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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 1

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


This feasibility study is the product of combined ideas of the researchers. In which different

concepts from different individuals were compiled together in this document. This paper consists

of important and detailed information needed for managing a start-up business.

The researchers came up with the concept of opening a teahouse. The said business will be

named as “Binger’s Base” which will be under the company of “Circle 11”. This paper contains

the mission and vision of the company, which will be the factors for existing. In addition to that,

the goals and objectives will serve as its primary fuel to continue its operation. It also stated in

here about the products that the business would be offering, the packaging, and the prices of food

served in the menu. The number of employees needed to operate the business, the salaries and

benefits of the employees and some motivational strategies, these are all essential in managing the

business so the researchers carefully analyzed each of it. All expenses that will be used in here are

listed in the financial report such as raw materials that was purchased, machineries, supplies, and

equipment. The details that are giving the clear picture of what will be the store actually looks like

are also included in here.

Everything that was mentioned in here was for the launching and operating a successful

business someday.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 2

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Historical Background

The birth of tea in China Tea was often thought as being a quintessentially British drink,

and we have been drinking it for over 350 years, but in fact, the history of tea goes much further

back. The story of tea begins in China. According to a legend, in 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor

Shen Nung was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water. When some leaves

from the tree blew into the water, Shen Nung, a renowned herbalist, decided to try the infusion

that his servant had accidentally created. The tree was a Camellia sinensis, and the resulting drink

was what we now call tea. It is impossible to know if there is any truth in this story. Many centuries

had passed after the launching of drinking teas in China; it was spread throughout the western

countries. Containers of the teas had been found in tombs dating from the Han dynasty (206 BC -

220 AD) but it was under the Tang dynasty (618-906 AD). Tea was officially established as the

national drink of China and it became a favorite drink during the late eighth century. In addition

to that, a writer called Lu Yu wrote the first book about tea, and was entitled as Ch'aChing, or Tea

Classic. Japanese Buddhist monks who travelled in China to study - first introduced tea in Japan.

Tea drinking has become a vital part of Japanese culture, as seen in the development of the Tea

Ceremony, which may be rooted in the rituals described in the Ch'aChing.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 3

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Company Objectives

i. To reduce the employee’s turnover by 10% by introducing new employee

assistance programs or seminars within the next 6 months of operation.
ii. To be ahead from one of the competitors after 3yrs of operation.
iii. To reduce customer’s complaint by 10% per month by reviewing their feedbacks
and putting a suggestions box inside the store.
iv. To get a return on investment after 3years.
v. To gain future investors after 3 years of operation.



A tea house that is well known for serving varieties of tea based beverages that suits
for all generations and offers healthy, delectable, and will quench the thirst of our customers.


To become one of the well-known tea houses in Metro Manila that serves flavorful
choices of beverages and will give the consumers a remarkable experience inside the store.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 4

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Name of the Company


Eleven- is a numeric figure that symbolizes our group which represents each one
of us.

C -Stands for circle. And by circle, it means the partners are united as one. It also
means wholeness which pertains to the unity of our group.

Organizational Logo

The dark blue and light blue color of the letter C represents cleanliness of the tea that we
serve, and can create a sense of relaxation. Light yellow of the word ELEVEN represents happiness
of our customers. Dark green lining represents the growth of our business in the market.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 5

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Business name

Binger’s Base

Binger’s Base is a tea-based house that offers variety of tea-based drinks and serves

delectable side dishes that aims to satisfy the taste buds of the customers. Binger’s comes from the

word “Binge” which means a short period of time when you do too much of something or to eat,

drink, or simply, too much in a short period of time; while Base is referring to a place or an area.

Combining these two words, Binger’s Base will be a place for those who likes to eat or drink in a

short period of time.

Business logo

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 6

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Black Color – represent the strength of the business. It’s also represent the formality and

sophistically way of serving the product to the customers.

Cursive – represents consistent relationship or bond of the business with the customers.

Tea Leaf – represent the Tea based products.

Buildings – represents the surroundings of the business and the modernity of the facilities.

Small Circles – Represent the 11 owners of the business.

White Color of the word “Binger’s Base” – represents the cleanliness of the business.

Different colors of the small circles – represents different varieties of Tea-based beverages and

side dishes.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 7

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Integrated marketing propositions

“Tealiciously made for you” will be our business’ tag line. This serves as a

welcoming message for our customers to make them feel special and appreciated. The word

‘deliciously’ was changed to ‘tealiciously’ to give consumers a hint that we offer tea based

beverages and the phrase ‘made for you’ means that we made each of our product delicious for

whoever reads the phrase.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 8

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Location of the business

The location of our business “Binger’s Base” is located at One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284

Samson Road Caloocan city.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 9

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 10

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


The business partners came up with different marketing strategies that are going to use in order

to overcome the struggles as a new entrant. Objectives and goals were set to give the business a

direction and a clear vision of what it intends to achieve. The demand was thoroughly studied as

well as the supply; it was to determine what would be our position in the industry. After

determining who will be our competitors, we proceed on observing and studying their strengths

and weaknesses to gather the data needed in computing the market share. The products that we

will be offering in the market, the different marketing programs to build a relationship with our

customers while earning profit or sales, the prices of each products and how we come up with such

selling price was all stated in here.

The 4P’s of Marketing will be the highlight of this aspect. This is one of the important parts

of this paper for it will determine if the business will be able to generate an income and if it will

be able to overcome the challenges brought by the competition. Overall, this aspect will have a big

part in determining the success of the business.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 11

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

I. Marketing objectives

i. To achieve a return on the expenses used in advertising after 1 year.

ii. To achieve a return on capital within the span of 3 years of operation.
iii. To increase 3% of market share within the span of three years.
iv. To have a 2% increase in sales every year.
v. To increase 25% of consumer awareness in CAMANAVA every 1 year.

II. Marketing description

Binger’s Base is the name of the business and was located at Caloocan City (South); our

business will be offering different varieties of tea-based beverages as well as side dishes like pasta,

finger foods and cupcakes. The prices of the products are set lower than the competitors’ prices

for it can easily attract the consumers. The target markets of this business are those consumers who

belong in the B & C class. We served the products in new and convenient way on capturing

potential customers. We used various communication tools like advertisements, and online

campaigns that will be our strategy to promote the business.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 12

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

III. Projection factors

Business Name: “Binger’s Base”

Area Base Year Population Growth Rate

Caloocan City 2018 364,724 1.18%

Projected Population
Historical Population
Year Population
Year Population
2019 369,028
2017 360,471
2016 356,267 2020 373,383
2015 352,112 2021 377,789
2014 347,957 2022 382,247
2013 343,851 2023 386,757

Profile Filtration
Population Filtration 364,724
Age Bracket 15-24 (Based on Survey) 79%
Income Class B & C (Based on Survey) 83%
2019 Filtered Population 239,150

Incremental Growth Rate: 1.18%

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 13

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Actual Demand
Target Market/ Market Demand 73,823
Divide 12 12
No. of months 7
2019 Actual Demand 43,063


*Binger’s Base will start its operation on June 2019.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 14

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Historical Population
Year Population
2017 360,471
2016 356,267
2015 352,112
2014 347,957
2013 343,851


*2018 Population - 364,724

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 15

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Projected Population

Year Population

2019 369,028

2020 373,383

2021 377,789

2022 382,247

2023 386,757


*2018 Population - 364,724

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 16

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

VII. Supply

Base Year Area Supply Growth Rate

2018 Caloocan City 606,049 1.18%

Projected Supply
Year Supply
2019 613,200
2020 620,436
2021 627,757
2022 635,164
2023 642,659

Industry Players Operating Hours Seating Capacity Average Stay Daily Monthly Annual
ILoveMilkTea 11 25 1 hour 275 8,250 99,000
DinePlay 11 120 1 hour 1,320 39,600 475,200
YourSpace 11 70 1 hour 770 23,100 277,200
HideOuts 11 80 1 hour 880 26,400 316,800

Total 1,168,200

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 17

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Industry Players Operating Hours Seating Capacity Average Stay Daily Monthly Annual
ILoveMilkTea 11 25 1 hour 275 8,250 100,168
DinePlay 11 120 1 hour 1320 39,600 480,807
YourSpace 11 70 1 hour 770 23,100 280,471
HideOuts 11 80 1 hour 880 26,400 320,538
Binger's Base 11 50 1 hour 550 16,500 115,500

Total 1,297,485


*The Binger’s Base will start its operation on June 2019.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 18

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Industry Players Operating Hours Seating Capacity Average Stay Daily Monthly Annual
ILoveMilkTea 11 25 1 hour 275 8,250 101,350
DinePlay 11 120 1 hour 1320 39,600 486,481
YourSpace 11 70 1 hour 770 23,100 283,781
HideOuts 11 80 1 hour 880 26,400 324,321
Binger's Base 11 55 1 hour 605 18,150 220,164

Total 1,396,296


*Binger’s Base will fully operate in the year 2020.

*Binger’s Base will increase its seating capacity by 5% in the year 2020.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 19

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Industry Players Operating Hours Seating Capacity Average Stay Daily Monthly Annual
ILoveMilkTea 11 25 1 hour 275 8,250 102,546
DinePlay 11 120 1 hour 1320 39,600 492,221
YourSpace 11 70 1 hour 770 23,100 287,129
HideOuts 11 80 1 hour 880 26,400 328,148
Binger's Base 11 60 1 hour 660 19,800 240,404

Total 1,412,772


*Binger’s Base will increase its seating capacity by 9.5% in the year 2021.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 20

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Industry Players Operating Hours Seating Capacity Average Stay Daily Monthly Annual
ILoveMilkTea 11 25 1 hour 275 8,250 103,756
DinePlay 11 120 1 hour 1320 39,600 498,030
YourSpace 11 70 1 hour 770 23,100 290,517
HideOuts 11 80 1 hour 880 26,400 332,020
Binger's Base 11 65 1 hour 715 21,450 260,437
Total 1,429,443


*Binger’s Base increase its seating capacity by 9% in the year 2022.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 21

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

VIII. Competitor’s analysis

A Galaxy Theme Cafe, is a cozy place to relax

and enjoy with its crib style comfort just like at

A store that sells delectable meals and

beverages, and at the same time, they let you
play board games. This store has two types of
tables, the first is the traditional table and the
other one is the Japanese styled tables (the one
that let you sit on the floor).

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 22

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

A tea shop that offers a delicious, high quality,

healthy and freshly – made tea drinks for

This café used mosses and woods to amplify the

ambiance of the café. The café also features
accessible board games and puzzles which
prevents you from getting bored while waiting
for the food to be served.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 23

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114




Year established: -Combos P15- P135 Location of the Social media accts:

2017 business:
-Rice Meals Facebook:

Years of operation: 1 -Unit 203 Uni

-Burgers and Fries 13,300+ likes and
year Center Bldg.
Samson Road,
Branches: None
-Pasta Caimito St.,

Caloocan City Instagram: none


-Beverages (Iced tea,

Milk Tea, Milk Establishments Twitter: none

Shake) nearby:



-Dine Play

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 24

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

-Scrabbler Cafe

-Land Bank


-the space is not

too big yet it can

accommodate a lot

of customers with

its 70 seating



-galaxy themed

-crib style seats

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 25

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Year established: -Rice Meals P15- P149 Location of the Social media accts:

2017 business:
-Pasta Facebook:

Years of operation: 1 - 100 Samson

-Sandwiches 2,400+ likes and
year Road, Caloocan
-Snacks and
Branches: None

-Frappes (coffee free Instagram:

and coffee based)
50+ followers
-Milk Tea (5 flavors)
-Land Bank
Twitter: none
-UE Auto Supply
-Emans Cafe

-Your Space


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 26

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

-has a seating

capacity of 120 and

is the biggest

among the




-dim lights

-traditional tables

-Japanese styled


-2 storey business

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 27

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


-Milk teas P60-P80 Location of the -social media accts:

Year established: business:

-Yogurt teas Facebook-
- 182 Ma. Clara St.
12,000+ likes and
Years of operation: 5 Cor. 11 ave. East
years Grace Park, Brgy.

90 District 7,
Caloocan City
-Santa Cruz, Metro


-Sampaloc, Manila
-Quezon City, Metro
-Shrine of our Lady
of Grace Parish
-Paso de blas,



Caloocan - can only

accommodate few

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 28

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

-Sta. Ignacia, customers with its

Quezon City 25 seating capacity

- Timog Quezon


-Poblacion 2,
-green and white
-Shaw Blvd,
-casual lights
-Pulang Lupa, Las


-GenT de leon,


-Cubao, Quezon City

Ave., Novaliches

-Marikina, Metro

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 29

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

HIDEOUT -Rice Meals P25-P320 Location of the Social media accts:

Year established: -Sandwiches - Sabalo Caloocan, Facebook:
1460 Metro Manila
-Couple Basket 10,900+ likes and

Years of operation: 3 (Nachos, Mojoes, & followers

years tuna/ham) nearby:

-Nice Hotel
Branches: -Appetizers

-Caimito Rd., -Pasta -Caloocan Bible

Caloocan City

-Samson Rd., Size:

Caloocan City - second to the
largest among the
-Iced Coffee
competitors. Has a
-Malingap Teachers
seating capacity of
-Hot beverages 80.
Villages, Quezon
-Milk teas
-Gen. Luna St.,
-nature type
-tables and chairs
are made of woods

-vintage styled

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 30

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Comparative Pricing Analysis

Your Space


Combos Price

Chicken Rice – Fries – Pasta – Iced Tea P125.00

Burger Steak Rice – Fries – Pasta – Iced Tea P125.00

Cheeseburger – Fries – Pasta – Iced Tea P135.00

Rice Meals

Burger Steak P65.00

Chicken Gravy Rice P65.00

Soy Garlic Chicken Rice P65.00

Spicy Pepper Chicken Rice P65.00

*Add Ons

Iced Tea P12.00

Extra Rice P15.00


YS Original Burger P65.00

YS Cheese Burger P75.00

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 31

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

*Add Ons
Ice Tea and Fries P30.00
Your Space Salad P70.00
Spaghetti Meat Sauce P75.00
Carbonara P75.00
Cheesy Fries P60.00
Nachos Overload P80.00
Friescream P70.00
Friespaghetti P80.00
Graham Ala Mode P55.00
Cotton Candy Burrito P65.00
Iced Tea P15.00
Milky Way Tea P60.00
Hazelnut Frappucino P80.00
Black hole Shake P80.00
ASPC P68.28

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 32

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Dine Play


Buffalo Wings (with rice) Price

Honey Soy P79.00

Garlic Parmesan P79.00

Cheddar Jalapeño P79.00

Classic Hot P79.00

Sriracha Garlic P79.00

Half Dozen (2 flavors w/o rice) P149.00

Rice Meals

Longganisa P55.00

Beef Tapa P79.00

Porkchop P79.00

Fish Fillet P79.00


Tuna Pesto P85.00

Carbonara P95.00

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 33

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Grilled Cheese P55.00

Clubhouse P95.00

Snacks & Appetizers

Fries P55.00

Churros P55.00

Fried Oreos P55.00

S'mores P65.00

Nachos P85.00

Mojos P85.00

Waffle P85.00


Rice Meals P15.00

Pearls P15.00

Iced Tea P25.00

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 34

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Dine Play


Frappes Price

Coffee – Free 16oz 20oz

Chocolate Chip P89.00 P115.00

Choco Peanut P89.00 P115.00

Vanilla Oreo P89.00 P115.00

Creamy Matcha P110.00 P135.00

Dark Chocolate P110.00 P135.00

Coffee – Based

Java Chip P110.00 P135.00

Hazelnut P110.00 P135.00

Caramel P110.00 P135.00

Mocha P110.00 P135.00

Cappucino P110.00 P135.00


Brewed Coffee P65.00


Pearl Milk Tea P65.00 P75.00

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 35

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Hokkaido P70.00 P80.00

Taro P80.00 P90.00

Honeydew P80.00 P90.00

Wintermelon P90.00 P105.00


Café Latte P99.00 P120.00

Mocha P99.00 P120.00

Caramel Macchiato P110.00 P135.00

Choco Macadamia P110.00 P135.00

Coffee Hazelnut P110.00 P135.00


Avocado P89.00 P115.00

Wintermelon P89.00 P115.00

Strawberry P110.00 P135.00

Mix Berries P110.00 P135.00

ASPC P95.81

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 36

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Rice Meals Price
Burger 90
Chicken 80
Beef Tapa 80
Porkchop 80
Spam & Bacon 80
Tocino 80
Fish Fillet 80
Chicken Fillet 80
Shanghai Rolls 65
Longganisa 55
Hotdog 55
Clubhouse 90
Bacon & Egg 60
Bacon & Cheese 55
Bacon 50
Ham & Egg 55
Ham & Cheese 50
Ham 40
Tuna 40
Couple Basket
Nachos, Mojoes& Tuna/Ham 185

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 37

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Appetizers Price
Chicken & Chips 120
Fish & Chips 110
Crispy Chicken Wings 110
Chicken Lollipop 110
Nachos 90
Mozzarella Poppers 85
Bacon Cheese Fries 85
Mojoes 80
Pizza Roll 80
Jalapeño Poppers 80
French Fries 60
Hotdog Roll 55
Hash Brown 25
Lasagna 110
Baked Mac 100
Carbonara 100
Snack Basket
Mojoes, French Fries, Pizza Roll, Nachos 290
Bacon Cheese Fries 320

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 38

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Frappe Price
Choco Hazelnut Oreo 125
Black Forest 125
MatchaKitkat 125
Choco Kitkat 120
Strawberry Kitkat 120
Hazelnut Oreo 120
Dark Mocha 120
Java Chip 120
Mocha Cookie Crumble 115
Mocha 115
Yogurt 115
Mango & Cream 110
Strawberry & Cream 110
Blueberry & Cream 110
Choco Hazelnut 110
Oreo Overload 110
Strawberry Oreo 110
Matcha Green Tea 110
Winter Freeze 110
Okinawa 105
Cookies & Cream 105
Peppermint 105

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 39

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Choco Strawberry 105

Double Dutch 105

Coffee Caramel 105

Coffee Hazelnut 105

French Vanilla 105

Choco Mint 105

Dark Chocolate 105

Chocolate 100

Choco Mousse 100

Strawberry Mousee 95

Caramel 95

Strawberry 90

Choco Taro 90

Vanilla 85

Taro 85

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 40

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Passion Yogurt 75

Strawberry Passion 70

Lychee 70

Citrus Green Tea 40

Red Ice Tea 40

Iced Coffee

Mocha 80

Coffee Caramel 80

Coffee Hazelnut 80

French Vanilla 75

Hot Beverages

Dark Mocha 75
Mocha 70
Coffee Caramel 70
Coffee Hazelnut 70
Coffee Vanilla 70
Caramel 65
Dark Chocolate 65
Chocolate 50

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 41

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Milk Tea

Choco Hazelnut Oreo 90

Dark Mocha 90

Black Forest 90

Mocha 85

Hazelnut Oreo 85

Coffee Caramel 85

Coffee Hazelnut 85

Choco Hazelnut 85

Okinawa 80

Yogurt 80

Dark Chocolate 80

Caramel 80

Oreo 80

Hazelnut 80

Strawberry Oreo 80

Wintermelon 80

Blueberry 80

Strawberry Choco 80

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 42

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Honeydew 80

Chocolate 80

Choco Mint 80

Peppermint 80

Double Dutch 80

Choco Taro 80

Mango 80

Taro 75

Strawberry 75

Vanilla 75

ASPC P90.63

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 43

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Menu Price

Milk Tea Large Extra Large

Royal 60 70

Wintermelon 60 70

Premium 60 70

Roasted 60 70

Hazelnut 60 70

Caramel 60 70

Vanilla 60 70

Taro 60 70

Chocolate 60 70

Mocha 60 70

Honeydew 60 70

Coffee 60 70

Strawberry 60 70

Mango 60 70

Coffee Caramel 60 70

Cookies & Cream 60 70

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Mochaccino 60 70

Black Forest 60 70

Double Dutch 60 70

Choco Oats 60 70

Banoffee Mudslide 60 70

Choco Fudge Sundae 60 70

Salted Caramel 60 70

TuttiFrutti 60 70

Choco Mousse 60 70

Choco Java 60 70

Tiramisu 60 70

Belgian Chocolate 60 70

Toffee Nut 60 70

Caffe Macchiato 60 70

Caramel Fudge 60 70

French Vanilla 60 70

Mocha Fudge Ripple 60 70

Dark Choco Cookie 60 70

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Popping Yogurt Tea Large Extra Large

Lychee 70 80

Strawberry 70 80

Mango 70 80

Peach Mango 70 80

Four Seasons 70 80

Fruit Tea

Green Apple 60 70

Wintermelon 60 70

Strawberry 60 70

Lychee 60 70

Mango 60 70

Peach Mango 60 70

Four Seasons 60 70

ASPC P66.09

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Binger’s Base
Product Price

Regular Large Extra

Powdered Milk Tea

BANOFFEE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

BELGIAN P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

BLACK FOREST P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CAFÉ MACCHIATO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO JAVA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO MOUSSE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO OATS P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCOLATE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COFFEE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COFFEE CARAMEL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COOKIES AND CREAM P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

DARK CHOCO COOKIE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

DOUBLE DUTCH P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

FRENCH VANILLA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

HOT FUDGE SUNDAE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

MOCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MOCHA FUDGE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MOCHACCINO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

PREMIUM P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

ROYAL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

SALTED CARAMEL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

TARO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

TIRAMISU P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

Matcha Regular Large Extra

COOKIE MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COFFEE MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MILKY MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Fruit Tea Regular Large Extra

FOUR SEASONS P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

GREEN APPLE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

LYCHEE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MANGO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

PEACH MANGO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

STRAWBERRY P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

TUTTI FRUTTI P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

RASPBERRY P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

WINTERMELON P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Syrup Milk Tea Regular Large Extra


CARAMEL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

HAZELNUT P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

HONEYDEW P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MANGO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

STRAWBERRY P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

VANILLA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

WINTERMELON P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Frappe Large Extra


CAPPUCCINO P90.00 P100.00

JAVA CHIP P90.00 P100.00



DARK MOCHA P90.00 P100.00

CHOCO MARBLE P90.00 P100.00

OREO P90.00 P100.00





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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Side Dishes
FRIES P65.00
OREO P89.00
ASPC P79.03

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


2019 Filtration Population 239,150

Acceptability Rate 96%

Acceptability Population 229,584

Target Market
Acceptability Population 229,584
Affordability Bracket How much are you willing
77.00% to spend when buying a tea
based drink with side

Ambiance Bracket What ambiance of the
58.00% store do you feel most

Frequency of Buying How often do you buy in a
72.00% tea house?

Target Market/Market Demand 73,823

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Acceptability Rate

Our Tea based store offers different Tea based drinks and side Yes
dishes, have board games, books and open mic event in the
evening. Are you willing to go and buy in our Tea based store? No

Options Frequency Percentage Cumulative Frequency

Yes 192 96% 96%

No 8 4% 4%

Total 200 100% 4%

Unserved Market

Acceptability Population 229,584 100.00%

Target Market/ Market 73,823 32.16%
Unserved Market 155,761 67.84%

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Industry Players Operating Hours ASPC

ILoveMilkTea 11 P66.09
DinePlay 11 P95.81
YourSpace 11 P68.28
HideOuts 11 P90.63
Binger’s Base 11 P79.25

Average Average
Average Average
Industry Operating Sales Per Peak Slack Customers Customers Company Industry Market
Customers Customers
Players Hours Transaction Hour Hour Per Per Sale Sale Share
Per Hour Per Day
Month Annum
ILoveMilkTea 66.09 41 17
11 29 320 9,611 115,335 7,622,490 41,753,017 18.26%
DinePlay 95.81 51 23
11 37 408 12,251 147,015 14,085,507 41,753,017 33.74%
YourSpace 68.28 32 10
11 21 230 6,889 82,665 5,644,366 41,753,017 13.52%
HideOuts 90.63 63 18
11 41 441 13,241 158,895 14,400,654 41,753,017 34.49%

Total 41,753,017 167,012,069 100.00%

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Market Share 2018


33.74% YourSpace

13.52% HideOuts

In the year 2018, HideOuts has a market share of 34.49%, followed by DinePlay with

33.74%, ILoveMilkTea 18.26% and YourSpace 13.52%. This only shows that HideOuts has the

highest market share in the year 2018.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Average Average
Average Average
Industry Operating Sales Per Peak Slack Customers Customers Company Industry Market
Customers Customers
Players Hours Transaction Hour Hour Per Per Sale Sale Share
Per Hour Per Day
Month Annum
ILoveMilkTea 66.09 41 17
11 29 319 9,570 136,095 8,994,538 55,126,720 16.32%
DinePlay 95.81 51 23
11 37 407 12,210 173,478 16,620,898 55,126,720 30.15%
YourSpace 68.28 32 10
11 21 231 6,930 97,545 6,660,352 55,126,720 12.08%
HideOuts 90.63 63 18
11 41 446 13,365 187,496 16,992,772 55,126,720 30.82%
Binger's Base 11 79.25 47 17 32 352 10.63%
10,560 73,920 5,858,160 55,126,720

Total 55,126,720 220,506,882 100.00%

Market Share 2019

10.63% 16.32%
30.82% DinePlay
30.15% YourSpace
Binger's Base

In the year 2018, HideOuts has a market share of 30.82%, followed by DinePlay with

30.15%, ILoveMilkTea 16.32%, YourSpace 12.08% and Binger’s Base with 10.63%. This only

shows that HideOuts has the highest market share in the year 2019.

*The Binger’s Base will start its operation on June 2019.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Average Average
Average Average
Industry Operating Sales Per Peak Slack Customers Customers Company Industry Market
Customers Customers
Players Hours Transaction Hour Hour Per Per Sale Sale Share
Per Hour Per Day
Month Annum
ILoveMilkTea 66.09 41 17
11 29 319 9,570 160,592 10,613,555 68,179,461 15.57%
DinePlay 95.81 51 23
11 37 407 12,210 204,704 19,612,660 68,179,461 28.77%
YourSpace 68.28 32 10
11 21 231 6,930 115,103 7,859,215 68,179,461 11.53%
HideOut 90.63 63 18
11 41 446 13,365 221,245 20,051,470 68,179,461 29.41%
Binger's Base 11 79.25 47 17 32 352
10,560 126,720 10,042,560 68,179,461 14.73%

Total 68,179,461 272,717,845 100.00%

Market Share 2020

14.73% 15.57%
29.41% 28.77%
Binger's Base

In the year 2018, HideOut has a market share of 29.41%, followed by DinePlay with

28.77%, ILoveMilkTea 15.57%, YourSpace 11.53% and Binger’s Base with 14.73%. This only

shows that HideOut has the highest market share in the year 2029.

*Binger’s Base will fully operate in the year 2020.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Comfortable ambiance  Contamination of raw materials
 Reasonable product price  Absentees of employees
 Accommodative customer service  New entrant
 New variety of products  Improper process of finish dishes
 Experience of employee and beverages


 Consumer innovators  Climate

 Market expansion  Competitors
 Alternative sources of raw materials  Increase in price of raw materials
 Seminars and team buildings  Negative feedback
 Future investors

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Comfortable ambiance and new  Future investors can help the business
varieties can help to attract consumer by supporting it financially for latest
innovators who are open for a new equipment’s which can lessen
experience. contamination of products.
 Seminars/ team building can enhance  Seminars/Teambuilding’s can develop
the employee’s performance when it the discipline on every employee to
comes to customer service relations lessen absences.
 Alternative source of raw materials can  Consumer innovators can be of use for
be of use for affordable resources and the business as for being a new entrant.
can help the business to offer reasonable These consumers are always interested
product price. on new offerings.
 Future investors can support the
business in developing their facilities for
a one of a kind experience in side tea
 New varieties of product will attract
consumer innovators who are open to
new products in the market.
 Alternative sources of raw materials
may open an opportunity for lower cost
that helps the company in terms of

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Always have an update about the  Have an update on the weather report to

weather to maintain the quality of the avoid contamination of raw materials.

products.  Develop back up marketing plans and

 Accommodate customer service be of strategies.

help to lessen and manage negative


 Market expansion can help the business

to increase its market and to sustain its


 Having alternatives in Raw materials

will help the business to prevent

additional expenses on some raw

materials that have increased.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XIII. Market Segmentation



 City  Caloocan City

 City size  90 Barangays
 Area classification  3970.9 Hectares
 Region  Urbanized City/Commercial area
 Country  National Capital Region (NCR)
 Philippines


 Age  15 y/old to 60 y/old

 Income  Class B and C
 Sex  Male and Female
 Religion  All Religion


 Traits  Tea lover

 Values/attitudes  Customer Innovators
 Interest

BEHAVIORAL  Unwinders

 Knowledge & perception

 Attitude

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Breaking down the market into segments according to age, gender, income and status.


There are near college universities in the location of the business which leads to target
students who are senior high and also college students. This business helps the students to
enjoy and refreshed their mind from their studies.


This business is perfect for the employees who don’t have enough time to unwind and
relax. This business can help them realize that relaxing with a zip of tea can make their day


Caloocan City

The business is located at One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan

City. This place was chosen by the researchers because it is near Monumento Circle, which is a

roundabout and it is the intersection of four (4) cities (Caloocan, Malabon, Valenzuela, and Quezon

City). The place was located along the highway that is accessible to all consumers like students

and employees. It is near a bus terminal (Victory Liner) and Jeepney terminals, schools (UE, STI,

GRC, ACCESS and MCU) and malls (Victory Mall, Araneta Square, SM Hypermarket and SM


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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


This business looks forward to those consumer innovators who are willing to try new offers

in the market.


This business targets those consumers who love to hang out and those people who are fond

of entertainments like watching performances on stage while sipping their favorite tea.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XIV. Market Mix Strategy

Product Overview

Product description with Image

Powdered Milk Tea

Chocolate Milk Tea Selling Name

A drink filled of delicious

mix of chocolate, milk and Galsaek Milk Tea
tea that is refreshing and

Choco Oats Milk Tea Choco Gwili Milk

A glass filled with delicious
chocolate oats and milk
combined together to give a
refreshing drink to

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Mocha Milk Tea Moka Milk Tea

It is a combination of
delectable milk tea, mocha
powder and a little coffee
that gives you a tasty and
energizing beverage.

Mochaccino Milk Tea Moka Chino Milk

A glass filled with delicious
mocha powder, milk and
coffee combined together to
give a refreshing drink to

Coffee Milk Tea Keopi Milk Tea

It is a combination of
delectable milk tea and a
fresh – brewed coffee that
gives you a tasty and
energizing feeling.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Coffee Caramel Milk Tea Keopi Hobagsaeg

A glass filled of creamy Milk Tea
delicious mix of coffee, milk,
tea and caramel sauce that is
refreshing and satisfying.

Taro Milk Tea Toran Milk Tea

A kind of milk tea that is sweet
and creamy and usually has
tapioca pearls that adds a
tasteful and refreshing feeling.

Black Forest Milk Tea Geom-eun sup Milk

A kind of tea that is rich in
chocolate, cherry flavors and
black tea. It is even more
delicious with a splash of milk
and a touch of sugar.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Banoffee Mudslide Milk Baonipi Mudslide

Tea Milk Tea
A refreshing drink that
full of delicious chocolate
that will satisfy your

Double Dutch Milk Tea Deobeul Masimello

Milk Tea
A refreshing drink that
offers the best of both world
as an ice cream favorite turn
into an irresistible and
addictive drink.

Choco Java Milk Tea Choko Jaba Milk

A refreshing drink that is
made up of chocolate and
milk that will quench your

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Choco Mousse Milk Tea

A nice, sweet and good Rochomousse
summer drink that fits for
everyone. Adding of tapioca
pearls and mixing of milk and
chocolate syrup also gives
pretty smooth taste.

Café Macchiato Milk Tea

It is different from Fefoncechiato
conventional milk tea. It is
made up of around 1/3 layer of
fresh milk and 2/3 layer of
green tea. It is sweet yet
refreshing at the same time.

A drink with a refreshing taste Mieremisu
of black tea combining with a
slight hint of coffee and cocoa
that gives a tasty and fun filled

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Belgian Chocolate

It has a soft and smooth Belge Chocolat

taste of chocolate flavor
and a hint of black tea. A
simple delicious drink with
a sweet aroma smell.

Dark Choco Cookie

A kind of milk tea with a Foncookie
combination of belgian
chocolate, black tea and a
scoop of cookies that gives a
refreshing and exciting taste.

French Vanilla
A perfect cup of tea that have Fron Vanille
a smooth, creamy and
pleasant taste of wonderful
vanilla and a slight hint of
black tea that adds to the

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Mocha Fudge Ripple

A taste like dessert milk tea Brudge Ripple
with a soft and foamy cream
on top, added some
chocolate flavour that will
enjoy by everyone.

A blend of black tea and Royalor
royal powder that gives a
refreshing feeling and also
by putting black pearls, it
can add more sweetness in
the beverage.

Cookies & Cream

An ice cream flavour turns Biscreme
into a refreshing drink. This
kind of milk tea is super
sweet and also have small
chunk of chocolate cookies
that blends well to the drink.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


A combination of royal Primeron

powder, premium tea,
royale syrup, fructose syrup
and ice that gives a pleasant
sweetness and creates a
perfect cup of cold drink.

Hot Fudge Sundae Chaudquedae

A kind of milk tea which is
more creamier but less sweet
with chewy tapioca pearls on
the top.

A blend of black tea and Caraque
natural caramel sauce that
gives a creamy and a bit sweet
taste that quench your thirst.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Matcha Flavors
Selling Name

Cookie Matcha

A drink that is made up of Cookie Velair

cookie and matcha combined
together to satisfied the
cravings of our customer.

Choco Matcha Marron Matcha

A trend flavour that indulge

the customer with a touch of
cocoa powder and matcha.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Milky Matcha
A drink that is made up of Lechoso Matcha
milk syrup and matcha
combined together to
satisfied the cravings of our

Coffee Matcha

A trend flavour that indulge Cape Matcha

the customer with a touch of
caffeine powder and matcha.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Fruit Tea
Selling Name
Feel refreshed after Manzana Verde Fruit Tea
taking a sip of Green apple
fruit tea that offers a
unique combination of
proteins, vitamins,
minerals and fiber that will
transform the way your
skin looks and feels.

PEACH MANGO Mango de Melocoton Fruit

A yummy blend of
naturally harvested fruits,
organic hibiscus flowers,
organic rooibos, dry
mango chunks, peach and
apple chunks that brews an
amazing cup of herbal
fruit tea.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

MANGO FRUIT TEA El Mango Fruit Tea

Mango Fruit Tea blends

dried mangoes, hibiscus,
rosehips and fruit pieces
with lush natural flavors to
produce a beautiful ruby
red brew. It's loaded with
mango flavor, without


This fruit tea is
refreshingly sweet and
surprisingly healthy
beverage using an exotic,
nutrient-dense fruit,

Four Seasons
A mix of different citrus El Verano Fruit Tea
fruits with a delicious taste
in every sip.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Tutti Frutti Tutti Fruta

A mix of green tea and
tutti-frutti syrup that gives
a tasteful and deliciously
flavour in every sip of our

Strawberry Fruit Tea Paleas-berry Fruit Tea

The fruit provides
sustenance for a variety of
wildlife and a good reason
for people to make jam.
Although all members of
the Fragaria genus bear
strawberries of varying
size and sweetness, F.
vesca, also known as
woodland strawberry, is
the species used in folk
medicine to make tea from
the leaves.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Raspberry Fruit Tea Rosea-berry Fruit Tea

Raspberry tea may consist
of the fruit or dried leaves
of the raspberry plant.
Raspberry iced tea, a
popular and refreshing
summer beverage, is made
by adding fresh raspberry
juice or extract to black tea
and serving it with ice.

Winter Melon Hiems-melon Fruit Tea

The major benefits of

this tea come from its
vitamin and antioxidant
content, which can aid
gastrointestinal distress,
help you maintain weight,
eliminate stress, lower
overall cholesterol, and
even eliminate
carcinogens in the body,
helping to prevent cancer
and chronic disease.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Syrup Milk Tea

Vanilla Milk Tea Selling Name
Vanilla is by far the most Crepito Milk Tea
popular flavour, getting a
full 23% of all ice cream
consumption. Blending of
vanilla syrup and black tea
gives an aromatic smell
and a delicious taste.

Caramel Milk Tea Aurantiaco Milk Tea

A combination of caramel
syrup, black tea and
creamer powder that gives
a refreshing taste to our

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Mango Milk Tea Flavo-mango Milk Tea

A refreshing drink that have a
flavor of sweet mangoes that
will quench your thirst and
satisfy your cravings to mango

Honey Dew Milk Tea

Flavorful, cooling blend of Melros Milk Tea

fruits and peppermint, with a
rich honeydew melon flavor.
When it’s iced, it’s the perfect
beverage for a hot day.

Hazel Nut Milk Tea Corylus Nut Milk Tea

A drink that will give you a

rich flavor of hazel nut that
will also quench your thirst.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Wintermelon Wintermelon

A classic flavor of milk tea

everyone loves.


A drink filled with sweet Strawberry

strawberry that will quench
your thirst.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Frappe Selling Name

Dark Mocha

A creamy blend of rich mocha- Moca Negro

flavored sauce, chocolaty chips,
milk and ice. Topped with
sweetened whipped cream and
mocha drizzle.

Java Chip

A blend of mocha sauce and Java Lasca

frappuccino chips with coffee,
milk and ice, then top with
whipped cream and mocha drizzle
to bring you endless java joy.


A refreshing sweet treat made Oreo Galleta

from mocha, a hint of coffee and
Oreo cookie pieces. Blended with
ice then hand topped with whipped
cream and a few more Oreo cookie
pieces for good measure.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Strawberry Oreo

A refreshing sweet treat made Fresca Galleta

from strawberry, a hint of
chocolate and Oreo cookie pieces.
Blended with ice then hand topped
with whipped cream and a few
more Oreo cookie pieces for good

Blueberry Oreo

A refreshing sweet treat made MirtiloGalleta

from blueberry, a hint of chocolate
and Oreo cookie pieces. Blended
with ice then hand topped with
whipped cream and a few more
Oreo cookie pieces for good


Strawberries and milk blended FresaBolino

with ice and topped with a swirl of
whipped cream.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 83

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Blueberry and milk blended Crema Mirtilo
with ice and topped with a
swirl of whipped cream.

Choco Marble

A creamy blend of rich Choco Marmore

mocha-flavored sauce,
chocolate, milk and ice.
Topped with sweetened
whipped cream and chocolate

Cappuccino Delicioccino

A creamy blend of rich

mocha-flavored sauce, Coffee,
milk and ice. Topped with
sweetened whipped cream and
caramel drizzle.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Coffee Crumble
A creamy blend of rich Cafe Desmoronar
mocha-flavored sauce, coffee,
milk and ice. Topped with
sweetened whipped cream
and coffee bits.

Caramel Macchiato

A creamy blend of rich Caramelo Macchiato

mocha-flavored sauce,
caramel, milk and ice. Topped
with sweetened whipped
cream and caramel drizzle.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Side Dishes

Pasta Selling Name

Carbonara Crema de Pasta

Carbonara is an Italian pasta

dish from Rome made with
egg, hard cheese, guanciale
(or pancetta) and pepper.

Pesto Pasta Pesto Pasta

A pasta dish that is made of a

sauce typically made with
basil, pine nuts, olive oil and
grated Parmesan blended
together and served hot or
cold over pasta.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Spaghetti w/ Meatballs Pomodoro Polpetta

Spaghetti w/ meatballs is a
popular pasta dish often
served with a tomato sauce
and topped with meat balls.

Macaroni and Cheese Macaroni Formaggio

Is a dish of English origin,

consisting of cooked
macaroni pasta and a cheese
sauce, most commonly

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Finger Foods Selling Name

French Fries Patatine Fritte

French fries are pieces of

potato that have been deep-

Buffalo Wings Bafalo Ali

A buffalo wings is an
unbreaded chicken wing
section (flat or drumette) that
is generally deep-fried then
coated in a sauce consisting of
a vinegar-based cayenne
pepper hot sauce and melted
butter prior to serving.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Nachos Nacho Manzo

Nacho is a dish that

consists of tortilla chips
covered with cheese sauce
and ground meat.

Fish Fillet with Sweet & Pesce Filleto

Sour Sauce

A yummy and healthy snack

with sweet & sour sauce.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 89

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Cupcakes Selling Name

Red Velvet Cupcake RossaVelluto

A red velvet cupcake is a light

cake with a beautiful red color
and a slight chocolate flavour
with a little tang from the

Matcha Cupcake Matcha Cupcake

A matcha cupcake is a light

cake with a beautiful green
color that will satisfy your
matcha craving.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Chocolate Cupcake Cioccolato

A cupcake that is rich with
chocolate flavor that will
satisfy your taste.

Oreo Cupcake Biscotto

A cupcake that is rich with

chocolate flavor topped with
Oreo biscuit that will satisfy
your taste.

Banana w/ Cream Cheese Banana Crema

Frosting French

A cupcake that is rich

with banana and vanilla
flavour that will satisfy your

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 91

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Carrot Cupcake Carota Cupcake

A cupcake that is made of

carrot that will satisfy your

Macaroons Macaroons
A macaroon is a sweet
meringue-based confection
made with egg white, icing
sugar, granulated sugar,
almond powder and food

*The photos above are for feasibility purposes only.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 92

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Competitive Advantage

 Binger’s Base offers wide varieties of tea based beverages.

 An enjoyable and relaxing ambiance.

 A unique and remarkable experience with its dim light and glow in the dark cups of milk


 Having an open mic in the evening.

 Adding a new way for plating our side dishes.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 93

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Supplier Contract

Agreement between Client and Supplier

This agreement is made and entered into on ____________ day of____________ year
2019 between (client) and (supplier).

The client desires to appoint the supplier to supply ____________.

And the supplier expresses their willingness to enter into an agreement with the client.


1. The delivery of the supplies shall be made by the supplier at their own particular cost,
management, and obligation.
2. The transportation of goods shall be delivered on the same day as the quality control
check by the Client. The goods which are not accompanied by the Client will not be
3. The supplies that are rejected by the Client shall be replaced by the Supplier and shall
bear all the risks/costs of the rejected goods.
4. The Supplier will be penalized if they fail to deliver the supplies to the client.
5. The terms of this Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the land ____________.
6. The payment shall be made by bank deposit or cash on hand transaction.

Signed on the __________ day of _________ for and on behalf of the Supplier and Client
as follows:

Signed by:
_________________ _________________
Supplier Client

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 94

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

List of Suppliers

Poultry Suppliers

 F.Sampang Poultry Supply

Address: 33 Paso De Blas Rd, Valenzuela, 1440 Metro Manila

Contact #: (02) 444 3732

 Mark Poultry Supply

Address: Rodriguez St. Malabon, 1478 Metro Manila

Contact #: (02) 285 5061

 Sobon Meat Shop

Address: Malabon City, Manila, Philippines

Contact #: 373-1471

Vegetable Suppliers

 Mariz F. Recinto Fruits and Vegetables

Address: Stall 14, SMTC, A. Mabini Street, Barangay 003, Caloocan, 1400 Metro Manila

Contact #: (02) 285 5061

 Paras Fruits and Vegetables dealer

Myla Paras


Divisoria, Manila, Philippines

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 95

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

 Mary’s Baguio Fresh Vegetables and Cordillera Products

Address: Gs 5 6 Vegetable Section Suki Market, Mayon Street, Sta. Teresita, Quezon City, 1114
Metro Manila

Contact #: (02) 480 6132

 Mitch Vegetable Supplier

Address: 31 C Fernando Street, Mandaluyong, 1550 Metro Manila

Contact #: (02) 531

Cooking Oil Suppliers

 Pilipinas Cooking Oil & Company

Address: 544 Benito Hao St., Valenzuela, Metro Manila

Contact #: 0995 824 5924

 Malabon Soap & Oil Industrial Co., Inc.

Address: Luna ll St., Malabon, Metro Manila

Contact #: (02) 281 4676

 Chemer Vegetable Oil Corporation

Address: 297 Bonny Serrano Avenue, Quezon City, Metro Manila, 1100

Contact #: (02) 415 0205

Rice Dealers Suppliers

 Edgie Rice Retailer

Address: Maysan, Valenzuela City

Contact #: 355 6997

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 96

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Milk Tea Powder Suppliers

 Dragon Milk Tea

Address: Unit1A TCC Center, 190 D. Tuazon Street, Quezon City, 1115 Metro Manila

Contact #: (02) 217 8889

Ice Suppliers

 Frost Premium Ice

Address: Lot 1 Block 16, Phase 3 E1 Dagat-Dagatan Ave, 12 Zone 2, Caloocan 1400 Metro

Contact #: +63 2 374 1974

Glow in the Dark Cups

 GlowProducts

Address: 615 Discovery Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

Contact #: 1-877-233-4569

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Price (Pricing Overview)

Price List

Product Price
Regular Large Extra
Powdered Milk Tea

BANOFFEE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

BELGIAN P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

BLACK FOREST P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CAFÉ MACCHIATO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO JAVA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO MOUSSE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO OATS P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCOLATE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COFFEE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COFFEE CARAMEL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COOKIES AND CREAM P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

DARK CHOCO COOKIE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

DOUBLE DUTCH P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

FRENCH VANILLA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

HOT FUDGE SUNDAE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

MOCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MOCHA FUDGE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MOCHACCINO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

PREMIUM P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

ROYAL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

SALTED CARAMEL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

TARO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

TIRAMISU P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

Matcha Regular Large Extra

COOKIE MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

CHOCO MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

COFFEE MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MILKY MATCHA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 99

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Fruit Tea Regular Large Extra

FOUR SEASONS P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

GREEN APPLE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

LYCHEE P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MANGO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

PEACH MANGO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

STRAWBERRY P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

TUTTI FRUTTI P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

RASPBERRY P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

WINTERMELON P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 100

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Syrup Milk Tea Regular Large Extra


CARAMEL P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

HAZELNUT P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

HONEYDEW P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

MANGO P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

STRAWBERRY P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

VANILLA P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

WINTERMELON P59.00 P79.00 P89.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Frappe Large Extra Large

CAPPUCCINO P90.00 P100.00

JAVA CHIP P90.00 P100.00



DARK MOCHA P90.00 P100.00

CHOCO MARBLE P90.00 P100.00

OREO P90.00 P100.00





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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Side Dishes
FRIES P65.00
OREO P89.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Computation of Price with Mark-up specification

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Price Templates

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 109

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 110

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Pricing Strategy

Competition Based Pricing

Our business will be using this pricing strategy to compete with our competitors. By this

strategy, the competition will be more stiff.

Psychological Pricing

By using this pricing strategy, it will be position in the mind of the consumer that the price

of a product is lower when it is not actually what they thinking. In addition, they will think that

they can save money even just a little. Binger’s Base sets its price with five (5) and nine (9) in the

end because it looks like it is cheaper from the customer’s perspective. It will be beneficial for the

business because the customer will buy more products.

Mark-up Pricing

The business will add a mark-up on the total costs of the product to come up with a price

that is not too high for the customers but just enough for the company to gain a profit, at the same

time get back the cost for producing those products.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Binger’s Base will be located at One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 113

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Launch Plan

Actions Required Date Cost

Soft Opening Posting of banner ads June 3, 2019 Tarpaulin (4pcs) 3ft. x
around Caloocan City 4ft.
area and those Php400.00/Tarpaulin
barangays’ near to it
to promote the
TC = Php1,600.00

And also through

posting in social

Ordering of Balloons Balloons –

and Flowers. Php1,500.00
Flowers –

TC = Php5,000.00

Decorating with June 5, 2019

balloons and flowers.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 114

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Grand Opening ---- Ribbon cutting June 8, 2019 Ribbon – Php300.00

---- Posting on social 5ft. x 4ft. tarpaulin
media, giving flyers (Php15.00/sq.mft)
and posting of banner =Php225.00
Fliers – 500pcs x

TC = Php3,025.00
Giving Tumbler to Php100.00 x 50pcs
first 50 customers.

TC = Php5,000.00

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Social Media

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 118

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XV. Channel of distributions

Supplier Binger’s Base Customer

The distribution channel starts from the suppliers who will carry the ingredients and

materials to Binger’s Base. All the ingredients of the foods, materials and supplies will be used by

the food shop will be coming from the suppliers. When the materials reached the store, it will be

used to process the products. Lastly, the products can now reach the consumers by using different

marketing strategies and promotions like fliers, advertisements, personal selling or just a word of


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 119

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XVI. Transaction flow chart

Binger’s Base

Walk in (Door)

Service Counter


No Yes

Tailored Suggestion Tell order

Give Menu Flier Pay Pay

Wait Dine in

Give order
Choose table

Take Wait


Eat Meal


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 120

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XVII. Future Plan

Planning is a business function that the managers used to outline specific goals, objectives
and business operations for future years. Intermediate planning was generally seen as plans that
fall under the next one to five years. These plans help business owners and managers assess certain
aspects of their company and make decision to increase production output or operational profits.

1. New Product Line

As business personnel, we want to add new and unique products in our menu in the
future. As the time goes by, customer needs and wants are changing, we must know
what will be the new trend in milk tea beverages so that we can offer it in our

2. Improvement in Packaging
Our business must improve the packaging of our products because of the
improvement in technology and to attract new customers by our newly and
improved packaging.

3. Expansion
A business should expand in order to increase its target market and profit. By
establishing new branches in different areas, our business can serve more
consumers of our product and increase the profit of our business.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Contingency Plan

Contingency Plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan.
It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have
catastrophic consequences.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 123

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XVIII. Marketing Program

Month Program Program Cost Sales Cost to Sale

Title Description
June 1-16, Shout it 15 customers who Number of Cost of CTS= TC/TS x 100
2019 will purchase P500 customers x purchase x
worth of products cost of mug number of =(P1,600/P10,500)
will have their own =15 x 100 customers x 100
mug in the store. =P 1,500 =P700 x 15
Cost of =15.23%
poster x TS= P10,500
=P100x 1

TC =P 1,600
Registratio Matcha 15 customers who Number of Cost of fee x CTS= TC/TS x 100
n period Match will participate in winners x number of
July1-16, the “Matcha cost of gift customers x =(P700/P5,400) x
2019 Match”, with P120 certificate days 100
fee, a challenge = 3xP200 =P120 x 15 x
Contest wherein the first one = P600 3 = 12.96%
day July to finish drinking a
21-23, large Matcha Milk Cost of TS= P5,400
2019 tea will receive a poster x
gift certificate pieces
worth P200. This =P100x 1
will be done in 3 =P100
days only.
TC = P700

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 124

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Registratio Deep Say A night event (open Number of Number of CTS= TC/TS x
n period and Sip mic) will be held in winner x cost participants 100
August the store which will of gift x fee
1-15, 2019 accommodate 100 certificate =P100 X P60 =(P900/P6,000)x1
participants paying =1 x P400 00
Contest P60 which will give = P400 TS= P6,000
day them the =15%
August 21 opportunity to =2 x P200
participate in the = P400
spoken poetry
contest. 3 will be Cost of poster
chosen as winners x pieces
and will receive gift =P100x 1
certificates as a =P100
prize. P400 worth of
gift certificate for
the champion, while TC= P900
P200 worth of gift
certificate for the
other 2 winners.

Sep 1-15, Hello Ber 20 from 50 Number of Number of CTS= TC/TS x

2019 customers who customer x customer x 100
avail 500php worth cost of teddy Cost of
of products will bear purchase = (P3,700/P25,000)
have a chance to get x 100
FREE TEDDY =20 x P120 =50 x P500
BEAR =P3,600 =14.8%
TS = P25,000

Cost of
poster x
=P100x 1

TC =P 3,700

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 125

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Oct 1-21, Number of Number of CTS= TC/TS x

2019 A piece of rose with teachers x customer x 100
quotation will be cost of rose Cost of
given to 50 teachers purchase =(P11,00/P14,000)
who will purchase 50 teachers x 100
P280 worth of x20 roses = 50 x 280
products. (Php) TS= P14,000 =7.85%
= P1,000

Cost of
poster x
=100x 1

TC=P 1,280
Nov 1-25, Tea and 100 customers who Number of Number of CTS= TC/TS x
2019 Treat purchase P600 customers x customer x 100
worth of products cost of Cost of
with the best pumpkin purchase =(P9,000/P60,000)
Halloween costume cupcake x 100
will be given a =100x 89php =100 x P600
limited pumpkin =P8,900 = 15%
cupcake for free. TS=P60,000
Cost of
poster x
=100x 1
TC= P9,000

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 126

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Dec.1-21, Tea Jingle 20 customers who Number of Number of CTS= TC/TS x

2019 Joy purchase P500 customers x customer x 100
worth of products cost of fries Cost of
will have a plate full purchase =(1400/10000)x
of fries =20x 65 100
=P1,300 =20x P500
Cost of poster TS = P10,000
x pieces
=P100x 1

TC= P1,400
Jan1- 15, Sip and Save For the first 50 Number of Number of CTS = TC/TS x
2019 costumer to customers x customer x 100
purchase P350 cost of Cost of =(P1,350/P17,500)
worth of products Bamboo purchase x 100
will receive a straw
bamboo straw as a = 50 x P350
souvenir. =50 x PHP 25 =P 17,500 = 7.71 %
= P 1,250

Cost of
poster x
=P100x 1
TC = P 1,350

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 127

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Submission Be part of 100 customers will Number of Number of CTS= TC/TS x

of entry my HeART be accepted in the winner x cost customer x 100
Feb 1-12, drawing contest of couple gift Cost of Fee
2019 using the theme, certificate =(P800/P5,000) x
“Love for = 100 100
Contest fellowmen”, with a x50PHP
Day Feb 13, registration fee of TC= 1 x = 16%
2019 P50. Entries will be P700 =P5,000
posted in social
Couple date media accounts = P700
Feb 15, using the
2019 #BePartofmyheAR Cost of poster
T and #Binger’sPad x pieces
as a way of creating =P100x 1
a noise for the =P100
brand. 1 will be
chosen as a winner TC=P800
and will receive
P700 worth of
couple gift

March Grad U Like 50 graduates that Number of Number of CTS= TC/TS x 100
1-31, 2019 it will purchase a graduates x customer x
minimum of P350 cost of Cost of = (P850/P25,000) x
worth of products discount purchase 100
will receive 10%
discount on their =50 x P15 =50 X P350 =3.4%
next purchase with = P 750 =P17,500
the amount of P150 Number of
Cost of customer x
poster x Cost of 2nd
pieces purchase
=P100x 1 =50 x P 150
=P100 =P7,500

TC= P850 TS= P25,000

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 128

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Registratio Summer First 10 customers Star City Cost of CTS= TC/TS x

n period Story that will buy a Ticket Double Cup x 100
April 15-18, double cup milk tea = 3 x P490 number of
2019 may join a contest = P1,470 customers x =(P1,570/P10,500
with a P150 fee days ) x 100
Contest day wherein first to =P125 x 10 x
April 21-23, finish eating a large Cost of poster 3 =14.95%
2019 cup full of pearls x pieces =P3,750
will be given 1 free =P100x 1
ticket to Star City. =P100 Reg Fee:
This will be done P150 x 15
for 3 consecutive TC= P1,570 customers x
days. 3 days
= P6,750

TS= P10,500
May 1-16, Motherable A free apron will be Customers x Cost of CTS= TC/TS x
2019 given to 15 mothers cost of apron purchase x 100
who will purchase = 15 x 80 number of
P800 worth of =P 1,200 customers =(P1,300/P12,000)
products. )X100
Cost of =P800X 15
poster x =10.83%
pieces =P12,000
=P100x 1


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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Marketing Paraphernalias

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XIX. Integrated Green Marketing Program

Organizational Mission

The business targets to promote and create awareness for our Mother Earth’s sake. By using the

slogan, “Let’s Think, Let’s Do, Let’s Save”, the business together with its people will run a

campaign that will make customers to realize the proper disposal of the products and same as how

they can save the environment from the smallest up to the biggest things and they will discover

what may the possible solution is.

Suggested Mission: To promote and share clean and green lifestyle by selling delicious and

healthy products while enjoying the ambiance; and it that will help them to realize the true meaning

of healthy living which they can share from generations into other generations.

Organizational Objectives

Aiming to offer and satisfy the consumers which also helps to save our environment. For the many

things that our environment has given us, it is now the time for us to show our appreciation and

love to our environment. This business plans to motivate and encourage all consumers to preserve

and love Mother Earth.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Suggested Objectives: To be responsible of being an environmental-friendly known store by 2019

that will definitely influence our competitors and other stores to also join our campaign and live a

clean and green community.


1. Solid Waste Management

Waste Management is very important has a huge role with the company. The company will

provide trash bins that will segregate the garbage or the trash of the business and coordinate

with the Waste Management Division of the city.

2. 5R Policy
Being aware of the 3R (Reduce Reuse Recycle) nowadays is not enough. There are another
2Rs that have significant role in saving our environment.
 Refuse- as much as possible, avoiding the use of any form of plastic objects will
help lessen the waste on our environment.
 Recover- this part explains that waste materials can still be useful by converting it
into something useful.
3. Green Graffiti- Art is an expressive tool by an artist to show how life inspires everyone
to strive and pursue for their ambitions. Same principle goes for the business’ advocacy to
help our Mother Earth recover from devastation. By the use of this form of expressing,
many artists may collaborate for this campaign and will definitely create awareness in
saving the environment.
4. Green Store Ambiance- Basically, the business will start the campaign inside the store.
Showing its clean and green ambiance will definitely create aware on consumers and will
made them realize the essence of saving the environment.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Suggested Strategies:

 Negotiating with environmentally concerned suppliers for our raw materials

 Plan an environmental drive using excessed raw material (i.e. woods, paints etc.)

 Purchase harm-free yet attractive decorations for the ambiance of the store.

 Install appliances which are energy efficient but still, convenient for all.

 Create an environmental campaign that involves interaction with the community.


 Project “Binger’s Cart” (Wooden Kariton) for less-fortunate residents of Caloocan South

for them to collect and recycle plastic and reusable material in exchange for profit.

 Paints for the store ambiance with odorless and non-toxic content.

 Floors made up of wood came from excessed supplies from lumber suppliers.

 Using of Super Inverter Air Conditioner as well as LED bulbs and other eco-friendly

equipment that consumes less energy.

 Promoting Proper Waste Management with the help of Green Graffiti which exhibits

painted walls showing the concern for our environment.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Evaluation and Control:

 Monthly check up of the equipment and appliances.

 Consistent updates for more efficient raw materials

 Checking for updates regarding Environment-related activities.

 Proper maintenance of the store area.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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I. Management Objectives

i. Decrease employee turnover rate by 2% every year.

ii. Maintain employee’s productivity by 30% every year.

iii. Maintain employee satisfaction index by 80% within a span of 1 year.

iv. To increase the knowledge and skills of the employees they learned every seminars or

training they attend to by 10 % thrice a year.

v. Maintain 75-80% employee retention rate every year.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

II. Type of Organization

The Partners decided to form an organization under the rules of partnership. The partners will

earn through the return of capital investment and the profit and loses will be divided according to

their ratio of contribution.

Form of partnership

Our business is classified as a Limited Partnership which is composed of eleven (11)





With a contribution of three-hundred thousand pesos each, this will be the starting capital

that will be used for purchasing raw materials, office supplies, equipment, machineries, and other

expenses needed to operate the business.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

III. Core Values

C - customer oriented
A - accommodative
S - satisfaction
C - courteous
A - attentive
D - dynamic
E - enthusiasm
S – safety

Customer Oriented
The business is not only after sales but also puts customer needs and wants into
consideration. The existence of the business is due to their demands and so we put them as our top

The staffs are accommodative towards the concerns of every customer, at the same time,
they’re willing to help whenever there’s an unexpected problem.

Binger’s Base is creative in thinking ideas and putting it into actions to meet the
expectation of every customer.

Being polite and kind makes the customers to return and buy again in the store. Practicing
this can also gain the loyalty of every customer.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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Be responsive and aware to the needs and wants of our customers. Staffs were trained to
be attentive and alert at all times, for them to serve each customer in a timely manner and without
affecting their satisfaction.


In order to create an unforgettable experience for the customers, the Binger’s Base will
have series of exciting events to avoid lame moments.


Optimistic and lively staffs can actually influence the customers’ mood. Moreover, with
this kind of outlook, it will make the ambiance more captivating.


The business ensures the safety not only of the customers but also the employees within
the store.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

IV. Recruitment Process

Determine vacant

Prepare Personnel
Requirement Form

Choose Methods
to use

Application of the

Listing of

Prepare for the

Selection Process

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Determine vacant positions

This stage is where the company will evaluate or find vacancies needed to fill by the
method of outsourcing and external hiring.

Prepare Personnel Requirement Form

Personnel Requirement Form will specify the job description, job specification, which will
serve as a lead of our company to the applicant fitted for that vacant position.

Choose Methods to Use

Choosing the methods to use in recruitment is an important step to spread the information
for the vacant positions easily. It also lessens the time to find willing employees who can work
under pressure and by this, they can easily know if they are equipped in that position.

Application of the Methods

It must be conducted in a short period of time in order to spread the information to the mass
number of people that might be interested for the position.

Listing of applicants

Listing the applicants will make the selection process easier. Applicants that do not have
the basic qualities for the position will be eliminated immediately.

Prepare for the Selection Process

This final step is the summarization of the recruitment process and the start of the selection
of employees.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

V. Selection Process

Application form

Testing and evaluation of results

Preliminary Interview

In-depth interview and decision


Evaluating References

Pre-employment requirements
(Physical Examination and others)


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Application form

Application form should provide all the necessary information needed for the selection. It

also shows the process of selection, making it simple, with a standard form and it can be easily

determined which employee have potentials from others.

Testing and evaluation of results

Testing is associated with the prediction and selection of subsequent performance on the

job. It is something that meets the expectations of the company on the potential candidates about

their performance.

Preliminary Interview

Preliminary interview is usually the process to filter those who are unqualified candidates

at the outset. Education, skills, experiences, and salary expectations are the necessary information

needed to be discussed by the candidates.

In-depth interview and Decision making

This is the most important part of the selection process. This is done on the applicants who

have passed all the test required and is now on the stage of final decision whether to be hired or


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Evaluating References

This is substantial in the selection process as this comes in finally accessing how worth the

applicant is for the position. This must be done with the utmost discretion in everyone, if you like

to get the true picture of the applicant who would like to join the organization.

Pre-employment Requirements (Physical Examination and others)

The chosen applicant is obliged to pass the required documents such as medical certificate,

NBI clearance, Barangay Clearance, and valid ID’s)


It is the final acceptance of the applicant on the position. It is where the applicants will be

assigned in department depends on the immediate manager or supervisor of that department.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

VI. Orientation Process

Welcome the new employee to

the company

Giving the company’s and

employee’s manual

Orientation about the business

Review of job responsibilities

Introduction to top
management and co-workers

Tour around the facilities and

familiarizing of the equipment

Contract signing

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Welcome the new employee to the company

The very first part, before the actual orientation begin is to welcome and congratulate the
employee for passing all the interviews and exams, thus, being chosen among other applicants.

Giving the company’s and employee’s manual

A manual will be provided for each employee. This will be their copy and will serve as
their guide to be aware about the company policies, sanctions and violations, and their benefits.

Orientation about the business

In this stage, an employee is given job or task orientation by his/her supervisor. Information
about a particular department, its facilities and other information needed to learn in the business.

Review of job responsibilities

It is the enumeration and clarification of the number of jobs or task assigned to the newly
hired employee.

Introduction to top management and co-workers

It is the time to introduce the newly hired employee to his/her superior in order to know to
whom they will report their finished task. They will also be introduced to other employees whom
they will be working with.

Tour around the facilities and familiarizing of the equipment

The supervisor will tour the newly hired employee around his/her workplace and will be
taught briefly on how to use the major equipment he/she will be using at work.

Contract signing

The last part of the orientation process where the contract signing will occur. This is also
the part where the employee will be informed about his/her salary and the part where the uniforms
will be distributed to each of them.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



The company will use the company's social media pages and other websites to inform the

job seekers and potential workers. Also by using the internet, the company can raise larger numbers

of potential applicants. This will also be a means of making a larger number of people aware about

the job opportunities offered by the company.

Walk-ins & Unsolicited Applicants

The company will accept walk in applicants for the convenience of the job seekers and

potential employees in finding the right work. By using walk in as a method, the company has a

higher chance of finding the right and suitable person for the job.

Job Posting

The company will be using the method “Job Posting” to increase the chance of finding

potential applicants. By using this type of method, the company is making the job hunt more

convenient for the job seekers.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Training Process
1. Title of the Training: Basic First Aid Training

No. of participants: 14 (all employees)

Venue: Red Cross Valenzuela Chapter

Schedule: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Budget: P8,120.00

Speaker: P5,000.00

Food: P1,120.00

Venue P2,000.00

Total: P8,120.00

The employees need to have a Basic First Aid education because even in the workplace

accidents may happen anytime. When employees have enough knowledge about First Aid, they

can manage to provide temporary pain relief to the victim. It will make the employees more

confident because they have First Aid education and can able to save lives. And First Aid Training

will increase the standard of safety in a workplace.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

2. Title of the Training: Leadership Seminar

No. of participants: 14 (all employees)

Venue: One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City
Schedule: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Budget: P6, 120.00

Speaker: (College Professor) P5,000.00

Food: P1,120.00

Total: P6, 120.00

Through this seminar, all the employees can learn about good leadership; good leadership

can increase employee satisfaction. As a good leader, they can also retain their people, because

ineffective leaders and people who quit their jobs will result in a costly recruitment expenses.

Leadership Seminar will also help them to make better decisions.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

3. Title of the training: Disaster Preparedness

No. of participants: 14 (all employees)

Venue: Alert center

Schedule: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Budget: P8, 120.00


Speaker (VCDRRMO) P5,000.00

Food: P1,120.00

Venue: P2, 000.00

Total: P8,120.00

It is important that they have basic understanding about Disaster Preparedness because they

can think of worst-case scenarios and the possible threats that may occur. Employees should also

be equipped enough about evacuation procedures in case of fire. Through this, employees will be

more preventive and responsive to give protection and recovery. It is important for them because

they can learn to be ready in any emergency cases.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4. Title of the training: Motivational seminar

No. of participants: 14 (all employees)

Venue: One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City
Schedule: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Budget: P6, 120.00

Speaker (College prof) P5, 000.00

Food P1,120.00

Venue -----

Total: P6,120.00

This seminar is essential because when employees are motivated, they will give their best

on the tasks that was assigned to them. It can help the employees to reach their goals and can help

to work at a higher level. The efficiency level of the employees will increase and encourage

performing well.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

VII. Employee Benefits

Mandatory Benefits:

13th Month Pay (PD 851)

Every year employee shall receive a 13th month pay, this shall be release in or before

December 24 of every year. The 13th month pay is equivalent to one-twelfth (1/12) of an

employee's basic annual salary.

Retirement Pay

All employees may retire from the age of 60 years’ old which is compulsory, and must

have rendered service to the business for at least five (5) years. They are about to receive payment

equivalent to three months of the basic wages for each year.

Sick Leave

Employees are entitled to a yearly Service Incentive Leave of five days. This

applies to employees with work tenure of at least one year within the company.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Maternity Leave

Every pregnant employee in the private sector, whether married or unmarried, is entitled
to maternity leave benefit of one hundred (100) days in case of normal delivery or miscarriage, or
in caesarian section delivery, with benefits equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the
average daily salary credit of the employee as defined under the law.

Paternity Leave

The R.A No. 8187, or Paternity Leave Act of 1996, grants seven (7) days working days’
paternity leave with full pay for the first 4 days of legitimate spouse with whom is caring for and
only for four (4) children that can also help the government to promote family planning.

Special Leave Benefits for Women (Magna Carta Law)

Leaver benefit of two (2) months with full pay based on gross monthly compensation for
women employees who undergo surgery cause by gynecological disorders, provided that they have
rendered continuous aggregate employment service of at least six (6) months of the last twelve
(12) months.

Parental Leave for a Solo Parent

Republic Act No. 8972 grants parental leave of seven (7) working days with full pay every

year, in addition to leave privileges under existing laws, to solo parents.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Social Security System (SSS) Benefits

The SSS employee’s compensation (EC) program has been in the place to help workers

who encounter work-related illnesses or injury resulting in disability or death. This includes

compensation for medical services, appliances, surgical and hospital treatment and income cast


Phil Health Benefits

Provides financial assistance for inpatient and outpatient hospitalization, as well as Z

Benefit Packages for patients undergoing prolonged hospitalization and expensive treatments and

suffering from Millennium Development Goal; (MDG)- related illnesses.

Pag-ibig Benefits

This entitles employees to avail of a housing load, calamity loan and multipurpose loans

that aim to provide financial assistance to their needs.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Minimum Wage

Republic Act No. 6727 (also known as the “Wage Rationalization Act”) mandates the

fixing of the minimum wages applicable to different industrial sectors, namely, non-agriculture,

agriculture plantation, and non-plantation, cottage/handicraft, and retail/service, depending on the

number of workers or capitalization or annual gross sales in some sectors.

Regular Holidays

Every employee covered by the Holiday Pay Rule is entitled to the minimum wage rate

(daily basic wage and COLA). This means that the employee is entitled to at least 100% of his/her

minimum wage rate even if he/she did not report for work, provided he/she is present or is on leave

of absence with pay on the work day immediately preceding the holiday.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

VIII. Fringe Benefits

Meal Allowance

Daily meal allowances during overtime work must not exceed 25% of the basic minimum

Meal allowance is non-taxable only for overtime or graveyard shift.

Maximum PHP 128.00 per day based on PHP512.00 (Metro Manila minimum wage – Wage Order
No. NCR-19).

Insurance Coverage

In case of accidents the employees are covered with P5,000.00 worth of medical assistance.

Birthday Leave

All full-time staff will be eligible to take one day off (8 hours) during the month of their

Christmas Bonus
As sign of gratitude to the employees for their effort and hard work, a gift or Aguinaldo is
voluntarily given to them by the company.


The first set of uniforms are free for newly hired employees

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

IX. Motivational Strategies

Our company C11, set some motivational strategies that will make our team more motivated
and enthusiastic to their duties and responsibilities as well be productive and effective when it
comes to their assigned tasks.

Motivational Program Motivational Strategies

 Team Buildings and Seminar  Clayton Aldefer’s ERG Theory

-Team Buildings and Seminars will -Provides employees motivational
be conducted inside the company needs that will simultaneously
for the designated tasks. boosts their self-confidence and
productivity at work.
e.g. Personality Development, Customer
Service Relations, Food and Equipment
Safety Seminar) in the workplace.

 Perfect AtTEAndance Award  Cognitive Evaluation Theory

(Monthly & Yearly) This helps employees to develop
and showcase his/her potential at
This award will be given to those
work by supporting his/her from the
employees who attended their duties
without any absences and late. They will
also receive 150 (monthly)/ 1500 (yearly)
Binger’s Base Gift Certificate and a
Certificate of Appreciation.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

 MighTEA Awardee of the Month

This award will be given to those

employees who have shown their very best
performance every month. He/she will also
receive a 1000 worth of Binger’s Base Gift
Certificate and a Certificate of

 Quota Challenge Plan  Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory

This motivates employees to be
This Plan will test the employees when it
more challenged on their work so
comes to their sales talk abilities. Whoever
that they will exert more effort and
meets the quota will receive an incentive
time and for them to also develop
worth 700 worth of Binger’s Base Gift
their expertise on their line of work.
Certificate and a Certificate of

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

X. Manpower Requirements

Position Employees Hours Hours per Type of Monthly Annual

Required per Day Month Employee Salary Salary
General 1 8hrs. 208hrs. Permanent 35,360
P 282,360
Supervisor 2 8hrs. 208hrs. Permanent 24,752 222,144
Head Cook 1 8hrs. 208hrs. Permanent 13,702 164,424

Cook 2 8hrs. 208hrs. Permanent 13,312 159,744

Staff 5 8hrs. 208hrs. Permanent 13,312 159,744
Cashier 3 8hrs. 208hrs. Permanent 13,312 159,744
Security 2 8hrs. 208hrs. Permanent 13,312 159,744

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Salary Schedule
Employees Basic Pay Monthly Annually
GENERAL MANAGER P 905 P 23,530 P 282,360
SUPERVISOR 1 712 18,512 222,144
SUPERVISOR 2 712 18,512 222,144
HEAD COOK 527 13,702 164,424
STAFF 1 512 13,312 159,744
STAFF 2 512 13,312 159,744
STAFF 3 512 13,312 159,744
STAFF 4 512 13,312 159,744
STAFF 5 512 13,312 159,744
COOK 1 512 13,312 159,744
COOK 2 512 13,312 159,744
CASHIER 1 512 13,312 159,744
CASHIER 2 512 13,312 159,744
CASHIER 3 512 13,312 159,744
SECURITY GUARD 1 512 13,312 159,744
SECURITY GUARD 2 512 13,312 159,744

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Manager and Supervisor

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Staff& Cashier

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Identification Card

Name Plate

Loyalty Card

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XI. Job Description and Job Specifications

Job Title: General Manager

Reports to: Partners

Subordinates: Supervisor

Job Summary:

The role of the General Manager is to ensure that the staffs are performing well in providing customer service as well as
monitoring the financial performance of the store.

Job Descriptions:

o Recruiting, training, supervising, and appraising staff

o Good decision-making skills
o Maintaining statistical and financial records
o Dealing with customer queries and complaints
o Knowledge in overseeing pricing and stock control


o Active listener
o Shows empathy
o Excellent communication skills
o Shows outstanding skills in leadership
o A positive attitude and the ability to motivate

Skill Requirements:

- Have experience in leading a team.

- Gave a strong computer and problem-solving knowledge
- Knowledgeable Promotional Campaign
- Must be willing to learn and accept ideas.
- Must be able to work as a team
- Be able to meet strict deadlines required for this position
- Knowledge in overseeing pricing and stock control

Years of Experience: At least 8 years being in the said position.

Educational Requirement: At least a graduate of Business Administration Course.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Job Title: Supervisor

Reports to: Partners

Subordinates: Cook and Staffs

Job Summary:

The role of the Supervisor is he/she will not just be someone who supervises the work of others. A supervisor is also
responsible for coaching, resolving issues and serving as a link between subordinates and upper management.

Job Descriptions:

o Set goals for performance and deadlines in ways that comply with company’s plans and vision and communicate
them to subordinate.
o Organize workflow and ensure that employees understand their duties or delegated tasks.
o Monitor employee productivity and provide constructive feedback and coaching.
o Receive complaints and resolve problems.
o Maintain timekeeping and personnel records.
o Pass on information from upper management to employees and vice versa
o Hire and train new employees


o Active listener
o Shows empathy
o Excellent communication skills
o Shows outstanding skills in leadership
o A positive attitude and the ability to motivate

Skill Requirements:

- Proven experience as supervisor or relevant role.

- Familiarity with company policies and legal guidelines of the field; Ability to learn a variety of job descriptions.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; Outstanding organizational and leadership skills.
- Good knowledge of MS Office; Diploma/Certificate in first line management or relevant field.

Years of Experience: At least 2 years being in the said position.

Educational Requirement: At least a graduate of Business Administration Course.

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(02) 282-2114

Job Title: Cashier

Reports to: Supervisor


Job Summary:

To support management in achieving the company growth objectively by maximizing sales.

Job Descriptions:

o Checks out customer purchases accurately and efficiently

o Opens and closes out bills and registers according to procedure, maintenance consistent cash accuracy.
o Trains the new staffs as needed
o Assists customer with grocery bagging as requested
o Perform other duties as assigned to meet business needs
o Maintain back-stock areas according to department standards


o Product knowledge
o Good personality
o Friendly
o Cash handling


Skill requirements:

- Understanding of Basic Math

- Good customer and attention to detail skills.
- Ability to stand for a long period of hours.

Years of Experience: At least 1-2 years of experience

Educational Requirement: At least a high school graduate.

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Job Title: Crew/Staff

Reports to: Marketing Manager


Job Summary:

The service crew members need to have a cheery disposition with the ability to greet customers, take orders, process the
orders and serve or pack. The crew members are also required to help kitchen staff in cleaning and preparation of foods.

Job Descriptions:

o Maintain a fast service especially during peak time.

o Take orders from customers and input their selection into the computer’ POS
o Assemble orders on tray or in a bag depending on the type of orders
o Clean the station thoroughly before, during and after each shift.
o Respond to questions, concern and complaints and make sure they leave satisfied


o Patience
o Cheerful
o Ability to multitask
o Adaptability
o Good personality


Skill requirements:

- Able to Multi-task
- Good communication
- Excellent Intrapersonal skills
- Ability to keep calm in dealing pressure situations

Years of Experience: No specific experience at all.

Educational Requirement: At least a high school graduate

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Job Title: Cook

Reports to: Marketing Manager


Job Summary:

The position of cook consists of directing the preparation, seasoning, and cooking of all the foods.

Job Descriptions:

o Check the quantity and quality of received raw materials

o In charge of preparation of foods to be served in the customers.
o Determine how food should be presented.


o Cleanliness
o Ability to multitask
o Creativity
o Resourcefulness


Skill requirements: Business sense, culinary expertise and motivational, good communication

skill, Good Hand-eye coordination, Sense of taste and smell

Years of Experience: 2 years of experience

Educational Requirement:

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Job Title: Accountant

Reports to: Partners


Job Summary:

Prepares assets, liabilities, and capital account entries by compiling and analyzing account information. Documents
financial transactions by entering account information’s.

Job Descriptions:

o Prepares company’s financial information

o Recommends financial actions by analyzing accounting options
o Maintains accounting control by preparing and recommending policies and procedures


o Flexibility
o Extreme trustworthiness
o Excellent organization
o Great communication skills


Age: At least 25 years’ old

Skill requirements:

- Computer-literate
- Able to do multiple tasks
- Able to do Financial reporting and analytical ability
- knowledge of IT software

Years of Experience: 5 years in the field

Educational Requirement: At least a graduate of a Financial Management or Accountancy Course

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Job Title: Security Guard

Reports to: Partners


Job Summary:

Responsible for protecting property, assets and people. Duties and responsibilities include guarding, patrolling, and
monitoring the premises to prevent theft, violence.

Job Descriptions:

o Answer alarms and investigate disturbances

o Circulate among visitor, patrons or employee to preserve order and protect property.
o Monitor and authorize entrance and departure of employees, customers and other persons.
o Patrol industrial or commercial premises to prevent and detect signs of intrusion and ensure security of the entire


o Versatile and able to multitask

o Respectful of others
o Always look sharp
o Knows how to write a professional report
o Physically fit


Skill requirements: Having a high self-discipline, must be fair and honest at all times, must be polite and kind at all times,
must be able to deal drastic situations in a calm manner, Have proper security training.

Years of Experience: 2-3 years of experience

Educational Requirement: At least high school graduate

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XII. Organizational Chart






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XIII. Gantt Chart

2018 2019

June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June


Looking for

Acquiring of

Permits and


Canvass and
buying of





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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XIV. Company Policies


1. An employee must not exceed to the allowed break time.

2. Avoid committing AWOL (Absence without official leave).

3. Absence without official leave or notice for three (3) consecutive working days was

considered as abandonment of work.

4. Absence due to illness must show a supported medical or health records as proof.

5. Filing an official leave in case of unexpected absence within the first twenty-four (24)

hours upon returning to work is a must.

6. A written authorization of the head-in-charge is needed when changing work hours.

7. Avoid excessive tardiness.

8. Use of phone for personal reasons during working hours is not allowed, exceptions only

for emergency instances.


1. Always wear the prescribed uniform.

2. Always wear identification card.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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1. No carrying of firearms, explosives and any harmful materials inside the store.

2. Never work under the influence of prohibited drugs and liquor.

3. Drinking liquor or any alcoholic beverages within the store premise during working hours

is strictly prohibited.

4. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter in restricted areas without permission.

5. Any incident, injury or damage occurring on working hours must be reported right away

to the management.

6. Smoking inside the store premise is not allowed.

7. Employees having contagious and transmittable disease that may endanger the health of

co-employees and customers must inform the management to have an early precaution.

8. Unauthorized disclosure or release of the store’s records or confidential information is


9. No employees should enter the store premise during off hours without necessary overtime


10. Avoid committing disorder, violence or use of force power towards any employee within

the store premise.

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(02) 282-2114


1. Avoid damaging or using the store’s property or assets.

2. Unauthorized use of the Business name and property is strictly prohibited.

3. Avoid performing unauthorized work or doing an act which has direct or indirect conflict

with the interest of the business.

4. Always shut off lights, appliances, and faucets when not in use.

5. Employees must not have engaged with the business’ competitors or working for another

person or company having the same business.

6. Writing or posting unauthorized written materials, notices, signs, or other printed materials

on the wall or bulletin board is strictly prohibited.

7. Any official notice or announcements on store premise must not be removed without the

authorization of the management.

8. No one should solicit or sell any type of goods inside the store.

9. Substituting the store’s property, materials or equipment for another inferior quality or

lesser value is strictly prohibited.

10. Engaging in store’s sabotage or any similar activities that will affect the name of the

business is proscribe by the management.

11. Lending of the store’s funds to a co employee or non-employee is not allowed.

12. Installation or use of unlicensed or potentially harmful software in the store’s computer is


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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


1. Gambling within store premise is not allowed.

2. Stealing or unauthorized possession of the store’s property or assets is prohibited.

3. Falsifying or tampering store’s records or documents is strictly prohibited.

4. Be honest about the attendance record. Always write down the exact time in- time out in

the record book.

5. No borrowing of other employee’s ID.

6. Behave accordingly to avoid causing the business to lose time or money due to carelessness

or negligence.

7. The management forbids to accept or solicit any sum of money or gifts from suppliers.

8. No giving of false testimony during store’s investigation or inspections.

9. Sexual, racial, or other harassment, intimidation, or violence towards any employee is



1. Always perform excellently to the assigned work.

2. Render overtime or holiday work if asked by the employer.

3. Always show respect toward superior.

4. Employees are expected to obey the lawful orders of his/her employers.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


1. Follow hand-washing and sanitizing procedures.

2. Do not forget to record or place destroyed food items in the designated area.

3. Follow the given standards for cooking. Adhere to prescribed security, safety or health


4. Avoid carelessness which may cause loss wastage, spoilage, damage of the store’s supply.

5. Maintain individual hygiene. Long fingernails, uncut hair and moustache are not allowed.

6. Ensure that utensils and equipment are properly sanitized.

7. Clean the designated post; Kitchen, Rest room, tables and others regularly.

8. Eating chewing gum in front of the customers and spitting it just anywhere is a big no.


1. Be courteous and respectful towards the customers and suppliers.

2. Behave properly and avoid threatening, coercing, harassing and quarreling with the

customers and suppliers.

3. Do not use any offensive language or behavior towards superior, customers, suppliers and

even co-employees.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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XV. Sanctions and Violations


1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense 5th Offense

A.1 Exceeding to the Verbal Three (3) Seven (7)

allowed break time. Warning days days

suspension suspension

A.2 Committing AWOL Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7) Termination

2(Absence without Warning Reprimand days days

official leave). suspension suspension

A.3 Failure to file a Three (3) Seven (7)

notice within three (3) days days

consecutive working Suspension suspension

days after committing

an AWOL.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

A.4 Failure to show a Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

supported medical or Warning Reprimand days days

health records from suspension suspension

absence due to illness.

A.5 Failure to file an Verbal Written Three (3) days Seven (7) Termination

official leave in case of Warning Reprimand suspension days

unexpected absence suspension

within the first twenty-

four (24) hours upon

returning to work.

A.6 Change of work Verbal Written Three (3) days Seven (7) Termination

hours without written Warning Reprimand suspension days

authorization of the suspension

head in-charge.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

A.7 Excessive lateness; Verbal Written Three (3) days Seven (7) Termination

three (3) consecutive Warning Reprimand suspension days

days of being late. suspension

A.8 Use of phone during Verbal Written Three (3) days Seven (7)

work hours except in an Warning Reprimand suspension days

emergency. suspension


B.1 Failure to wear or Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7) Termination

refusal to wear the Warning Reprimand days days

prescribed uniform. suspension suspension

B.2 Failure to wear Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

identification card. Warning Reprimand days days

suspension suspension

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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C.1 Unauthorized Termination

carrying of firearms or

explosives inside the


C.2 Working under the Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7) Termination

influence of prohibited Warning Reprimand days days

drugs and liquor. suspension suspension

C.3 Drinking liquor or Verbal Written Seven (7) Termination

any alcoholic beverages Warning Reprimand days

inside the store premise suspension

during working hours.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

C.4 Allowing or failing

to report unauthorized Verbal Written Three (3) days Seven (7)

persons entering in Warning Reprimand suspension days

restricted areas without suspension


C.5 Failure to report Written Three (3) Seven (7) days

within twenty four (24) Reprimand days suspension

hours after any suspension

incident, injury or

damage that occurred

inside the store.

C.6 Smoking inside the Verbal Written Three (3) days Seven (7) days Terminat

store premise. Warning Reprimand suspension suspension ion

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

C.7 Failure of employee

to inform the Seven (7) days Termination

management about suspension

having contagious and

transmittable disease.

C.8 Disclosure or

release of the business’ Termination

records or confidential

information without


C.9 Committing

disorder, violence or use Written Three (3) days Seven (7) days Termin

of force power towards Reprimand suspension suspension ation

any employee within the

store premise.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


D.1 Intentionally Seven (7) Termination

damaging or using days

store’s property or suspension


D.2 Unauthorized use of Seven (7) Termination

the business’ name and days

property. suspension

D.3 Performing

unauthorized work or Written Seven (7) Termination

doing an act which has Reprimand days

direct or indirect suspension

conflict with the interest

of the business.

D.4 Failure to shut off Written Three (3) Seven (7)

lights, appliances, and Reprimand days days

faucets when not in use. suspension suspension

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

D.5 Competing with the

business or working for

another person or Termination

company engaged with

the same business.

D.6 Writing or posting Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

unauthorized written Warning Reprimand days days

materials, notices, signs, suspension suspension

or other printed

materials on the wall or

bulletin board.

D.7 Removing any

official notice or Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

announcements without Warning Reprimand days days

authorization. suspension suspension

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(02) 282-2114

D.8 Soliciting or selling

any type of goods within Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

the store premise. Warning Reprimand days days

suspension suspension

D.9 Substituting the

store’s property, Termination

materials or equipment

for another inferior

quality or lesser value.

D.11 Lending of store’s Seven (7) Termination

funds to a co employee days

or non-employee. suspension

D.12 Installation or use

of unlicensed or Written Seven (7) Termination

potentially harmful Reprimand days

software in the store’s suspension


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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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E.1 Gambling within Written Seven (7) Termination

the store premise. Reprimand days


E.2 Stealing or Termination


possession of the store’s

property or assets.

E.3 Falsifying or Seven (7) Termination

tampering business’ days

records or documents. suspension

E.4 Falsifying the time-

in and time-out, Seven (7) Termination

submitting fraudulent days

attendance documents suspension

and altering attendance


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E.5 Permitting other Written Seven (7) Termination

employees to use one’s Reprimand days

ID. suspension

E.6 Causing the

business to lose time or Written Seven (7) Termination

money due to Reprimand days

carelessness or suspension


E.7 Giving false Seven (7) Termination

testimony during days

store’s investigation or suspension


E.8 Sexual, racial, or

other harassment, Seven (7) Termination

intimidation, or days

violence towards any suspension


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F.1 Refusing to perform Verbal Three (3) Seven (7) Termination

assigned work. Warning days days

suspension suspension

F.2 Refusal to render Written Three (3) Seven (7) Termination

overtime or holiday Reprimand days days

work despite advance suspension suspension


Seven (7)

F.3 Disrespecting days Termination

superior. suspension

F.4 Serious misconduct Verbal Seven (7) Termination

or willful disobedience Warning days

by the employee of the suspension

lawful orders of his/her


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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

G .Cleanliness, Food Safety and Sanitation

G.1 Failure to follow Verbal Written One (1) day Three (3)

hand-washing and Warning Reprimand suspension days

sanitizing procedures. suspension

G.2 Failure to record or Verbal Written One (1) day Three (3)

place destroyed food Warning Reprimand suspension days

items in the designated suspension


G.3 Failure to ensure

product is cooked to

standards. Not adhering Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

to prescribed security, Warning Reprimand days days

safety or health suspension suspension


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(02) 282-2114

G.4 Carelessness which

causes loss wastage, Verbal Three (3) Seven (7) Termination

spoilage, damage of the Warning days days

store’s supply. suspension suspension

G.5 Failure to maintain Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

individual hygiene; long Warning Reprimand days days

fingernails, uncut hair suspension suspension

and moustache and


G.6 Carelessness or Three (3) Seven (7)

improper sanitation of Verbal Written days days

utensils and equipment. Warning Reprimand suspension suspension

G.7 Failure to clean

designated post; Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

Kitchen, Rest room, Warning Reprimand days days

tables and others. suspension suspension

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

G.8 Eating Chewing gum Verbal Written Three (3) Seven (7)

in front of the customers Warning Reprimand days days

and spitting it just suspension suspension



H.1 Showing disrespect Seven (7)

or discourtesy toward Written days

customers and Reprimand suspension


H.2 Threatening, Seven (7) Termination

coercing, harassing and days

quarreling with the suspension

customers and


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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

H.3 Using offensive Seven (7) Termination

language or behavior days

towards customers, suspension

suppliers, and co-


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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

XVI. Termination Process





This test will be conducted by the requested employee for him/her to conduct the standard

procedures in certain designations at work which will be supervised by the manager at the same

time the employee will be ask some questions regarding his/her field of work.


This will be a minor conversation between the superior and the employee, the consultation

will be held inside the office and will talk about the issues that were gathered from the output of

the employee’s errors. By then, the manager will measure if the employee will be terminated and

if ever the result of the evaluation is termination, the employee will be requested to fill in a

termination form. Therefore, he/she will proceed to resignation.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114





That we, the undersigned partners, all of legal age, residents and citizens of the

Philippines have on this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming

a limited partnership under the following terms and conditions and subject to existing and

applicable laws of the Republic of the Philippines:


ARTICLE I. That the name of this partnership shall be C-Eleven Limited Partnership.

ARTICLE II. That the purpose/s for which this partnership is formed, is to become one of the
well-known tea houses in Metro Manila that serves flavorful choices of beverages and will give
the consumers a remarkable experience inside the store.

ARTICLE III. That the principal place of business of this partnership shall be located at One

Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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ARTICLE IV. That the names, nationalities and complete residence addresses of the partners are
as follows:

Name Nationality Residence Kind of Partner

Mangga St. Bilog, Balangkas,

Ma. Erika D. Andaya Filipino Limited Partner
Valenzuela City

44-C Fredel Compound,

Ilang- Ilang Street,
Kenneth L. Antonio Filipino Limited Partner
Karuhatan, Valenzuela City

#29 Jacinto Marulas,

Adrian Carillo Filipino Limited Partner
Valenzuela City

1225 A. Mariano St.

Josell Castro Filipino Limited Partner
Bagbaguin, Valenzuela City

4025 Lotus St.

Aris Keyvin Cornejo Filipino MapulangLupa, Valenzuela Limited Partner

#705 C.Molina St. #70

Ahllan Dela Peña Filipino Limited Partner
5C.Reales, Valenzuela City

#6 Lanzones St. Bilog,

Joren Espiritu Filipino Balangkas, Limited Partner
Valenzuela City

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(02) 282-2114

007 IpilSt. Villa

Khristine Joy Matus Filipino LiwaywaySubd. Maysan, Limited Partner
Valenzuela City

479 DulongTangke,
Gabriel Angelo San Luis Filipino Malinta, Valenzuela City Limited Partner

#6 Alley 3, Palasan,
LouellaTamondong Filipino Limited Partner
Valenzuela City

011 Caimito St. Antonio

AljaneTapac Filipino Subd. Dalandanan, Limited Partner
Valenzuela City

Article V. The term for which this partnership is until the business exists and after the approval of this
partnership by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

ARTICLE VI. That the capital of this Partnership shall be the amount of Php 3,300,000.00Philippine
Currency, contributed in cash by the partners, as follows:

Name Amount Contributed

Kenneth L. Antonio Php 300,000.00

Ma. Erika D. Andaya Php 300,000.00

Adrian Carillo Php 300,000.00

Josell Castro Php 300,000.00

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(02) 282-2114

ArisKeyvin S, Cornejo Php 300,000.00

AhllanDela Peña Php 300,000.00

Joren Espiritu Php 300,000.00

Khristine Joy Matus Php 300,000.00

Gabriel Angelo San Luis Php 300,000.00

LouellaTamondong Php 300,000.00

AljaneTapac Php 300,000.00

Total Php 3,300,000.00

That no transfer of interest which will reduce the ownership of Filipino citizens to less than
the required percentage of capital as provided by existing laws shall be allowed or permitted to be
recorded in the proper books of the partnership.

ARTICLE VII. That the profits and losses of this partnership shall be divided and distributed
proportionately on the ratio of the capital contribution of each partner. (Limited partner shall be liable for
losses only to the extent of his/her contribution.)

ARTICLE VIII. That this partnership shall be under __________, as General Manager, who shall be in

charge of the management of the affairs of the company. He shall have the power to use the partnership

name and in otherwise performing such acts as are necessary and expedient in the management of the firm

and to carry out its lawful purposes. (Only the General Partner can be the General Manager.)

ARTICLE IX. That the partners undertake to change the name of this partnership, as herein provided or

as amended thereafter, immediately upon receipt of notice or directive from the Securities and Exchange

Commission that another corporation, partnership or person has acquired a prior right to the use of that

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

name or that the name has been declared as misleading, deceptive, confusingly similar to a registered name,

or contrary to public morals, good customs or public policy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures this ____ day of ______,
20___, at ________.

______________________ _______________________

(Name of partner) (Name of partner)

______________________ _______________________

(Name of partner) (Name of partner)

______________________ _______________________

(Name of partner) (Name of partner)

______________________ _______________________

(Name of partner) (Name of partner)

______________________ _______________________

(Name of partner) (Name of partner)


(Name of partner)

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I. Technical Objectives
 To know the proper placement of our facilities

 To make our customers feel safe and convenient

 To establish a state of the art structure of the business

 To use the latest technology in running the business

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II. Photos of Equipment



EQUIPMENTS Quantity Life span Price

1 1 year P446.43

Bulletin Board


Long- 1 ream +P160.71

Short- 1 ream P339.28
Bond paper

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 211

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 box Consumables P89.29

Ball pen

1 box Consumables P89.29


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 212

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

5 pieces 1 year P669.64

Archive Folders

50 pieces Consumables P156.25


1 box Consumables P44.64


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 213

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4 pieces Consumables P89.29

Correction Fluid

50 pieces Consumables P29.02

Push pins

3 pieces 1 year P174.11

Paper Stapler

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 214

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

10 boxes Consumables P44.64

Staple Wire

1 unit 5 years P12,000


1 piece
1 year P1,000.00

Flash drive

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 215

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

3 years (inkjet

1 set 5 years (Laser P4,465



1 piece 5 years P3,999.00

Safety Box/Vault

1 5 years P3,500.00


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 216

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Quantity Life span Price

16 (for 4 P22,400.00
person) 5 years +P3,600.00


Tables 1 (for 6 person)

80 pieces 5 Years P35,000.00


2 PIECES 5 YEARS P7,200.00

Long table

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 217

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

2 units 5 years P32,000

Air Conditioner

2 units of 1mp

5 years P5,779.00
2 units of 1mp

CCTV Cameras

1 1 year P200.00

Washbasin Mirror

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 218

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

6 pieces 5 years P3,300.00

Blind window curtain

1 5 years P1,219


2 sets 5 years P5,649.30

*Feed pipes and Wax

Toilet Bowl Set

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 219

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

2 pieces 5 years P1,520.00

Bidet Hose

2 pieces 5 years P500.00

Toilet paper holder

1 piece 5 years P2,325.00

Bathroom Sink

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 220

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 piece 5 years P1,000.00

Hand Dryer

1 5 years P350.00

Bathroom faucet

1 5 years P750.00

Office table

3 pieces 5 years P570.00

Office chair

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 221

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Quantity Life Span Price

1 piece 5 years P7,000.00


5 years P5,000.00
1 piece

Fructose Machine

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 222

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

2 pieces 5 years P5,000.00


1 piece 5 years P2,200.00

Electric thermos

1 piece 5 years P798.00

Rice Cooker

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 223

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

2 pieces P365.00 M
(Medium) P325.00 S
5 years
2 pieces (small) P300.00 W
2 pieces P990.00

2 pieces 5 years P2,400.00


2 pieces 5 years P100.00

Measuring Cup

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 224

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4 pieces P1,000.00
(standard) 5 years +P400.00
2 pieces P1,400.00


2 pieces 5 years P500.00


70 pieces 5 years P10,500.00

Plastic Containers

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 225

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

80 pieces 5 years P1,200.00


3 pieces 5 years P300.00


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 226

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

30 pieces 5 years 2,750.00


1 Set 5 years P1,300.00

Cooking Set

5 pieces 5 years P100.00

Pot holder

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 227

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

3 pieces 5 years P1,000.00


1 piece 5 years P600.00

Electric Mixer

10 pieces 5 years P5,000.00

Cupcake Molding Tray/Baking


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 228

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 set 5 years P599.00

Knife set

3 pieces 5 years P477.00

Chopping board

4 pieces 5 years P1,600.00

Kitchen rail organizer

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 229

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

3 pieces 5 years P900.00

Pasta Scooper

50 pieces 5 years P1,000.00


50 pairs 5 years P2,000.00


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 230

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

2 pieces 5 years P1,000.00

Plate rack

20 pieces 5 years P3,000.00

Serving tray

1 set 5 years P578.00

Spatula Set

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 231

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 set 5 years P15,000.00

Electrical Stove

2 pieces 5 years P2,000.00

Exhaust fan

3 pieces 5 years P300.00


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 232

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

3 pieces 5 years P300.00


2 sets Consumables P1,200.00


1 piece 5 years P5,799.00

Kitchen Sink

1 piece 5 years P350.00

Kitchen Faucet

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 233

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 unit 5 years P6,500.00

Sealing Machine

1 set 5 years P6,500.00

Kitchen utensil set

1 5 years P2,500.00

Dinnerware set

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 234

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 5 years P400.00

Electric kettle

1 5 years P800.00

Utensil rack

60pcs 5 years P32,503.20

Glow in the Dark Cups

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 235

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Quantity Life Span Price


40 pieces 5 years P12,000.00

Light Bulb

6 pieces 5 years P100.00

Door mats

2 pieces 5 years P600.00

Trash bin (Outdoor)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 236

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

6 pieces 5 years P900.00

Trash can

50 rolls Consumables P2,500.00

Trash liners

2 pieces Consumables P500.00

3 set 1 years P1500.00,

Mop set

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 237

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

2 pieces 5 years P100.00


2 pieces 5 years P50.00


1 piece Consumables P350.00

Air freshener

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 238

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4 gallons Consumables P600.00

Glass Spray Cleaner

2 pieces 5 years P300.00

Glass Wiper

2 pieces Consumables P200.00

Liquid hand soap

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 239

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4 bottles Consumables P800.00

Dishwashing Liquid

4 pieces 3 months P100.00


2 pieces 5 years P50.00


3 pieces 5 years P50.00


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 240

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

10 packs Consumables P1,000.00


3 pieces 1 year P450.00


1 set 5 years P250.00

Tool Set

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 241

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4 pieces 5 year P300.00


2 pieces 5 years P300.00

Extension Cable

4 pieces 5 years P2,700.00

Fire extinguishers

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 242

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

3 pieces 5 years P3,600.00

Emergency light

3 sets Consumables P450.00

First aid kit

1 unit 5 years P10,000.00

Power Generator

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 243

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Quantity Price

50 packs (180

Table napkin

100 rolls 150.00

Toilet paper

P1,525.00 XL

1,500 pieces (500 +P1,425.00 L

XL, 500 L, 500 R) P1,300.00R


Plastic Cups for takeout

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 244

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

P1840 BIG
10 packs
+P1840 small


100 pieces P95.00

Cupcake Cups

20 pieces P200.00

Hair Net

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 245

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

500 pieces 700

Dome lid

3 pieces P3,000.00

Sealing Film

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 246

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Operational Equipment Quantity Life Span Price per item

1 piece 5 Years P250.00


2 Units 5 Years P20,000.00

POS Machine

100 Rolls Consumables P5500.00

Thermal Paper

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 247

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4 pieces 5 years 6,000.00


2 pieces 5 years 1,400.00

Electric Fan

10 pieces 5 years P1,000.00

Table towel

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 248

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Board Games Quantity Life Span Price per item

5 boxes 3 years P389.00


1 Box 3 years P388.00

Bad Dog

1 Box 5 years P328.00


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 249

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


1 Box 5 years P139.00

2 Units 5 years P1,000.00


2 Units 5 years P300.00

Pick up Sticks

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 250

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 Unit 5 years P275.00

Games of General

1 Unit 5 years P476.00


1 Unit 5 years P899.00


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 251

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 Unit 5 years P269.00


1 Unit 5 years P256.00

Pirate Oak Barrel

*The photos above are for feasibility purposes only.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 252

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

III. Legends and Symbols

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 253

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

IV. Sources of Electricity, Water and Communication


Meralco, as a leading company in the Philippines, we agreed to take this as the

source of electricity of the business.


Maynilad, as one of the leading company in the Philippines, we agreed to take this

as the source of water of the business.


PLDT, this serves as the land line and Internet connection and this also use as the

POS (Point-of-sale) Internet connection of the business.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 254

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 255

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

I. Major Financial Assumptions

 The ending Raw Materials Inventory at the end of the year is 20% of the raw materials

used for the month.

 Ending Store Supplies is 20% of the store supplies expense for the month.

 Store Supplies Expense is expected to increase by 1.18% yearly due to increase in the

number of customers.

 Ending Office Supplies is 20% of the office supplies expense for the month.

 Ending Medicine Supplies is 20% of the medicine supplies expense for the month.

 Ending Maintenance Supplies is 20% of the maintenance supplies expense for the month.

 The useful life of Furniture and Fixtures, Tools and Equipment, and Leasehold

Improvement is 5 years with no salvage value.

 The company uses straight-line method in depreciating non-current assets.

 All gift certificates are redeemed during the year.

 Applied Overhead equals actual Overhead.

 Cash on Hand should be 20% of Cash in Bank.

 1 month of Utilities Expense is payable at year-end.

 There is 5% increase in cash expenses, except employee-related expenses and permits

and license fees, due to inflation.

 To cover the inflation rate, average sales per customer should increase by 5% every year.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 256

C-Eleven Partnership, Ltd.
Project Cost

Capital Investment:
Antonio, Kenneth L. ₱ 300,000.00
Andaya, Ma. Erika D. 300,000.00
Carillo, Adrian P. 300,000.00 Project Cost
Castro, Josell F. 300,000.00
Cornejo, Aris Keyvin S. 300,000.00

“Tealiciously made for you”

Dela Peña, Ahllan D. 300,000.00
Espiritu, Joren A. 300,000.00
Matus, Khristine Joy DG. 300,000.00
San Luis, Gabriel Angelo C. 300,000.00
Tamondong, Louella E. 300,000.00
Tapac, Aljane 300,000.00

Total ₱ 3,300,000.00
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Pre-Operating Expense (1) ₱ 13,792.16

Kitchen Tools and Equipment (5) 125,095.20
Office Tools and Equipment (5) 90,393.00

Maintenance Equipment (5) 10,780.00

Emergency Equipment (5) 16,300.00
Furniture and Fixtures (5) 91,602.30
Building Renovation (9) 930,000.00
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

3-Months Deposit 436,800.00

1-Month Advanced Rent 145,600.00
Office Supplies (2) 1,418.96
Medicine Supplies (3) 3,876.98
Maintenance Supplies (7) 11,258.33
Fire Insurance (6) 6,000.00

Page 257
1 Month Supplies of Raw Materials 102,659.00
Total ₱ 1,985,575.92
Net Cash on Hand ₱ 1,314,424.08
C-Eleven Partnership, Ltd.
Projected Statement of Financial Operations
For the Years Ended December 31, 2019-2023

“Tealiciously made for you”

Note 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Sales (8) ₱ 5,230,500.00 ₱ 9,414,196.88 ₱ 10,062,848.33 ₱ 10,756,192.53 ₱ 11,497,308.85
Less: Cost of Goods Sold (11) 2,176,213.04 3,881,376.32 4,099,606.91 4,332,873.59 4,582,212.35
Gross Profit 3,054,286.96 5,532,820.56 5,963,241.42 6,423,318.94 6,915,096.50
Less: Operating Expenses
Selling Expenses
Statement of Financial Operation

Advertising Expense (4) 10,325.00 1,260.00 1,323.00 1,389.15 1,458.61

Premiums Expense (4) 21,300.00 26,481.00 27,805.05 29,195.30 30,655.07
Store Supplies Expense (2) 4,544.27 8,326.92 8,900.65 9,513.90 10,169.41
Depreciation Expense-Kitchen Tools and
(5) 14,594.44 25,019.04 25,019.04 25,019.04 25,019.04
(02) 282-2114

Binger’s Base

Total Selling Expenses 50,763.71 61,086.96 63,047.74 65,117.39 67,302.12

General and Administrative Expenses (6) 2,888,642.97 5,006,035.65 5,126,772.02 5,252,047.51 5,383,591.68
Total Expenses 2,939,406.68 5,067,122.61 5,189,819.75 5,317,164.90 5,450,893.81

Operating Income 114,880.28 465,697.95 773,421.67 1,106,154.04 1,464,202.70

Income Tax (30% NCIT or 2% MCIT) 34,464.08 139,709.39 232,026.50 331,846.21 366,050.67
Less: Deferred Charges- MCIT - - - - -
Income Tax Expense-Net 34,464.08 139,709.39 232,026.50 331,846.21 366,050.67
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Net Income (Loss) ₱ 80,416.19 ₱ 325,988.57 ₱ 541,395.17 ₱ 774,307.83 ₱ 1,098,152.02

Page 258
C-Eleven Partnership, Ltd.
Projected Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31, 2019-2023

Note 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

“Tealiciously made for you”


Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents * ₱ 2,067,892.22 ₱ 2,666,595.41 ₱ 3,484,189.28 ₱ 4,536,598.04 ₱ 5,896,475.96
Accounts Receivable - - - - -
Raw Materials Inventory (8) 50,288.89 52,800.98 56,438.16 60,325.94 64,481.59
Statement of Financial Position

Store Supplies (2) 129.84 138.78 148.34 158.57 169.49

Office Supplies (2) 36.20 38.01 39.91 41.90 44.00
Maintenance Supplies (3) 98.90 103.85 109.04 114.49 120.22
Medicine Supplies (7) 287.20 301.56 316.64 332.47 349.10
Prepaid Insurance 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Total Current Assets 2,121,233.25 2,722,478.60 3,543,741.37 4,600,071.42 5,964,140.35

Non-Current Assets:
Kitchen Tools and Equipment - Net (5) 110,500.76 85,481.72 60,462.68 35,443.64 10,424.60
Office Tools and Equipment - Net (5) 79,847.15 61,768.55 43,689.95 25,611.35 7,532.75

Maintenance Equipment - Net (5) 9,522.33 7,366.33 5,210.33 3,054.33 898.33

Emergency Equipment - Net (5) 14,398.33 11,138.33 7,878.33 4,618.33 1,358.33
Furniture and Fixtures - Net (5) 80,915.37 62,594.91 44,274.45 25,953.99 7,633.53
Leasehold improvement - Net (5) 821,500.00 635,500.00 449,500.00 263,500.00 77,500.00
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Long-Term Refundable Deposit 436,800.00 436,800.00 436,800.00 436,800.00 436,800.00

Total Non-Current Assets 1,553,483.94 1,300,649.84 1,047,815.74 794,981.64 542,147.54
Total Assets ₱ 3,674,717.19 ₱ 4,023,128.43 ₱ 4,591,557.11 ₱ 5,395,053.06 ₱ 6,506,287.89

Page 259
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Gift Certificate Outstanding - - - - -
Income Tax Payable 14,770.32 34,927.35 58,006.63 82,961.55 91,512.67
Utilities Payable (9) 9,821.43 10,312.50 10,828.13 11,369.53 11,938.01
SSS Contributions Payable (13) 21,815.00 21,815.00 21,815.00 21,815.00 21,815.00
PhilHealth Contributions Payable (13) 5,702.84 5,702.84 5,702.84 5,702.84 5,702.84
Pag-IBIG Contributions Payable (13) 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00

“Tealiciously made for you”

Withholding Taxes Payable (13) 338.43 338.43 338.43 338.43 253.82
Salaries Payable (13) 195,646.75 195,646.75 195,646.75 195,646.75 195,731.36
VAT Payable (10) 43,406.22 45,180.81 48,619.41 52,311.20 56,274.42
Total Current Liabilities 294,300.99 316,723.67 343,757.18 372,945.30 386,028.11
Partners' Equity
Andaya, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Antonio, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Carillo, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Castro, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Cornejo, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Dela Peña, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Espiritu, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Matus, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
San Luis, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Tamondong, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Tapac, Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Total Partners' Equity 3,380,416.19 3,706,404.76 4,247,799.93 5,022,107.75 6,120,259.77
Total Liabilities and Partners' Equity ₱ 3,674,717.19 ₱ 4,023,128.43 ₱ 4,591,557.11 ₱ 5,395,053.06 ₱ 6,506,287.89
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

*Cash and Cash Equivalents consist of the following:

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cash on Hand ₱ 298,139.87 ₱ 397,627.98 ₱ 533,320.52 ₱ 708,106.68 ₱ 934,078.36
Petty Cash Fund 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Change Fund 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Payroll Fund 195,646.75 195,646.75 195,646.75 195,646.75 195,731.36

Page 260
VAT Fund 43,406.22 45,180.81 48,619.41 52,311.20 56,274.42
Cash in Bank 1,490,699.37 1,988,139.88 2,666,602.60 3,540,533.41 4,670,391.82
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents ₱ 2,067,892.22 ₱ 2,666,595.41 ₱ 3,484,189.28 ₱ 4,536,598.04 ₱ 5,896,475.96
C-Eleven Partnership, Ltd.
Projected Statement of Cash Flows

For the Years Ended December 31, 2019-2023

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net Income/ (Loss) ₱ 80,416.19 ₱ 325,988.57 ₱ 541,395.17 ₱ 774,307.83 ₱ 1,098,152.02
Depreciation Expense - Kitchen Tools and Equipment 14,594.44 25,019.04 25,019.04 25,019.04 25,019.04
Depreciation Expense - Office Tools and Equipment 10,545.85 18,078.60 18,078.60 18,078.60 18,078.60
Depreciation Expense - Maintenance Equipment 1,257.67 2,156.00 2,156.00 2,156.00 2,156.00

“Tealiciously made for you”

Depreciation Expense - Emergency Equipment 1,901.67 3,260.00 3,260.00 3,260.00 3,260.00
Depreciation Expense - Furniture and Fixtures 10,686.94 18,320.46 18,320.46 18,320.46 18,320.46
Depreciation Expense - Leasehold Improvement 108,500.00 186,000.00 186,000.00 186,000.00 186,000.00
Statement of Cash Flow

(Increase) in Raw Materials Inventory (50,288.89) (2,512.09) (3,637.18) (3,887.78) (4,155.65)

(Increase) in Store Supplies (129.84) (8.95) (9.56) (10.22) (10.93)
(Increase) in Office Supplies (36.20) (1.81) (1.90) (2.00) (2.10)
(Increase) in Medicine Supplies (98.90) (4.95) (5.19) (5.45) (5.72)
(Increase) in Maintenance Supplies (287.20) (14.36) (15.08) (15.83) (16.62)
(Increase) in Prepaid Insurance (2,500.00) - - - -
Increase in Accounts Payable - - - - -
Increase in Gift Certificate Outstanding - - - - -
(02) 282-2114

Increase in Income Tax Payable 14,770.32 20,157.03 23,079.28 24,954.93 8,551.12

Binger’s Base

Increase in Utilities Payable 9,821.43 491.07 515.63 541.41 568.48

Increase in SSS Contributions Payable 21,815.00 - - - -
Increase in PhilHealth Contributions Payable 5,702.84 - - - -
Increase in Pag-IBIG Contributions Payable 2,800.00 - - - -

Increase in Withholding Taxes Payable 338.43 - - - (84.61)

Increase in Salaries Payable 195,646.75 - - - 84.61
Increase in VAT Payable 43,406.22 1,774.58 3,438.61 3,691.78 3,963.22
Net Cash provided by Operating Activities ₱ 468,862.71 ₱ 598,703.19 ₱ 817,593.87 ₱1,052,408.77 ₱1,359,877.92
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Cash Outflow from Acquisition of Fixed Asset ₱ (1,264,170.49) ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Cash Outflow from Long-Term Refundable Deposit (436,800.00) - - - -
Net Cash provided by Investing Activities ₱ (1,700,970.49) ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash Inflows from Partners' Investments ₱ 3,300,000.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Cash Outflows from Partners' Withdrawals - - - - -
Net Cash provided by Investing Activities ₱ 3,300,000.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -

Page 261
Net Increase in Cash ₱ 2,067,892.22 ₱ 598,703.19 ₱ 817,593.87 ₱ 1,052,408.77 ₱ 1,359,877.92
Add: Cash Balance, Beginning - 2,067,892.22 2,666,595.41 3,484,189.28 4,536,598.04
Cash Balance, Ending ₱ 2,067,892.22 ₱2,666,595.41 ₱3,484,189.28 ₱4,536,598.04 ₱5,896,475.96
C-Eleven Partnership, Ltd.
Projected Statement of Changes in Partners' Equity

For the Years Ended December 31, 2019-2023

Andaya, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

“Tealiciously made for you”

Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Antonio, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Statement of Changes in Stockholders Equity

Carillo, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25

Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00

Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Castro, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -

Page 262
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Cornejo, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

“Tealiciously made for you”

Dela Peña, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
(02) 282-2114

Espiritu, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Binger’s Base

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25

Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00

Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Matus, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -

Page 263
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
San Luis, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

“Tealiciously made for you”

Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Tamondong, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Tapac, Capital 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning Capital 300,000.00 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25
Add/Less: Share in Net Income/(Loss) 7,310.56 29,635.32 49,217.74 70,391.62 99,832.00
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Additional Investments - - - - -
Total 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25
Less: Withdrawals - - - - -
Ending Capital 307,310.56 336,945.89 386,163.63 456,555.25 556,387.25

Page 264
Note 1: Pre-Operating Expense

Permits and Licenses 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Reservation Cost ₱ 40.00 ₱ 40.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -

“Tealiciously made for you”

Articles of by-laws 510.00 510.00 - - - -
Filing fee 15.00 15.00 - - - -
Annual Registration fee 500.00 500.00 - - - -
Breakdown of Schedules

Documentary Stamp Tax 15.00 15.00 - - - -

Print reciept and invoices that are in compliance with the BIR Regulations 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
City Government
Business Permit/ Mayor's Permit 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00
Annual Community Tax 500.00 500.00 2,592.20 4,265.68 4,525.14 4,802.48
Sanitary Inspection 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Garbage Permit 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00
A. Note 1: Pre-Operating Expense

Location Clearance 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Notary Fee 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
(02) 282-2114

Fire Inspection Fee 266.56 266.56 266.56 266.56 266.56 266.56

Binger’s Base

Electrical Permit 325.60 325.60 325.60 325.60 325.60 325.60

Mechanical Permit 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Plumbing Inspection 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
Sign Permit Fee 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00

Plate/Sticker Fee 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00

Occupational Tax 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00
Barangay Clearance 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Peace and Order Charge 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Pre-Launch Expenses
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Tarpaulin 1,600.00 1,600.00 - - - -

Balloons 1,500.00 1,500.00 - - - -
Flowers 3,500.00 3,500.00 - - - -
Total ₱ 13,792.16 ₱ 13,792.16 ₱ 8,204.36 ₱ 9,877.84 ₱ 10,137.30 ₱ 10,414.64

Page 265
Note 2: Office Supplies
Quantity Unit Unit cost Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Bulletin board 1 piece 446.43 ₱ 446.43 ₱ 260.42 ₱ 468.75 ₱ 492.19 ₱ 516.80 ₱ 542.64
Bond paper (short) 1 ream 160.71 160.71 93.75 168.75 177.19 186.05 195.35
Bond paper (long) 1 ream 178.57 178.57 104.17 187.50 196.88 206.72 217.05

“Tealiciously made for you”

Ballpen 20 pieces 4.46 89.29 52.08 93.75 98.44 103.36 108.53
Pencil 20 pieces 4.46 89.29 52.08 93.75 98.44 103.36 108.53
Archive folder 5 pieces 133.93 669.64 390.63 703.13 738.28 775.20 813.96
Envelopes 50 pieces 3.13 156.25 91.15 164.06 172.27 180.88 189.92
Eraser 20 pieces 2.23 44.64 26.04 46.88 49.22 51.68 54.26
B. Note 2: Office Supplies

Correction fluid 4 pieces 22.32 89.29 52.08 93.75 98.44 103.36 108.53
Push pins 50 pieces 0.58 29.02 16.93 30.47 31.99 33.59 35.27
Stapler 3 pieces 58.04 174.11 101.56 182.81 191.95 201.55 211.63
Staple wire 10 boxes 4.46 44.64 26.04 46.88 49.22 51.68 54.26
Total ₱ 2,171.88 ₱ 1,266.93 ₱ 2,280.47 ₱ 2,394.49 ₱ 2,514.22 ₱ 2,639.93
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Store Supplies
Quantity Unit Unit cost Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cupcake Cups 100 pieces 0.85 ₱ 84.82 ₱ 49.48 ₱ 90.67 ₱ 96.91 ₱ 103.59 ₱ 110.73
Straw (Big) 10 packs 164.29 1,642.86 958.33 1,756.05 1,877.04 2,006.37 2,144.61

Straw (Small) 10 packs 164.29 1,642.86 958.33 1,756.05 1,877.04 2,006.37 2,144.61
Dome Lid 500 pieces 1.25 625.00 364.58 668.06 714.09 763.29 815.88
Plastic Cups (XL) 500 pieces 2.72 1,361.61 794.27 1,455.42 1,555.70 1,662.89 1,777.46
Plastic Cups (L) 500 pieces 2.54 1,272.32 742.19 1,359.98 1,453.69 1,553.85 1,660.91
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Plastic Cups (R) 500 pieces 2.32 1,160.71 677.08 1,240.69 1,326.17 1,417.54 1,515.21
Total ₱ 7,790.18 ₱ 4,544.27 ₱ 8,326.92 ₱ 8,900.65 ₱ 9,513.90 ₱ 10,169.41

Page 266
Note 3: Medicine Supplies
Quantity Unit Unit cost Total cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Gauze bandage 3 pieces 26.79 ₱ 80.36 ₱ 46.88 ₱ 84.38 ₱ 88.59 ₱ 93.02 ₱ 97.67

“Tealiciously made for you”

Band-aid 3 box 55.80 167.41 97.66 175.78 184.57 193.80 203.49
Cotton buds 3 packs 38.39 115.18 67.19 120.94 126.98 133.33 140.00
Cotton balls 2 150 balls 30.36 60.71 35.42 63.75 66.94 70.28 73.80
Elastic bandage 3 piece 49.33 147.99 86.33 155.39 163.16 171.32 179.88
Alcohol 3 piece 58.04 174.11 101.56 182.81 191.95 201.55 211.63
Tweezer 2 pieces 107.14 214.29 125.00 225.00 236.25 248.06 260.47
Safety pins 2 box 33.04 66.07 38.54 69.38 72.84 76.49 80.31
Ice bag 3 piece 89.29 267.86 156.25 281.25 295.31 310.08 325.58
C. Note 3: Medicine Supplies

Hydrogen peroxide (Agua Oxigenada) 3 piece 42.86 128.57 75.00 135.00 141.75 148.84 156.28
Povidone-iodine ( Betadine) 3 piece 139.29 417.86 243.75 438.75 460.69 483.72 507.91
Digital thermometer 1 piece 133.93 133.93 78.13 140.63 147.66 155.04 162.79
Disposable sterile gloves 25 piece 8.57 214.29 125.00 225.00 236.25 248.06 260.47
(02) 282-2114

Dry tissue 25 packs 8.93 223.21 130.21 234.38 246.09 258.40 271.32
Binger’s Base

Wet wipes 12 packs 31.25 375.00 218.75 393.75 413.44 434.11 455.81
Scissor 1 piece 44.64 44.64 26.04 46.88 49.22 51.68 54.26
Katinko 10 piece 26.79 267.86 156.25 281.25 295.31 310.08 325.58
Mefenamic 50 piece 2.68 133.93 78.13 140.63 147.66 155.04 162.79

Biogesic 50 piece 3.13 156.25 91.15 164.06 172.27 180.88 189.92

Neozep 50 piece 3.57 178.57 104.17 187.50 196.88 206.72 217.05
Solmux 50 piece 8.04 401.79 234.38 421.88 442.97 465.12 488.37
Buscopan venus 50 piece 17.86 892.86 520.83 937.50 984.38 1,033.59 1,085.27
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Medicol 50 piece 3.57 178.57 104.17 187.50 196.88 206.72 217.05

Diatabs 50 piece 17.86 892.86 520.83 937.50 984.38 1,033.59 1,085.27
TOTAL ₱ 5,934.15 ₱ 3,461.59 ₱ 6,230.86 ₱ 6,542.40 ₱ 6,869.52 ₱ 7,213.00

Page 267
Note 4: Advertising Expenses
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ribbon ₱ 300.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -

“Tealiciously made for you”

Tarpaulin 225.00 - - - -
Flyers 2,500.00 - - - -
Posters 700.00 1,260.00 1,323.00 1,389.15 1,458.61
Total ₱ 3,725.00 ₱ 1,260.00 ₱ 1,323.00 ₱ 1,389.15 ₱ 1,458.61

Premiums Expenses
D. Note 4: Advertising Expense

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Tumbler ₱ 5,000.00 ₱ 5,250.00 ₱ 5,512.50 ₱ 5,788.13 ₱ 6,077.53
Mug 1,500.00 1,575.00 1,653.75 1,736.44 1,823.26
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Teddy Bear 3,600.00 3,780.00 3,969.00 4,167.45 4,375.82

Roses 1,000.00 1,050.00 1,102.50 1,157.63 1,215.51
Pumpkin Cake 8,900.00 9,345.00 9,812.25 10,302.86 10,818.01

Fries 1,300.00 1,365.00 1,433.25 1,504.91 1,580.16

Bamboo Straw - 1,312.50 1,378.13 1,447.03 1,519.38
Star City Ticket - 1,543.50 1,620.68 1,701.71 1,786.79
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Apron - 1,260.00 1,323.00 1,389.15 1,458.61

Total ₱ 21,300.00 ₱ 26,481.00 ₱ 27,805.05 ₱ 29,195.30 ₱ 30,655.07

Page 268
Note 5: Depreciation Expense

Kitchen Tools and Equipments

Useful Annual
Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Life Depreciation
Kitchen Utensil Set 1 pieces ₱ 6,500.00 ₱ 6,500.00 5 ₱ 1,300.00 ₱ 758.33 ₱ 1,300.00 ₱ 1,300.00 ₱ 1,300.00 ₱ 1,300.00
Dinnerware Set 1 pieces 2,500.00 2,500.00 5 500.00 291.67 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
Electric Kettle 1 pieces 400.00 400.00 5 80.00 46.67 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00
Fructose Machine 1 pieces 5,000.00 5,000.00 5 1,000.00 583.33 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Refrigerator 1 pieces 7,000.00 7,000.00 5 1,400.00 816.67 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00
Blender 2 pieces 2,500.00 5,000.00 5 1,000.00 583.33 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Electric Thermos 1 pieces 2,200.00 2,200.00 5 440.00 256.67 440.00 440.00 440.00 440.00

“Tealiciously made for you”

Jiggers (S) 2 pieces 162.50 325.00 5 65.00 37.92 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00
Jiggers (M) 2 pieces 182.50 365.00 5 73.00 42.58 73.00 73.00 73.00 73.00
Jiggers (Clear) 2 pieces 150.00 300.00 5 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
Tea Jug 2 pieces 1,200.00 2,400.00 5 480.00 280.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00
Measuring Cup 2 pieces 50.00 100.00 5 20.00 11.67 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Shakers (Standard) 4 pieces 250.00 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Shakers (Regular) 2 pieces 200.00 400.00 5 80.00 46.67 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00
Pitcher 2 pieces 250.00 500.00 5 100.00 58.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Plastic Containers 70 pieces 150.00 10,500.00 5 2,100.00 1,225.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00
Scooper 80 pieces 15.00 1,200.00 5 240.00 140.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 240.00
Stirrer 3 pieces 100.00 300.00 5 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
E. Note 5: Depreciation Expense

Bowls 30 pieces 91.67 2,750.00 5 550.00 320.83 550.00 550.00 550.00 550.00
Cooking Set 1 set 1,300.00 1,300.00 5 260.00 151.67 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00
Pot Holder 5 pieces 20.00 100.00 5 20.00 11.67 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Colander 3 pieces 333.33 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Electric Mixer 1 pieces 600.00 600.00 5 120.00 70.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00
Cupcake Molding Tray/ Baking Pan 10 pieces 500.00 5,000.00 5 1,000.00 583.33 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Knife Set 1 set 599.00 599.00 5 119.80 69.88 119.80 119.80 119.80 119.80
Kitchen Rail Organizer 4 pieces 400.00 1,600.00 5 320.00 186.67 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00

Pasta Scooper 3 pieces 300.00 900.00 5 180.00 105.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00
Plates 50 pieces 20.00 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Cutlery 50 pairs 20.00 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Plate Rack 2 pieces 500.00 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Serving Tray 20 pieces 150.00 3,000.00 5 600.00 350.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
Spatula Set 1 set 578.00 578.00 5 115.60 67.43 115.60 115.60 115.60 115.60
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Tongs 3 pieces 100.00 300.00 5 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
Sealing Machine 1 unit 6,500.00 6,500.00 5 1,300.00 758.33 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00
Electrical Stove 1 set 15,000.00 15,000.00 5 3,000.00 1,750.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Whisk 3 pieces 100.00 300.00 5 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
Exhaust Fan 2 pieces 1,000.00 2,000.00 5 400.00 233.33 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00
Utensil Rack 1 pieces 800.00 800.00 5 160.00 93.33 160.00 160.00 160.00 160.00
Chopping Board 3 pieces 159.00 477.00 5 95.40 55.65 95.40 95.40 95.40 95.40
Glow in the dark cups 60 pieces 541.72 32,503.20 5 6,500.64 3,792.04 6,500.64 6,500.64 6,500.64 6,500.64
Rice Cooker 1 pieces 798.00 798.00 5 159.60 93.10 159.60 159.60 159.60 159.60
TOTAL ₱ 125,095.20 ₱ 25,019.04 ₱ 14,594.44 ₱ 25,019.04 ₱ 25,019.04 ₱ 25,019.04 ₱ 25,019.04

Page 269
Office Tools and Equipment
Useful Annual
Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Life Depreciation
Laptop 1 pieces 12,000.00 ₱ 12,000.00 5 ₱ 2,400.00 ₱ 1,400.00 ₱ 2,400.00 ₱ 2,400.00 ₱ 2,400.00 ₱ 2,400.00
Flash Drive 1 pieces 1,000.00 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Printer 1 pieces 4,465.00 4,465.00 5 893.00 520.92 893.00 893.00 893.00 893.00
Bundy Clock 1 pieces 3,500.00 3,500.00 5 700.00 408.33 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00
Safety Box/Vault 1 pieces 3,999.00 3,999.00 5 799.80 466.55 799.80 799.80 799.80 799.80

“Tealiciously made for you”

POS (Point of Sale) Machine 2 units 10,000.00 20,000.00 5 4,000.00 2,333.33 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
Speakers 4 pieces 1,500.00 6,000.00 5 1,200.00 700.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
CCTV Camera 4 pieces 1,444.75 5,779.00 5 1,155.80 674.22 1,155.80 1,155.80 1,155.80 1,155.80
Telephone 1 pieces 250.00 250.00 5 50.00 29.17 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Airconditioner 2 pieces 16,000.00 32,000.00 5 6,400.00 3,733.33 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00
Electric Fan 2 pieces 700.00 1,400.00 5 280.00 163.33 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00
TOTAL ₱ 90,393.00 ₱ 18,078.60 ₱ 10,545.85 ₱ 18,078.60 ₱ 18,078.60 ₱ 18,078.60 ₱ 18,078.60

Maintenance Equipment
Useful Annual
Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Life Depreciation
Mop Set 2 sets ₱ 750.00 ₱ 1,500.00 5 ₱ 300.00 ₱ 175.00 ₱ 300.00 ₱ 300.00 ₱ 300.00 ₱ 300.00
Light Bulb 12 pieces 300.00 3,600.00 5 720.00 420.00 720.00 720.00 720.00 720.00
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Door Mats 6 pieces 16.67 100.00 5 20.00 11.67 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Glass Wiper 2 pieces 150.00 300.00 5 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
Broom 2 pieces 50.00 100.00 5 20.00 11.67 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Dustpan 2 pieces 25.00 50.00 5 10.00 5.83 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Pail 2 pieces 25.00 50.00 5 10.00 5.83 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Dipper 3 pieces 16.67 50.00 5 10.00 5.83 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Table Towel 10 pieces 100.00 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Trash Can 6 pieces 150.00 900.00 5 180.00 105.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00
Trash Bin 2 pieces 300.00 600.00 5 120.00 70.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00
PadLocks 4 pieces 75.00 300.00 5 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Extension Cable 2 pieces 150.00 300.00 5 60.00 35.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
Tool Set 1 sets 250.00 250.00 5 50.00 29.17 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Bidet 2 pieces 760.00 1,520.00 5 304.00 177.33 304.00 304.00 304.00 304.00
TOTAL ₱ 10,620.00 ₱ 2,124.00 ₱ 1,239.00 ₱ 2,124.00 ₱ 2,124.00 ₱ 2,124.00 ₱ 2,124.00

Page 270
Emergency Equipment
Useful Annual
Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Life Depreciation
Power Generator 1 pieces ₱ 10,000.00 ₱ 10,000.00 5 ₱ 2,000.00 ₱ 1,166.67 ₱ 2,000.00 ₱ 2,000.00 ₱ 2,000.00 ₱ 2,000.00
Emergency Lights 3 pieces 1,200.00 3,600.00 5 720.00 420.00 720.00 720.00 720.00 720.00

“Tealiciously made for you”

Fire Extinguisher 4 pieces 675.00 2,700.00 5 540.00 315.00 540.00 540.00 540.00 540.00
TOTAL ₱ 16,300.00 ₱ 3,260.00 ₱ 1,901.67 ₱ 3,260.00 ₱ 3,260.00 ₱ 3,260.00 ₱ 3,260.00

Furnitures and Fixtures

Useful Annual
Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Life Depreciation
Tables 16 pieces ₱ 1,400.00 ₱ 22,400.00 5 ₱ 4,480.00 ₱ 2,613.33 ₱ 4,480.00 ₱ 4,480.00 ₱ 4,480.00 ₱ 4,480.00
Long Table 2 pieces 3,600.00 7,200.00 5 1,440.00 840.00 1,440.00 1,440.00 1,440.00 1,440.00
Chairs 80 pieces 500.00 40,000.00 5 8,000.00 4,666.67 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00
Bling window curtain 6 pieces 550.00 3,300.00 5 660.00 385.00 660.00 660.00 660.00 660.00
Cabinet 1 pieces 1,219.00 1,219.00 5 243.80 142.22 243.80 243.80 243.80 243.80
Kitchen Sink 1 pieces 5,799.00 5,799.00 5 1,159.80 676.55 1,159.80 1,159.80 1,159.80 1,159.80
Bathroom Faucet 1 pieces 350.00 350.00 5 70.00 40.83 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00
(02) 282-2114

Kitchen Faucet 1 pieces 350.00 350.00 5 70.00 40.83 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00
Binger’s Base

Toilet Bowl Set 2 sets 2,824.65 5,649.30 5 1,129.86 659.09 1,129.86 1,129.86 1,129.86 1,129.86
Bathroom Sink 1 pieces 2,325.00 2,325.00 5 465.00 271.25 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00
Toilet Paper Holder 2 sets 250.00 500.00 5 100.00 58.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Hand Dryer 1 pieces 1,000.00 1,000.00 5 200.00 116.67 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00

Office Table 1 pieces 750.00 750.00 5 150.00 87.50 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
Office Chairs 4 pieces 190.00 760.00 5 152.00 88.67 152.00 152.00 152.00 152.00
TOTAL ₱ 91,602.30 ₱ 18,320.46 ₱ 10,686.94 ₱ 18,320.46 ₱ 18,320.46 ₱ 18,320.46 ₱ 18,320.46

Leasehold Improvements
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Useful Annual
Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Life Depreciation
Total Cost of Leasehold Improvement ₱ 930,000.00 5 ₱ 186,000.00 ₱ 108,500.00 ₱ 186,000.00 ₱ 186,000.00 ₱ 186,000.00 ₱ 186,000.00

Page 271
Note 6: General and Administrative Expense
Note 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Salaries Expenses (13) ₱ 1,169,350.00 ₱ 2,004,600.00 ₱ 2,004,600.00 ₱ 2,004,600.00 ₱ 2,004,600.00
13th Month Pay 97,445.83 167,050.00 167,050.00 167,050.00 167,050.00
Other Benefits (13) 32,900.00 36,400.00 36,400.00 36,400.00 36,400.00

“Tealiciously made for you”

Trainings and Seminars Expense (13) 26,480.00 - - - -
Uniform Expense (13) 7,000.00 - - - -
Office Supplies Expense (2) 1,266.93 2,280.47 2,394.49 2,514.22 2,639.93
Medicine Supplies Expense (3) 3,461.59 6,230.86 6,542.40 6,869.52 7,213.00
Maintenance Supplies Expense (7) 10,052.08 18,093.75 18,998.44 19,948.36 20,945.78
Insurance Expense 3,500.00 6,175.00 6,483.75 6,807.94 7,148.33
Utilities Expense (9) 68,750.00 123,750.00 129,937.50 136,434.38 143,256.09
Rent Expense (9) 812,500.00 1,462,500.00 1,535,625.00 1,612,406.25 1,693,026.56
Taxes and License Fees (1) 7,192.16 8,204.36 9,877.84 10,137.30 10,414.64
SSS Contributions Expense (13) 81,634.70 139,945.20 139,945.20 139,945.20 139,945.20
Philhealth Contributions Expense (13) 16,078.56 27,563.25 27,563.25 27,563.25 27,563.25
(02) 282-2114

HDMF Contributions Expense (13) 7,700.00 13,200.00 13,200.00 13,200.00 13,200.00

Binger’s Base

Security Fees (12) 344,064.00 619,315.20 650,280.96 682,795.01 716,934.76

Accounting Fees (12) 59,375.00 106,875.00 112,218.75 117,829.69 123,721.17
Audit Fees - 23,437.50 24,609.38 25,839.84 27,131.84
F. Note 6: General and Administrative Expense

Bank Service Charge 7,000.00 12,600.00 13,230.00 13,891.50 14,586.08

Depreciation Expense - Office Tools and Equipment (5) 10,545.85 18,078.60 18,078.60 18,078.60 18,078.60
Depreciation Expense - Maintenance Equipment (5) 1,239.00 2,124.00 2,124.00 2,124.00 2,124.00
Depreciation Expense - Emergency Equipment (5) 1,901.67 3,260.00 3,260.00 3,260.00 3,260.00
Depreciation Expense - Furniture and Fixtures (5) 10,686.94 18,320.46 18,320.46 18,320.46 18,320.46
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Depreciation Expense - Leasehold Improvement (5) 108,500.00 186,000.00 186,000.00 186,000.00 186,000.00
Total General and Administrative Expense ₱ 2,888,624.31 ₱ 5,006,003.65 ₱ 5,126,740.02 ₱ 5,252,015.51 ₱ 5,383,559.68

Page 272
“Tealiciously made for you”
Note 7: Maintenance Supplies

Quantity Unit Unit cost Total Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Toilet Tissue 80 rolls 71.43 ₱ 5,714.29 ₱ 3,333.33 ₱ 6,000.00 ₱ 6,300.00 ₱ 6,615.00 ₱ 6,945.75
All purpose Cleaners 30 pieces 133.93 4,017.86 2,343.75 4,218.75 4,429.69 4,651.17 4,883.73
G. Note 7: Maintenance Supplies

Hand Soap/Sanitizer 20 pieces 107.14 2,142.86 1,250.00 2,250.00 2,362.50 2,480.63 2,604.66
Dishwashing Liquid 30 bottles 178.57 5,357.14 3,125.00 5,625.00 5,906.25 6,201.56 6,511.64
Total ₱ 17,232.14 ₱ 10,052.08 ₱ 18,093.75 ₱ 18,998.44 ₱ 19,948.36 ₱ 20,945.78
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Page 273
Note 8: Projected Sales and Raw Materials Used

Projected Sales
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

“Tealiciously made for you”

Annual Demand 73,920 126,720 129,001 131,323 133,687
Average Sales per Customer 70.76 74.30 78.01 81.91 86.01
Projected Sales 5,230,500.00 9,414,900.00 10,063,586.61 10,756,967.73 11,498,122.80
Less: Sales Discount - 703.13 738.28 775.20 813.96
Net Sales ₱ 5,230,500.00 ₱ 9,414,196.88 ₱ 10,062,848.33 ₱ 10,756,192.53 ₱ 11,497,308.85

Projected Raw Materials Used

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Annual Demand 73,940 126,748 129,028 131,349 133,711
Average Raw Materials per Customer 23.80 24.99 26.24 27.56 28.93
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Projected Raw Materials Used ₱ 1,760,111.32 ₱ 3,168,059.08 ₱ 3,386,289.67 ₱ 3,619,556.35 ₱ 3,868,895.11

H. Note 8: Projected Sales and Raw Materials Used

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Page 274
Note 9: Utilities, Rent, & Renovation Expense

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

“Tealiciously made for you”

Electricity Expense ₱ 43,750.00 ₱ 78,750.00 ₱ 82,687.50 ₱ 86,821.88 ₱ 91,162.97
Water Expense 15,625.00 28,125.00 29,531.25 31,007.81 32,558.20
Communication Expense 9,375.00 16,875.00 17,718.75 18,604.69 19,534.92
TOTAL ₱ 68,750.00 ₱ 123,750.00 ₱ 129,937.50 ₱ 136,434.38 ₱ 143,256.09

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Rent expense ₱ 812,500.00 ₱ 1,462,500.00 ₱ 1,535,625.00 ₱ 1,612,406.25 ₱ 1,693,026.56
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Contractor's Fee ₱ 930,000.00

I. Note 9: Utilities, Rent and Renovation Expense

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Page 275
Note 10: VAT payable
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Output VAT (1 Month only) ₱ 89,665.71 ₱ 94,141.97 ₱ 100,628.48 ₱ 107,561.93 ₱ 114,973.09

“Tealiciously made for you”

Less: Input VAT on:
Raw Materials Used ₱ 30,173.34 ₱ 31,680.59 ₱ 33,862.90 ₱ 36,195.56 ₱ 38,688.95
Store Supplies Expense 77.90 83.27 89.01 95.14 101.69
J. Note 10: VAT Payable

Office Supplies Expense 21.72 22.80 23.94 25.14 26.40

Medicine Supplies Expense 59.34 62.31 65.42 68.70 72.13
Maintenance Supplies Expense 172.32 180.94 189.98 199.48 209.46
Utilities Expense 1,178.57 1,237.50 1,299.38 1,364.34 1,432.56
Rent Expense 13,928.57 14,625.00 15,356.25 16,124.06 16,930.27
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Accounting Fees 647.73 1,068.75 1,122.19 1,178.30 1,237.21

Total Input VAT 46,259.49 48,961.16 52,009.07 55,250.73 58,698.67

VAT Payable ₱43,406.22 ₱ 45,180.81 ₱ 48,619.41 ₱ 52,311.20 ₱ 56,274.42

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Page 276
“Tealiciously made for you”
Note 11: Cost of Goods Sold
Note 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Raw Materials Inventory, Beginning ₱ 91,659.82 ₱ 50,288.89 ₱ 52,800.98 ₱ 56,438.16 ₱ 60,325.94
Add: Purchases 1,718,740.39 3,170,571.17 3,389,926.85 3,623,444.13 3,873,050.76
Raw Materials Available For Use 1,810,400.21 3,220,860.06 3,442,727.83 3,679,882.29 3,933,376.70
K. Note 11: Cost of Goods Sold

Less: Raw Materials, Ending 50,288.89 52,800.98 56,438.16 60,325.94 64,481.59

Raw Materials Used (8) 1,760,111.32 3,168,059.08 3,386,289.67 3,619,556.35 3,868,895.11
(02) 282-2114

Direct Labor (Salaries of Head Cooks

Binger’s Base

(13) 332,881.38 570,653.79 570,653.79 570,653.79 570,653.79

and Cooks including Benefits)
Overhead (25% of Direct Labor) 83,220.34 142,663.45 142,663.45 142,663.45 142,663.45
Total Cost of Goods Sold ₱ 2,176,213.04 ₱ 3,881,376.32 ₱ 4,099,606.91 ₱ 4,332,873.59 ₱ 4,582,212.35
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Page 277

“Tealiciously made for you”

Note 12: Security, Maintenance and Accountant's Professional Fees
No. of Annual Salary/
PARTICULARS Salary/ 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees Fees
Security Guard 2 ₱ 24,576.00 ₱ 589,824.00 ₱ 344,064.00 ₱ 619,315.20 ₱ 650,280.96 ₱ 682,795.01 ₱ 716,934.76
Accounting Fees N/A 8,482.14 101,785.71 59,375.00 106,875.00 112,218.75 117,829.69 123,721.17
Total ₱ 691,609.71 ₱ 403,439.00 ₱ 726,190.20 ₱ 762,499.71 ₱ 800,624.70 ₱ 840,655.93
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

L. Note 12: Security, Maintenance and Accountant’s Professional Fee

Page 278
Note 13: Labor Related Expenses
For the Years 2019-2022
Working Days Per Month Monthly Pay SSS Contribution PhilHealth Contribution Pag-ibig Contribution Taxable Income Withholding Tax Net Pay
Employer Employee Employer Employee Employer Employee
General Manager 26 days ₱ 23,530.00 ₱ 1,208.70 ₱ 581.30 ₱ 323.54 ₱ 323.54 ₱ 100.00 ₱ 100.00 ₱ 22,525.16 ₱ 338.43 ₱ 22,186.73
Supervisor 1 26 days 18,512.00 1,208.70 581.30 254.54 254.54 100.00 100.00 17,576.16 - 17,576.16
Supervisor 2 26 days 18,512.00 1,208.70 581.30 254.54 254.54 100.00 100.00 17,576.16 - 17,576.16
Head Cook 26 days 13,702.00 1,004.50 490.50 188.40 188.40 100.00 100.00 12,923.10 - 12,923.10
Staff 1 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46

“Tealiciously made for you”

Staff 2 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Staff 3 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Staff 4 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Staff 5 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cook 1 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cook 2 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cashier 1 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cashier 2 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cashier 3 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Total ₱ 207,376.00 ₱ 14,675.60 ₱ 7,139.40 ₱ 2,851.42 ₱ 2,851.42 ₱ 1,400.00 ₱ 1,400.00 ₱ 195,985.18 ₱ 338.43 ₱ 195,646.75
Annual ₱ 2,488,512.00 ₱ 176,107.20 ₱ 85,672.80 ₱ 34,217.04 ₱ 34,217.04 ₱ 16,800.00 ₱ 16,800.00 ₱2,351,822.16 ₱ 4,061.19 ₱ 2,347,760.97

For the Year 2023

Working Days Per Month Monthly Pay SSS Contribution PhilHealth Contribution Pag-ibig Contribution Taxable Income Withholding Tax Net Pay
Employer Employee Employer Employee Employer Employee
M. Note 13: Labor Related Expense

General Manager 26 days ₱ 23,530.00 ₱ 1,208.70 ₱ 581.30 ₱ 323.54 ₱ 323.54 ₱ 100.00 ₱ 100.00 ₱ 22,525.16 ₱ 253.82 ₱ 22,271.34
Supervisor 1 26 days 18,512.00 1,208.70 581.30 254.54 254.54 100.00 100.00 17,576.16 - 17,576.16
Supervisor 2 26 days 18,512.00 1,208.70 581.30 254.54 254.54 100.00 100.00 17,576.16 - 17,576.16
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

Head Cook 26 days 13,702.00 1,004.50 490.50 188.40 188.40 100.00 100.00 12,923.10 - 12,923.10
Staff 1 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Staff 2 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Staff 3 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Staff 4 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Staff 5 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46

Cook 1 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cook 2 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cashier 1 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cashier 2 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Cashier 3 26 days 13,312.00 1,004.50 490.50 183.04 183.04 100.00 100.00 12,538.46 - 12,538.46
Total ₱ 207,376.00 ₱ 14,675.60 ₱ 7,139.40 ₱ 2,851.42 ₱ 2,851.42 ₱ 1,400.00 ₱ 1,400.00 ₱ 195,985.18 ₱ 253.82 ₱ 195,731.36
Annual ₱ 2,488,512.00 ₱ 176,107.20 ₱ 85,672.80 ₱ 34,217.04 ₱ 34,217.04 ₱ 16,800.00 ₱ 16,800.00 ₱2,351,822.16 ₱ 3,045.89 ₱ 2,348,776.27
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Page 279
COST Annual 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Christmas Bonus 14 2,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00

“Tealiciously made for you”

Life Insurance for Employees 14 600.00 8,400.00 4,900.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00
Total ₱ 36,400.00 ₱ 32,900.00 ₱ 36,400.00 ₱ 36,400.00 ₱ 36,400.00 ₱ 36,400.00


Basic First Aid Training 14 1,120.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 ₱ 8,120.00
Leadership Seminar 14 1,120.00 5,000.00 -- 6,120.00
Disaster Preparedness 14 1,120.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 8,120.00
Motivational Seminar 14 1,120.00 5,000.00 -- 6,120.00
TOTAL ₱ 28,480.00
Position Cost of Uniform No. of Employees Total Cost
(02) 282-2114
Binger’s Base

General Manager 500.00 1 ₱ 500.00

Supervisor 500.00 2 1,000.00
Head Cook 500.00 1 500.00
Cook 500.00 2 1,000.00

Head Staff 500.00 1 500.00

Staff 500.00 4 2,000.00
Cashier 500.00 3 1,500.00
TOTAL ₱ 7,000.00
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Page 280
C-Eleven Partnership, Ltd. VIII.
Projected Financial Ratio Analysis
For the Years Ended December 31, 2019-2023

“Tealiciously made for you”

Ratio 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Liquidity Ratio
Financial Ratio Analysis

Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities 7.21 x 8.59 x 10.31 x 12.33 x 15.45 x
Quick-Acid Ratio Quick Assets/ Current Liabilities 7.03 x 8.42 x 10.13 x 12.16 x 15.27 x
Activity Ratio
Cost of Raw Materials Used/Average
Raw Materials Inventory Turnover 35.00 x 61.46 x 62.00 x 62.00 x 62.00 x
Raw Materials Inventory
Average Age of Raw Materials 365 days/Raw Materials Inventory
Inventory Turnover 6.97 day(s) 5.94 day(s) 5.89 day(s) 5.89 day(s) 5.89 day(s)
Total Assets Turnover Net Sales/Average Total Asset 1.42 x 2.45 x 2.34 x 2.15 x 1.93 x
Debt Ratio
(02) 282-2114

Debt Ratio Total Liabilities/Total Asset 8.01% 7.88% 7.49% 6.91% 5.93%
Binger’s Base

Profitability Ratio
Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit/Net Sales 58.39% 58.77% 59.26% 59.72% 60.15%
Operating Income Margin Operating Income/Net Sales 2.16% 4.95% 7.69% 10.28% 12.74%
Net Income Margin Net Income/Net Sales 1.51% 3.46% 5.38% 7.20% 9.55%

Return on Investments Net Income/Investment 2.39% 9.88% 16.41% 23.46% 33.28%

Payback Period 2019 2020 2021

Net Cash Flows 2,066,391.87 598,950.74 817,584.27 Total
One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

Total Investments 3,300,000.00 3,300,000.00 3,300,000.00

Years 0.58 year(s) 1.00 year(s) 0.78 year(s) 2.36 year(s)

Page 281
Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 282

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

I. Socio-Economic Introduction

Socio-Economic is concerned with the relationship between social and economic

factors within the society. Its goal, together with the business, is not only to generate profit

but also to share knowledge to the community which can be of support for the continuous

progress of the society.

II. Socio-Economic Objectives

 To have a good relationship with the employees

 To help the environment by the programs we set

 To produce a good quality product that will satisfy the customers

 To be recognized as a reputable and excellent business

 To help in conserving the natural resources that we have

 To provide consumer peace and enjoyable experience

III. Contribution to the Employees

Binger’s Base aims to contribute to their employees by giving a fair compensation

and benefits. The business will also listen to their suggestions, ideas and complaints.

Negotiations regarding the conflicts under the working place are open. Binger’s Base will

also provide working conditions that respect each employee health and rights.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 283

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

IV. Contribution to Government

Binger’s Base will contribute to the government by following its rules and

regulations that were implemented in the country. In addition, Binger’s Base will make

sure that all of the permits and licenses that are needed in running a business are all

provided. The business will pay the taxes on time or before its due date.

V. Contribution to Community

As the community buys the products offered by the Binger’s Base, the business

assures to contribute by reaching their expectation and give them satisfaction by serving

the products with value and fair price

VI. Contribution to Environment

Binger’s Base will contribute to the environment by disposing the waste properly.

The store will use Eco-friendly materials and packaging such as papers. Excess food

goes to poultry and farms that can be used as fertilizer or animal feeds. The business will

promote recycling of materials like papers and plastic bottles.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 284

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

VII. Contribution to the Economy

As a start-up business, we provide new job opportunities for unemployed

individuals thus, contributing to the economy in reducing the unemployment rate. We also

produce goods and services and so we contribute to our economic growth by having a

certain percentage of shares on our country’s total output.

VIII. Contribution to the Customers

Binger’s Base aims to satisfy the customer in our unique way. We also want to

make our consumer feel free and comfortable. We believe that satisfying our customer

makes the business successful.

IX. Contribution to Education

Binger’s Base’s plan for the contribution to education is to offer a Summer Job for

students who are willing to work during their vacation. From that contribution, students

that will perform excellently will receive an educational support as an appreciation of their

hard work.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 285

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 286

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

I. Product Protocol

Milk Tea (Powder)


Chocolate Coffee

Choco Oats Coffee Caramel

Mocha Taro

Mochaccino Black Forest


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

50 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 287

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


Banoffee Mudslide

Double Dutch


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

50 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 288

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and mix it with the dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 289

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Choco Java


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 290

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and mix it with the dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 291

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Choco Mousse

Café Macchiato


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 292

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and mix it with the dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 293

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (White Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (White Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 294

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (White Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and mix it with the dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 295

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Belgian Chocolate


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 296

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

Dark Choco Cookie


XL 5 scoops of Belgian Chocolate powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 297

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

L 4 scoops of Belgian Chocolate powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

R 2 scoops of Belgian Chocolate powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional of 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and mix it with the dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 298

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

French Vanilla


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Coffee Sauce (White Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Coffee Sauce (White Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 299

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Coffee Sauce (White Scooper)

Mocha Fudge Ripple


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (White Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 300

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (White Scooper)

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (White Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and mix it with the dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 301

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

20 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

15 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

10 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 302

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

10 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

10 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup (put additional syrup if there is) and mix it with the
dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 303

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Cookies and Cream


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

20 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

15 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 304

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

10 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

10 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

Additional 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup (put additional syrup if there is) and mix it with the
dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 305

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



XL 5 scoops of Royal powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Premium Tea

20 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

10 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of Royal powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Premium Tea

20 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

5 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 306

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of Royal powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Premium Tea

10 ml Royal Syrup (White Jigger)

5 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup (put additional syrup if there is) and mix it with the
dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 307

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Matcha Flavors

Cookie Matcha Milky Matcha

Choco Matcha Coffee Matcha


(Cookie Matcha)

XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 308

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Cookies (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

(Choco Matcha)

XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 2 scoops of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 309

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 2 scoops of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoops of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 310

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

(Milky Matcha)

XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 2 scoops of Condensed Milk (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 2 scoops of Condensed Milk (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 311

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Condensed Milk (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

(Coffee Matcha)

XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Coffee Sauce (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 312

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Coffee Sauce (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Coffee Sauce (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup (put additional syrup if there is) and mix it with the
dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 313

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Hot Fudge Sundae


XL 3 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

40 ml Fructose Syrup

20 ml Vanilla Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 2 scoops of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 2 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

15 ml Fructose Syrup

15 ml Vanilla Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 2 scoops of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 314

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 1 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

10 ml Fructose Syrup

10 ml Vanilla Syrup

Tube Ice

Additional of 1 scoop of Choco Syrup (Brown Scooper)

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup (put additional syrup if there is) and mix it with the
dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 315

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Caramel Fudge


XL 5 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water
250 ml Black Tea
30 ml Fructose Syrup
Tube Ice
Additional of 1 scoop of Caramel Sauce (Brown Scooper)
1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)
L 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)
20 ml boiling water
200 ml Black Tea
20 ml Fructose Syrup
Tube Ice
Additional of 1 scoop of Caramel Sauce (Brown Scooper)
1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)
R 2 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)
20 ml boiling water
150 ml Black Tea
15 ml Fructose Syrup
Tube Ice
Additional of 1 scoop of Caramel Sauce (Brown Scooper)
1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 316

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Put the scoops of powder to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the 20 ml boiling water and use a stirrer to dissolve the powder.
 Pour the Black Tea and mix it with the dissolved powder
 Pour the Fructose Syrup (put additional syrup if there is) and mix it with the
dissolved powdered with Black Tea.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 317

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Fruit Tea


Green Apple

Peach Mango



XL 250 ml Green Tea

40 ml Green Apple/Peach Mango/Mango Syrup (Silver Jigger)

50 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 200 ml Green Tea

30 ml Green Apple/Peach Mango/Mango Syrup (Silver Jigger)

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 318

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 150 ml Green Tea

20 ml Green Apple/Peach Mango/Mango Syrup (White Jigger)

10 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


XL 250 ml Green Tea

30 ml Lychee Syrup (Silver Jigger)

50 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 200 ml Green Tea

30 ml Lychee Syrup (Silver Jigger)

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 319

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 150 ml Green Tea

20 ml Lychee Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Pour the green tea to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the Fruit Tea Syrup and stir.
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and stir.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 320

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Four Seasons


XL 250 ml Green Tea

40 ml Four Seasons Syrup (Silver Jigger)

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 200 ml Green Tea

30 ml Four Seasons Syrup (Silver Jigger)

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

R 150 ml Green Tea

20 ml Four Seasons Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 321

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Pour the green tea to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the Fruit Tea Syrup and stir.

 Pour the Fructose Syrup and stir.

 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put

the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 322

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Tutti Frutti


XL 250 ml Green Tea

40 ml Tutti Frutti Syrup (Silver Jigger)

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 200 ml Green Tea

30 ml Tutti Frutti Syrup (Silver Jigger)

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

R 150 ml Green Tea

20 ml TuttiFrutti Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 323

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Pour the green tea to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the Fruit Tea Syrup and stir.
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and stir.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!



XL 250 ml Green Tea

50 ml Strawberry Syrup (Silver Jigger back to back)

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 200 ml Green Tea

40 ml Strawberry Syrup (Silver Jigger)

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 324

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 150 ml Green Tea

20 ml Strawberry Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Pour the green tea to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the Fruit Tea Syrup and stir.
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and stir.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!



XL 250 ml Green Tea

50 ml Raspberry Syrup (Silver Jigger)

50 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 325

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 200 ml Green Tea

30 ml Raspberry Syrup (Silver Jigger)

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

R 150 ml Green Tea

20 ml Raspberry Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Pour the green tea to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the Fruit Tea Syrup and stir.
 Pour the Fructose Syrup and stir.
 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put
the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 326

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



XL 250 ml Green Tea

30 ml Wintermelon Syrup (Silver Jigger)

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 200 ml Green Tea

30 ml Wintermelon Syrup (Silver Jigger)

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

R 150 ml Green Tea

20 ml Wintermelon Syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 327

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Pour the green tea to the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the Fruit Tea Syrup and stir.

 Pour the Fructose Syrup and stir.

 Put some tube ice and stir. Shake it for 10 seconds then transfer it to its cup. (Put

the additional ingredients if there is) Put the Toppings and Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 328

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Milk Tea (Syrup)


Vanilla Mango

Caramel Honeydew



XL 3 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

40 ml Vanilla/Caramel/Hazelnut/Mango syrup (Silver Jigger)

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 2 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

30 ml Vanilla/Caramel/Hazelnut/Mango syrup (Silver Jigger)

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 329

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 1 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

20 ml Vanilla/Caramel/Hazelnut/Mango syrup (White Jigger)

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the creamer powder inside the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the boiling water inside the shaker and stir it to dissolve the powder
 Pour the Black tea together inside the shaker and stir.
 Pour the syrup inside the shaker and stir
 Put tube ice then shake (put additional ingredients if there is) it for 10 seconds. Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 330

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



XL 3 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

30 ml Wintermelon syrup (Silver Jigger)

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 2 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

30 ml Wintermelon syrup (Silver Jigger)

20 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 331

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 1 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

20 ml Wintermelon syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the creamer powder inside the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the boiling water inside the shaker and stir it to dissolve the powder
 Pour the Black tea together inside the shaker and stir.
 Pour the syrup inside the shaker and stir
 Put tube ice then shake (put additional ingredients if there is) it for 10 seconds. Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 332

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



XL 3 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

250 ml Black Tea

50 ml Strawberry syrup (Silver Jigger back to back)

40 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

L 2 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

200 ml Black Tea

40 ml Strawberry syrup (Silver Jigger)

30 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 333

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

R 1 scoops of Creamer powder (Brown Scooper)

20 ml boiling water

150 ml Black Tea

20 ml Strawberry syrup (White Jigger)

15 ml Fructose Syrup

Tube Ice

1 scoop of Toppings (Brown Scooper)


 Put the creamer powder inside the shaker (standard or regular)

 Pour the boiling water inside the shaker and stir it to dissolve the powder
 Pour the Black tea together inside the shaker and stir.
 Pour the syrup inside the shaker and stir
 Put tube ice then shake (put additional ingredients if there is) it for 10 seconds. Enjoy!

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 334

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



Dark Mocha


XL 4 scoop of Java Chip powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice
80 ml cold water
30 ml Fructose Syrup
20 ml Choco Syrup
20 ml Coffee Sauce
Whip Cream
L 3 scoops of Java Chip powder (Brown Scooper)
80 g tube ice
60 ml cold water
20 ml Fructose Syrup
15 ml Choco Syrup
15 ml Coffee Sauce
Whip Cream

 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 335

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

 After blending, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome
lid. Enjoy!
Java Chip


XL 4 scoops powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

80 ml cold water

30 ml Fructose Syrup

20 ml Choco Syrup

20 ml Coffee Sauce

1 scoop of Choco Chips (Brown Scooper)

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops powder (Brown Scooper)

80 g tube ice

60 ml cold water

20 ml Fructose Syrup

15 ml Choco Syrup

15 ml Coffee Sauce

1 scoop of Choco Chips (Brown Scooper)

Whip Cream

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 336

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After blending, put the Choco chips inside the blender and blend it for 5 seconds
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 337

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



XL 5 scoops Frappe powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

80 ml cold water

30 ml Fructose Syrup

2 pcs of Oreo Cookies

Whip Cream

L 4 scoops Frappe powder (Brown Scooper)

80 g tube ice

60 ml cold water

30 ml Fructose Syrup

2 pcs of Oreo Cookies

Whip Cream


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After blending, put the Oreo Cookies inside the blender and blend it for 3 seconds
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 338

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Strawberry Oreo


XL 4 scoops powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice
80 ml cold water
30 ml Fructose Syrup
20 ml Strawberry frappe syrup (Cup)
2 pcs of Oreo Cookies
Whip Cream
L 3 scoops powder (Brown Scooper)
80 g tube ice
60 ml cold water
20 ml Fructose Syrup
15 ml Strawberry frappe syrup (Cup)
2 pcs of Oreo Cookies
Whip Cream

 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After blending, put the Oreo Cookies inside the blender and blend it for 3 seconds
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 339

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Blueberry Oreo


XL 4 scoops Frappe powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

80 ml cold water

30 ml Fructose Syrup

20 ml Blueberry Syrup (Blender)

20 ml Blueberry Syrup (Cup)

2 pcs of Oreo Cookies

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops Frappe powder (Brown Scooper)

80 g tube ice

60 ml cold water

20 ml Fructose Syrup

15 ml Blueberry Syrup (Blender)

15 ml Blueberry Syrup (Cup)

2 pcs of Oreo Cookies

Whip Cream

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 340

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After blending, put the Oreo Cookies inside the blender and blend it for 3 seconds
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 341

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Strawberry Shortcake


XL 4 scoops powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

80 ml cold water

30 ml Fructose Syrup

20 ml Strawberry frappe syrup (Cup)

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops powder (Brown Scooper)

80 g tube ice

80 ml cold water

30 ml Fructose Syrup

15 ml Strawberry frappe syrup (Cup)

Whip Cream


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 342

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Blueberry Cream


XL 4 scoops Frappe powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

80 ml cold water

30 ml Fructose Syrup

20 ml Blueberry Syrup (Blender)

20 ml Blueberry Syrup (Cup)

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops Frappe powder (Brown Scooper)

80 g tube ice

60 ml cold water

20 ml Fructose Syrup

15 ml Blueberry Syrup (Blender)

15 ml Blueberry Syrup (Cup)

Whip Cream


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 343

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Choco Marble


XL 4 scoops of Frappe Powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

30 ml fructose syrup

80 ml cold water

30 ml Choco Syrup

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops of Frappe Powder (Brown Scooper)

80 g tube ice

20 ml fructose syrup

60 ml cold water

20 ml Choco Syrup

Whip Cream


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 344

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



XL 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

30 ml fructose syrup

80 ml cold water

20 ml Coffee Sauce (Blender)

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

90 g tube ice

20 ml fructose syrup

60 ml cold water

15 ml Coffee Sauce (Blender)

Whip Cream


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 345

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Coffee Crumble


XL 4 scoops of Cappuccino powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

30 ml fructose syrup

80 ml cold water

20 ml Coffee Sauce (Blender)

2 pcs of Oreo Cookies

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops of Cappuccino powder (Brown Scooper)

90 g tube ice

20 ml fructose syrup

60 ml cold water

15 ml Coffee Sauce (Blender)

2 pcs of Oreo Cookies

Whip Cream


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 346

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Caramel Macchiato


XL 4 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

100 g tube ice

30 ml fructose syrup

80 ml cold water

10 ml Caramel Syrup (Cup)

Whip Cream

L 3 scoops of powder (Brown Scooper)

90 g tube ice

20 ml fructose syrup

60 ml cold water

10 ml Caramel Syrup (Cup)

Whip Cream


 Put the scoops of powder inside the blender.

 Pour the fructose syrup inside the blender
 Put the tube ice inside the blender
 Pour the cold water inside the blender
 Pour the additional syrups (if there is)
 Turn on the Blender machine then blend the ingredients for 1 minute
 After that, transfer it to a clean cup and put the whip cream then cover it with a dome lid.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 347

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



500g Fettuccine Pasta
1tbsp. Olive Oil
80g Butter
1 large onion, finely chopped
250g shredded bacon
200g button mushrooms, sliced
300ml pure cream
1 cup grated cheese

1. Cook pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water according to packer instructions. Drain
2. Heat a large fry pan over high heat. Add oil, butter, onion, bacon and mushrooms. Cook,
stirring for 5 minutes or until bacon is crisp and mushroom is tender.
3. Add cream. Bring to the boil. Simmer for 2 minutes or until slightly thickened. Add pasta and
cheese to pan. Stir through sauce until heated through. Season with salt and pepper.


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 348

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


1/2 cup chopped onion

2 1/2 tablespoons pesto

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese




1. Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water until done. Drain.

2. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan over medium low heat. Add pesto, onion, and salt and

pepper. Cook about five minutes, or until onions are soft.

3. In a large bowl, mix pesto mixture into pasta. Stir in grated cheese. Serve.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 349

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


1 lb. ground pork
1/3 c. breadcrumbs
1/4 c. finely chopped parsley
1/4 c. freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
1 egg
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 tbsp. olive oil, divided
1/2 c. Onion, finely chopped
1 bay leaf
1 35-oz. can crushed tomatoes in puree
Freshly ground black pepper
1 lb. spaghetti

1. In a large bowl, combine pork with breadcrumbs, parsley, parmesan, egg, garlic, salt and
pepper flakes. Mix until just combined and form into 16 balls.
2. In a large pot over medium heat, add1 tbsp oil. Add meatballs and cook, turning occasionally,
until browned on all sides, about 10 minutes.
3. Remove meatballs and reserve on plate.
4. Add the remaining olive oil and onion and sauté until onion is translucent. Add bay leaf and
crushed tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper and bring to a simmer. Add the meatballs back
into the pot, cover and simmer until the sauce has thickened, 8-10 minutes.
5. Serve pasta with a healthy scoop of meatballs and sauce. Top with parmesan and serve.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 350

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


1 (8 ounce) box elbow macaroni
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 Salt
1/2 Pepper
2 cups milk
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese

1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook elbow macaroni in the boiling water,
stirring occasionally until cooked through but firm to the bite, 8 minutes. Drain.
2. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat; stir in flour, salt, and pepper until smooth, about
5 minutes. Slowly pour milk into butter-flour mixture while continuously stirring until mixture
is smooth and bubbling, about 5 minutes. Add Cheddar cheese to milk mixture and stir until
cheese is melted, 2 to 4 minutes.
3. Fold macaroni into cheese sauce until coated.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 351

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Potatoes-3 large
Chilli powder to taste
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying

1. Buy big/large potatoes for making french fries. Wash and peel the skin.
2. To cut the potatoes, first cut slightly on all the sides of the potato to give it a good shape
(rectangular shape)
3. Then slice it lengthwise. Then cut it again like fingers (baton cut) as shown in the 3 rd picture
below. Keep them in water to prevent the potatoes from getting discoloured.
4. Drain the water completely. Spread it on a plate and cool it well.
5. Once it is completely cooled, it is ready to be fried. Heat oil in a kadai, (to check if the oil is
hot enough, put a small piece of potato inside, if it comes to the surface immediately, the oil is
hot enough to fry the potato fingers), once the oil is hot, add the potatoes and fry until golden
brown and crispy.
6. Drain the french fries on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. When the fries are hot, sprinkle
chilli powder to taste and mix it well with your hands, so that the fries are well coated.
7. Serve hot with tomato ketchup.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 352

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


2 lb. chicken wings
2 tbsp. olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 c. hot sauce
4 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. honey
Ranch dressing for serving

1. Preheat oven to 400° and place a wire rack over a baking sheet.
2. In a large bowl, toss chicken wings with oil and season with garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Transfer to prepared baking sheet.
3. Bake until chicken is golden and skin is crispy, 50 to 60 minutes, flipping the wings halfway
4. In a small saucepan, whisk together hot sauce and honey. Bring to simmer then stir in butter.
Cook until melted and slightly reduced, about 2 minutes. Heat broiler on low. Transfer baked
wings to a bowl and toss with sauce until completely coated. Return wings to rack and broil
(watching carefully!) until sauce caramelizes, 3 minutes. Serve with ranch.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 353

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 Salt
1 cup butter, softened
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup milk
1 (1 ounce) bottle Red Food Color
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting:

1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup butter, softened
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
1 (16 ounce) box confectioners' sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in medium bowl.
Set aside.
2. Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed 5 minutes or until
light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix in sour cream, milk, food color and vanilla.
Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until just blended. Do not overbeat. Spoon batter
into 30 paper-lined muffin cups, filling each cup 2/3 full.
3. Bake 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted into cupcake comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire
rack 5 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely. Frost with Vanilla Cream Cheese
4. Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting: Beat cream cheese, softened, butter, sour cream and Vanilla
Extract in large bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in confectioners' sugar until smooth.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 354

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

For the cupcake:
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt - 500g(packed)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoon Matcha green tea powder
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

For the frosting:

1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 – 1 teaspoon Matcha green tea powder

1. Preheat oven to 350°F and line a regular size cupcake pan with cupcake liner.
2. In a small bowl, measure out flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, sugar and Matcha green
tea powder, mix well with a whisk and set aside.
3. Add buttermilk, oil, egg, and vanilla extract in a medium bowl and beat with a whisk to
4. Slowly pour the flour mixture into the liquid mixture while slowly whisking with the other
hand. Mix only until combine, use a spatula to scrape any flour on the side of the bowl and
mix up anything at the bottom of the bowl.
5. Divide batter equally among 12 cups.
6. Bake for 17 minutes until an inserted toothpick in the middle of the cupcake comes out clean.
7. Remove cupcakes from the oven and cool completely on a wire rack.
8. To make the frosting, combine heavy whipping cream, vanilla extract and sugar in a medium
mixing bowl, beat with an electric mixer on medium speed until stiff peak forms.
9. Transfer whipped cream to a pastry bag fitted with a round tip, top cupcakes with whipped
10. Dust the frosted cupcakes with Matcha green tea powder using a small sieve.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Chocolate cupcakes:
1⅓ cups (185 g/6.5 oz) all-purpose flour
½ cup (50 g/1.7 oz) cocoa powder
¾ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup (1 stick/113 g) butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs - every 1pc: 6php
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
½ cup (120 ml) whole milk
½ cup (120 ml) hot water

Chocolate Frosting:
⅔ cup (1 and ⅓ sticks/150 g) unsalted butter
1⅓ cups (160 g/5.5 oz) powdered sugar, sifted
¼ cup (25 g/1 oz) cocoa powder, sifted
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
115 g/4 oz dark chocolate, melted and slightly cooled
2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavy cream

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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1. Preheat oven to 350F/180C. Line a muffin tin with cupcake liners and set aside.
2. For the cupcakes: In a medium bowl, sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt.
Set aside.
3. In a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together butter and sugar on medium
speed until light and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl
as necessary. On medium speed, beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Add vanilla extract and beat until combined.
4. With the mixer on low speed, add half of the dry ingredients and beat just until combined. Then
beat in milk, followed by the other half of the dry ingredients, beating slowly until combined.
Add hot water and beat just until combined. Do not overmix—the less you mix, the lighter the
cake will be. The batter should be liquid.
5. Divide batter evenly between cups, filling them about ¾ full. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until
a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean or with just a few moist crumbs. Allow
cupcakes to sit for 10 minutes, then remove from pan and allow to cool completely on a wire
6. For the frosting: In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat butter
at medium speed until pale and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add powdered sugar in 2 additions
and beat until smooth. Add cocoa powder and beat until completely creamy and smooth. Beat
in vanilla extract, melted chocolate, and heavy cream, mixing until combined. Add powdered
sugar as necessary until frosting is spreadable.
7. Use frosting immediately to frost cupcakes, or store in the fridge, covered, for up to 3 days.
Before using, bring to room temperature and whisk until smooth.
8. Cupcakes are best the same day they’re made, but can be kept in an airtight container at room
temperature for up to 3 days. Unfrosted cupcakes can be kept in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Thaw, still covered, on the counter or overnight in the fridge.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


15 Whole Oreos
200g Butter/Margarine
200g White Sugar
4 Eggs
150g All-Purpose Flour
50g Cocoa Powder
1-3tbsp Whole Milk

200g Butter
500g Combined White Sugar& Cornstarch
6-8 Crushed Oreos
2-4tbsp Whole Milk

1. Preheat your oven to 180C/160C Fan – and Line 1-2 12 hole Muffin Trays with Cases! (I make
15 cupcakes out of this recipe) Put a whole Oreo at the bottom of each of the cupcake cases –
leave to one side.
2. Beat together the butter & sugar until pale and light & fluffy.
3. Add the eggs, self raising flour, and cocoa powder, and mix until smooth – if the mixture is a
bit stiff then add 1tbsp of milk till you reach the desired consistency.
4. Spoon the mixture into each of the cases on top of the whole Oreo – I use an ice cream scoop
so that its equal between them all, and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until cooked through!
Once baked, leave to cool on a wire rack.
5. To make the Buttercream, beat the Butter at room temperature with a mixer until smooth and
supple – gradually beat in the Icing Sugar until it is all incorporated – add the finely crushed
Oreo’s and continue to beat for 3-5 minutes until super light and fluffy – if its too stiff, add the
milk slowly until its the desired consistency.
6. Using a Large Star/1M nozzle, pipe the buttercream onto the cupcakes and top with Oreos.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


For the cupcakes:
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons All-Purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon fine salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 large ripe bananas, peeled, and mashed

For the cream cheese frosting:

8 ounces cream cheese
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 pound confectioners’ sugar (about 3 ¾ cups), sifted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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For the cupcakes:
1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a 12 cup muffin pan with paper liners.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the cake flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and
3. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, or in a large bowl with an
electric mixer, beat the butter and sugars on medium speed until light and fluffy – about 4
4. Add in sour cream, vanilla and eggs and mix until combined.
5. Gradually add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix until just combined.
6. Fold in the mashed bananas until incorporated, taking care to not over mix.
7. Use a large cookie scoop (about 3 tablespoons) to divide the batter between the prepared muffin
8. Bake cupcakes in preheated oven for 18-20 minutes, or until the tops turn golden-brown and a
toothpick, inserted in the middle of the cupcake, comes out clean.
9. Allow cupcakes to cool completely.

For the frosting:

1. In a the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together, cream cheese,
and butter until well combined about 5 minutes.
2. With the mixer of low, gradually add the confectioners’ sugar until thoroughly incorporated
and smooth. Add vanilla and mix to combine. Turn mixer to medium speed and mix for
approximately 5 more minutes.
3. Pipe or spread frosting onto cooled cupcakes. If desired, top with finely chopped pecans.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

FRENCH MACAROON (makes 35 cookies)

For the cookie
1 cup powdered sugar
¾ cup almond flour (regular flour cannot be substituted)
2 egg whites, room temperature
¼ cup sugar

For the cookie coloring

3-4 drops of red food coloring (for pink macarons)
4 drops of green food coloring (for green macarons)
4 drops of yellow food coloring (for yellow macarons)
1 whole vanilla bean, scrape out inside only (for white macarons)
2 tsp cinnamon (for brown macarons)
2 Tbsp cocoa powder (for brown macarons)

For the basic meringue filling

6 egg whites, large
1½ cups sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. The key to this recipe is in the preparation – have all ingredients
measured and ready before you begin. Separate the eggs whites and keep at room temperature
until ready to incorporate.
2. In a food processor, pulse powdered sugar and almond flour. Sift combined mixture 2 times.
Whip the room-temperature egg whites on high with a mixer until foamy and then add cream
of tartar. Slowly stream in superfine sugar and whip until stiff and shiny, about 2 minutes on
3. Gently fold in desired food coloring and/or flavor extract, sugar and flour mixture into egg
white mixture. Fold the ingredients as little as possible until it is smooth, shiny and slightly
runny. If it holds its form, it is under mixed. Scoop into piping bag fitted with a small round

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4. Pipe onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, holding the piping bag in one place while

applying pressure. Release pressure when a 1” cookie has been formed and gently swirl the tip

out of the mixture without forming a peak. This will allow the cookie to remain smooth on top.

Let stand at room temperature 30-40 minutes.

5. Bake in preheated oven at 325 degrees for 5-10 minutes, until cookies are firm and crisp. Be

sure to keep a close eye on the cookies – they should not brown on top. Remove cookies from

oven and cool.

6. For a basic meringue filling, place egg whites and sugar in a heatproof bowl over a pan of

simmering water. Whisk until sugar dissolves and mixture reaches 160 degrees on a candy

thermometer. Remove from heat, whip on high speed until mixture is cool and stiff peaks form,

approximately 6 minutes. Beat in vanilla extract. Use immediately.

7. Sandwich 2 same-size macaroons with 1 teaspoon meringue, flavoured buttercream or other

desired filling. Serve immediately, or stack between layers of parchment, wrap well in plastic,

and freeze for up to 3 months.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114



5 cups tortilla chips

1lb extra lean ground beef

1 can chopped green chiles, drained

1 package (1 ounce) taco seasoning mix

2 tomatoes, chopped

2 medium green onions, sliced (1/4 cup)

2 cups finely shredded cheese (8 ounces)


1. Heat oven to 400°F. Line 12-inch pizza pan or 15x10x1-inch pan with foil; spray with cooking

spray. Spread half of chips evenly on pan. Set aside.

2. In 8-inch nonstick skillet, cook beef over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until beef is

brown; drain. Stir in taco seasoning mix and green chiles. Cook 2 to 3 minutes longer or until

beef is thoroughly cooked and seasoning is well combined.

3. Arrange half of beef mixture on chips. Top with half of other toppings. Repeat layers ending

with cheese. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until cheese is melted.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

FISH FILLET WITH SWEET & SOUR SAUCE (good for 2-4 people)

For the fish:
2 Cream dory fish fillet
1½ cup bread crumbs
4 calamansi, juice extracted
3 eggs, beaten

For the Sweet and Sour Sauce:

1 pc onion, quartered
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
1½ Tbsp sugar
¼ cup water
1 cup pineapple juice
¼ cup vinegar
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 Tbsp. margarine

1. Clean the fish and remove the skin. Separate the flesh from the fish bones and cut the fillet into
1 inch crosswise.
2. Rub the fillet with calamansi juice, salt, pepper and MSG.
3. Before frying, dip in beaten eggs and roll in bread crumbs.
4. Deep fry in a medium heat until golden brown. Set aside.
5. To make the sauce, in a saucepan mix thoroughly the cornstarch and sugar in ¼ cup water.
6. Add in onion, garlic, cucumber (optional), tomato(optional), pineapple juice, vinegar, soy
sauce, and margarine.
7. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until the mixture starts to boil.
8. Cook for about 2 minutes more until the sauce thickens then pour over fried fish fillets.
9. Serve hot.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Potato Basket


4 Large Baking Potatoes

8 Teaspoons Cornstarch

Vegetable Oil


1. Shred Potatoes in a food processor. Soak in water to cover 1 hour, draining and adding fresh

water every 15 minutes. Drain Well.

2. Toss potato with cornstarch.

3. Pour oil to a depth of 3 inches into a Dutch oven; heat to 375 degrees. Dip a bird’s nest fryer

into oil; drain. Arrange 2/3 cup potato mixture into lower basket; press upper basket onto potato

to shape into a basket.

4. Fry in hot oil 2 minutes or until golden; drain on paper towels. Repeat procedure 7 times with

remaining potato mixture.

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Survey Questionnaire

Good Day! We are 4th year students from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela taking up
BSBA Major in Marketing Management. We are conducting this survey in line with our Feasibility Study.
The data/answers that will be collected will help us a lot in completing our feasibility study. Thank you for
your participation. God Bless!

Name: (Optional) _______________________________

Age: ___________

Gender: ____________

Status: Employed Unemployed Student

Income/Allowance (Weekly): (Optional)

Below ₱100 ₱1,000 - ₱2,000

₱100 – ₱200 ₱ 2,000 - ₱5,000

₱200 – ₱500 ₱5,000 - ₱10,000

₱500 - ₱1,000 Above ₱10,000

Direction: Please check the box that corresponds to your answer.

1. Which tea based beverages do you prefer the most?

a. Milk tea
b. Fruit tea
c. Yogurt tea
d. Hot tea
2. Which flavor of Milk tea do you prefer the most?
a. Wintermelon
b. Vanilla
c. Matcha
d. Belgian Chocolate
3. Which flavor of Fruit tea do you prefer the most?
a. Wintermelon
b. Green Apple
c. Lychee
d. Strawberry

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

4. Which flavor of Yogurt tea do you prefer the most?

a. Mango
b. Peach Mango
c. Strawberry
d. Lychee

5. How much are you willing to spend when buying a tea based drink with side dishes?
a. Below ₱45
b. ₱45- ₱74
c. ₱75- ₱94
d. ₱95- ₱124
e. ₱125 - ₱150
f. Above ₱150

6. How often do you buy in a tea house?

Once a week
Thrice a week
Once a month

7. What activities do you want to experience inside a Tea house? (You can only choose one answer)
a. Playing board games
b. Watching live bands
c. Witness some spoken poetry
d. Reading books

8. What ambiance of the store do you find most comfortable?

a. Classy (Attractive)
b. Relaxing (Environmental)
c. Vintage (Old designs)
d. Artistic (Instagramable)

9. Which of the following do you prefer the most to eat while drinking tea based beverages?
a. Pasta (lasagna, carbonara, spaghetti)
b. Pastries (cupcakes, cookies)
c. Finger foods (buffalo wings, fries)
d. Chips (potato chips, nachos)

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

10. Our Tea based store offers different Tea based drinks and side dishes, have board games, books and
open mic event in the evening. Are you willing to go and buy in our Tea based store?

Yes No

11. In which advertising platform do you prefer the most to see our product be advertised?
a. Newspapers
b. Fliers
c. Social Media
d. TV

12. Are you willing to buy a 2 in 1 flavored tea based beverage?

Yes No

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Survey Graph



50.00 Male
48.00 Female



30.00 25-30
37 - Above
4% 2%

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114





Below ₱100
20% ₱100 – ₱200
₱200 – ₱500
15.5% ₱500 - ₱1,000
₱1,000 - ₱2,000
9.5% 10% ₱ 2,000 - ₱5,000
₱5,000 - ₱10,000
Above ₱10,000


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

#1 Tea beverages they prefer the most



50.0% Milk tea

Fruit tea
Yogurt Tea
30.0% Hot Tea
12.5% 14.5%

#2 Flavor of Milk Tea they prefer the most

24.5% Vanilla
21.0% Matcha
Belgian Chocolate

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

#3 Flavor of Fruit Tea they prefer the most

20.0% Green Apple

15.0% Lychee



#4 Flavor of Yogurt Tea they prefer the most

29.5% Mango
Peach Mango
15.5% Lychee
10.0% 10.0%


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

#5 How much are they willing to spend when buying a

tea based drink with side dishes
32.5% 32.5%
Below ₱45
₱45- ₱74
20.0% 18.5%
₱75- ₱94

15.0% ₱95- ₱124

11.5% ₱125 - ₱150
Above ₱150

#6 How often they buy in a tea house

35.0% 33.0%
Once a week
19.5% Thrice a week
Once a month
10.0% 8.5%


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

#7 Activities they want to experience inside a Tea house


25.0% 22.5% Playing board games

20.0% Watching live bands

15.0% Witness some spoken

Reading books



#8 Ambiance of the store they find the most comfortable



Classy (Attractive)
Relaxing (Environmental)
Vintage (Old designs)
19.0% Artistic (Instagramable)
20.0% 17.0%


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

#9 They prefer the most to eat while drinking tea based

45.0% 41.0%
30.0% Pastries
25.0% 21.0%
20.0% Finger foods (buffalo wings,
15.0% 13.5% fries)

10.0% Chips


#10 Willingness to go and buy in our Tea based


100% 96%



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Part One

Instructions: Please encircle the corresponding score of the appropriate answer per category

I. OUTPUT (Accomplishment) 60%

A. Quality of work (50%)

This refers to the caliber of work produced or accomplished compared with accepted
standards of performance. Consider degree of accuracy, thoroughness, efficiency of work
produced considering established standard policies, procedures, and objectives.

5 Consistently produced work of highest interest possible quality. Very exciting

in all details. Makes practically no error and are of marginal effect on over-all
4 Quality of work is very satisfactory in all respects. Mistakes are rare and are
detected by himself/herself on time and corrected with minimum

3 Work is usually passable. Mistakes are sometimes committed even if they are
already detected and corrected.
2 Work is not generally accurate and neat. Quality of work is generally acceptable
standard. Usually makes excuses for his/her mistakes

1 Quality of work is way below standard. Always makes excuses for mistakes.

Comments: _________________________________________________

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

B. Timeliness (50%)
This refers to being on time, meeting the exact time on duty, avoiding tardiness and the
ability to meet deadlines of output expected from the partners.

5 Always comes to work early and able to accomplish work on time.

4 Often comes to work early but still able to accomplish work on time.
3 Able to meet deadline, sometimes accomplish work on time.
2 Often comes to work late and also in accomplishing work.
1 Always comes to work late and in accomplishing work.

Comments: _________________________________________________

II. INPUT: Employee’s contribution to help attain company’s objectives (40%)

A. Personal Attributes (25%)

This refers to the employee’s ability to take actions without being told, to originate ideas,
and offer idea for improvement in timely basis of the business operation.

5 Always carries work for completion without being told. Anticipates problems
and usually provides sound information that allows partners to make
auspicious decisions.
4 Often carries work for completion at own initiative. Makes
suggestions/contributions for the improvement of operation.
3 Does assigned work that s/he has to do without being prodded. However, does
not exert extra effort.
2 Work has to be followed-up. Needs help to handle minor deviation from
routine procedures. Does not display creative aptitude and shows no desire to
learn new methods, techniques, or tasks. Rarely does more unless ordered.
1 Needs to be told every detail of task to be performed. Shows no interest in

Comments: _________________________________________________

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

This refer to the ability to assist the partners in establishing plans, implementing actions,
achieving strategic goals and seek new business opportunities or ideas for expansion.

5 Always input resourceful ideas in formulation of plans and seek prospective

business expansion for the business
4 Often comes with the idea and proposal for business expansion
3 Gives average cooperation; normally tactful and obliging
2 Seldom cooperates when asked for recommendation for expansion
1 Uncooperative in planning and deviate from inputs needed

Comments: _________________________________________________

COORDINATION/OPERATIONS (20%) (For Managers only)

Manages cost/expense, effective in delegation and chain of command, adhere with
policies and standard operating procedures.

5 Highly efficient in managing the cost/expense, delegates effectively and adhere

absolutely with policies and procedures.
4 Can manage the cost/expense with assistance and guidance, seldom effective
in delegation and rarely adhere with policies and procedures.
3 Having difficulty in cost/expense management considering the guidance
provided and struggle in delegation of work much so with adherence of policies
and procedures.
2 Not fully reliable. Tries to do what is expected to him/her but sometimes fails.
1 Unreliable. Frequently does not get the job done.

Comments: _________________________________________________

This refers to one’s ability to maintain moral strength and to live by professional ethics.
Recognizes limitations and has the ability to take corrective measures. Takes into
consideration the employee’s trustworthiness in all undertakings, especially in handling
finances, and sincerity in upholding the ideals and commitment of business, as well as in
dealing with other co-employees.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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5 Exceptionally reliable and trustworthy in everything s/he does, is respected by

everyone in the organization.
4 Can often be trusted to demonstrate consistency in upholding organizational
principles, ideals, policies and rules. Very quick to rectify limitations. Is also
respected by everyone in the office.
3 Can be trusted upon to uphold organization’s principles/ideals and professional
ethics, and to observe self-discipline. Exerts efforts in rectifying limitations
pointed out to him/her. Others do not hesitate in dealing with him/her.
2 Shows a strong tendency to violate organization decision, policies, and
practices when left unsupervised. Can be trusted but only in specific/limited
areas of concern. Inconsistent in observing professional ethics. Needs close
supervision for proper performance. Others exercise caution in dealing with
1 Cannot be trusted in his/her dealings. Highly inconsistent in observing
professional ethics and upholding institute decision, policies, and practices.
Refuses to rectify previous errors. Requires very close guarding for proper

Comments: _________________________________________________

COST EFFECTIVENESS (15%) (For Managers only)

This refers to the effectiveness in developing realistic budgets and plans thus work with
agreed budget and operate at the lowest cost within minimum resources by most efficient

5 Always operates within the agreed budget. Has exceptional ability in optimizing
available resource and is highly aware of the need to find cost-cutting measures
to be able to maximize the resources for other activities.
4 Often operates within the agreed budget, finding ways and means to optimize
existing resources to further reduce the cost required.
3 Operates within the agreed budget, operating within the lowest cost possible
without sacrificing desired result. Sometimes exceed budget but for justifiable
2 Exceeds use of budget even if unnecessary and hardly exerts effort in
optimizing available resources. Normally makes excuses for overshooting the
1 Always exceeds budget even if unnecessary. Does not exert in optimizing
available resources. Always makes excuses for overshooting the budget.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Comments: _________________________________________________

B. Working and Human Relation Skills (20%)

This refers to the effectiveness in working with different people and enhancing team
spirit. Consider the ability to work harmoniously with others towards overall efficiency of
the organization: openness in accepting ideas, suggestions or work methods totally
different from his/hers; foster a helping spirit in general. (50%)

5 Always goes out of way to assist the organization’s team. Always gives and gets
exceptionally fine cooperation. Is well liked and respected by all co-employees
and managers.
4 A good team worker. Adapts into the groups readily and frequently enthusiastic
in assisting others. Is liked by managers and co-employees.
3 Works well with others and accepts his/her share of group work. Implements
collective decisions and plans most of the time.
2 Is indifferent and cooperates only when s/he has to. Does not get along well
with others.
1 Usually gets into conflict with co-staff. Refuses to cooperate with others. Does
not implement group decision most of the time.

Comments: _________________________________________________

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

This refers to the effectiveness, politeness, kindness, and courteous behavior toward the
member-customer thus plan for growth in relation to market potential. Projects positive
image of the business. (50%)
5 Always go all the way to make people comfortable and satisfied even under
pressure and occupied with work thus plan for growth expansion subsequent
to market potential.
4 Usually goes out of the way even when occupied with work in giving assistance
to the member-customer, co-employees, and partners.
3 Normally gets all the way out to assist.
2 Occasionally assist at times; discourteous and shows lack of patience in dealing
with customers, co-employees, and partners
1 Most of the time discourteous; regularly complained about due to
inconsiderable attitude and blow opportunities.

Comments: _________________________________________________

C. Attendance (10%)

This refers to the regularity and punctuality in attendance kin either the office meetings/

5 Excellent attendance. Is exceptionally punctual in observing working hours.

4 Reports regularly and is punctual in reporting for work.
3 Rarely absent or late for work.
2 Frequently absent or late for work. Shows little concern for time lost for work.
1 Always tardy/absent for trivial reason. Takes advantage of every opportunity
to take time out.
assemblies/ activities, or in designated workplace.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Comments: _________________________________________________

D. Communicating Skills (20%)

This refers to one’s effectiveness in according with subordinates, colleagues, and superior
by keeping the informed (through proper channels) of developments in the unit team that
will affect time and operations. Consider the ability to develop and maintain an
information system which gives importance on accuracy. Also note the employee’s ability
to relay ideas/messages/information clearly and accurately to others.

5 Always communicates important matters to the people concerned through

proper channels. Has exceptionally ability to convey thoughts clearly, concisely,
convincing, orally and in writing.
4 Often communicates important matters to the people concerned through
proper channels. Usually conveys ideas in clear, simple language, both orally
and in written form.
3 Communicates important matters to the people concerned through proper
channels. Conveys ideas in clear, simple language, both orally and n written
2 Inadequate relaying important information. Has some difficulty in expressing
ideas already using appropriate channels. Sometimes incoherent.
1 Unable to keep the staff and colleagues informed about important issues and
concerns. Sometimes incoherent

Comments: _________________________________________________

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

E. Job Knowledge (25%)


This refers to the knowledge, techniques, and skills essential in the performance of the

5 Possesses excellent technical and professional knowledge. Sufficiently well

versed in the job to discuss and implement improve methods resulting into
savings in personnel or materials resources. Maintains and increases
professional/technical knowledge. Actively pursues new ideas and its relation
to the overall mission, is recognized authority in his/her field.
4 Possess very good insight and the ability to evolve it into practical solution.
Keep self-up to date with important development in related fields. Can handle
difficult situation effectively and rarely requires guidance/assistance.
3 Demonstrate adequate technical and professional knowledge required for the
job. Has broad knowledge of related jobs and functions. Sometimes need
2 Technical and professional knowledge is inadequate for the job. Must be given
only routinely task and monitored regularly. Requires close supervision.
1 Have serious gaps in technical and professional knowledge. Knows only basic
aspects of his/her job. Lack of knowledge affects productivity. Requires great
amount of checking.

Comments: _________________________________________________

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


This refers to the knowledge of methods, techniques, and skills in other areas of work
outside his/her main area of responsibility but still within the job level.

5 Has expert knowledge of other major areas of work and can assume major
responsibilities within last effort. Can always be relied upon to contribute in
major projects/activity of other units.
4 Has thorough knowledge and skills in other areas of work. Can easily be relied
upon to handle projects/activities of other unit with minimum supervision.
3 Possesses knowledge and skills in other areas of work which allows him/her to
take on special assignment from time to time.
2 Has adequate knowledge of other major areas of work and needs more training
in this regard.
1 Has no very little knowledge of other major areas of work.

Comments: _________________________________________________


This refers to the ability to evaluate problems and alternatives to come up with sound
and effective solution.

5 Always shows exceptional judgment as demonstrated by the ability to

determine the consequences of any decision and to select the opinion that
would result in the greatest benefit and least cost to all concerned.
4 Shows very good judgment in some circumstances. Usually identifies the
consequence of a decision and select proper solution.
3 Shows fair judgment. Can identify the consequences of decisions.
2 Shows fair judgment. Unable to consider all consequences of decision.
Sometimes fails to take the best course of action. Has a tendency to let emotion
cloud his/her judgment.
1 Shows poor judgment. Decisions made are not adequate to meet job demands.
Careless in analyzing facts, very indecisive and cannot act on his/her own

Comments: _________________________________________________

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Essay: Please us additional sheet of paper if necessary.

 What do you consider the employee’s significant accomplishments, both attitude and work-
related, for the present appraisal period?

 What do you consider the employee’s areas for improvement? Please be specific.

 What helped you/hindered you in accomplishing your appraisal tasks?

 Other comment.

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Date of requirement:

Requested by:

Job Title: Division:

No. of requirements: Required by:

Tenure: Temporary/Permanent

Qualification required/desired:

Experience desired (if any):

Total strength budgeted for the department: Total strength existing:

Budgeted number:

Existing number:


Reason for requirement:  Resignation/Termination/Death/

 Additional work Load (Quantify it) Relocation (for whom)
 For reduction in work Load (Quantify it)  Cost Factors
 Business Growth/Static Level

Signature of Hiring Manager

Approved/Not Approved:

Signature of the authorized signatory

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 397

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


 Applicant Information
ID No.


Surname First Name Middle Name Nick Name

Present Address

No. Street District Town/City Tel. No.


No. Street District Town/City Tel. No.


Tax Exempt Code Date Hired Date of Regularization

□ Staff ______________
Birthdate Birth Place
□ Others ____________

Age Height Weight

Citizenship Religion Civil Status

____ Single _____ Married

____ Widowed

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 398

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

 Educational Background

School _________________________________________________________________

Date Attended ___________________________________________________________

Degree Obtained _________________________________________________________

Awards/Honors Received __________________________________________________


School _________________________________________________________________

Date Attended ___________________________________________________________

Degree Obtained _________________________________________________________

Awards/Honors Received __________________________________________________


School _________________________________________________________________

Date Attended ___________________________________________________________

Degree Obtained _________________________________________________________

Awards/Honors Received __________________________________________________

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

 Spouse

Surname First Name Middle Name Nick Name


No. Street District Town/City Tel. No.

Birthdate Birth Place Date Married

 Dependents
Name Age Relationship Date of Birth

____________________________ _____________________________

Date Signature

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Date: ________________

Applicant Name: ____________________ Position Requested: ________________

Date Available: _________________ Salary Requested: __________________

Excellent Good Fair Poor Notes

Work Experience
Applicable Skills

Why are you considering leaving your current position?

What aspects of your past/present jobs have been most challenging?

Tell me about a professional challenge you’ve faced and how it was resolved:

What do you feel were your most significant accomplishments on the job?

What do you consider to be a strength of yours?

What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

Tell me why you think you would be a good fit for this position:

What are your professional goals for the next 5 years?



Second Interview ____________Overall □ Poor □ Fair □ Average □ Good □ Superior

□ Interested in Hiring □ Possible interest in hiring

□ No interest in hiring □ Candidate has no interest

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114






I am pleased to confirm that after careful consideration, Binger’s Base has decided to extend to you an
offer of employment. The details of your offer are as follows:

Your position with the Company will be {POSITION}, and you will be expected to perform the job duties
as described in the attached job description. Your immediate supervisor will be {NAME AND POSITION}.
This is a position is {FULLTIME/PART TIME/TEMPORARY}, and you will be required to work {HOURS} per
week. Should you choose to accept this position, your start date will be on {DATE}. The Company reserves
the right to change your hours and duties as it deems necessary.

Your compensation will be ₱ {COMPENSATION} per {HOUR/WEEK/MONTH/YEAR}, with the proper

deductions made for all required withholdings. Company payroll runs on a
as a non-exempt employee, you will receive Company benefits such as paid vacations and health
coverage. A full description of these benefits is attached. In addition, you will be compensated for
overtime in accordance with Company overtime policy and state laws. {FOR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES
CHOOSE} As you are classified as an exempt employee, you will not receive Company benefits. The
Company reserves the right to change your compensation and benefits as it deems necessary.

Your employment with the Company is at-will, meaning either you or the Company may terminate the
employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, and with or without cause, for any reason.

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 402

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

As a Company employee, you will be expected to abide by Company rules and policies. {IF EMPLOYEE
HANDBOOK AVAILABLE INCLUDE} A copy of the Employee Handbook is included, and you are expected
to read the handbook and acknowledge your understanding in writing. You may not disclose confidential
Company information to unauthorized third parties, and at no time may you disclose confidential
information of a former employer to the Company. {IF AVAILABLE INCLUDE} A copy of the Employee
Nondisclosure Agreement/Employee Noncompetition/Invention Assignment Agreement is/are attached,
and must be signed and returned to the Company at the commencement of your employment.

This letter and the attached {INSERT AGREEMENT} form the complete and exclusive statement of
employment between you and the Company. These employment terms super cede any other agreements,
understandings, promises, or communications, written or oral, by or on behalf of the Company. Upon
acceptance of this offer, you must provide proof of identification and authorization to work in the

Should you choose to accept this offer of employment, please sign and date this letter and return to
{NAME} by {DATE}. On your first day of employment bring all other paperwork {LIST
PAPERWORK/AGREEMENTS}, signed and dated with you. I hope you accept this offer, and I look forward
to working with you.


Kenneth L. Antonio


Binger’s Base


“Tealiciously made for you” Page 403

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Notice of Appointment





Re: Appointment to the position of …………………………………. (1)

I am pleased to be able to advise you of your appointment to the position of ……………………… within our
organization, commencing on day/date. In the position you will report to Name and Title.

This letter of appointment and attached appendices will form your contract of employment.

During the period of your contract, you will be based at [location], but you may be required to relocate
to another location within the city or metropolitan area.

The appointment is a permanent, full time position subject to the satisfactory completion of a three/sic
month probationary period commencing on (xx) date and concluding on (yy) date as discussed during
your interview. Suring the probationary period the employment can be terminated with one day’s
noticed by either party.

Your employment may be terminated by the employer providing four weeks notice or payment made in
lieu thereof. You may terminate your employment by providing four weeks notice. Your employment
will be terminated summarily for any of the reasons listed in Appendix A attached to this letter of
appointment. (2)

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 404

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

The terms and conditions of your employment are regulated by the ……………….. award and the
……………….. agreement. (3)

Consistent with the terms of award and the agreement you will be classified as ……………….. at Grade
……………. Which will mean that your gross annual salary will be ……………. Per fortnight (4). The
requirements of the position are contained in the job description in appendix B attached to this letter.

In that position you will be required to work ……………… hours per fortnight between the hours of ………….
am and …………… pm Monday to Friday. (6) If you are required to perform work outside the hours 7am
and 7pm Monday to Friday, (7) or on Saturday or Sunday, you will be paid at the appropriate overtime
rates specified in the award and/or agreement. You should note that overtime must be authorized by
your immediate supervisor. (8)

You are required to attend an induction program at time/day/date/location. During the induction
program you will be provided with detailed information relating to the Occupation Health and Safety
requirements and Code of Conduct. It is necessary for you to become fully aware of the details of both
documents and you will be asked to sign a form indicating that you have read and understood both
documents. (9)

As salaries are paid fornightly into a nominated bank account you will be asked to complete the
appropriate form providing details of your bank account in order to be paid.

We look forward to a mutually beneficial association …………….. etc.

If you have any queries regarding any aspects of your appointment or the terms and conditions of you
employment, please contact …………… on ………………

Yours faithfully

Appropriate manager

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 405

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Orientation Checklist Form

Employee Orientation Checklist

Areas to be Covered Description Completed
Yes No
Company Safety Rules Explain safety rules that are specific to the company
Company Policies Explain the health, safety and wellness policies of your
Previous Training Ask the employee if he/she has taken any safety training.
Training Provide any necessary safety environmental, compliance or
policy/ procedural training.
Health and Safety Inform the health and safety specialist that a new
employee has joined the company who will need safety
training. Arrange for this training and education occur.
Potential Hazards Tour the work areas and facility and discuss associated
work area hazards and safe work practices.
Emergency Procedures Show and explain how to use emergency eyewashes and
showers, first aid kits, fire blankets, fire extinguishers, fire
exits and fire alarm pull boxes, as applicable. Demonstrate
the evacuation procedures.
Toxic Products Identify workspaces where hazardous materials are used,
stored or disposed. Provide training as necessary.
Food and Beverages Explain that food and beverages are only permitted to be
stored in refrigerators clearly labelled “FOOD ONLY”.
Emergency Notification Have employee complete the Emergency Notification form.
Form Keep a copy for your files and send a copy to your
emergency coordinator.

Emergency Evacuation Review the company’s Emergency Evacuation Plan and

explain the evacuation signals and procedures, point out
proper exit routes and the designed assembly area for your
Personal Protective Review the PPE program if the employee will be required
Equipment (PPE) to wear protective equipment. Issue appropriate personal
protective equipment(PPE) that must be worn as required
by the work being performed.
In case of injury or Review the reporting procedures in the event of an injury
illness and/or accident.
Health and Safety Supply a copy of the facility telephone list with names of
the e

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Committee Health and safety Committee member highlighted. Identify

the location of the safety bulletin board. Explain how the
employee can participate in the health and safety process
(report hazards)
General Rights and Explain worker rights and responsibilities as granted by on
Responsibilities legislation for more details.

Emergency Contact Provide a list of names, address, phone numbers and fax
numbers of the persons who must be contacted in case of

Document Maintain a record of the orientation.

Employee’s name:


Supervisor’s Signature:

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


I _______________________________________________ (EMPLOYEE’S FULL NAME)

I hereby confirm that I have read the “Employee’s Handbook” and understand that it describes the
conduct and behaviour that is expected of me as an employee of this organization.


Employee (signature)



Employee ID No._______________________________

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


(Event or allegations of injury, illness, or property damage, including employment and issues with
directors and officers)

Incident date: _______________________ Time: _______________________________________

Reporting date: _______________________ Time: _____________________________________

Council/BSA location: _______________________________________________ □ Leader □ Parent □


Reporting person:

Location of

Specific area where incident occurred:


Cause of incident:

Did the incident occur while transporting to/from an activity? □ YES □ NO



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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Individuals Involved (Duplicate If Needed)

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________


Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114










1. Kindly describe the reason(s) why you are leaving your position

2. Do this following factors influence your decision to leave the organization? YES NO

Type of work




Cost of living in areas


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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

3. Kindly rate these aspects of the position you’re leaving. Use 1-5 scale.

1- 3- 5-
2 4
Poor Average Excellent

Type of work performed

Fairness of workload


Working conditions

Tools and equipment provided

Training received


Supervision received

Level of input in decisions that affected you

4. Kindly rate the organization base on the following. Use the 1-5 scale.

3- 5-
1 - Poor 2 4
Average Excellent

Recruitment Process

New employee orientation

Training opportunities

Career development opportunities

Employee morale

Fair treatment of employees

Recognition for a job well done

Support of work-life balance

Cooperation within the agency

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Communication between management and


Performance and development planning and


Interest and investment in employees

Commitment to customer service

Concern with quality and excellence

Administrative policies/procedures

5. Kindly rate your supervisor base on the following. Use 1-5 scale.

1- 2- 3- 4- 5-
Never Seldom Often Usually Always

Gave usable performance feedback

Recognized accomplishments

Clearly communicated expectations

Treated you fairly and respectfully

Coached, trained, & developed you

Provided leadership

Encouraged teamwork & cooperation

Resolved concerns promptly

Listened to suggestions & feedback

Kept employees informed

Supported work-life balance

Provided appropriate & challenging assignments

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

6. If you got a new job, please complete the following.

Name of the new employer

Location of new job

Title of position

Nature of work of position

Salary of position

What the new position and/or organization offers that we

do not

Additional questions:

1. What pushes you to accept your current position?

2. Does this organization meet your expectations on the job? If not, why?
3. What do you wish you had known before you took the job?
4. How well you can use your skills in the completion of projects?
5. Do you see your career path and future with our organization?
6. What were the positive attributes on your job, and the organization that causes you to stay as
long as you did?
7. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge this organization now faces and need to
8. In your opinion, what were the top three factors that affects the productivity in your job or work
9. What would you suggest to the management for the betterment of the organization?
10. What advice(s) would you give to the person who will replace you in your position in the
11. Would you recommend this organization to others as a place to work? Why or why not?
12. Would you consider re-employment?
13. What do we need to do to for you stay in our organization?
14. Do you have any objection if we share your comments with the management?
15. Did you find your new job, or were you recruited?
16. Did you witness any violations of laws or policies?
17. Were you a victim of any type of harassment?
18. Were you asked to do anything unethical?
19. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


(Name of the employee)

(Position of the Employee)
(Contact details of Employee)

Subject: Notice to Explain

Dear Mr./Ms. (Surname of the Employee):

Please submit your written explanation to the DISCIPLINARY ACTION MATTER(S)
being charged against you describe or narrated below within FIVE (5) DAYS from the date that this
notice was served upon you.
Also, please do attend the conference to be held on___________________, 2018.
At______________(am/pm) at_______________ as this will give you the opportunity to explain your
side and present your witnesses and other evidence regarding the said disciplinary matter(s).
You have the right to be presented by any counsel or person of your choice.
In the event that you are found guilty of the said charge(s), the company may terminate
you from employment and/or impose other appropriate penalties.
This notice consists of __ pages, plus attachments.
Kindly give this matter your priority attention.

Very truly yours,

(Name of a Partner)

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Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


February 9, 2018

Dear (Name of Recipient):

I am willing to notify you of my formal resignation from my role as (Job Title) at Binger’s Base

As my contract requires that I give (Amount of time specified) my last day will be (Date).

I would like to thank you all for the given opportunities for my professional and personal development
presented to me during my time here. It’s been my pleasure to work with you and I enjoyed so much my
time while I am here. If there’s anything I can help with the transition, please do let me know.

Thank you.

_______________ (Signature)
(Your name)

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Name of Retiree

Address of Retiree

City, State, Zip Code


Name of Boss

Name of Company

Address of Company

City, State, Zip Code

RE: Retirement Resignation Letter

Dear Name of Boss:

Please accept this letter of retirement from the position of [Job Title], effective one month from today.
My last day at Binger’sBase will be [date].

I gained many learning from my colleagues and I am happy that I enjoyed working here for the past
[Number], and I am ready to face the next chapter in my life.

I am willing to help in assisting in the recruitment process and training of my replacement. I want to help
as much as possible.

Again, it has been a pleasure working as a part of your company.

Best regards,

Signature of Retiree

Printer name of Retiree

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114


Warning Letter for absence

Mr / Mrs _______________________________________________

It has been noticed that you proceeded on the leave without prior permission of the management,
resulting in failure of meeting the duties and responsibilities on the date of ____________________
with position as _______________

Missing yourself from duties that should done as part of your job without prior notice is a misconduct
which you are liable.

You are hereby warned to refrain from such activities: failure to do so shall invoke appropriate action.

You are advised to submit a written explanation on your unauthorized leave as soon as you receive this

Kindly treat this as very urgent.


Company Name


Officer Signature



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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Curriculum Vitae

Kenneth L. Antonio
44-C Fredel Compound, Ilang- Ilang Street,
Karuhatan, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday November 24, 1993
Birth Place Manila
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’8”
Weight 49kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Caruhatan East Elementary School (2000-2006)

Secondary Gen. T. De Leon National High School (2006-2010)

Tertiary Asian Institute of Computer Studies (2010- 2012)

Business Information Management

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 419

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Ma. Erika D. Andaya

Mangga St., Bilog,
Balangkas, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday March 4, 1994
Birth Place Manila
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5
Weight 60kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Obando Central School (2000-2006)
Secondary Obando National High School (2006-2010)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 420

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Adrian P. Carillo
#29 Jacinto St.
Marulas, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday November 3, 1998
Birth Place Quezon City
Religion Christian
Civil Status Single
Height 153cm
Weight 82kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Marulas Central School (2004-2011)
Secondary Sto. Rosario Montessori High School (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 421

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One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Josell F. Castro
1225 A. Mariano St.
Bagbaguin, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday October 4, 1997
Birth Place Valenzuela City
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’5”
Weight 45kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Andres Mariano Elementary School (2004-2011)
Secondary Bagbaguin National High School (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 422

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Aris Keyvin S. Cornejo

4025 Lotus St., De Castro Subdivision,
Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday April 14, 1998
Birth Place Manila
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’11”
Weight 57kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Mapulang Lupa Elementary School (2004-2011)
Secondary Maysan National High School (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 423

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Ahllan D. Dela Peña

#705 C. Molina Street,
Veinte Reales, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday November 21, 1998
Birth Place Manila
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’9”
Weight 55kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Tugatog Elementary School (2004-2011)

Secondary Dalandan National High School (2011-2015)

Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 424

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Joren Espiritu
#6 Lanzones Street,
Bilog, Balangkas, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday November 1, 1998
Birth Place Bulacan
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’5”
Weight 45kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Obando Elementary School (2004-2011)
Secondary Obando National High School (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 425

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Khristine Joy Matus

7 Ipil St. Villa Liwayway Subdivision,
Maysan, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday June 21, 1999
Birth Place Valenzuela City
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’2”
Weight 50kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Maysan Elementary School (2004-2011)
Secondary Maysan National High School (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 426

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Gabriel Angelo C. San Luis

479 Dulong Tangke,
Malinta, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday October 12, 1997
Birth Place Manila
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’6”
Weight 53kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Malinta Elementary School (2004-2011)
Secondary St. Therese of the Child Jesus Academy (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 427

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Louella Mae Tamondong

#6 Alley 3
Palasan, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday October 27, 1998
Birth Place Pangasinan
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’1”
Weight 44kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Pio Valenzuela Elementary School (2004-2011)
Secondary Polo National High School (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 428

Binger’s Base

One Kalayaan Place, Bldg. #284 Samson Road Caloocan City

(02) 282-2114

Aljane Tapac
011 Caimito St. Antonio Subdivision,
Dalandanan, Valenzuela City

Objective: To join an organization where I can use my skills in personnel administration

and attain a high level of performance in personnel recruitment and training.

Personal Data
Birthday August 3, 1998
Birth Place Samar
Religion Catholic
Civil Status Single
Height 5’4”
Weight 45kgs

Educational Attainment
Primary Tabok Elementary School (2005-2011)
Calbiga Central School (2005-2011)
Secondary Dalandanan national high High School (2011-2015)
Calbiga National High School (2011-2015)
Tertiary Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2015- Present)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

“Tealiciously made for you” Page 429

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