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Here are some notes on PAST TENSES in English:

Past tense refers to actions or events that have already happened in the past.
There are four main past tenses in English: simple past, past continuous, past
perfect, and past perfect continuous. Each of these tenses has a different
function and usage.

Simple past tense is used to describe a completed action in the past. The
formula for forming the simple past tense is to add -ed to the base form of the
verb. However, there are some irregular verbs that do not follow this rule, such
as "go" (went) and "eat" (ate). Examples of sentences in simple past tense
include: "I walked to the store" and "She played tennis yesterday."

Past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was in progress at a

specific time in the past. The formula for forming the past continuous tense is
to use "was/were" + present participle (-ing). Examples of sentences in past
continuous tense include: "I was studying when the phone rang" and "They
were watching TV when the power went out."

Past perfect tense is used to describe an action that was completed before
another action in the past. The formula for forming the past perfect tense is to
use "had" + past participle. Examples of sentences in past perfect tense include:
"She had finished her homework before she went to bed" and "They had
already left by the time we arrived."

Past perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that had been
ongoing for a period of time before another action in the past. The formula for
forming the past perfect continuous tense is to use "had been" + present
participle (-ing). Examples of sentences in past perfect continuous tense
include: "I had been working for three hours when I decided to take a break"
and "They had been waiting for the bus for over an hour when it finally
In conclusion, the four past tenses in English allow speakers and writers to
accurately convey when an action or event occurred in the past, and in what
context. It is important to use the correct past tense in order to accurately
communicate past events and avoid confusion.

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