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Your Name: Reyes Jericho V

Grade & Section: Grade 12 GAS 1

Topic: Think before you click

Speaker: Jonel Joshua Rosales

Teacher name: Leonardo Mondero

Venue: Arellano University SHS Andres Bonifacio Campus Page

20 March 2023



After a tiring day of classes in hot weather, my classmate sent me the link to the upcoming webinar

via Messenger, which turned out to be a Facebook Live session. Despite my initial hesitation about

the platform, I was eager to participate and learn, but wondered if virtual learning could be as

effective as traditional face-to-face settings.


In the meeting, we learned about cyberbullying and how to prevent it. We were told to indicate

our presence in a box, and the speaker explained the parties involved in cyberbullying. We also

received tips on safeguarding our online accounts and taking proactive measures to protect

ourselves. The meeting provided valuable insights on staying safe online. The course also taught

us communication techniques for handling interview questions with confidence.


During the discussion, some students posted irrelevant comments and used the comment section

to flirt. Despite the distractions, the speaker was knowledgeable and presented the topic well,

providing clear explanations and insights. The discussion was kept engaging thanks to the

speaker's expertise and delivery.


Zoom consumes more data than Google Meet, thus I strongly advise using Google Meeting

instead. And I also recommend/suggest that this should be face to face because in-person

instruction has long been considered the most effective way for students to learn quickly and

remaining focused on the topic at hand. Being physically present in a classroom setting provides

a more immersive and interactive experience

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