Bahasa Inggris II

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NamaMahasiswa : Ratna Kusumaningtias

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 044261592

Kode/NamaMataKuliah : SKOM4209/Bahasa Inggris II

Kode/NamaUPBJJ : Purwokerto

MasaUjian : 2022/23.2 (2023.1)


1. Identifikasi jenis NOUN dengan memilih
- proper nouns
- common nouns
- material nouns
- atau collective noun
pada kata yang digaris bawah pada kalimat berikut ini:
1. This basketball team includes three players who are from Indonesia. (collective noun)
2. Of all the places I’ve lived, Bali was best. (proper nouns)
3. This ring is made of gold and diamond. (material nouns)
4. Let’s go to watch a live football at the stadium. (common nouns)

Identifikasi jenis ADJECTIVE dengan memilih

- distributive adjective
- possessive adjective
- demontrative adjective
- quantitative adjective
- numeral adjective
- descriptive adjective
pada kata yang digaris bawah pada kalimat berikut ini:
1. Kartini has many pens in her large bag. (quantitative adjective)
2. There were seven patients in the doctor's waiting room and Max was the first.
(numeral adjective)
3. Every person in the room was astonished. (distributive adjective)
4. This day could not get any better. (demontrative adjective)
5. We caught a running kangaroo. (possessive adjective)
6. If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends but enemies. (descriptive

Identifikasi jenis VERB dengan memilih

- simple form
- simple past
- past participle
- present participle
pada kata yang digaris bawah pada kalimat berikut ini:
1. When I got home my family had already eaten. (present participle)
2. Grandma tells the children a story every morning. (simple form)
3. The managers have seen all the candidates. (simple past)
4. My father watched news on the TV last night. (past participle)
Identifikasi jenis ADVERB dengan memilih
- Adverb of Manner
- Adverb of Place
- Adverb of Time
- Adverb of Frequency
- Adverb of Certainty
- Adverb of Degree
pada kata yang digaris bawah pada kalimat berikut ini:
1. It rained heavily the day before yesterday, but yesterday the sky is very clear.
(Adverb of Time)
2. He has probably forgotten the moment. (Adverb of Certainty)
3. She usually shops for groceries on Saturday mornings. (Adverb of Frequency)
4. The boys ran happily towards their friends. (Adverb of Manner)
5. I looked around but I couldn't see the monkey. (Adverb of Place)
6. I will totally support you. (Adverb of Degree)

2. 1. Studies = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek

2. reading for pleasure = pronoun “It” sebagai objek
3. a big difference = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
4. evidence = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
5. children = pronoun “It” sebagai objek
6. a broader vocabulary =pronoun “It” sebagai subjek.
7. general knowledge = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
8. a better understanding of other cultures =pronoun “It” sebagai objek
9. reading for pleasure =pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
10. I = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
11. You = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
12. a huge difference =pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
13. Parents = pronoun “It” sebagai objek
14. it =pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
15. they = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
16. babies = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
17. their parents' voices =pronoun “It” sebagai objek
18. Reading to your baby from birth =pronoun “It” sebagai subjek
19. Them =pronoun “It” sebagai objek
20. their exposure to language = pronoun “It” sebagai subjek

3. Isilah titik-titik berikut ini dengan do, does, did, am, is atau are
1. We are new here. We don’t know everybody.
2. Jenny speaks English, French, and Italian, but she does not speak German.
3. Smith and I do brothers.
4. Where did Siti live last year? In New York
5. Does Rice grow in cold climates?
6. The shops do sell that brand again.
7. The dog and the cat are in the backyard.
8. The girls haves bad breath because they do not often brush their teeth.
9. It is really a cheap restaurant, it doesn’t cost much to eat there.
10. I have a fax machine, and I am often use it

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