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Activity 2.

1: Observing, Predicting and Inferring

The different types of scientists you learnt about previously have something in
All scientists make observations. An OBSERVATION is a description of what you
observe using your 5 senses. It is from these observations that scientist give a logical
explanation of what has happened and why it has happened.
This logical explanation is called an INFERENCE.
Once an inference is made a scientist will then make a PREDICTION of how it could
work in the future or how it could change the world. Any prediction that a scientist
makes must be logical and based on observations.

Here is an example to explain the difference between an observation, inference and a

Observation: The dog barked
Inference: The dog heard something
Prediction: The possum is back again. If we put out a trap, we could catch it.

In the space below see if you can fill out the missing statement.
Observation: The leaves are turning brown
Inference: The tree is losing its leaves because it is autumn.
Prediction: __________________________________________

Now that you know the difference between an Observation, an Inference and a
Prediction, have a go at these:

1. The jewellery store

a. What observations can you from this picture?


b. What inferences can you make?

2. Tracks on the Beach

a. What can you infer from this picture which shows several sets of tracks on the



3. Students were discussing the results of an experiment.

“The plants in box 4 grew much better than those in the other boxes” said Gina.
“Yes, but that’s because you watered them more often than we watered the
others” said Charles.
“No,” said Sophie, “the soil in box 4 contains more nutrients because all the plants
received enough water.”
“That might be so,” said Lucy, “but I noticed that box 4 was always closer to the
window then the others.”
“Well,” said John, ”It’s clear that three factors affect how well plants grow.”
What observations were made by the students?


What inferences were made by the students?



Make your own prediction about plant growth.


4. Craters on the moon

a. What observations can you make about the moon craters A, B and C?



b. What inferences can you make about these craters?



5. Three beakers, X, Y and Z, each contain a solution. The solutions are red, blue and
colourless. Beakers X and Y don’t contain the red solution and beaker X doesn’t
contain the blue solution.
What inferences can be made from this?


6. John is taller than Mary and shorter then Fred. Mary is taller then Susie but
shorter then Anna.
What inference can be made from this information?


What cannot be inferred from this information?



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