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BSIT 1.1 A

The most stunning planet in this solar system, if not the entire galaxy, is Earth. The two most vital
components of life—water and life—are probably unique to this planet. Humans, along with all other
living things, large and little, serve as symbols of this life. The planet Earth has been like a mom to us,
meeting all our needs by giving us food, clothing, and shelter. But compared to earlier periods, when the
world was covered in vegetation, what have we given back? The woodland was full of lovely trees and
flowers. There were several animal and bird species that called these forests home. Rivers would run
through the forested slopes and mountains. These rivers' water was so pure that The fish could be seen
swimming in it. Our earth was good, clean, and without impurities. However, as humans advanced, we
gently but surely ruined this lovely planet. People are like a disease. A man with a pure heart is pure evil
if he attempts to enslave Mother Earth and destroy all the gifts she has given. Everything has changed
with the growth of our cities and way of life. Today, our planet is in grave danger, and we humans are to
blame. To a significant extent, we have wasted and exploited our natural resources, and we are on the
road to destroying the most beautiful planet. Deforestation is one of the major crimes committed by
humans. Forestland conversion to other uses is a form of deforestation. cities, towns, or other urban
settings. According to a reputable new study, humans have destroyed a tenth of the Earth's remaining
wildness in the past 25 years and there might be none left in a century if current trends continue.
According to a reputable new study, humans have destroyed a tenth of the Earth's remaining wildness in
the past 25 years and there might be none left in a century if current trends continue. Tropical
rainforests are where deforestation occurs much of the time. These forests oversee keeping the
atmosphere in balance and ensuring that the earth receives sufficient rainfall. Deforestation, however,
upsets the equilibrium, resulting in surplus rain in some areas and drought in others. If deforestation
continues at the current rate, All of the world's rainforests will be gone in less than 100 years. For years,
we have been slaughtering and torturing animals and birds. We have lost a staggering variety of species
in the past 40 years alone, and it is entirely our fault. For some people, hunting is a passion; for others, it
is a necessity. Animals are killed for sport, and their body parts like tusks and horns are smuggled.
Numerous animals are losing their homes because of deforestation. These defenseless animals travel to
human habitations during these periods in quest of shelter and nourishment. Humans murder these
animals to defend themselves. For medical reasons, certain animals are caught and tortured.

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