= 2.689, and p=.007. This indicates that in individual capacity, the race of the respondent is a significant predictor of
the respondents’ satisfaction of their financial situation.

On the other hand, the standardized beta coefficient of marital status of the respondents is .170 with a t-
statistics result of t = 8.599, p = .000. This indicates that marital status is a significant predictor of the respondents’
satisfaction of their financial situation.

Table 3
Significance of Relationship of Respondents’ Different Race and Marital Status
Towards Their Satisfaction with Their Financial Situation

Individual Influence Standardized   t p-value Remarks

of Predictors Coefficient

Satisfaction with their Financial Situation

Race of the Respondent .053 2.689 .007 Significant

Marital Status .170 8.599 .000 Significant

Combined Influence                    Remarks

of Predictors

Race of the Respondent and Marital Status

R = .187
R2 = .035
F = 45.543

P = .000                                                                                Significant
Simple Correlation and Linear Regression
Multiple Correlation and Linear Regression

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