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A bad journey

Hello! My name is Raul and I live in a richer family. I have two sisters
and they are Emilia and Sandra,my parents are Alex and Lucia they
work on a watch brand called “Lotto” because they are good designers.
Today im so happy because we are going to visit Venice,Roma,Milano
and more places and it's going to be my first time I travel on a plane.
When we wait at the first terminal at the international airport of
Perth,Australia, to check in i see a strange person running but i didn’t
care and i check in with my family. Before boarding my dad invite me to
drink something in a cafe near the gate that we had to boarding and it
was so good. After that we go to boarding gate and at the end of the row
i see again that person strange that i see before check in but i don’t have
more time to see him because i was so excited because i enter for the
first time on a plane! After ten hours of traveling we hear these:”attention
we are going to land at Lyon for some problems at Milano”. When we
waSarrive at lyon i see at the tv and mobile tath Milano has been
attacked by terrorist and i was so very lucky. When we arrive at the hotel
my father say these:”we are going to stay here at france 1 or 2
weeks”.And this is the worst travel that i have in my life and that person
that I see in the plane and airport we become friend s!.

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