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Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all. For
Your protection and love we thank you. Help us to
focus our hearts and minds now on what we are
about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we
listen and write. Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us. We ask all
this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

The most:
used adjective in the English language is "GOOD"
common noun in the English language is "TIME"
mispronounced and often misspelt word in the
English language is "PRONUNCIATION"
Topic 2




Calingasan, King Arjay E. // BSEd English 2nd Year
Topic 2 Pre-Activity

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials



Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Objectives

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Learning Objectives
After the discussion, the students are expected to:

understand the principles of second language

acquisition relevant to the development of
give their insights as pre-service English teachers
regarding the principles of materials development
acknowledge the importance of following the
principles of SLA and materials development in
English language teaching
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Language learning materials should ideally
be driven by learning and teaching principles
rather than developed ad hoc or in imitation of
bestselling coursebooks.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Brian Tomlinson
Dr. Brian Tomlinson is a TESOL Professor in the
Anaheim University Graduate School of Education.
He is considered to be one of the world's leading
experts on materials development for language
learning. In 1993 he established the world's first MA
dedicated to the study of materials development for
language learning (at the University of Luton in the
UK) and he founded MATSDA (the internationally
renowned Materials Development Association).
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

First Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Learners are exposed to rich,

meaningful, and comprehensible input of

language in use.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Principles of Materials Development in Relation to the

First Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Make sure that the materials contain a lot of spoken and

written texts
Make sure that the language the learners are exposed to is
authentic in the sense that it represents how the language is
typically used
Make sure that the language input is contextualized.
Make sure that the learners are exposed to sufficient samples
of language in authentic use.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Second Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Learners are engaged both affectively

and cognitively in the language

Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Principles of Materials Development in Relation to the

Second Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Make use of activities that prioritize the potential for
Make use of activities that get the learners to think about
what they are reading or listening to and to respond to it
Make use of activities that get learners to think and feel
before, during, and after using the target language for
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Third Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Language learners who achieve positive

affect are much more likely to achieve

communicative competence than those
who do not.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Principles of Materials Development in Relation to the

Third Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Make sure the texts and tasks are as interesting, relevant,
and enjoyable as possible so as to exert a positive influence
on the learners’ attitudes to the language and to the process
of learning it.
Set achievable challenges which help to raise the learners’
self-esteem when success is accomplished.
Stimulate emotive responses through the use of music,
song, literature, art etc.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Fourth Principle of Second Language Acquisition

L2 language learners can benefit from using

those mental resources which they typically

utilize when acquiring and using their L1.

Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Principles of Materials Development in Relation to the

Fourth Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Make use of activities that get learners to visualize and/or use inner
speech before, during, and after experiencing a written or spoken
Make use of activities that get learners to visualize and/or use inner
speech before, during, and after using the language themselves.
Make use of activities that help the learners to reflect on their
mental activity during a task and then try to make more use of
mental strategies in a similar task.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Fifth Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Language learners can benefit from

noticing salient features of the input.

Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Principles of Materials Development in Relation to the

Fifth Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Use an experiential approach in which the learners

are first of all provided with an experience that
engages them holistically.
Make use of materials that help the learners
(preferably in collaboration) to make discoveries
for themselves.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Sixth Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Learners need opportunities to use

language to try to achieve

communicative purposes.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Principles of Materials Development in Relation to the

Sixth Principle of Second Language Acquisition

Make use of materials that provide many opportunities for the learners
to produce language in order to achieve intended outcomes.
Make sure that these output activities are designed so that the learners
are using language rather than just practicing specified features of it.
Make use of activities that help learners to develop their ability to
communicate fluently, accurately, appropriately, and effectively.
Try to ensure that opportunities for feedback are built into output
activities and are provided for the learners afterwards.
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

As a pre-service English teacher, what are your

thoughts about the principles of second

language acquisition? Do you agree that they

are relevant to the principles of material

development? Why or why not?

Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Other Principles to Consider in Materials

Development for Language Learning

Materials should achieve impact through:

→ Variety
→ Attractive presentation
→ Appealing content
→ Achievable challenges
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Other Principles to Consider in Materials

Development for Language Learning

Materials should help learners to feel

Materials should facilitate learner self-investment
Materials should maximize learning potential by
stimulating right and left-brain activities
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

Other Principles to Consider in Materials

Development for Language Learning

Materials should focus on the different learning styles of

→ Visual → Analytic
→ Auditory → Global
→ Kinesthetic → Dependent
→ Studial → Independent
→ Experiential
Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion Reflection Time

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials

What did you learn today?

Where will you use that learning?
Why it is important to learn those

Topic 2 Pre-Activity Learning Obje Discussion Reflection Time Assessment

Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to the Development of Materials


What is the importance of considering the

principles of second language acquisition

and materials development in English

language teaching?
Topic 2


"Learning is not the product of teaching.

Learning is the product of the activity of the learners."
— John Holt








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