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1. What is Drug and Drug Abuse?

Drugs are chemicals that influence a person in such a way as to convey

physiological, emotional, or behavioral change. On the other hand, drug abuse exists
when an individual constantly uses a drug other than its intended purpose. This
constant use can lead to drug obsession, a state of physical and psychological support,
or both on a dangerous drug.

2. Which do you think is true in connection with the rise in the case of drug
addiction in the country? There are many drug users because there are many
pushers, or there are many drug pushers because there are many users.

The statement "There are many drug pushers because there are many users." is
true in connection with the rapid increase of drug addiction in our country. Let's consider
the drug pushers as the producers and the drug users as the consumers, and like in the
business industry, there will be no consumers if there are no producers.

One of the reasons why drug pushers undergo this illegal industry is the "easy
money." However, that doesn't mean that the other party, the drug users, is not at fault.
Both of the parties are wrong, and I recommend none of it.

3. As a student, what can you do to prevent drugs?

As a student and a concerned citizen, There are many ways to prevent drugs,
first is to understand their meaning and power. Once you determine its meaning, you
can comprehend the advantages and disadvantages that it will give if you let its power
abuse you.

Some people use drugs to escape reality, including their problems, in order for
this not to happen, and we should accept that we are all humans, that there will always
be that time of our life wherein we are at the deepest point of our lives. To sum things
up, everything has a solution that can be done correctly.

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