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Test Paper

1. Use that, who, which or whose to complete the sentences: (0,25x8-2p)

a. Miss Anderson ................ reputation is so good comes to help us.

b. What have you done with the pen ................ I left on the table?
c. I delivered the parcel to Charles ................ gave it to Ann.
d. His wife ................. is an architect designed their new house.
e. Can you hear the noise ................ comes from the cellar?
f. Everybody ............... saw the attack should contact the police.
g. The town ............... towers you can see is York.
h. Is he the new teacher .............. you told me about?
3. Correct the error in each of the
sentences. (0,2x5=1p)

a. The boy which sits next to me in

class is very clever.
3. b. Our cat, that we all loved very
much, died last week.
c. The man who car was stolen was
very upset.
d. The school which I had studied as
a child was destroyed in a fire.
e. At the weekend, that my family is
at home, we have breakfast

4. (0,25x4=1p)

5. Match the punishments 1–5 with a–e. (0,2x5=1p)

1. He got a fine. a. He has to spend 80 hours cleaning the streets.

2. He got community service. b. But he’ll be in serious trouble if he does it again.
3. He got a life sentence. c. It means at least 20 years in prison.
4. He got a caution. d. But it will be years before they carry it out.
5. He got the death penalty. e. He had to pay £100.

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