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1. We discussed the 5 Building Blocks of being Pagkamaka-Diyos.

In your
opinion, what is an essential building block? Justify your answer. (5 pts)

Based on my point of view, after our Instructor discussed the 5 Building Blocks
of being Pagkamaka-Diyos is the "Faith in Almighty God." As a Christian and was born
into a religious family, our ancestors taught us that we should always have faith in God
because he is the one who placed us in this world, and he also has more significant
plans for us. No matter what obstacles that we face right now, we should always have
faith in him. "He knows the way because he is the way." Even if the world turns it back
on you, he will never do the same.

2. Share some experiences about the roots of the Filipino Character in your
home (at least three roots) (10 pts)

The Family and Home Environment

-The experience that I can share regarding this root is when my parents are always
overprotective towards me wherever I go, especially if I'm going to hang out with other
people. Another experience is that they are very supportive; like before, they don't
want to own a puppy, but when I asked them to, they gave it to us.

-I am sure that every household experiences this scenario, especially if you are Asian.
Our parents tend to be superstitious about the simplest things, and I have this attitude
that I always love to clean no matter what time it is. This time, I was sweeping the floor,
and my Asian mom burst out of anger, telling me that what I was doing would bring
bad luck.

Educational system
-To start things up, I have no intention to harm anyone, especially teachers; everything
in this section is only based on my point of view. As a Civil Engineering student, I know
that Math and Science are some of the majors of this course; there's this time that I
realize that some concepts in our subjects can't help us be Civil Engineering.
3.If you are given a chance to design a project for your community about the
awareness of Makakalikasan during a pandemic, What will it be? Explain your answer
in 3 paragraphs. (15 pts)

Renaît Nature

As we all know, every day we wake up, everything in this world is not the same
anymore, especially in nature. God did not create the world for seven days only to
destroy humans. Our nature is dying, mother earth is crying, the trees were cut down,
which results in global warming, the air is polluted, and the water is contaminated.

As a student and a person who loves nature, the least I can do is raise
awareness about nature. The title of this project is Renaît Nature, which means
"Reborn Nature." This project's mission is to be reborn as one; it may take a lot of time
or maybe years, but what matters is it will happen. Now that technology is rampant
nowadays, it can be used to tell everyone what is happening in our nature by creating
vlogs, articles, and many more. Now that it has been reported that face masks are
everywhere, like in the ocean or forest, the next step is to create a cleanup drive by
partnering with other non-government organizations. The most effective way to make
our mission possible is to submit a proposal to the president to prioritize nature by
creating laws that can protect our environment.

To sum things up, All of this will be possible as long as we do this as one. It may
take a lot of time, effort, and money, but the important thing is we try to make the
world a better place again.

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