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The gratefulness is delivered to The Almighty God. The Greatest Creator and The best
Motivator to His everlasting and mercy, therefore the iron ore investigation report in Tegineneng
village, Limau District, Tanggamus, Lampung Province has been finished.

The report of iron ore investigation by using geomagnetic and geoelectric to determine the
potential iron ore consisting of 2 (two) parts , Part 1 (Main Report) and part 2 (Appendix Map,
2D Resistivity cross-section and geomagnetic, also semi 3D cross-section of Geoelectric track).

The basic datas used in preparing this report are field observation, direct measurement in
the field, and several additional secondary data particularly related to Geoelectric and
geomagnetic measurement as well as general information about the study area.

It is inevitable that this report can be finished with the help of other parties , therefore on
this opportunity we would like to express our gratitude to :

1. Mr. H. Syarifuddin Noor , as an owner of Tiga Serangkai Group who has given a
reliance to the survey team of UPN " Veteran " Yogyakarta .
2. Mr. Haidar Noer, SE , as the President Director of PT . Batu Cahaya Limau .
3. Mr. Hartanto, SE and Mr. Ahmed Sriyadi, SE as company representatives .
4. Mr. Adi Sutjipto, ST and Mr. Apriliono, ST as the technical executors of PT . Batu
Cahaya Limau.
5. The assistants who have helped measurement in the field and prepared a report in
Mining Geophysical Laboratory.

Thus, the report was finished, hopefully it can be accepted as a consideration for the
relevant parties.

Yogyakarta, September 2013

Survey team,

Ir. Winda, MT

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