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Temples of KhaJuraho

(Nagara Style )
Name – sonali priya
Roll -21/1222
Semster – 4th sem
Nagara style architecture

• Nagara style Temples , the structure Consits of two buildings .

1 – Taller main shrine
2- Shorter adjoining Mandaps
• The temples Mainly are formed of four chambers :
1 Garbhagriha ( mandapa )
2 Jagmohan ( shrine )
3 Natayamandir ( Dance pavilion)
4 Bhogamandir ( Offerings Hall )
Nagara style architecture or northern style architecture
- Emerged in north india towards 5 century ad onwards
• The entire temple is built on high stone platforms.
- In front of the main shrine, there are meeting halls called
- Images of the river goddesses Ganga and
Yamuna were put outside the garbhagriha
Sculpture of khajuraho temple
Khajuraho temples

• Khajuraho, previously known as Kharjuravahaka, is an ancient city

in Madhya Pradesh .
• It was built during the medieval times by the Chandela Dynasty.
• It is believed that the temple site, covering an area of 20 sq. Km
had around 85 temples during the 12th-century .
• Khajuraho temples represent two separate religions, with some
being Hindu temples while the others are Jain temples.
• Rediscovered in 1838 by British army captain TS Burt .
Khajuraho Temple Architecture

• The Khajuraho temples feature Nagara-style of architectural

• Best known for the erotic sculptures that adorn the temple walls.
• Built upon granite foundations, these temples are made using
• The shrines at Khajuraho follow the Vastu-Purusha-Mandala design
• Temples is that the sculptures are arranged in symmetric
repeating arrangements
Temples of khajuraho

• Temple of Khajuraho are divided into three groups :The

eastern group,The western group ,The southern group
• Some eastern group of Temples are :
vamana Temple , Brahma Temple ,Ghantai Temple ,Javari Temple
• Some western group temple are :
Chausath Yogini Temple , Kandariya Mahadev ,Mahadeva Temple
• Some southern temple
Duladeo Temple ,Chaturbhui Temple

Khajuraho Temples (in Madhya Pradesh) are among the most

beautiful medieval monuments in the country.It is known for its
breathtaking sculptures and aesthetics, bulit between 950-1050 AD
by the Chandela Dynasty.The monuments include Hindu and Jain
temples.The temple site is situated within Vindhya Mountain
range.These Temples got the status of UNESCO’s World Heritage
Sites in 1986.The temples are famous for their nagara-style
architectural symbolism.

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