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(In a living room where there is a sofa in the middle of the room and you can see a woman, who
is about 30 years old, sitting anxiously as if she is worried waiting for someone)

Renata's Mom: "Oh come on Renata...answer my calls, please?!" (his hands shaking while
holding his cell phone with a worried face)

Renata's Mom: "God! I don't know what I should do right now!" (slams his cell phone on the
couch then looks down and covers his frustrated face)

Renata's Mom: "Where else should I look for my daughter?" (he said this in a sad tone)

*not long after that there's a sound of the doorbell ringing*

Renata's Mom: "Who's outside? Wait! I open the door now!" (Moves position to standing then
walks to the left of the stage)

Kayla: "Hello Auntie! Is Renata at home?" (enters the stage with the others)

Giska: "We're here just to ask how Renata is doing, auntie." (tries to smile kindly)

Renata's mom: "Oh! You are Renata's friends, right? But Renata isn't home now." (he speaks in a
weak tone of voice)

Adel: "Is Renata away? Because this morning the lecturer asked why she didn't come to
campus." (his eyebrows furrowed looking confused at his mother Renata)

Renata's Mom: "To be honest I don't know where he is either, he hasn't come home 5 days ago."
(bows down while covering his mouth and starts to shed tears)

Kayla: "Oh My God! Madam please, sit down in here." (holds his shoulder and tells him to sit
back on the couch, then he sits down next to him)

Giska: "May you tell us what really happened? Why didn't he come home?" (walks next to the

Renata's Mom: "At that time he only asked permission to go out around 8 pm, then until now I
tried to call his cellphone but he didn't answer my call." (stares at Renata's friends while still
looking down)

Adel: "Could it be the night when Renata wants to go on a date with a boy she just met through a
dating app?!" (pats Giska's arm who is standing next to him)

Giska: "Yes! I also thought the same thing!" (he and Adel exchange glances)
Kayla: "I think maybe it's better if we go to the police now?" (looks at Adel and Giska who are
standing next to the sofa alternately)

Adel: "What do you think auntie? Do you want to come with us to report to the police station?
(changes position to sit to the left of Renata's mother)

Renata's Mom: "That's a good idea, I can't just wait here and hope my daughter can come back
soon." (wiping away the remaining tears on her face)

Giskal: "If we can act faster, then Renata can be found sooner." (nods while looking at Adel and
Kayla sitting on the sofa)


(There was a tall, tall man sitting with a laptop on a black square table in front of him. Then, not
long after, four women were seen hurrying to the police officer's desk).

Renata's Mom: "Excuse me, sir! I want to make a report regarding my daughter who has been
missing for five days, I have tried to find her through social media, but until now there is still no
latest news about my child!" (talking passionately and looking nervous)

Police 1: "Alright madam, please take a sit and tell in detail how the chronology is." (he stands
up from his seat to invite Renata's Mom to sit in the front seat)

*Meanwhile Kayla, Adel & Giska stood on the right and left of Renata's mother*

Renata's Mom: "My daughter's name is Renata Priscilla, five days ago, at around eight in the
evening, she asked my permission to go out somewhere." (changes position to sit and speaks
haltingly while placing both hands on the table)

Renata's Mom: "I waited for her until midnight and tried to contact her, but there was no reply,
she didn't come home until now." (his shoulders dropped as he took a deep breath, while the
police officer in front of him was still focused on listening and typing on the laptop)

Kayla: "Yes sir! But before that happened, Renata said she was going to have a date with a guy
that she knew from the dating app!" (he joined in speaking with a slightly raised voice)
Giska: "He told me he was going to do a blind date at a restaurant, but we don't know the exact
location of that restaurant because she didn't tell us." (shrugs his shoulders)

Adel: "Oh Wait! I just remembered the last time he messaged me, he told me the name of the
restaurant where he was going to have a date at that time! (pats his forehead with a look on his
face that looks like he's thinking)

Adel: "Here is the proof of the message sent by Renata on my cellphone!" (takes his cell phone
from his trouser pocket and gives it to the police)

Renata's Mom: "I've tried sending a broadcast to my neighbors and residents around my house!
Asking everyone, if anyone has seen or found my daughter...but there's been no progress until
now, that's why I'm here to report so I can be calmer and not just waiting." (explains with his
hand gestures and his tone becomes high because he is carried away by emotion)

Police 1: "Okay, it's pretty clear from the chronology you all have told, so what are the
characteristics of your daughter who disappeared that night?" (stops typing for a while and looks
at Renata's mom sitting in front of him)

Renata's Mom: "This is a photo of my daughter, sir! She is wearing jeans and a floral print
blouse and wearing a black hijab that night, I am very sure of my memory!" (shows his
cellphone screen in front of the police officer's face)

Police 1: "Did your daughter bring her phone with her that night?" (he said this after he looked at
Renata's photo from Renata's mom's phone)

Renata's Mom: "Yes, sir! She brought her phone and if you need this for your investigation,
here's my daughter's number." (opens something on his phone and shows back to the police

Police 1: "Okay madam! We will follow up on this report from you and try to trace her location
from her phone signal."

Kayla : "Please find our missing friend soon sir!"

Adel: "We really hope for you sir!"

Renata's Mom: "If you need money to quickly proceed with this case, I will give you whatever
you ask for! The most important thing is that my daughter can be found soon." (joins his palms
together while pleading)

Police 1: "No need madam, we will call you later and give you an update on your daughter."
(raises hand with a gesture to refuse)

Renata's Mom: "Okay then...I believe you, sir! (changes position to stand)
Giska: "Thank you so much, sir! We all said goodbye from here." (he said this with a slight bow
before exiting the stage with the others)


(In the boarding house where Renata was held captive by the man, there was still visible Renata
who had fainted and her body was also tied to the chair she was sitting on. Meanwhile the man
was sitting on the floor, not far from Renata. Wooden blocks and knives were still lying around
them. While the man was still busy with his cell phone, suddenly someone came uninvited)

Bella: "Tama! Are you there babe?" (only his voice is heard that has not entered the stage)

Tama: "Babe? You didn't tell me you were coming here?" (looks to the left then changes position
to stand and approaches Bella who has just entered the stage)

Bella: "I really want to come here because I miss you! Don't you miss me?" (pulls Tama's left
arm and holds her)

Tama: "Of course I miss you too, but I should stay here as you want me to do, right?" (holds
Bella's hands while looking at her)

Bella: "Oh you're really the best boyfriend I ever had!" (smiling broadly still looking at each
other and holding hands)

Bella: "And by the way how is it girl?" (he continues to say while looking at Renata)

Tama: "You can see for yourself, he's still unconscious and still tied to a chair." (glance to his
right where Renata is still sitting tied to a chair)

Bella: "Hahaha that's great then! You really did everything I wanted." (removing the link of his
hands with Tama then walking over to Renata)

Bella: "Get out of here Rena! Now you can't do anything and no one will be able to help you get
out of here!" (speaks in a high tone while standing next to Renata and poking her head)

Tama: "Babe? Can I ask you something? I'm just curious about why you did all of this to her?"
(walks to the left of Renata with akimbo and glares at Bella)

Bella: "Actually, I just don't like her behavior, which feels the most beautiful on campus."

Tama: "But... just because of that?" (hands crossed in front of chest)

Bella: "No babe! She always rejects every guy who gets close to her, but she always acts as if no
guy wants to be her boyfriend!" (goes to Tama and holds her arm)
Tama: "So you hate him for it all?" (laughs with a smirk on his face)

Bella: "Yes babe! You still want to support me in doing this to teach him a lesson?" (pulls one of
Tama's arms)

Tama: "Yes I do! I'm your boyfriend and I will do whatever you want." (holds Bella's shoulders)

Bella: "Ahh so sweet! What about we go out for a while? Just for a walk together?" (puts his
hands around Tama's neck)

Tama: "Why not babe? She's also still fainted and her body is still tied to a chair! You don't have
to worry, she can't possibly escape from here!" (his hand moved so he held Bella's waist while
glancing at Renata)

Bella: "Alright then let's go out from here!" (holds Tama's arm and they leave the stage)

*Not long after that*

(Renata wakes up from fainting with her body still sitting tied to a chair, but the cloth that
originally covered her mouth has come off for some reason)

Renata: "How long did I faint after being hit on the head by that guy? (blinks his eyes trying to
recover consciousness)

Renata: "Ah! My head hurts so that guy going out?" (eyebrows furrowed while looking

Renata: "Then I have time to be able to escape from here?!" (he tries again to untie the rope in
his hand)

Renata: " Woah! I managed to untie the rope in my hand!" (sighs of relief and stares at his hands
which are finally free)

Renata: "But I have to first tell my mother about my situation now." (takes his cellphone from
his trouser pocket with his legs still tied)

'Mom I was kidnapped by someone!'

'Help me please and call the police immediately'

'This is the location of where I am now'

*After sending a message to his mother, he tries to untie the ropes on his legs while still holding
his cell phone*

Renata: "Oh God! My head hurts so bad! How can I be able to run to get away from here?" (he
tries to stand up and walk with difficulty, but falls down holding his head)

Tama: "Hey you! You try to run away from here, huh!" (reentering the stage approached Renata
by pointing his finger)

Renata: "I'm begging you please just let me go!" (changes position to stand and looks pleadingly
at Tama)

Tama: "I'm not going to let that happen! Give me your phone now!" (shouted then tried to take
Renata's cellphone)

Renata: "No! Please! I just wanna go home!" (he tries to pull his hand away from Tama so that
his phone is not snatched by him)

Tama: "OH? You dare to fight me now?!" (speaks in a sarcastic tone and manages to grab the
cellphone, then slams it)

Renata: "Why are you so mean to me?!" (screaming while looking down with a frightened look
on his face)

Tama: "You really piss me off now! I better kill you rather than let you go away from here!"
(changes position to crouch down to pick up the knife on the floor, then walks over to Renata)

Renata: "Don't come close to me! AAAA!" (steps back by raising both hands while shaking

*Then what happened between them was that Tama managed to stab Renata in the stomach with
a knife in her hand, while Renata immediately fell to the floor. Then Bella came with a surprised

Bella: "What happened Babe? OH MY GOD!" (screaming while covering his face and his eyes
bulging seeing Renata lying on the floor)

Tama: "I've killed him according to what you want honey." (approaching Bella with the knife
still in his right hand)

Bella: "No! Why did you kill her?! (panic look on her face)

Tama: "What? This is what you want me to do, right babe?!" (laughs sarcastically with a smirk
on his face and his left hand holding Bella's arm)

Bella: "I didn't tell you to kill him now!" (scratches Tama's hand from his arm)
Tama: "So now you're blaming me?" (holds Bella's arm back and looks at her sharply)

Bella: "No honey, what I mean is I'm just scared what if we get caught by the police and we both
go to jail?! I don't want that to happen!" (he babbles in a frantic tone while shaking his head)

Tama: "Ssstt lower your voice! You don't have to worry okay! (raising his index finger in front
of his mouth with the intention of telling Bella to stop talking, then dropping the knife in his
hand to the floor)

Tama: "We can hide her body in here and then we get out from here tomorrow." (holds Bella's

Bella: "Alright I will follow what you said." (nods briefly


Police 2: "Hello, excuse me? Is this really a mozachiko restaurant?" (approaches a waiter who is
cleaning a table)

Waiter: "Yes, sir! What would you like to order, sir? (looks at the policeman next to him)

Police 2: "Oh no! I don't want to order anything, I have a question regarding an investigation I'm
currently doing." (he asked in a polite tone of voice)

Waitress: "Yes sir! Then what can I help you with?" (stands closer to the Police)

Police 2: "Have you ever seen this girl come over here?" (shows Renata's photo on his cell

Waiter: "Hmm if I'm not wrong in remembering, sir! It looks like this girl who came a few days
ago and sat in this chair with her boyfriend." (the look on his face looks like he's thinking while
pointing at the chair in front of him)

Police 2: "Are you sure? Then do you also remember the characteristics of that man?" (holds his
cell phone towards the Waiter and records his words)

Waiter: "I just remember he was wearing glasses and he was about this tall." (he answered with
body gestures while explaining)

Police 2: "Okay! Anything else you have remembered?" (his eyebrows rise and his eyes search)

Waitress: "Oh! I saw that girl passed out when I came to this table for the last time." (snaps his

Police: "Then what happened to him?"

Waitress: "It seems her boyfriend took the girl with him, I don't know what happened to the girl
afterwards." (sighs while shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head)

Police: "Alright, thank you for telling me this information." (shakes the Waiter's hand)

Waitress: "My pleasure, sir!" (friendly smile)

*Then after the police conducted an investigation into the restaurant and asked the waiter who
was there, he returned to the police station to give the report to his colleague*


Police 1: "How did your investigation go? Did you get any leads?" (changes position to standing
from originally sitting)

Police 2: "Yes, of course! I've got additional information from the testimony of a waitress at the
restaurant." (walks over to his partner)

Police 1: "Very good then! Keep all the leads and evidence we have." (nods and points finger)

*At the same time Renata's mother suddenly came into the police station and immediately
confronted the two policemen*

Renata's Mom: "Sir! I got a message from my daughter! She's send me her location to me!"
(walks hastily towards one of the police)

Police 1: "Are you absolutely sure, madam?"

Renata's Mom: "I'm not lying, sir! You can see for yourself the message my daughter sent!"
(gives his cellphone to the policeman standing in front of him)

Police 1: "Looks like this is true! We have to get to this location quickly!" (slowly hits the table
and turns to his partner)

Police 2: "Okay then I'll come with you too!"

Renata's Mom: "Can I also come with you guys? I beg you I'm really worried about my
daughter!" (staring at the two policemen alternately with begging hand gestures)

Police 2: "Madam you better wait here." (holds Renata's mother's right arm with the intention of
calming her down)

Police 1: "That's right, after we have succeeded in arresting the perpetrator, we will tell you
about your daughter's condition." (changed positions to walk over to Renata's mother who was
standing in front of her desk)
Renata's Mom: "Okay, I'll just wait here, please save and bring my son home, sir!" (nods
understanding while cupping his palms)

Police 1: "Then we take our leave, ma'am!" (walks off stage with another cop)


(In a messy boarding house and there is a body lying between them. Tama's palm still has
bloodstains from Renata which she stabbed with a knife. Likewise with Bella with disheveled
hair and a very panicked expression on her face. Bella is seen pacing while holding her head,
while Tama just sits frozen in the chair that was previously used to tie Renata)

Bella: "Then what should we do now, babe?" (stop pacing then approached Tama)

Tama: "Let's just cover the body with something to hide the body." (still sitting in a chair while
staring at Renata's body)

Tama: "Wait, I'll get something." (walks to the right and disappears from the stage, while Bella
just scratches her head and continues pacing)

*a few seconds later Tama comes back with lots of newspapers and also a cloth*

Bella: "Are you sure we won't be found out?" (stares confusedly at Tama who just came back)

Tama: "Why are you being so fussy? You better help me!" (gives the cloth to Bella)

Bella: "Okay I'll help you" (takes the cloth that Tama gave her then walks over to Renata's body)

*When they were trying to cover up Renata's body, then they started to hear the faint sound of a
police car siren approaching their hiding place*

Bella: "Babe! Do you hear that sound or not?!" (he spoke in a high tone and his face looked

Tama: Shit! Police car sirens! (kickes the chair next to him and ruffles his hair)

Bella: "Tama where should we run! I don't want to go to jail!" (pulling Tama's arm while

Tama: "You're being loud! This all happened because I did everything you wanted!" (knocks
Bella's hand off her arm and points a finger at her)
Bella: "Why are you blaming me anyway? It's obvious that you killed this girl right!" (steps
closer and pushes Tama's shoulder)

*At the same time, when they were arguing, they heard the sound of breaking the boarding house
door by two policemen*

Police 1: "Raise your hands! Don't move and don't fight back!" (pointing gun at Tama & Bella)

Police 2: "You better turn yourself in and don't try to run away!" (walks forward onto the stage)

Police 1: "Quickly catch and handcuff that man!" (he told his colleague while still pointing the

Tama: "Sir! I was only told to do this all because this crazy girl told me to!" (raises both hands
while turning to Bella)

Bella: "He's lying sir! He's the one who killed my friend!" (points finger at Tama)

Police 2: "You two better shut up!" (walks forward and holds Tama's hands and handcuffs her)

Police 1: "Immediately you get this man into the car, then call an ambulance to take this girl's
body!" (changes position to stand beside Bella while holding her left arm)

Police 2: "Okay sir!" (goes off stage with Tama)

Police 1: "You also have to come to the police station!" (pulls Bella's hands then handcuffs her)

Bella: "No sir! I'm innocent! Don't arrest me!" (shakes head and tries to free his hands from the

Bella: "I don't want to go to jail, sir!" (he shouted while leaving the stage with the police)


(The next morning, in one of the hospital rooms, there was a body covered by a white sheet.
Then not long after, his mother came who was wearing all black clothes)

Renata's Mom: "Renata my daughter! Why should something like this happen to you, dear?"
(approaching a bed that contained the body of his daughter)
Renata's Mom: "Mama never thought you could go so fast! Hnngh..sob!" (hugging Renata's body
while still wailing and crying)

Renata's Mom: "I'm sorry mom, kid! Mama can't bring you home safely" (her head is bowed
above Renata's body with both palms covering her face)

*Not long after that, Adel, Kayla and Giska approached Renata's mother who was still seen
crying while hugging her daughter*

Adel: "Auntie! I hope you can endure this ordeal." (Rubs Renata's mother's shoulder with the
intention of calming her down)

Kayla: "Yes auntie, we also feel guilty about Rena's death." (standing to the right of the hospital

Giska: "Please forgive us, auntie! You are sorry for everything that happened." (holds Renata's
mother's hand)

Renata's Mom: "No need, you guys don't say that." (sighs heavily while shaking head)

Renata's Mom: "You guys have also helped me to find Rena, but what else can I say the rice has
turned to mush." (stares at Adel, Kayla and Giska one by one)

Adel: "Rena, we will always miss you here." (changes position to hug Renata)

Kayla: "We will also make sure Bella gets the punishment she deserves for what she has done!"
(he speaks while holding back his emotions)

Giska: "We really didn't expect Bella to be this mean to you." (stands next to Kayla with her
head down and starts crying

Renata's Mom: "Son! Rest in peace... Mom will always love you." (trying to smile faintly while
holding Renata's hand which was covered by a cloth).


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