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1. Which of the following involves the rational use of one’s individual human
potentialities, including talents, abilities, and virtues in the pursuit of his freely
and rationally chose values and goals?
- Human Flourishing
2. What do you call a concept of “living well and doing well”?
- Eudaimonia
3. Technology is not a mode of revealing.
- False
4. The progress of human civilizations throughout history mirrors the development
of society.
- False
5. Modern technology views the Earth as a huge gas station.
- True
6. What type of technology is Martin Heidegger questioning?
- Modern
7. In Martin Heidegger’s work, technology is a poeisis that discloses or reveals the
- False
8. In our ‘age of technology’ reality can only be present as a raw material (as a
‘standing reserve’).
- True
9. Which of the following means skill or art?
- Techne
10. Martine Heidegger described modern technology as.
- Age of Switches
11. In modern technology, the way of revealing is no longer poetic, it is.
- Challenging
12. Questioning is the piety of life.
- False
13. Who introduced the concept of technology as a mode of enframing?
- Martin Heidegger
14. Which of the following refers to disclosure?
- Aletheia
15. What crisis in the planet would force us to slow down if we do not do so
- Climate Change
16. What are the tow indicators of the quality of life given in the article Forget
‘developing ‘poor countries, it’s time to ‘de-develop’ rich countries?
- Life expectancy and happiness
17. What is the standardized unit that measures resource use and waste?
- Per Global Hectare
18. According to the majority of people in middle-and high-income countries, what
puts the planet and society at risk?
- Over Consumption of Rich Countries
19. What is the threshold of the earth for sustaining life?
- 1.9 hectares per person
20. It is an idea that science is the ultimate path to knowledge and wisdom.
- Scientism
21. What is the standard response to eradicate poverty?
- Growth
22. How would the different areas of the world react to the idea of “de-
- Over Consumption
23. How many hectares should each of us consume annually based on the resources
available in the planet?
- 1.8 hectares per person
24. What is the main objective of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United
- Eradicate Poverty by 2030
25. Avoiding sugary and processed foods to keep healthy is an activity that
expresses virtue.
- True
26. Its good to know how to optimize happiness and success.
- True
27. The ancient Greeks called this concept of “living well and doing well” as
- True
28. Virtue plays a significant role in the living and attainment of the good life.
- True
29. People have the same ideas of what constitutes the good life.
- False
30. Money can always buy happiness.
- False
31. Lack of discipline in eating junk food eventually makes one sick.
- True
32. The onward progress of science and technology is also the movement of a good
- False
33. For ancient Greeks, the language was an object worthy of experience.
- False
34. The primary factors driving this new age forward are convenience and user-
- True
35. Who invented the World Wide Web through the internet?
- Sir Tim Berners-Lee
36. Social media also encourages building a community of like-minded people.
- True
37. Technology in the modern world is the fruit of sociology.
- False
38. In the age of information, the transmission of ideas has not undergone changes.
- False
39. Computers became less sophisticated nowadays.
- False
40. What the method of encrypting a message in which the letters of a plaintext are
replaced with different ones in a systematic manner.
- Substitution Cypher
41. It describes a world that is based in science and applied to everyday life to solve
- Technological World
42. One kind of knowledge the Greeks wanted to understand is Science from the
Latin word scire (meaning to know).
- True
43. What article in the Universal Declarations of Human Rights (UDHR) states that” No
one shall be held in slavery or servitude”?
- Article 4
44. With the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), robots may also eventually
act and decide like humans.
- True
45. The rise of the machines accompanying the progress in science and technology
may render human useless.
- True
46. What article states in the Universal Declarations of Human Rights (UDHR) states
that” No one shall be subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or
- Article 5
47. Artificial Intelligence is an example of a film that depict human right violations in
the technological world.
- True
48. Human beings become free when empowered to make choices for flourishing.
- True
49. Human dignity is not an ultimate core value of our existence.
- False
50. What article in the Universal Declarations of Human Rights (UDHR) states that” All
are equal before the law and entitled without any discrimination to equal protection
of the law?
- Article 7
51. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR) on December 10, 1958.
- False
52. What article in the Universal Declarations of Human Rights (UDHR) states that” All
human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”?
- Article 1

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