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BS Bio

Activity 1
Instruction: Write in the oval the words that first come into your mind when you heard the word
“Ecology.” In the space below, provide brief explanations for each word.


1.) Species co-evolve with other species with the aid of biotic and abiotic factors.
2.) Highest hierarchy is composed of lower corresponding hierarchy. Each level affects the
status of the higher level next to it.
3.) In ecosystem, there are no set points. There is no exact condition where and how to
begin. Ecosystem balances itself 3.Homeorhesis
4.) Each organism interacts with every other organism that is in the ecosystem from the
sources of food to the decomposers.


1. How does our world work around us?

Our world works extraordinarily complex and this is what brings its inhabitants together.
Meaning there are really no isolated places here for an island is minutely affected by the
things that are happening to another island. Our world is a complex system in which one
part of it plays a big role in the survival/performance of the other part.

2. How are we shaped our surroundings?

Environment plays vital role in affecting human lives. From the food we eat, to the
shelter we have and to the perspectives that a certain part of environment shares with
us. Environment changes from time to time so we also are, humans learn to deal with
what the environment gives us by trying to manipulate the environment itself; most of the
time the results are favorable for us but not for other wildlife organisms.

3. How do our actions change our environment?

Evolution made way to the development of a gene that in turn develops very complex
brain, so complex that it alters everything it wants to alter including the DNA for its own
survival. By our existence alone, we are already changing our environment by becoming
the most dominant and most complex organism in this planet. Our actions, however
really depend on what or how much change we want to see and it also drastically affects
the environment.

Instruction: Create an ecosystem model of this aquarium using energy language
symbols. Use separate paper or the back portion of this page.

Light energy
coming from
the bulb. Fish Food


(Vascular and non-


Heat Sink

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