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Ankit Pandey | 29 Jan 2023

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Test Name::


Finish State: Normal Test Taken on: January 29, 2023 01:06:34 PM IST

Ankit Pandey

Last Name: Pandey

PGID: 92310083

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Question-Wise Details

Section 1 1 1m 5s 0/1
Section #1 question(s) Time taken Marks Scored

Question 1 Not Attempted

Case for Mumbai Cohort - MGTO Exam

Click on the link above to see the case study.

Your questions starts from next section.



Best answer Correct answer

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Question-Wise Details

Section 2 15 18m 54s 26/30

Section #2 question(s) Time taken Marks Scored

Question 1 Time taken: 32s Marks Scored: 2/2

When your subordinate asks you to make a decision on an issue that is part of his/her own work duties, an effective way to increase your discretionary
time as a manager is to tell the person that you will think about it and will get back to him/her later.





Question 2 Time taken: 56s Marks Scored: 2/2

Which of the following is not a “soft S” within the McKinsey 7-S framework?



Shared values/culture





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Question 3 Time taken: 1m 32s Marks Scored: 2/2

According to the ERG theory of motivation, if a role does not provide any opportunity for promotions into higher management or for higher pay,
management has no options available to use in motivating employees in that role.





Question 4 Time taken: 2m 19s Marks Scored: 0/2

At the time of the writing of the article, which of the following best describes the strength of the new culture at the level of the organization that Mr. Nardelli
has sought to implement at the Home Depot?



Strong, because the new core values are intensity held and widely shared

Medium, because the new core values are not intensity held but are widely shared

Weak, because the new core values are neither intensity held nor widely shared

Question 5 Time taken: 43s Marks Scored: 2/2

In debriefing the “cult exercise” in class, we discussed six major blocks of factors that you must manage effectively (i.e., with clarity and alignment) in order
to manage organizational culture well. Out of these, which of the following has Mr. Nardelli changed or attempted to change since taking over?



Core values/beliefs

Behavioral norms


All of the above

None of the above

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Question 6 Time taken: 2m 29s Marks Scored: 2/2

The Mumblr Display Company has set up an R&D team that is charged with developing a new display product within 6 months. According to the
punctuated equilibrium model of teams, at roughly which of the following points of time is a manager most useful in helping the team?



1.5 months into the project

3 months into the project

4.5 months into the project

5.5 months into the project

Question 7 Time taken: 55s Marks Scored: 2/2

All else being equal, which of the following teams will have the second-best level of team performance?



Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

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Question 8 Time taken: 10s Marks Scored: 2/2

A collaborating (also called problem solving) approach is the best approach to handling conflict in all situations.





Question 9 Time taken: 1m 11s Marks Scored: 2/2

According to recent meta-analyses which were mentioned in class, which of the following is closest to the average correlation between cognitive (task)
conflict and affective (interpersonal) conflict in teams?






Question 10 Time taken: 13s Marks Scored: 2/2

Please refer to the article “Renovating Home Depot.” Among the attributes that contribute to one’s personal power, which of the following does Mr. Nardelli
demonstrate the least?



Submerging ego

Energy and stamina


Track record.

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Question 11 Time taken: 12s Marks Scored: 0/2

Please refer to the article “Renovating Home Depot.” Based on the article, it would be accurate to say that Mr. Nardelli demonstrates a relatively high
tolerance for conflict (one of the sources of personal power).





Question 12 Time taken: 1m 59s Marks Scored: 2/2

You have just been sent from your company’s headquarters in Houston to its Moscow office to lead a change initiative in that unit. Having paid rapt
attention in your Management of Organizations class, you decide that you will use a pull approach in leading the change. Which of the following tactics
should you use?



Persuading and convincing the members of the unit with data that you have collected
on the profitable market opportunities in Russia

Stating clear expectations about each person’s expected contributions to the change
initiative and specifying how you will evaluate them

Using incentives and pressures to make sure that the members of the unit
understand that there will be consequences to not supporting the change

All of the above

None of the above

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Question 13 Time taken: 4m 2s Marks Scored: 2/2

All else being equal, what are the likely advantages to you of having professional network A over professional network B?



Greater access to diverse, non-redundant information

Stronger emotional support

Greater speed to consensus when you need a group decision

All of the above

None of the above

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Question 14 Time taken: 1m 4s Marks Scored: 2/2

One of the executives mentioned in the article on the Home Depot is Tom Taylor, executive vice-president for marketing and merchandising. He began his
career as a part-time Associate in the outside garden department of a store in Miami, Florida, and quickly rose through the ranks. In the process, over his
23 years at the Home Depot, he developed deep relationships with store managers throughout the company. Assuming that Mr. Nardelli has no other ties
within Home Depot when he arrives, which of the following types of centrality would building a strong tie to Mr. Taylor provide to Mr. Nardelli?



Degree centrality

Between-ness centrality

Eigenvector centrality

None of the above.

Question 15 Time taken: 29s Marks Scored: 2/2

Good friends are more useful than mere acquaintances in connecting you to good job opportunities





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Question-Wise Details

Section 3 3 2h 37m 28s 0/70

Section #3 question(s) Time taken Marks Scored

Question 1 Time taken: 1h 36m 23s Marks Scored: 0/20

In his article “ Leadership that Gets Results,” Goleman discusses six leadership styles and the situations under which each of them is appropriate. Please
identify the two leadership styles that Mr. Nardelli demonstrates the most (please name the styles), explain why you say so (2 sentences each), and
assess their appropriateness for the situation (2 sentences each). Then name two leadership styles that Mr. Nardelli is not using but should be using in
this situation, describe the styles (2 sentences each) and explain why he should be using them (2 sentences each). (20 points)

Name of the first leadership style that Mr. Nardelli demonstrates the most:

Why you say so (evidence that he demonstrates this style):

Assessment of appropriateness for the situation:

Name of the second leadership style that Mr. Nardelli demonstrates the most:

Why you say so (evidence that he demonstrates this style):

Assessment of appropriateness for the situation:

Name of the first leadership style that Mr. Nardelli is not using but should be using:

Why you say so (evidence that he does not demonstrate this style):

Why you say he should be using it in this situation:

Name of the second leadership style that Mr. Nardelli is not using but should be using:

Why you say so (evidence that he does not demonstrate this style):

Why you say he should be using it in this situation:


Style 1. The leadership style that Mr Nardelli demonstrates the most is "COERCIVE".

Reasons. Mr Nardelli is a hardtask master and is style can be summed up in the phrase "Do what I tell you". He has created hard metrics in terms of
performance (performance, operational, customer and people skills) and there is a constant focus on the making the plan (sales and profit metrics).
Secondly, he has reduced autonomy of the store managers, which they earlier enjoyed and there has been a centralisation of decision making ever
since he has taken over.

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Appropriateness. His co-ercive style stems from the context that his appointment came after the stagnation of sales of the Home Depot in the late
1990s and the falling stock prices. He was expected to be a 'Turn Around' artist and he used the style to shake up the organisational culture from
instinct based to metric based. The coercive leaders style is most effective in a crisis situation to kick start a turn around. He created a culture where
there was an extreme emphasis on targets and people were predisposed to following orders, operating in high pressure environments and executing
with high standards. His style predictably has been effective over the past 04 years or so and led the company out of the woods.

Style 2. The second leadership style which Mr Nardelli often exhibits is "Pace Setting" or "Do as I do, now".

Reasons. "He is the hardest working guy, i have ever seen" said his former boss. Nardelli sets an example of personal performance by working, late
and long. He also displays a consentiousness, a drive to excel and striving towards excellence. His metric system of performance and also
turnaround of employees is demonstrative that he pin points poor performance and takes actions as appropriate. He is also not predisposed on
awarding people.

Appropriateness. In the present context, he had to be pace setting as he was expecting a very high standard of performance from his employees as
well. In this, his affliation with the Army comes into play where in there is an emphasis on lead by example. This was required since the Home Depot
Culture when he took over was relaxed and not in sync with the stagnation of growth of the company. His pace setting style set the ball rolling and a
number of employees took notice and were motivated.

Suggested Style 1. From the present Coercive style it will be better for Mr Nardelli to move on to the "Authorative Style" which is a positive style of
functioning. The Authorative style mobilises people towards a common vision and gives considerable independence to arrive at the deliverables of
the vision. It also potrays empathy from the leader and helps the employees to become self confident and catalysts of change.

Reasons. He should be using this style more because it allows the leader to decentralises a large amount of daily decision making into the
hands of the managers (which is not the case presently) and allows the leader to focus on more strategic goals. It also develops a sense of
empowerment in leads to a greater involvement and ownership in the company's vision and growth. This inturn leads to better job satisfaction and
lower attrition(presently there is high attrition and turn around). Also from the point of improvement of customer service, this style will allow
managers to handle such issues better as it would be the part of the greater vision of the organisation.

Suggested Style 2. The second style Mr Nardelli should also adopt is the "Coaching Style" which is based on the axiom "Try This". This style is very
advantageous in the long term growth of employees performance and abilities. This style also shows empathy from the leader and shows the
involvement of the leader not just in the growth of the company but in the growth of the people also.

Reasons. The Home Depot is a market leader and is now finding avenues to diversify in the other streams of related functions. At this juncture there
will be teething issues and it will require commitment from the people to find solutions to new problems. Coaching in this kind of a scenario will help
develop employees who are empowered and committed and can be the agents catalysing changes as they emerge. Coaching also builds bonds with
the leader as he demonstrates a commitment to employee growth.

Words : 734

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Question 2 Time taken: 32m 28s Marks Scored: 0/25

The article on the Home Depot describes the company’s operations under Mr. Nardelli. Please assess what (i) the Job Characteristics Model (JCM) and
(ii) Vroom’s Expectancy Theory would each predict about the motivation levels of store managers who were in their roles prior to Mr. Nardelli’s arrival (not
the ones hired since he arrived), under the system implemented by Mr. Nardelli. Please support your assessment with specific application of the
components of each theory. (25 points)

(i) The Job Characteristics Model (JCM)

(ii) Vroom’s Expectancy Theory


(i) Job Characteristics Model

Core Job Characteristics.

Skill variety : No change : Nuetral

Task Identity (Significance) : No to little change : Slightly Low

Autonomy : Severely restricted since the arrival of Mr Nardelli since the decision making has been grossly centralised : Very Low

Feedback : Culture of fear of retribution and hence no worthwhile feedback emerging : Very Low

Critical Psycological States

All parameters such as work meanifulness, Experienced responsibility and employee growth have gone down. The system of profit goals is working
as a communicator of actual work but it also become a source of stress.

Personal and Work Outcomes based on the Motivating Potential Score is low since two factors Autonomy and Feedback have fallen
considerably and hence in the formula Skill, Task, Significance X Autonomy X Feedback will very low indicating a very low Motivation Score

(ii) Vroom's Expectacy Model

Motivation is a product of Expectancy X Instrumentality X Valence

where Expectancy is expectation of result based on effort

Instrumentality is the relation between achieving the reward based on the result

and Valence is value of the reward

In the HD case, there is no system of rewards which has been spoken about. There are targets and goals and there is a deep fear of loosing the job
incase one is not able to. The environment is deeply entrenched with fear of loosing jobs. In this scenario, there is little reward which the employees
are seeking out expect protection of their jobs.

As per the VROOMs Model

All factors of Expectancy, Instrumentality and Valence have gone down considerably since "the work place has a factory kind of setup" and the
product which signifies motivation is also predictably very low.

Words : 277

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Question 3 Time taken: 28m 36s Marks Scored: 0/25

Name the six aspects/components of a culture or cultural system discussed during the debriefing of the “cult exercise” in class. For each of the six provide
two examples (one sentence each) of how Mr. Nardelli has implemented it at the Home Depot. In addition, please discuss a connection between any two
of the six aspects/components that illustrates alignment/consistency/fit between the two (1 sentence). (25 points)







Illustration of alignment between two aspects/components:


1. Belief. Organisations can be run with a Military style precision. There is a need for a central command and control sructure with centralisation of
decision making.

2. Behaviour : His behavious is extremely demonstrative and Pace Setting. He is also extremely military minded when it comes to communication
and expectations.

3. Purpose : To turn around Home Depot operations and make Home depot a market leader by adopting a centralised and standardised model of
operations. To further branch out into contracting business as a natural extenstion of Home Depot products.

4. People: Ex Military preferred who are willing to follow orders and take directions, operate in high pressure environments and execute with high

5. Induction : Role playing excercise after first round of interview to measure effectivness. Recruiting more veterans in comparison to his

6. Reinforcing. Through Military style communication and constant reminders of its values. High stress on Weekly reports of "making the plan",
everyone being ranked on the basis of financial, operational, customer and people skills and having a higher turn around of employees who do not fit.

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Mr Nardellis belief that Home Depot shall be run with a Military Style precision with a centralised command and control structure is the right fit with
his policy of induction of veterans as they would be more affable to this style of functioning and will find more resonance. The belief and the
induction are well matched as it propogates the belief.

Words : 242

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