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Meeting Report

Start: August 24, 2021, 8:00 p.m.

End: August 24, 2021, 9:00 p.m.
Location: Online Meeting by Zoom
Attendees: Pichamon Suksawas
Piraya Khamtanit
Passaphong Woraphan
Naruedee Teepakornnoppakul
Bunsita Chanthaphum
Phupin In Ngurnde
Absentees: -
1.Call to order
Meeting about plan to offer new study abroad course to all majors. And the course will be
held in Paris, France for three weeks in summer 2022. So, we have to discuss about “How
can we best promote this course to our majors?”
2. Roll call
Pichamon Suksawas, The leader
Piraya Khamtanit, The facilitator
Passaphong Woraphan, The timekeeper
Naruedee Teepakornnoppakul, The recorder
Bunsita Chanthaphum, The participant
Phupin In Ngurnde, The participant
3. Previous minutes
Naruedee Teepakornnoppakul (PR) will promote the course on social media.
Pichamon Suksawas (Find senior to give advise) will invite senior to provide information and advise
Bunsita Chanthaphum and Piraya Khamtanit (Design Poster) Design the colorful and interesting
poster to promote the course.
Passaphong Woraphan and Phupin In Ngurnde (Researcher) will finding information about base of
people who will be our customers.
4. Open issues
Need more student or people who have gone through this experience before to clarify and illustrate
about more information.
Idea 1. We need students or people who have gone through this before because they have the
experience to advise someone who is interested in this. As a result, they will tell us what they see,
have, the course's strengths and weaknesses, about the people they meet, and things they learn while
in Paris, such as Paris's culture or lifestyle.

This is why we require someone with experience.

1. Depth increases credibility.
2. Influence is gained through real experience, not theoretical experience.
3. You must have the strength to stand firm in your convictions (so people who have experience can
give you some advice)
Idea 2. Prior to advancing in other fields, providing information about the course is the first priority. In
order to attract people to a course, one must have clear and detailed information. Moreover, the use of
the language of the information that we want to promote.

This is why we think that giving information is one of the best ways to promote this course.
1.Those who are interested in the course can understand the important information accurately and
2.To understand the benefits and importance of participating in the project.
3.To avoid confusion about the course later on.
Idea 3. Nowadays everyone uses online social media to communicate, contact, and get information
because it's the easiest and fastest way.

Why do we think that promoting online social media is the best way?
1. Easy to publish - It is easy to distribute the information to group target.
2. Fast to contact - Everyone can contact us immediately to get more information.
3. Easy to trace - Everyone can always trace us to know or get more information about the event such
as when we will go abroad, what you have to prepare yourself if you want to go abroad, and when is
the next event.
5. New issues
The experienced senior is suddenly very inconvenient.
Idea 1. We have searched for experienced seniors to back them up by receiving advice from seniors
who are inconvenient. But it still has the same credibility.
6. Adjournment
Adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. on August 24, 2021.
7. Approval
( Pichamon Suksawas )
The project leader

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