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Name: _______________________________ Class: __________

Exam Revision

The text below is about a camping trip.

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one grammatical
error in each line.

Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has
been provided. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling and
punctuation errors in the text.

We went to Sarawak last week and had a wonderful time there.

We landed at the Kuching airport at the morning and proceeded to Encik e.g in

Aiman’s house by taxi. Encik Aiman who are our family friend, showed us (a) _____________
(b) _____________
Around the Kuching town. After reaching his house at 9.30 a.m., we have
(c) _____________
breakfast with him and started our journey at 10.15 a.m. He reached the
(d) _____________
town market after thirty-minute journey by bus. There, we seeing all kinds (e) _____________

of beautiful items for sale. I bought a brown ceramic vase for my mother. (f) _____________
(g) _____________
We left the town market at 11.30 a.m. and proceeded to the museum with
(h) _____________
foot. It was a 20 minutes’ walk to the museum. We reached a museum at (i) _____________
11.50 a.m. Encik Aiman told us that the journey will only take 10 minutes (j) _____________

from the town market by taxi. At the museum, we saw much historical items

such as traditional weapons, cooking utensils, clothing with even miniature

longhouses. It was a very interesting and unforgettable trip.

Question 2

Read the following text. Then, answer question (a) – (j).

Family Holiday in Vietnam and Cambodia

The holidays are here! My family and I want to go on a family vacation. My parents
love exotic holiday destinations. They want to visit Angkor Wat as it is a UNESCO World
Heritage Site.

We’ve checked out a few tour packages. Wow! There’s so many to choose from.
There’s a six-day tour to Angkor Wat and Ho Chi Minh offered by Lotus Travel and Tours.
At RM1649 per person, the tour highlights are Angkor Wat and Tonle Sap Floating Village.
There is a boat cruise to visit the village. We get to see floating markets, floating houses and
floating schools of Cambodian fishermen. That sounds interesting but my younger sister
isn’t too keen on it.

I’m excited about the Ho Chi Minh City tour. The tour highlight is the Cu Chi
Tunnel, a network of tunnels that were underground cities in the 1960’s. we also get to shop
at Vietnam’s famous Ban Thanh market. My mum will enjoy it!

We can choose from 3 departure dates, 17 November, 25 November and 16

December. There’s also another 4-day tour to Ho Chi Minh City which costs less at RM
1249 per person. But we won’t get to see Angkor Wat. I’ll let my mum and dad decide, I’m
so confused now.

Question (a) – (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

(10 marks)

Question 3

Read the itinerary below. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).

Question (a) – (d): Based on the itinerary, state whether the following statements are TRUE or


(a) One popular item which people buy in Kuantan is batik. ___________ (1 mark)

(b) Kuantan is situated in East Malaysia. ___________ (1 mark)

(c) Visitors will stay at the Lee Gardens Serviced Apartment ___________ (1 mark)

(d) Exhibits with themes are occasionally held at the Pahang Arts ___________ (1 mark)


Question (e) – (i): Read the itinerary carefully and answer all the questions below.

(e) Which tour in the itinerary would appeal to those who are nature lovers?
(1 mark)
(f) What are you advised to do so that you get a place on the tour?
(1 mark)
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the itinerary.

Meaning Phrase

i. noisy and busy ___________________________________

(1 mark)

ii. including all details of a trip ___________________________________

(1 mark)

(h) What is Sungai Lembing noted for?

(1 mark)

(i) Why do you think the word ‘lively’ is used to describe the performance of the traditional dance at
the Taman Budaya Pahang?
(1 mark)


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