Ilsw7 - Bài B TR Unit 8

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Easter n /ˈiːstə(r)/ lễ Phục sinh
Halloween n /ˌhæləʊˈiːn/ lễ hội hóa trang
Thanksgiving n /ˌθæŋksˈɡɪvɪŋ/ lễ Tạ ơn
Mid-autumn Festival n /mɪd ˈɔːtəm/ tết Trung thu
Water festival n /ˈfestɪvl/ lễ hội té nước
Carnival n /ˈkɑːnɪvl/ lễ hội các na van
parade n /pəˈreɪd/ đoàn diễu hành
annual adj /ˈænjʊəl/ Hàng năm
attraction n /əˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ Sự thu hút
bonfire n /ˈbɒnˌfaɪə/ Lửa mừng
competition n /ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən/ Cuộc thi
hot air balloon n /hɒt eə bəˈluːn/ Kinh khí cầu
lantern n /ˈlæntən/ Đèn lồng
participant n /pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt/ Người tham gia
race n /reɪs/ Cuộc đua
sculpture n /ˈskʌlpʧə/ Kiến trúc
celebrate adj /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/ Tổ chức
decorate adj /ˈdɛkəreɪt/ Trang trí
exchange n /ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ/ Trao đổi
greeting n /ˈgriːtɪŋ/ Chào hỏi
midnight n /ˈmɪdnaɪt/ Nửa đêm
budding N /ˈbʌdɪŋ/ Nảy nở
temple n /ˈtɛmpl/ Miếu, đền
wish n /wɪʃ/ Ước
defeat adj /dɪˈfiːt/ Đánh bại
demon n /ˈdiːmən/ Ác quỷ
muddy adj /ˈmʌdi / Bùn lầy
wrestling n /ˈrɛslɪŋ/ Đấu vật
superstitious adj /ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃəs/ có tính mê tín
traditional adj /trəˈdɪʃənl/ thuộc truyền thống
host v, n /həʊst/ đăng cai, tổ chức
take place v /teɪk pleɪs/ diễn ra, xảy ra

Task 1. Look at the pictures and give the name of the festival.

Tet La Tomatina Halloween Easter

Christmas Mid-Autumn Festival Carnival Thanksgiving
competition exchange bore fire race
wish wrestling demon sculpture

1………………… 2………………… 3………………… 4…………………

…………………… ……………………

5………………… 6…………………… 7………………… 8…………………

…………………… ……………………

9………………… 10……………… 11……………… 12…………………

…………………… … … ……………………

13………………… 14…………………… 15………………… 16…………………

Task 2. Complete the sentences with correct word. …………………… ……………………
1. During the ..................( Mid-autumn festival/ Carnival) there are thousands of
samba dancers with very beautiful costumes performing on the streets.
2. (Thanksgiving/ Water Festival) .................. is part of the Thai New Year.
People throw buckets of water on each other to wish for luck.
3. Turkey is one of the .................. ( culture / traditional )foods at Thanksgiving in
the US.
4. In America, Halloween is one of the two most important .................. (religious/
culture) holidays of the year.
5. British farmers celebrated the end of the ..................(highlight/ harvest) with a
big meal to give thanks to God.
6. Many Vietnamese people are very ..................( superstitious/ celebratory) and
there are lots of things to do and not to do during Lunar New Year.
7. The Elephant Race Festival in DakLak is a race between elephants that are ridden
by their ………….. ( owner/ owners)
8. Every May, the capital of Canada, Ottawa ..................(hosts/ takes place) the
world’s largest tulip festival which attracts more than 500,000 tourists to come and

Task 3. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

1. During the .................., there are thousands of samba dancers with very beautiful
costumes performing on the streets.
A. Mid-autumn festival B. Carnival
C. Easter D. Halloween
2. .................. is part of the Thai New Year. People throw buckets of water on each
other to wish for luck.
A. Mid-autumn festival B. Easter
C. Thanksgiving D. Water Festival
3. What I like about festivals is that they show the .................. values of different
A. Carnival B. culture C. cultural D. parade
4. Turkey is one of the ..................foods at Thanksgiving in the US.
A. Easter B. serious C. culture D. traditional
5. Many Vietnamese people are very .................. and there are lots of things to do and
not to do during Lunar New Year.
A. superstitious B. seasonal C. celebratory D. festive
6. In America, Halloween is one of the two most important ........ holidays of the year.
A. celebratory B. religious C. culture D. parade
7. After the ................., people often stay at home to play cards or chat together.
A. feast B. cranberry C. jet D. lantern
8. Swimming protect your eyes and allow you to see better underwater.
A. gravy B. turkey C. goggles D. stuffing
9. British farmers celebrated the end of the ......with a big meal to give thanks to God.
A. cranberry B. chaos C. highlight D. harvest
10.The Mid-autumn festival is an occasion for children to play with traditional toys,
especially star ..................
A. feast B. lanterns C. stuffing D. jet
11.A bull jumped into the stands in Tafalla, Spain and created the ..................
A. harvest B. turkey C. chaos D. stuffing
12.Every May, the capital of Canada, Ottawa .................. the world’s largest tulip
festival which attracts more than 500,000 tourists to come and see.
A. hosts B. takes place C. decorates D. goes

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

parade highlight feast greasy seasonal

celebrations festivals chaos religious superstitious
mid-night defeated celebrate decorate
participants muddy temples greeting

1. Christmas is considered the most famous ______________ festival of the world.

2. Korean New Year’s ______________ begin with everyone wearing traditional
dresscalled hanbok.
3. Rock in Rio is one of the world’s biggest music ______________.
4. Pongal is a ______________ festival celebrated to mark the harvest of crops and offer
aspecial thanksgiving to God.
5. The Samba ______________ is the main attraction of the Rio Carnival
6. Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a ______________ among family and
7. “Ham up a ______________ pole” is one of the traditions of La Tomatina.
8. The ______________ of Carnival is the Samba Parade which is not to be missed!
9. When a loud signal goes off, trucks loaded with tomatoes enter and then begins the
10. According to ______________ belief, Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.
11. They are playing in a ___________field, so they are so dirty.
12. I waited for her until _______________ , but he didn’t come.
13. Argentina _____________ France in the football match last world cup.
14. We often visit_______________ with our family on new year.
15._______ is the first thing you have to study when you learn a foreign language.
16. There are many ___________ in the competition.
17. People often ____________ their houses before Tet.
18. My family always ______________a party on New Year’s eve.

Task 5. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentences.

1. Streets are decorated with lights and red banners. (colour)

2. It is____________ in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. (tradition)
3. Vietnam’s New Year is ____________ according to the Lunar calendar. (celebrate)
4. What forms of ____________do you participate in during the festival? (entertain)
5. Her eyes were wide with ____________ when she heard the news. (excite)
6. A masquerade is a ______________ gathering of people wearing masks. (festival)
7. The Rio Carnival Samba ______________ are known as the greatest show on
Earth! (parade)
8. A music festival includes live ______________ of singing and musical instrument
playing. (perform)
9. Hue Festival is a ______________ event that is held every two years. (culture)
10. New Year’s Eve is one of the largest global ______________ because it marks the
last day of the year. (celebrate)

I. Future Simple (“Future simple tense” )

1. Định nghĩa thì tương lai đơn
Thì tương lai đơn trong tiếng anh (Simple future tense) được dùng khi không có kế
hoạch hay quyết định làm gì nào trước khi chúng ta nói. Chúng ta ra quyết định tự phát
tại thời điểm nói. Thường sử dụng thì tương lai đơn với động từ to think trước nó.

2. Cách dùng thì tương lai đơn

Cách dùng thì tương lai
Ví dụ về thì tương lai đơn
We will see what we can do to help you.
Diễn đạt một quyết định tại (Chúng tôi sẽ xem để có thể giúp gì cho anh.)
thời điểm nói I miss her. I will go to her house to see her.
(Tôi nhớ cô ấy. Tôi sẽ đến nhà gặp cô ấy)
Will you open the door?
(Anh đóng cửa giúp tôi được không) → lời yêu cầu.
Will you come to lunch?
Đưa ra lời yêu cầu, đề nghị, (Trưa này cậu tới ăn cơm nhé )       → lời mời
lời mời Will you turn on the fan?
(Bạn có thể mở quạt được không )  → lời yêu cầu.
Will you go to this party tonight? 
(Bạn sẽ đến bữa tiệc tối nay chứ ) → lời mời
I think people will live in megacities next century.
I think people will not use computers after 25th
* Diễn đạt dự đoán không
My mother thinks people will live in smart homes in
có căn cứ (think)
near future.
I don’t think we will live in a megacity.
What do you think homes will be like in the future?

3. Dạng thức của thì tương lai đơn

Cấu trúc Ví dụ về thì tương lai đơn
+ Thể khẳng định: - I will visit Hue city next week.
S + will + Vo. (Tôi sẽ đến thăm thành phố Huế.)
(will = ‘ll) - She will be fourteen years old on her next birthday.
(Cô ấy sẽ 14 tuổi vào sinh nhật kế tiếp.)
S=I/You/We/They/He/She/It - They will come to the party next Sunday.
Danh từ (Chủ nhật tuần sau họ sẽ đến bữa tiệc.)
- Thể phủ định: - She won’t forget me.
S + will not+ Vo. (Cô ấy sẽ không quên tôi.)
(will not = won’t) - Park will not go camping next Sunday.
(Chủ nhật tới Park sẽ không đi cắm trại.)
S=I/You/We/They/He/She/It - We won’t do some shopping tomorrow evening.
Danh từ (Tối mai chúng tôi sẽ không đi mua sắm.)
? Thể nghi vấn & câu trả - Will you go to Hanoi city next week?
lời (Tuần sau bạn sẽ đi thành phố Hà Nội à?)
Will + S + Vo?  Yes, I will./ No, I won’t.
– Yes, S + will - Will she meet her boyfriend tonight?
- No, S + won’t (Tối nay cô ấy sẽ gặp bạn trai phải không?)
 Yes, she will./ No, she won’t.
S=I/You/We/They/He/She/It - Will they arrive here next week?
Danh từ (Tuần sau họ sẽ đến đây phải không?)
 Yes, they will./ No, they won’t.
4. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
- Trong câu thì tương lai đơn thường xuất hiện các từ sau:
tonight (tối nay); tomorrow (ngày mai); next week/ month/ year.... (tuần/ tháng/ năm
sau), some day (một ngày nào đó); soon (chẳng bao lâu),...

II. Different from – Like

- be different from : khác biệt với
He is different from his mother in appearance.
( Anh ấy khác biệt mẹ của mình về ngoại hình)
- like + N : giống như
Like his mother, she likes cooking.
( Cũng giống như mẹ mình, cô ấy thích nấu ăn)

Task 1. Write the sentences using future simple.

1. We / travel/ next week./ will / to Da Nang/

-> …………………………………………………………………………………
2. I /do / will/ tonight./ my homework/
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
3. She / play / will / tonight./ chess / with her friend /
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
4. Minh / not / aerobic / do / tomorrow./will/
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
5. Nam / go / will / this afternoon./ swimming /
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
6. will / My father / water / tomorrow./ the flowers /
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
7. they/ next Sunday ?/ Will / go / fishing
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
8. I / Shall /TV , Dad ? /watch/
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
9. she / come / Will / late ? / home
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
10.volleyball ?/ here/ we / play / / Shall /
-> …………………………………………………………………………………
Task 2. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verbs.

1. What (you, do) ____________________ this evening?

2. I’m a little busy. I (have) ____________________ time to help you with your
homework later though.
3. Mr. Brown (give) ____________________ us a grammar test tomorrow.
4. You (help) ____________________ your friend after class, won’t you?
5. Kyung Sook (cook) ____________________ something tasty for dinner tonight. Will
you try it?
6. Next year, the university (change) ____________________ its entrance requirements.
7. We (move) ____________________ to the new campus in 2010.
8. ____________________ (you, go) camping with our club on Saturday?
9. ____________________ (you, go) to Canada on your vacation?
10. Our friends ____________________ (meet) us in front of the Sears department
11. Miss Brown ____________________ (make) a new list tonight.
12. We (ask) ____________________a policeman which road to take.
13. My wife (call) ____________________ on you tomorrow.
14. I (have) ____________________ my lunch at twelve o’clock.
15. He (be) ____________________ here on Wednesday.
16. He (come) ____________________ at two o’clock tomorrow.
17. The new park (cover) ____________________ a very great area.
18. We (know) ____________________ the answer tomorrow.
19. I hope we (meet) ____________________ him tonight.
20. When the thermometer is below zero water ____________________. (freeze)
21. She (buy) ____________________ her ticket the day after tomorrow.
22. We (go) ____________________for a long walk soon.
23. A lift (take) ____________________ us to the top floor of the hotel.
24. I am afraid it (be) ____________________ quite impossible.
25. I’m sure they (understand) ____________________ your problem.

Fill in the blanks using structures “be different from” , “ the same as” comparative “
Task 3. 1.
different than”.

1. The final match today is different ____________ 2019.

2. How are you __________________ from your father?
3. The cake tastes __________________ as chocolate.
4. We imagine ourselves more __________________ other animals.
5. Rain is pronounced ___________________ reign in English.
6. The coffee tastes _____________________as milk.
7. I don’t know about that. How’re you __________________ from your mother?
8. The book’s ________________________ from the last time I read it.
9. Susan’s ________________________ bike as my sister.
10.He looks really ___________________________ before.
Task 4. Using “be different from” to rewrite the following sentences.

1. My house is small and old. Your house is spacious and modern.

My house is __________________________________________________________.
2. My mother's favorite food is noodle. My favorite food is rice.
My mother's favorite food ________________________________________________.
3. My best friend has a powerful personality. I have a weak personality.
My best friend's personality _____________________________________________.
4. Life in the countryside is quiet and peaceful. Life in the city is exciting.
Life in the countryside is__________________________________________________.
5. Lan's school is Hai Ba Trung School. Hue goes to Nguyen Hue School.
Lan’s school is__________________________________________________________.
6. My hobby is collecting stamps. My brother's hobby is playing the piano.
My hobby is____________________________________________________________.
7. My answer for this equation is "4" but Tom thinks it should be "5".
My answer for this equation is______________________________________________.
8. My sister's hair is long and wavy. My hair is short and straight
My sister’s hair is_______________________________________________________.
Task 5. Using “like + N” to rewrite the following sentences.

1. His father likes play football. He likes playing football too.

Like his father,_________________________________________________________
2. People in Vietnam often decorate their houses before Lunar new year and Chinese
people often do the same.
Like Vietnamese people __________________________________________________.
3. She is very beautiful and kind and her sister is also beautiful and kind.
Like her sister ,___________________________________________________.
4. People in Australia often watch fireworks on special occasions and Japanese
people do the same.
Like Australian people ______________________________________________.
5. Peter prefers to eat bread for breakfast, so does Mary.
Peter ,______________________________________________________________.



Task 1: Look at the table and fill in the blanks:

2. It is a ----------------------.
Traditionally, it was held to
celebrate the summer harvest’s end.
3. In Vietnam, most families buy
Moon Cakes from shops, while
some other families --------------for
4. People often eat Moon Cakes with
fruits or -----------------.
1. Mid-Autumn Festival is very
5. During the festival, people can also
-----------in many Asian countries,
watch the -----------------by the
including Vietnam.
performers on the streets.

Task 2: Listen to the passage then decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

1. Mid-autumn Festival is held in Vietnam only. ___________

2. Mid-autumn Festival is a seasonal festival. ___________

3. Some families make Moon Cakes by themselves. ___________

4. People never eat Moon Cakes with tea. ___________

5. People can watch the Lion Dances during Mid-autumn Festival.___________



Task 1. Match the questions and answers. Then practice.

1. Where is the festival celebrated? 1- A. They throw tomatoes at each

2- B. In Bunol, a small town in
2. When is the festival held?
3. How far is it from the capital city? C. Twenty thousand people, I
4- D. On last Wednesday of August
4. How long does it take to get there
by car?
5. How often does the festival take 5-
E. It is free. You just join and
have fun.
6- F. To celebrate the tomato harvest
6. Why do people hold this festival?
7- G. Anyone. However, small
7. How do people celebrate this
children should not come
8- H. About three hours and a half
8. Who can attend this festival?
9. How much does it cost to attend E. Annually
this festival?
10.How many people attended this 10- F. More than three hundred
festival? kilometers

Task 2. Put the dialogue into the correct order.

_____ I think it should be Day of the Dead.

_____ It is celebrated in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala in November 1st
_1___ Hello Dan. What are you doing?
_____ Fantastic! Can I borrow your book once you finish reading it?
_____ Hi. I’m reading a book about festivals in the world.
_____ What do people do in this festival?
_____ Cool! Which festival do you find most impressive?
_____They decorate their homes and gravesites with food, candles, candy skulls and
flowers to welcome the dead back to earth. They also dress up as skeletons and
parade through the streets.
_____ Day of the Dead? Where is it celebrated?
_____ Sure.



Task 1. Read and answer the questions.

1 . What is Vietnam’s New Year known as?

2. Is Tet celebrated according to the Lunar calendar?
3. When does the Lunar New Year begin?
4. What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet?
5. Why are the first three days the most important?
6. Does Tet last five days?
7. Why are the first three days the most important?

Vietnam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar.

It is especially known as Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet. It begins between
January twenty-first and February nineteen. The exact date
changes from year to year. Vietnamese people usually make
preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy
their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the
family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up to midnight to
see New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give one
another the greetings of the season. Tet lasts ten days. The first
three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that
how people act during those days will influence the whole year. As
a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as
much as possible.

Task 2. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

The Edinburg Festival is the biggest arts festival in the world. (1) ______August,
thousands of people come to the city to join the festival. If (2) ______for three weeks
and has a lot of activities. People enjoy music and dance performances in the streets (3)
______early morning until late at night. They also see artists
painting pictures in the streets. One of (4) ______most interesting pals of the festival is
“Fringe”. Here people enjoy comedy shows by students in small halls and cafes. At
this festival, tourists also have a chance to (5) ______new films, plays and listen to
famous musicians playing great music. Although it is the world’s largest festival, its
tickets (6) ______quite cheap. This is one of the reasons why it attracts so many people
every year.
1. A. On B. At C. in
2. A. goes B. last C. ends
3. A. in B. from C. between
4. A. the B. a C. much
5. A. learn B. be C. see
6. A. are B. every C. will

Task 3. Read and decide if each statement is true or false or not given.

Hello! My name is Jack. I am 12 years old and I live in a small town in the South
of Britain with my mum, dad and my sister Emily.
It is spring now and I am very happy because Easter is coming. I am telling you
what we do in Britain at Easter.
Easter starts on Good Friday in Britain. My mum makes hot cross buns and we eat
them with tea. We usually have some activities to celebrate Easter. Last year we made
colorful hats. This year we are going to design a basket full of painted Easter eggs. It will
be a great fun.
On Easter Sunday morning, we have a big breakfast. After breakfast we all go to
church. When we get home, we give each other chocolate eggs. Kids get the biggest
eggs. Then we play “Easter Egg Hunt”. My parents hide some Easter eggs in the garden
and Emily and I look for them. We love playing it.
In the afternoon, my aunt and uncle come to our house to enjoy tea. We have
Easter cupcakes and delicious tea. After that we usually go for a walk together.
I like Easter because it is a great family festival, and we do not have to go to
school for 02 weeks.
No. Statements T F NG
1. Easter is in summer.
2. Jack’s family eats hot cross buns on Good Friday morning.
3. Children make a basket full of painted Easter eggs this year.
4. Jack likes doing Easter activities.
5. Easter Egg Hunting means that children eat chocolate eggs.
6. Jack gets three chocolate eggs.
7. On Sunday afternoon, no one comes to Jack’s house.
8. Children have to go to school even in Easter.
Task 4. Complete the passage with the words from the box.

other carved trick-or-treating fun

unwanted comes costumes frightening

Halloween is celebrated on October31, and many people, including children, dress up

in (1)______________ , visit people’s houses, and ask for candy. This is called (2)
There are (3) ______________ traditions at Halloween. People have parties in their
You can dress up in scary costumes for (4) ______________ , but your costume
doesn’t have to
be scary. In the USA, many people wear costumes that aren’t (5) ______________ .
People also tell scary stories at Halloween or play games like bobbing for apples.
Some people make jack-o’-lanterns. (6) ______________ pumpkins with candles inside,
and put them inside or outside their houses. It’s unclear where this tradition (7)
______________ from.
Some historians believe that in the past, they were used to scary away (8)
______________visitors or travelers. Jack-o’-lanterns are now chiefly associated with



Task 1. Write sentences with the cues given. Use the correct form of the verbs.

1. Christmas / be / one / most famous / religious festivals / the world.

→ __________________________________________________________________
2. Easter / hold / celebrate / the resurrection from the dead / Jesus Chris.
→ ____________________________________________________________________
3. highlight/ festival/the tomato fight.
→ _____________________________________________________________________
4. My family and I / go / Thailand / last April / take part / the Songkran Festival.
→ _____________________________________________________________________
5. Elephants / spray / water / tourists / during / the Songkran festival / Ayutthaya,
→ _____________________________________________________________________
6. 2010/ Burning Man/ last/ one week / there /51,515 people /attended.
→ _____________________________________________________________________
7. Vietnamese people / prepare / Tet / clean / their houses / cook / traditional special
→ _____________________________________________________________________
8. Thanksgiving / be / seasonal holiday/ hold / annually / give thanks / God /successful
→ _____________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning.

1. This house is not the same as my old house. ( DIFFERENT FROM)

This house is_______________________________________________.
2. Nam is tall and handsome and his brother is tall and handsome too. ( LIKE + N)
3. They celebrated this festival years ago , but they stopped. ( USED TO V)
They used to_________________________________________.
4. Many participants take part in eating competition every year. ( PARTICIPATE)
Many participants _______________________________________________.
5. It’s so dirty to play in a muddy field. ( V-ing …………+ Adjective)

Task 3. Write 5 sentences describing the pictures.

- What is the festival?......................................


- What is it about? ?......................................


- Who participated in it? ? ................................


- What activities are there in it?............................


- What do you think about it? ?.........................

Choose the option (A, B, or C) that best completes each of the following sentences.
(13 points)
Question 1. During ______________, people often eat, drink and listen to music.
A. sculpture B. competitions C. festivals D. lanterns
Question 2. My birthday is a(n) ______________ event because it only happens once a
A. monthly B. usual C. traditional D. annual
Question 3. American English is ______________ British English.
A. different B. difference C. different from D. difference
Question 4. People usually wear ______________ on special occasions.
A. traditional B. special C. interesting D. traditional
games greetings activities clothes
Question 5. Mud Ball Wrestling festival ______________ in the next Spring.
A. happened B. will happen C. happens D. is happening
Question 6. Da Lat is one of the most famous tourist ______________.
A. attraction B. attract C. attractive D. attractions
Question 7. Teenagers often ______________ gifts with family and friends at
A. changing B. exchanging C. change D. exchange
Question 8. Most of Asian countries ______________ Lunar New Year excitingly.
A. prefer B. celebrate C. compete D. decorate
Question 9. Last year, she ______________ house with coloful bulbs.
A. to decorate B. decorates C. decorated D. decorate
Question 10. People living in Australia______________ Christmas in Summer.
A. do B. have C. has D. make

Question 11. This place is different _______________when I first came last year.

A. in B. on C. from D. to

Question 12. Peter often __________________ his house before New Year.
A. decorate B. buy C. defeat D. do
Question 13. Every year, there are a lot of __________________ to join the competition.

A. participants B. demon C. girls D. bulls


Supply the correct forms of the given words.
1. We often _______________ in the fun run in summer. ( PARTICIPANT)
2. There are many ______________ around the world. ( CELEBRATE)
3. The eating ______________ is celebrating next year. (COMPETE)
4. This festival takes place ________________. ( ANNUAL).
5. We prefer colorful and beautiful ______________ at Christmas. ( DECORATE)

1. Read about strange New Year’s practices in some countries. Then choose T
(True) or F (False).
Denmark – Some people have a loud way of celebrating the New Year. They
throw plates on their friends’ doors. The people with many dishes outside their
doors feel proud because they have a lot of friends.
The USA – It’s a tradition in America to share a midnight kiss with someone you
love. This will make the coming year beautiful and full of love for you.
Chile – In Chile people participate in a mass on New Year’s Eve. Then they go to
the graveyard, sit on their chairs and wait for the New Year with the dead.
Korea – On New Year’s days, children wear a Hanbok, a traditional Korean dress,
make one bow to their elders and wish them a long and healthy life. In return, they
receive advice and some money.

1. The Americans exchange a midnight kiss with someone they love. T F

2. Korean elders bow to their children. T F
3. In Chile, people welcome the New Year with the dead. T F
4. Korean children make three bows to their elders. T F
5. In Denmark, people celebrate the New Year quietly. T F

2. Choose the option (A, B, or C) – the correct answer.

Every year in July, people in Ubon Ratchathani Thailand celebrate the Candle Festival.
Tourists from all over the country come to Ubon to look at huge wax candles that a
parade through the streets. There is music, dancers, a huge market and even a
competition for artist to design the best candle.
In other countries, they have different festivals. Some are really strange. One of
the weirdest festivals in the world is Day of the Dead. People decorate their homes and
gravesites with food, candles, candy skulls and flowers to welcome the dead back to
earth. People dress up as skeletons and parade through the streets. Day of the Dead
sounds like a scary event, but it’s a happy time to celebrate and remember the lives of
dead family members.
(Adapted from
1. When is the Candle Festival in Thailand celebrated?
A. In every July.
B. In July every 2 years.
C. Every year
D. Both A and C are correct.
2. Who can participate in the Candle Festival?
A. People from Ubon Ratchathani.
B. People from Thailand.
C. People from other countries.
D. All are correct.
3. What is NOT included in Candle Festival’s activities?
A. Candle parade.
B. Musical performance.
C. Candle design.
D. Candle blow.
4. The word “weirdest” is closest in meaning to?
A. the best.
B. the most popular.
C. the strangest.
D. the most common.
5. According to the text, people celebrate Day of the Dead in order to
A. memories dead family members.
B. have meal together.
C. share the sadness.
D. pray for the family members.

3. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.

Yesterday, Carlos went (1) __________ La Tomatina. The festival is held on the last
Wednesday of August every year in Buñol, Spain. (2)__________ were thousands of
people there. In the morning, many people tried (3)__________ up the pole to get the
ham. At 11 a.m., they (4)__________a jet from the water cannons and the chaos began.
Bags of tomatoes from trucks were (5)__________ to the crowds, and they began
throwing tomatoes at one another. They all had to wear goggle (6)__________their eyes.
After one hour, they saw another jet and stopped (7)__________. The whole town
square (8)__________red with rivers of tomato juice. Finally, they tried tomato Paella,
(9)__________Spanish rice dish. Together with local people and tourists, they enjoyed
the (10) __________food and drink.

1. Rearrange the given phrases to make a complete sentence.
1. yours/ my/me/book/different/is/from.
2. He / play / will / tomorrow./ table tennis / with his friend /
3. they/ next week ?/ Will / go / mountain climbing
4. his/like/ enjoys/ football/ father/ playing/ he/.
5. celebrate/ often/ we/ parties/ big/ on/ occasions/ special.

2. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words and/or beginnings in such a
way that the meanings stay unchanged. (10 points)
6. Would you like to decorate your room on your own? (WANT)
🡪 Do ………………………………………………………………………..yourself?
7. During dinner, she never watches TV.
🡪 While ……………………………………………………………………..
8. Jack likes painting portraits. (KEEN)
🡪 ……………………………………………………………………..
9. To me, it's easy to understand the causes of traffic jam.
🡪 I find……………………………………………………………………..
10. Because of his good diet, John is always healthy.
🡪 Because John……………………………………………..….
Task 1: Listen. When are these celebrations? Write the celebrations in the correct
1. St. Patrick’s Day

2   Moon Festival

3   Bob Marley Day

4   Day of the Dead

5   Kartini Day

6   St. Lucia’s Day

Task 2: Listen again. What do people do to celebrate? Match each celebration with
an activity.

1  ____ St. Patrick’s Day a. visit graves

2  ____ Moon Festival b. go to concerts
3  ____ Bob Marley Day c. share special lunches
4  ____ Day of the Dead d. wear special clothes
5  ____ Kartini Day e. go to a parade
6  ____ St. Lucia’s Day f. eat special cakes

***End – Of – Test N.1***

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three
in each question.
1. A. snake                B. educate                C. racing                D. castle
2. A. those                B. they                        C. than                D. Thanksgiving
3. A. desert                B. held                        C. prefer                D. celebrate
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each
4. A. festival B. event C. around D. defeat
5. A. celebrate B. participant C. sculpture D. decorate

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. Everybody has gone to the _____ festival.
A. music                B. musical                C. musician                D. musicians
7. The Academy Awards, commonly _____ as the Oscars, are the most famous film
awards in the world.
A. know                B. knew                C. known                D. be known
8. La Tomatina is a _____ festival to celebrate the tomato harvest.
A. year                        B. seasonal                C. season                D. annually
9. Some people love to go _____ with friends on New Year’s Eve.
A. walk                B. for walk                C. for a walk                D. for a walking
10. The _____ atmosphere is felt around all the villages.
A. tradition                B. festival                C. festive                D. air
11. People of _____ minorities in Phu Yen celebrate Hoi Mua Festival every March
A. village                B. local                C. native                D. ethnic
12. We saw a _____ of Lotus floats when attending Loykrathong Festival in Thailand last
A. parade                B. march                C. group                D. class
13. In Vietnam, many people’s _____ is Buddhism.
A. custom                B. religion                C. tradition                D. festival
14. Mr. Dam is a _____ person because he believes much in his star sign.
A. superstitious        B. careful                C. traditional                D. smart
15. Many families in Vietnam _____ their ancestor on Hoi Mua occasion.
A. worship                B. worships                C. worshiping                D. worshiped
16. Many villages _____ offer money or contribute food and drink to celebrate the
A. volunteer                B. volunteerly                C. voluntary                D. voluntarily
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in
each of the following sentences.
17. Tet Holiday is the most important festival in Vietnam which takes place in late
January or early February.
A. appears                B. occurs                C. brings                D. holds
18. Some people take naps after the feast with the whole family.
A. play games                B. go out                C. go to sleep                D. hang out
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in
each of the following sentences.
19. During their concert, Cold play stirred up the crowd in nearly 3 hours with their hit
A. hand up                B. move up                C. settle                D. sit down
20. We are so into the music played by him.
A. enjoy                B. excite about        C. dislike                D. fond of
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. _____ will take the money back? Mary.
A. Who                B. What                C. Why                D. Whose
22. _____ does the man drink milk? Everyday
A. Who                B. How often                C. Where                D. When
23. _____ sugar should be bought? Two kilos and a half.
A. How heavy                B. How many                C. How much                D. How about
24. _____ does he do business? To earn a living.
A. Who                B. What                C. Where                D. Why
25. _____ could they swim? They could swim there.
A. Who                B. What                C. Where                D. When
26. _____ did they arrive in London? On August 2.
A. Who                B. What                C. Where                D. When
27. _____ did you buy this T-shirt? In Bangkok, Thailand.
A. When                B. Where                C. What                D. Who
28. _____ wants to attend “The Flower Festival” in Dalat this year?
A. How                B. What                C. Why                D. Who
29. _____ is this Festival held? Every 2 years.
A. How long                B. Why                C. How often                D. Who
30. _____ does “Westlife” concert take place? This June.
A. How often                B. What                C. When                D. Why
Choose the underlined part that need correcting in each sentence below.
31. People need to celebrate festival because of  they help preserve their traditions and
                                  A                             B                    C                    D
32. Celebrating tradition festivals should be encourage in our community.
               A                                         B                C                          D
33. Festivals help people in a community cooperating more with others.
                       A                B                               C                              D
34. “Huong pagoda festival” is celebrated annual.
                                    A        B       C             D
35. People can understand more about their cultural values by participate in festivals.
                                             A                            B                 C         D
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
UK summer music festival
Held on a farm, the Glastonbury Festival is the most well-known and popular festival in
the UK. It began in 1970 and was attended by one thousand five hundred people each
paying an admission price of £1 – the ticket included free milk from the farm. Since then
the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength – in 2004 one hundred and
fifty thousand fans attended, paying £112 for tickets to the three-day event. Glastonbury
is not unique in using live music to raise money for global poverty. In July of this year,
the Live 8 concerts will be held simultaneously in London, Paris, Rome and Berlin.
Superstars, such as Madonna, Sir Elton John and Stevie Wonder will perform in order to
highlight international poverty and debt.
(Adapted from
36. Glastonbury Festival is held inside big buildings.
A. True                        B. False
37. The Festival has been held for more than 100 years.
A. True                        B. False
38. Participants of the festival have to pay extra money for milk from the farm.
A. True                        B. False
39. In 2004, attendees paid £112 for tickets to each day of the event.
A. True                        B. False
40. Glastonbury is also held for charity purposes.
A. True                        B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers
each question.

Edinburgh Festival
Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland to be
part of the Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August the city is filled with
actors and artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest arts
festival in the UK. During this time the streets of the city are alive with music and dance
from early morning until late at night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the
streets. One of the best parts of the Festival is the 'Fringe', where students do comedy
shows in small halls and cafes.
Tens of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to see new films, plays and hear
music played by famous musicians. This year, you can see over eight hundred
performances with actors from more than sixty countries.
The tickets for these performances are quite cheap, and it is usually easier to see your
favourite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to Edinburgh next summer,
but remember it can be hard to find a room, so why not book your hotel now.

41.How long is the Edinburgh Festival?

A. Less than a month.
B. A month.
C. More than a month.

42.Why do actors and artists come to the Festival?

a. It is the biggest in the world.
b. It is the biggest in Europe.
c. It is the biggest in Britain.
43.Who takes part in the 'Fringe'?
a. Students.
b. Famous Artists.
c. Famous Actors.
44.How many performers are there this
A. Less than eight hundred
a. About eight hundred performances.
b. Over eight hundred performances.
45.What are difficult to find during the Festival?
a. Places to stay.
b. Tickets for the shows.
c. Famous people.

Choose the question (A, B, C or D) for the underlined part of the given sentence.
46. She stayed at home because she was sick.
A. Why she stayed at home?
B. Why did she stay at home?
C. Why at home she stayed?
D. Why at home did she stay?
47. I am going to buy 12 eggs.
A. How many eggs are you going to buy?
B. How many eggs you are going to buy?
C. How much eggs are you going to buy?
D. How much eggs you are going to buy?
48. Tony admires Celine Dion.
A. Who does admire Celine Dion?
B. Who is admire Celine Dion?
C. Who admires Celine Dion?
D. Who admire Celine Dion?
49. His son broke a vase.
A. Who broke the vase?
B. Whose broke the vase?
C. Whose is broke the vase?
D. Whose son broke the vase?
50. They walk to work every day.
A. How they to work every day?
B. How do they to work every day?
C. How do they go to work every day?
D. How do they walk to work every day?
_____The end_____

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